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The Relationships between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Primary School Student. 吳婷琴、熊婉君


Academic year: 2022

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The Relationships between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Primary School Student.


E-mail: 9805389@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The pressure of the academic is increasing in today’s society, the exercise time of children is deprived seriously. It causes the worse physical fitness in Taiwan than other countries. Although the Ministry of Education strongly supports the concept of healthy physical fitness, many parents consider that exercise is a waste of time. They would rather their children spend more time on schoolwork than exercise. Therefore, promo-tion effectiveness of health in physical fitness is limited

This study uses the data of physical fitness and academic achievement of primary school students in Chang-Hua to understand the relationships between physical fitness indicators and the seven learning areas. The study uses the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient analysis corperated with one-way ANOVA in determing the dis-integration of physical fitness influence on academic achievement.

The analysis of this study found the correlations of overall student performance level of physical fitness and academic achievement level in all areas is existed. The highest correlation to academic is cardiopulmonary fitness, instantaneous force and muscular endurance and strength. However, there is no significant correlation in body composition and flexibility with students’ academic performance.

Keywords : physical fitness、academic achievement、primary school student Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ..................... vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  ..................... ix 公式目錄 ..................... x 第一章  續論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1   第二節  研究目的............... 3   第三節  研究假設............... 3   第四節  研究範圍............... 4   第五節  研究限制............... 4   第六節  名詞解釋............... 5   第七節  研究的重要性............. 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 8   第一節  體適能................ 8   第二節  體適能計畫的發展與現況........ 15   第三節  體適能計畫的發展與現況........ 22   第四節  運動及體適能提升對於人體生理及心理的        影響................. 28   第五節  小結................. 33 第三章  研究方法................. 35   第一節 研究設計................ 35   第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法........... 38   第三節  研究工具............... 39   第四節  研究假設............... 44


  第五節  資料分析方法............. 46 第四章  結果與討論................ 50   第一節  樣本基本資料分析........... 50   第二節  體適能與學業成績關聯性分析...... 52   第三節  研究假設驗證與說明.......... 62   第四節  討論................. 67 第五章  結論與建議................ 69   第一節  結論................. 69   第二節  後續研究建議............. 70   第三節  對實務上的建議............ 71 參考文獻 ..................... 73 附錄A  體適能評分參照表............. 88 附錄B  彰化縣五六年級班級統計表 .. 90


表 2- 1 臺閩地區6至18歲男性身體質量指數對照表 ... 15 表 2- 2 臺閩地區6至18歲女性身體質量指數對照表 ... 15 表 3- 1 94學年度全國及彰化縣小學生的體適能檢測資料. 36 表 3- 2 彰化縣七大領域課程評分方式......... 43 表 4- 1 研究樣本的原始學期成績........... 50 表 4- 2 研究樣本經T分數轉換後學期成績 ....... 51 表 4- 3 體適能檢測之原始成績............ 51 表 4- 4 體適能檢測轉換後分數............ 52 表 4- 5 身體組成與七大領域學業成績的相關性..... 53 表 4- 6 身體組成與七大領域的單因子變異數分析.... 53 表 4- 7 柔軟度與七大領域學業成績的相關性...... 54 表 4- 8 柔軟度與七大領域的單因子變異數分析..... 55 表 4- 9 瞬發力與七大領域學業成績的相關性...... 56 表 4- 10 瞬發力與七大領域的單因子變異數分析..... 56 表 4- 11 肌力、肌耐力與七大領域學業成績的相關性... 57 表 4- 12 肌力、肌耐力與七大領域的單因子變異數分析.. 58 表 4- 13 心肺適能與七大領域學業成績的相關性..... 59 表 4- 14 心肺適能與七大領域的單因子變異數分析.... 59 表 4- 15 整體體適能與七大領域學業成績的相關性.... 60 表 4- 16 整體體適能與七大領域的單因子變異數分析... 61 表 4- 17 各項體適能與七大領域的關聯性........ 62 表 4- 18 研究假設之結果推論............. 68 表 5- 1 研究假設之結果推論............. 70


圖 3- 1 研究流程................... 37 圖 3- 2 研究架構................... 38 圖 3- 3 身高測量................... 40 圖 3- 4 屈膝仰臥起坐................. 41 圖 3- 5 柔軟度測量工具................ 42 圖 3- 6 坐姿體前彎.................. 42



公式 2- 1 體力指數................... 12 公式 2- 2 身體質量指數(BMI) .............. 14 公式 3- 1 T分數 .................... 36 REFERENCES

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Through training in coaching, and integrating the foundation knowledge and skills to design and implement an exercise and fitness training activity, this course not only

In the 2010/2011 academic year, the major concerns in respect of student support of about sixty percent of the primary schools are related to the themes of creating a caring

5.1.1 This chapter presents the views of businesses collected from the business survey, 12 including on the number of staff currently recruited or relocated or planned to recruit

Microphone and 600 ohm line conduits shall be mechanically and electrically connected to receptacle boxes and electrically grounded to the audio system ground point.. Lines in

The results revealed that (1) social context, self-perception, school engagement, and academic achievement were antecedents of dropping out; (2) students’ self-factor was a

The academic achievement of math of high-grade elementary school students is significant related to their SES and the self-concept in math, but is non-related to their

Therefore, this study uses Mainland Chian tourist as survey respondent to explore the relationships among store expertise, shopping satisfaction and share of wallet.. The study

In different gender、time for study、time for cram、the parents education level and household income of junior high school students , some aspects of the academic stress were