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Academic year: 2021

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在數位參與台灣國家衛生院免疫治療法 ( Immunotherapy ) 之癌症末 期病人中,有一位病人獲得顯著的緩解。本研究乃針對該免疫療法成 功之肺癌末期患者案例,利用蛋白質體學配合西方墨點法來探測免疫 療法引發的體液免疫所產生之特異性抗體的可能抗原。 我們以患者 在接受免疫法治療前與治療 77 天後所採得之血清做為免疫前及免疫 後抗體,以 A549 腺肺癌細胞株培養後萃取細胞蛋白質做為癌細胞抗 原,經過 2D-SDS-PAGE 蛋白質分析後,以西方墨點法研究肺癌患者 治療前、治療後所產生的抗體在識別 A549 腺肺癌細胞所萃取之細胞 蛋白質有何不同。我們發現肺癌患者在治療 77 天後所獲之恢復期血 清可辨識四個 A549 腺肺癌細胞萃取液之特殊蛋白質點,經過一連串 蛋白質塊切割,膠內酵素切割萃取蛋白質成分,再經高效能 MALDI- TOF 質譜儀分析,透過 NCBI 蛋白質資料庫比對得知此四個蛋白質點 分別是 β-actin 、 Human Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopepti de repeats 2 (IFIT-2) 、 keratin 與 Wnt-8a 等四個蛋白質。 本研究之 結果顯示經進一步研究後,這四個蛋白質將可能當作新的癌症生物指 標,亦可嘗試發展成為癌症疫苗之用。


Proteomics-based Identification of Novel Biomarkers in Lung Cancer

Several end stage lung cancer patient have been recruited to accept newly develope

d immunotherapy in a NHRI clinical trial project. One of the subjects revealed rem

arkable remission after immunotherapy. We hypothesized that the immunotherapy

has elicited both cellular and humeral immune responses. In the present study, we u

sed a proteomic approach to identify proteins that induce a humeral immune respon

se in lung cancer after immune therapy. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electr

ophoresis ( 2-D PAGE ) was used to separate several thousand cellular proteins in

A549 lung cancer cells. Separated proteins are transferred onto membranes and im

muno blot with sera obtained from patient before immunotherapy and 77 days post

immunotherapy using Western blot analysis. Proteins that differentially react with t

he post-immune serum ( but not with pre-immnue sera ) were identified and excise

d. Four candidate protein spots were identified and subjected to in-gel digestion and

matrix assisted laser desorption ionization — time of flight ( MALDI-TOF ) analysi

s. Our data revealed that -actin, human interferon-induced tetratricopeptide repeats 

2 ( IFIT 2 ) , keratin and Wnt 8a were potential tumor antigens that elicited humeral

immune response in the clinical trial initiative. Thus, these proteins can be consider

ed as potential tumor markers that can be used in clinical laboratory. Furthermore, t

hese results may be used in future development of tumor-vaccine.



十七、 因應新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,防疫期間請隨時至衛生福利部疾病 管制署全球資訊網(https://www.cdc.gov.tw)之新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-

本案件為乳癌標準化化學藥物治療與個人化化學治 療處方手術前化學治療療效比較之國內多中心研 究,於 2008 年 8 月 1 日由

SF11310 張基晟 比較 Ipilimumab 加上 Etoposide/Platinum 與 Etoposide/Platinum


第一期至第三期 實體癌,經標準 治療無效;癌症 別:上皮性卵巢 癌、肺癌、肝 癌、乳癌、大腸 直腸癌、胰臟癌. 長聖國際生

根據國民健康署統計資料顯示,食道癌 發生率在台灣地區每年約有 2000 多名新 病例發生,於 2017

提高免疫力上有良好的功效。可治 療糖尿病血管併發症及扁平疣、傳染性疣。在動物 試驗中,利用環磷醯胺製出免

聞「癌」色變!大腸癌連續四年高居癌症排行榜第一,最新發布大腸癌發生人數,從 7,366 人突破 一萬四千多人,平均每天更有