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The TSQL2 Data Model


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The TSQL2 Data Model

Christian S. Jensen Richard T. Snodgrass Michael D. Soo

1 Introduction

Adding time to the relational model has been a daunting task [BADW82, McK86, SS88b, Soo91].

More than two dozen time-extended relational data models have been proposed over the last fifteen years [Sno92]. Most of these are valid-time models. Each fact in a valid-time relation has associated the time when it is true in the modeled reality. Other models support transaction-time relations where each fact has associated the time when it is current in the database. A few support both valid and transaction time [BZ82, BG89a, Sno87, SGM93, Tho91]; such models are termed bitemporal.

As a whole, these data models are referred to as temporal data models [JCE+94].

We propose a new data model as a basis for the Temporal Structured Query Language (TSQL) extension to SQL. A data model can be said to consist of a query language, objects manipulated by the query language, an update language for updating the objects, and a mechanism for spec- ifying integrity constraints. In this proposal, we concentrate on the objects, temporal relations.

Subsequent proposals will address historical selection and projection, aggregates, and the other aspects necessary to define a comprehensive extension to SQL incorporating time.

While existing data models differ on many dimensions, perhaps the most frequently stated dis- tinction is between tuple timestamping and first normal form (1NF), on one hand, and attribute- value timestamping and non-1NF, on the other. Each of the two approaches has associated dif- ficulties. Remaining within 1NF (an example being the timestamping of tuples with valid and transaction start and end times [Sno87]) may introduce redundancy because attribute values that change at different times are repeated in multiple tuples. The non-1NF models, one being times- tamping attribute values with sets of intervals [Gad88], may not be capable of directly using existing relational storage structures or query evaluation techniques that depend on atomic attribute values.

Today there exists a plethora of incompatible data models and query languages, with a corre- sponding surfeit of model- and language-specific database design and implementation strategies. It is our contention that the simultaneous focus on data presentation (how temporal data is displayed to the user), on data storage, with its requisite demands of regular structure, and on efficient query evaluation is a major reason why such a large number of very diverse data models exists. Further, we find that these simultaneous foci have complicated existing data models and made them less suited for the central task of capturing the time semantics of data.

Consequently, we advocate a very simple conceptual, unifying data model that captures the es- sential semantics of time-varying relations, but has no illusions of being suitable for presentation, storage, or query evaluation. For the other tasks, we are able to use the existing data models.

Specifically, we use the notion of snapshot equivalence to demonstrate equivalence mappings be- tween the conceptual model and several representational models [JSS92b]. Snapshot equivalence

The authors have the following addresses and affiliations. C. S. Jensen is with Aalborg University, Datalogi, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7E, DK–9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark, csj@iesd.auc.dk. R.T.Snodgrass and M. D. Soo are with Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA, {rts,soo}@cs.arizona.edu.

Copyright c 1994 Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass, and Michael D. Soo. All rights reserved.


formalizes the notion of having the same information contents and is a natural means of compar- ing rather disparate representations. Two relation instances are snapshot equivalent if all their snapshots, taken at all times (valid and transaction), are identical.

Facts in temporal relations (valid-time, transaction-time, or bitemporal) have associated times.

Thus, in the next section, we start by examining the time domain itself. In Section 3, we then review, in turn, how times have previously been associated with facts of valid-time, transaction- time, and bitemporal relations. This review, and subsequent comparison, of 23 existing temporal data models provides context for presenting the new proposal. The basic notion of a bitemporal conceptual relation is presented in Section 5. In Section 6, we examine five bitemporal represen- tational models and show mappings to and from bitemporal conceptual relations, as well as how the conceptual update semantics can be supported in the representational models. The seman- tic relationship between the conceptual model and the representational models is formalized in Sections 7 and 8. We summarize the proposal in Section 9.

2 The Time Domain

In this section, we focus on time and its semantics. In the next section, we show how previous proposals have combined time with facts to model time-varying information. We initially assume that there is one dimension of time. The distinctions addressed here will apply to each of the several dimensions considered later in this section.

Early work on temporal logic centered around two structural models of time, linear and branch- ing [VB82]. In the linear model, time advances from the past to the future in a totally ordered fashion. In the branching model, also termed the possible futures model, time is linear from the past to now, where it then divides into several time lines, each representing a possible sequence of events [Wor90]. Along any future path, additional branches may exist. The structure of branching time is a tree rooted at now. The most general model of time in a temporal logic represents time as an arbitrary set with a partial order imposed on it. Additional axioms introduce other, more refined models of time. For example, linear time can be specified by adding an axiom imposing a total order on this set. Recurrent processes may be associated with a cyclic model of time [CI89, LJ88, Lor88].

Axioms may also be added to temporal logics to characterize the density of the time line [VB82]. Combined with the linear model, discrete models of time are isomorphic to the natural numbers, implying that each point in time has a single successor [CT85]. Dense models of time are isomorphic to either the rationals or the reals: between any two moments of time another moment exists. Continuous models of time are isomorphic to the reals, i.e., they are both dense and, unlike the rationals, contain no “gaps.”

In the continuous model, each real number corresponds to a “point” in time; in the discrete model, each natural number corresponds to a nondecomposable unit of time with some fixed, arbitrary duration. Such a nondecomposable unit of time is referred to as a chronon [Ari86, CR87]

(other, perhaps less desirable, terms include “time quantum” [And82], “moment” [AH85], “instant”

[Gad86a] and “time unit” [NA87, TA86a]). A chronon is the smallest duration of time that can be represented in this model. It is not a point, but a line segment on the time line.

Although time itself is generally perceived to be continuous, most proposals for adding a tempo- ral dimension to the relational data model are based on the discrete time model. Several practical arguments are given in the literature for this preference for the discrete model over the contin- uous model. First, measures of time are inherently imprecise [And82, CT85]. Clocking instru- ments invariably report the occurrence of events in terms of chronons, not time “points.” Hence, events, even so-called “instantaneous” events, can at best be measured as having occurred during


a chronon. Secondly, most natural language references to time are compatible with the discrete time model. For example, when we say that an event occurred at 4:30 p.m., we usually don’t mean that the event occurred at the “point” in time associated with 4:30 p.m., but at some time in the chronon (perhaps minute) associated with 4:30 p.m. [And82, CR87, DS92a]. Thirdly, the concepts of chronon and interval allow us to naturally model events that are not instantaneous, but have duration [And82]. Finally, any implementation of a data model with a temporal dimension will of necessity have to have some discrete encoding for time.

Axioms can also be placed on the boundedness of time. Time can be bounded orthogonally in the past and in the future.

Models of time may include the concept of distance (most temporal logics do not do so, how- ever). Time is a metric, in that it has a distance function satisfying four properties: (1) the distance is nonnegative, (2) the distance between any two non-identical elements is non-zero, (3) the distance from time α to time β is identical to the distance from β to α, and (4) the distance from α to γ is equal to or greater than the distance from α to β plus the distance from β to γ (the triangle inequality).

With distance and boundedness, restrictions on range can be applied. The scientific cosmology of the “Big Bang” posits that time begins with the Big Bang, 14± 4 billion years ago. There is much debate on when it will end, depending on whether the universe is open or closed. (Hawking provides a readable introduction to this controversy [Haw88].) If the universe is closed then time will have an end when the universe collapses back onto itself, in what is called the “Big Crunch.”

If it is open then time will go on forever.

Finally, one can differentiate relative time from absolute time (more precise terms are unan- chored and anchored). For example, “9 a.m., January 1, 1992” is an absolute time, whereas “9 hours” is a relative time. This distinction, though, is not as crisp as one would hope because abso- lute time is with respect to another time (in this example, midnight, January 1, A.D. 1). Relative time differs from distance in that the former has a direction, e.g., one could envision a relative time of -9 hours, whereas a distance is unsigned.

Time is multi-dimensional [SA86]. Valid time concerns the time when a fact is true in reality.

The valid time of an event is the wall clock time at which the event occurred in the modeled reality, independent of the recording of that event in some database. Valid times can be in the future, if it is known that some fact will become true at a specified time in the future. Transaction time concerns the time the fact was present in the database as stored data. The transaction time (a set of intervals) of an event identifies the transactions that inserted the information about the event into the database and removed this information from the database. Note that these two time dimensions are orthogonal. A data model supporting neither is termed snapshot, as it has no built-in support for any of these notions of time. A data model supporting only valid time is termed valid-time; one that supports only transaction time is termed transaction-time; and one that supports both valid and transaction time is termed bitemporal (temporal is a generic term implying some kind of time support [JCE+94]).

While valid time may be bounded or unbounded (as we saw, cosmologists feel that it is at least bounded in the past), transaction time is always bounded on both ends. Specifically, transaction time starts when the database is created (before which time, nothing was stored), and does not extend past now (no facts are known to have been stored in the future). Changes to the database state are required to be stamped with the current transaction time. As the database state evolves, transaction times grow monotonically, and successive transactions have successive transaction times associated. In contrast, successive transactions may mention widely varying valid times.

Unlike the spatial dimensions, the two time dimensions are not homogeneous—transaction time has a different semantics than valid time. Valid and transaction time are orthogonal, though there


are generally some application-dependent correlations between the two times. As a simple example, consider the situation where a fact is recorded as soon as it becomes valid in reality. In such a specialized bitemporal database, termed degenerate [JS92], the valid and transaction times of a fact are identical. As another example, if temperature measurements in a chemical experiment are recorded at most two minutes after they were measured, and if it takes at least five seconds from the measurement time to record the measurement, then such a database is delayed strongly retroactively bounded with bounds five seconds and two minutes.

3 Previous Data Models

The previous section explored models for the time domain itself. In this section, we discuss the association of facts with times. Specifically, we survey 23 existing data models that have been proposed over the last fifteen years. We consider each model in turn, starting with valid- time models, continuing with transaction-time models, and ending with bitemporal models. As a foundation, we initially define underlying concepts. Following the survey, we compare and categorize the data models with respect to fundamental design decisions.

3.1 Underlying Concepts

It is advantageous to examine several central concepts before each of the proposed data models are considered in turn.

3.1.1 Timestamp Types

We may distinguish between three semantically different types of time values, namely single chronons, sets of consecutive chronons, and arbitrary sets of chronons. These are termed events, intervals, and temporal elements, respectively [JCE+94]. (We use consensus terminology in this commentary. The TSQL2 equivalents for events and intervals, used in the language definition and the remaining commentaries, are datetimes and periods, respectively. “Temporal element” is defined identically by TSQL2 and the consensus glossary.)

A single event may be represented by a single, atomic, chronon-valued attribute. An interval may be represented by a pair of atomic attribute values, each of which is a chronon or a point in time. If the later representation is adopted, the interval may be defined as open, half-closed, or closed. An interval may also be encoded in a single, atomic, interval-valued attribute. An arbitrary set of chronons may be represented by a non-atomic attribute value. This value may be a set of intervals, each interval defining a set of consecutive chronons, or it may simply be a set of chronons. Finally, sets of multiple chronons, consecutive or not, may be represented via multiple tuples, one tuple per chronon or one per interval.

This discussion applies to both transaction time, valid time, and the combination of valid and transaction time. For example, a bitemporal element is a set of bitemporal chronons in the transaction-time/valid-time space, and can be represented simply as a set of bitemporal chronons, as a set of contiguous or overlapping rectangles, or via multiple tuples, one tuple per bitemporal chronon or bitemporal rectangle.

3.1.2 Attribute Variability

Attributes are commonly categorized based on how they interact with time. A time-invariant attribute [NA89] does not change over time.


The key value in a tuple of a relation instance is commonly used to identify the object, entity or relationship, in the modeled reality. If the key value changes, the tuple represents another object.

Thus, the key of a relation schema is time invariant in such models. For example, attribute Name is a time-invariant key in relation schema R = (Name, Course) recording the courses taken by a student population. Time invariance is not restricted to key attributes. The attribute “place of birth” is an example. Note that time invariance generally is applied to valid time. The place of birth might have been in error; in that case, the old tuple would be (logically) deleted and a new tuple with the correct place of birth inserted.

Other models identify the objects that the tuples in a relation instance represent by means of surrogates which are system-generated, unique identifiers that can be referenced and compared for equality, but not displayed to the user [HOT76]. Surrogates are by definition time invariant.

The opposite of time invariant is time varying. Examples abound. In the schema R above, the courses taken by a student varies over time, and the attribute Course is time varying.

The value of an attribute may be drawn from a temporal domain. Such temporal domains are termed user-defined time [SA86]; other than being able to be read in, displayed, and perhaps compared, no special semantics is associated with such domains. Interestingly, most such attributes are time-invariant. The attribute “time of birth” is an example.

3.1.3 Implicit Versus Explicit Timestamps

In some data models, the association of times with facts is implicit; in other models, this association is represented by fully explicit timestamp attributes. We shall now see how this distinction is relevant to three aspects of a data model: update language, display of data, and query language.

The transaction times of facts are supplied by the system itself. Thus, update languages of transaction-time models treat the temporal aspect of facts implicitly. In contrast, the valid times of facts are usually supplied by the user. Thus, update languages of valid-time and bitemporal data models generally must treat time explicitly and are forced to represent a choice as to how the valid times of facts should be specified by the user. At best such data models can allow the the user to choose between several formats.

If, in a data model, it is possible to display directly temporal facts, i.e., facts with associated times, then, as for update, the data model necessarily must treat time explicitly. At best, the model may allow a variety of display formats for temporal facts. Unlike for update, the possibility exists that temporal facts cannot be displayed. This option is especially feasible for the relatively simple transaction time models, and thus the display of facts in these models need not reveal how time is associated with facts.

The query language aspect of the distinction between implicit and explicit timestamps is by far the most complex. If the temporal aspects of facts are represented by attributes, and it is possible in the query language to directly access these attributes then the temporal attributes are just like other attributes—they are explicit. On the other hand, if the timestamp attributes used for associating times with facts are not accessible directly through the query language, but are instead processed internally by queries, then the particular scheme for associating timestamps with facts is invisible to the user of the query language.

3.1.4 Temporal Homogeneity

When several temporal facts pertain to the same object (usually the object is a tuple), the concept of temporal homogeneity surfaces. A tuple is temporally homogeneous if each of its facts are defined over the same temporal element [Gad88]. A temporal relation is said to be temporally homogeneous if its tuples are temporally homogeneous [JCE+94]. Further, a temporally homogeneous relation


schema is restricted to have only temporally homogeneous relation instances. In addition to being specific to a type of object, homogeneity may be applied to both the valid and the transaction time dimension.

The motivation for homogeneity arises from the fact that the process of deriving a snapshot from of a homogeneous relation does not produce null values.

Certain data models assume temporal homogeneity. Models that employ tuple timestamping rather than attribute value timestamping are necessarily temporally homogeneous—only tempo- rally homogeneous relations are possible.

3.1.5 Value Equivalence and Coalescing

Two tuples are termed value equivalent if, when disregarding special timestamp attributes, they are identical. A relation instance is coalesced if overlapping or consecutive, value-equivalent tuples are disallowed. Here “overlapping” and “consecutive” are with respect to the timestamp attribute value(s) of the tuples, which must specify a single chronon or a set of consecutive chronons.

When timestamps of tuples have temporal elements as values, the requirement of coalescing is identical to the requirement that there be no value-equivalent tuples present.

3.2 Overview

Over two dozen extensions to the relational model to incorporate time have been proposed over the last 15 years. With a focus on the types of relations they provide, we now review 23 of these temporal data models.

Table 1 lists most of the temporal data models that have been proposed to date. If the model is not given a name, we appropriate the name given the associated query language, where available.

Many models are described in several papers; the one referenced is the initial journal paper in which the model was defined. Some models are defined only over valid time or transaction time;

others are defined over both. The last column indicates a short identifier which denotes the model;

the table is sorted on this column.

We omit a few intermediate data models, specifically Gadia’s multihomogeneous model [Gad86a], which was a precursor to his heterogeneous model (Gadia-2), and Gadia’s two-dimensional tem- poral relational database model [BG89b], which is a precursor to Gadia-3. We also do not include the data model used as the basis for defining temporal relational completeness [TC90] because it is a generic data model purposefully designed not to force decisions on most of the aspects to be discussed here.

We first examine the valid-time models that timestamp tuples, then discuss those that times- tamp attribute values. We’ll proceed chronologically (of course!) We then examine the transaction- time models, and conclude with the bitemporal models that support both valid and transaction time.

3.3 Valid-time Models

Approximately half the proposed temporal data models support only valid time.

Brooks The first academic treatment of time in databases was the dissertation of Frederick Brooks, Jr., which proposes a three-dimensional view of a valid-time database [Bro56]. Subsequent proposals, notably Ahn, Ariav, Clifford-1 and McKenzie, have emphasized this fruitful “cubic”



Data Model Citation Time Identifier Dimension(s)

[SA86] both Ahn

Temporally Oriented Data Model [Ari86] valid Ariav

Time Relational Model [BZ82] both Ben-Zvi

[Bro56] valid Brooks

Historical Data Model [CW83] valid Clifford-1

Historical Relational Data Model [CC87] valid Clifford-2 Homogeneous Relational Model [Gad88] valid Gadia-1 Heterogeneous Relational Model [GY88] valid Gadia-2

TempSQL [Gad92] both Gadia-3

DM/T [JMR91] transaction Jensen

LEGOL 2.0 [JMS79] valid Jones

DATA [Kim78] transaction Kimball

Temporal Relational Model [Lor88] valid Lorentzos

[MS91] both McKenzie

Temporal Relational Model [NA89] valid Navathe

HQL [Sad87] valid Sadeghi

HSQL [Sar90b] valid Sarda

Temporal Data Model [SS87] valid Segev

TQuel [Sno87] both Snodgrass

Postgres [Sto87] transaction Stonebraker

HQuel [Tan86] valid Tansel

Accounting Data Model [Tho91] both Thompson

Time Oriented Data Base Model [WFW75] valid Wiederhold

Table 1: Temporal Data Models

Wiederhold The data model associated with the Time Oriented Data Base (TOD) was devel- oped specifically to support medical applications. In this pioneering model, relations were sets of entity-attribute-time-value quadruples [WFW75] or, for each attribute, sequences of events rep- resented as pairs of visit number and value or intervals represented as sequences of pairs of visit numbers and sequences of values [Blu81]. Timestamping is indirect through the visit number; a separate array associates each visit with a particular date. This was probably done because many measurements are taken each visit. This structure was further elaborated as time sequences in Segev’s model.

Example: For the patient whose record is shown in Figure 1 [Blu81], John Smith’s temperature was recorded during visit 1 (July 24, 1970, as recorded in the DATE ARRAY) as 37.1. He experi- enced two episodes of hepatitis, the first from visits 3 to 17, with a maximum of 850 International

Units of SGOT during that interval of time. ut

Jones LEGOL 2.0 [JMS79] is a language designed to be used in database applications such as legislative rules writing and high-level system specification in which the temporal ordering of events and the valid times for objects are important. It was the first time-oriented algebra defined; it introduced many of the features found in later algebras.

Objects in the LEGOL 2.0 data model are relations as in the relational data model, with one distinction. Tuples in LEGOL 2.0 are assigned two implicit time attributes, Start and Stop. The



Name −→ “John Smith”


Temperatures −→ (1, 37.1) −→ (2, 37.3) −→ (3, 37.0)

Hepatitis −→ (Intervals (3, 17), (21, 26)) −→ (Interval-Values (850, 1235))

Figure 1: A Time-Oriented Record for a Hypothetical Patient

values of these two attributes are the chronons corresponding to the (inclusive) end-points of the interval of existence (i.e., valid time) of the entity or relationship in the modeled reality represented by a tuple; these values are specified during data entry by the user.

Example: Let R be a relation schema in LEGOL 2.0 that records the courses taken by a student population. The schema has the two explicit attributes, Name and Course. An instance of R is shown in Figure 2. We use 1 to represent the Fall semester 1980, 2 to represent the Spring semester 1981, and so on. Later examples will show the semantically equivalent representation of this instance in other data models. Because the data models all define relations differently and, in some cases, require implicit attributes, we show all relation examples in tabular form for both clarity and consistency of notation. This relation shows that Bill was a student in the English course for the Fall 1980 semester and for the Fall 1981 and Fall 1982 semesters. ut

Name Course Start Stop

Bill English 1 1

Bill English 3 4

George English 1 2

George Math 5 6

Figure 2: An Example Relation with Time

Clifford-1 In the Historical Database Model, an additional, chronon-valued attribute, STATE, is part of each relation schema. A boolean attribute, EXISTS, is also added to indicate whether the particular tuple exists for that state [Cli82, CW83].

Ariav In the Temporally Oriented Data Model, a valid-time relation is a sequence of snapshot relation states, indexed by valid time, termed the data cube [Ari86]. Associated with this data model is a calculus-based query language, TOSQL.


Navathe The Temporal Relational Model [NA87] and its associated algebra were defined pri- marily to support TSQL [NA89], a temporal extension to SQL defined in the same paper. This valid-time model allows both non-time-varying and time-varying attributes, but all of a relation’s attributes must be of the same type. Objects are classified as: snapshot relations, whose attributes are all non-time-varying, and valid-time relations, whose non-key attributes are all time-varying.

Each tuple has associated an interval of validity which is recorded in two mandatory time attributes, Time-start and Time-end. The structure of a valid-time relation in the Temporal Relational Model is the same as that of a valid-time relation in LEGOL 2.0 (Figure 2), with one additional restriction:

Value-equivalent tuples, although allowed, are required to be coalesced.

Sadeghi Sadeghi’s data model [Sad87] is similar in many ways to Navathe’s. It was designed to support the calculus-based valid-time query language HQL [SSD87], which in turn is based on DEAL [Dee85]. In Sadeghi’s data model, all objects are valid-time relations. Two implicit attributes, Start and Stop, record the end-points of each tuple’s interval of validity. Hence, the structure of a valid-time relation in Sadeghi’s model is also the same as that of the valid-time relation in LEGOL 2.0 (Figure 2). Sadeghi’s data model requires coalescing.

Sarda Sarda’s data model and associated algebra [Sar90a] were designed to support the calculus- based query language HSQL [Sar90b]. This model associates valid time with tuples. Objects can be either snapshot or valid-time relations. Unlike the data models mentioned previously, Sarda’s model represents valid time in a valid-time relation as a single, non-atomic, implicit attribute named Period. Also unlike the previous models, a tuple in Sarda’s model is not considered valid at its right-most boundary point, i.e., the interval is closed on the left and open on the right.

Example: The relation in Figure 3 is a valid-time relation instance in Sarda’s model. The first two tuples signify that Bill was enrolled in English during the Fall semester 1980 and the Fall semesters 1981 and 1982, but not during the Spring semester 1981. ut

Name Course Period

Bill English 1 . . . 2 Bill English 3 . . . 5 George English 1 . . . 3

George Math 5 . . . 7

Figure 3: The Example Relation in Sarda’s Data Model

The remaining data models employ distinct non-first-normal form data models, with attribute value timestamping and perhaps with multiple values per attribute. The non-atomicity of attribute values is due to their time-varying nature; any timeslice will usually be in first normal form. Hence, the data models are an extension of the conventional (1NF) relational model; the representation, viewed as a normal relation, is certainly not in 1NF, but then the operators included in the models do not operate on conventional relations—they operate on valid-time relations, which are extensions of conventional relations.


Segev The principal structure of the Temporal Data Model is the time sequence, which is a so-called surrogate value identifying the object along with a sequence of time-value pairs [SS87].

There are a variety of time sequences, depending on the assumptions made about the values at points of time intermediate to the points explicitly represented. For a bank account balance, step- wise constant behavior would be assumed; for a time sequence recording the number of copies sold on a day for a particular book, discrete behavior would be assumed; and for measurement of a magnetic field taking at regular intervals, continuous behavior would be assumed. A time sequence collection (TSC) is then a set of time sequences.

Clifford-2 The Historical Relational Data Model [CC87], a refinement of the model associated with a valid-time algebra [CT85], is unique in that it associates timestamps with both individual tuples and with individual attribute values of the tuples. The data model allows two types of objects: a set of chronons, termed a lifespan, and a valid-time relation, where each attribute in the relation schema and each tuple in the relation is assigned a lifespan. A relation schema in the Historical Relational Data Model is an ordered four-tuple containing a set of attributes, a set of key attributes, a function that maps attributes to their lifespans, and a function that maps attributes to their value domains. A tuple is an ordered pair containing the tuple’s value and its lifespan.

Attributes are not atomic; rather, an attribute’s value in a given tuple is a partial function from a domain of chronons onto the attribute’s value domain. The domain of chronons is defined as the the intersection of the lifespan for the particular attribute and tuple. Relations have key attributes and no two tuples in a relation are allowed to match on the values of the key attributes at the same chronon.

Example: Figure 4 illustrates the valid-time relation instance in the Historical Relational Data Model, where {Name → {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, Course → {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}} is the function assigning lifespans to attributes, and the attribute Name is the key.

Because tuple lifespans are sets and because both Bill and George were never enrolled in more than one course at the same time, we are able to record each of their enrollment histories in a single tuple. If one had been enrolled in two or more courses at the same time, however, his total enrollment history could not have been recorded in a single tuple as attribute values are functions from a lifespan onto a value domain. Note also that we have chosen the most straightforward representation for an attribute whose value is a function. Because attribute values in both Clifford’s model and Gadia’s models, which we describe later, are functions, they have

many physical representations. ut

Tansel Tansel’s model [Tan86, CT85] was designed to support the calculus-based query language HQuel [TA86a] and, later, the Time-by-Example language [TAO89]. The model allows only one type of object: the valid-time relation. However, four types of attributes are supported: Attributes may be either non-time-varying or time-varying, and they may be either atomic-valued or set- valued. The attributes of a relation need not be the same type, and attribute values in a given tuple need not be homogeneous. The value of a time-varying, atomic-valued attribute is represented as a triplet containing an element from the attribute’s value domain and the boundary points of its interval of existence while the value of a time-varying, set-valued attribute is simply a set of such triplets.

Example: Figure 5 shows the valid-time relation instance in Tansel’s data model, where Name is a non-time-varying, atomic-valued attribute and Course is a time-varying, set-valued attribute.


Tuple Value Tuple Lifespan

Name Course

1→ Bill 1→ English {1, 3, 4}

3→ Bill 3→ English 4→ Bill 4→ English

1→ George 1→ English {1, 2, 5, 6}

2→ George 2→ English 5→ George 5→ Math 6→ George 6→ Math

Figure 4: The Example Relation in the Clifford-2 Data Model

The enrollment history of a student can be recorded in a single tuple, even if the student was enrolled in two or more courses at some time. Note, however, that each interval of enrollment, even for the same course, must be recorded as a separate element of a time-varying, set-valued

attribute. ut

Name Course

Bill { ( [1, 2), English ), ( [3, 5), English )} George { ( [1, 3), English ),

( [5, 7), Math )}

Figure 5: The Example Relation in Tansel’s Data Model

Gadia-1 Gadia’s homogeneous model [Gad88] allows two types of objects: valid-time elements [GV85] and valid-time relations. Valid-time elements are closed under union, difference, and com- plementation, unlike intervals. The model requires that all attribute values in a given tuple be functions on the same valid-time element, i.e., homogeneity.

Example: Figure 6 depicts the relation instance in Gadia’s homogeneous model. Here the interval [t1, t2) is the set of chronons{t1,· · · , t2− 1}. Again, we are able to record the enrollment histories of Bill and George in single tuples only because they were never enrolled in more than one course at the same time (otherwise multiple tuples are required). ut Bhargava’s 2-dimensional model [BG90, BG91] is an extension of Gadia’s homogeneous model;

it supports both valid and transaction time. Many of the criteria concerning transaction time that are satisfied by the data model discussed below are also satisfied by Bhargava’s data model.


Name Course

[1, 2) ∪ [3, 5) → Bill [1, 2) ∪ [3, 5) → English [1, 3) ∪ [5, 7) → George [1, 3)→ English

[5, 7)→ Math

Figure 6: The Example Relation in the Gadia-1 Data Model

Gadia-2 Gadia’s multihomogeneous model [Gad86a] and Yeung’s heterogeneous models [Yeu86, GY88] are all extensions of the homogeneous model. They lift the restriction that all attribute values in a tuple be functions on the same temporal element, in part to be able to perform Cartesian product without loss of temporal information caused by merging two timestamps into one. We consider here only the latest [GY88] of these extensions. In this data model (termed Gadia-2), temporal elements may be multi-dimensional to model different aspects of time (e.g., valid time and transaction time). Attribute values are still functions from temporal elements onto attribute value domains, but attribute values need not be functions on the same temporal element. As a result of the lack of temporal homogeneity, some timeslices may produce nulls. Relations are assumed to have key attributes, with the restriction that such attributes be single-valued over their interval of validity. Also, no two tuples may match on the ranges of the functions assigned to the key attributes. Hence, in the previous example, the attribute Name would qualify as a key attribute in the heterogeneous model.

Lorentzos The Temporal Relational Model [Lor88, LJ88] was the first to support nested specifi- cation of timestamps using values of different granularity and to support periodic events. As with the data models discussed above, this model associates timestamps with individual attribute values rather than with tuples. Although a timestamp is normally associated with each of the attribute values in a tuple, a timestamp may be associated with any non-empty subset of attribute values in a tuple. Furthermore, no implicit or mandatory timestamp attributes are assumed. Timestamps are simply explicit, numeric-valued attributes, to be viewed and updated directly by the user. They represent either the chronon during which one or more attribute values are valid or a boundary point of the interval of validity for one or more attribute values. A timestamp in the Temporal Relational Model, like one in Sarda’s model, does not include its right-most boundary point. Sev- eral timestamp attributes of nested granularity may also be used together in a specification of a chronon.

Example: Let R be a valid-time relation schema in the Temporal Relational Model defined by R = (Name, Course, Semester-start, Semester-stop, Week-start, Week-stop) where all four timestamp attributes are associated with both Name and Course. Assume that the granularity for the timestamp attributes Week-start and Week-stop is a week relative to the first week of a semester. Figure 7 shows the an instance of this relation schema. In this example, we specify the weeks during a semester when a student was enrolled in a course. For example, Bill was enrolled in English during the Fall semester 1980 for only the first 8 weeks of the semester. Note that the meaning of the Week-start and Week-stop attributes is relative to the Semester-start and

Semester-stop attributes. ut


Name Course Semester-start Semester-stop Week-start Week-stop

Bill English 1 2 1 9

Bill English 3 5 1 17

George English 1 3 1 9

George Math 5 7 9 17

Figure 7: The Example Relation in Lorentzos’ Data Model

The data model thus differs from the normal relational model only in that certain columns are given a specific interpretation as representing the period of validity of other column(s) in the relation.

3.4 Transaction-time Models

Transaction-time data models have the valuable property that the objects are append-only.

Kimball In the data model termed DATA [Kim78], the association of facts with times is fully implicit. Being a transaction-time model, update operations avoid the explicit mention of time, and do not reveal how times and facts are associated. Next, transaction-time relations cannot be displayed—only snapshot extracted from the transaction-time relations can be displayed. Thus, display does not reveal the particular association of facts and time, either. Finally, the association of facts and times is implicit in the query language—the notion of an explicit timestamp attribute is absent. The consequence is that a user has no way of knowing whether, e.g., timestamps are assigned on the attribute-value level or on the tuple level. Similarly, there is no way to see whether transaction-time event, interval, or element stamping is used.

The DATA data model is implemented using a combination of event-stamped tuples and point- ers to predecessor tuples.

Stonebraker The Postgres Data Model [RS87] supports transaction time. As for the previous model, the association of facts with time is implicit with respect to the update language, the query language, and the display of facts. Unlike the previous model, display is not restricted to snapshot states as a relation containing all tuples is a sequence of states may be displayed as well. Such a relation is still a conventional snapshot relation.

In the Postgres system, transaction-time relations are implemented using two timestamp at- tributes specifying the time when the particular tuple is current in the relation, i.e., when it will appear in a snapshot.

Jensen As in the previous two models, the association of facts with time is invisible in the data model DM/T [JMR91].

As a compensation for the inability to display and directly access timestamped facts, DM/T contains a special system-generated and maintained transaction-time relation, termed a backlog, for each user-defined transaction-time relation. This log-like backlog contains the full, timestamped change history of the associated user-defined relation. Backlog tuples, change requests, are stamped with a single time value and an attribute with values that indicate whether an insertion, deletion, or modification is requested. The timeslice of a backlog is a selection of the portion that existed at


the time of the time argument. Thus, the timestamps are present as explicit attributes even after timeslice and may be accessed like any other attribute.

Example: Figure 8 illustrates a backlog, timesliced at transaction time 510, for a user-defined transaction-time relation. At transaction time 423, it was recorded that Bill took the Math course.

This entry was then “modified,” without changing any values at time, 427. ut

Name Course Time Op

Bill English 423 Ins

Bill English 427 Mod

George English 438 Ins

Bill English 452 Ins

George Math 487 Ins

George Math 495 Del

Figure 8: The Example Relation in Jensen’s Data Model

3.5 Bitemporal Data Models

Bitemporal data models support both valid time and transaction time.

Ben-Zvi The Time Relational Model [BZ82] was the first bitemporal data model. Two types of objects are defined: snapshot relations, as defined in the snapshot model, and bitemporal relations.

Bitemporal relations are sets of tuples, with each tuple having five implicit attribute values. The attributes Effective-time-start and Effective-time-stop are the end-points of the interval of validity of the real-world phenomenon being modeled; Registration-time-start is the transaction time of the transaction that stored the Effective-time-start value; Registration-time-stop is the transaction time that stored the Effective-time-stop value; and Deletion-time records the time when erroneously entered tuples are logically deleted. An erroneous attribute value may be corrected by deleting that tuple and inserting a corrected one.

Example: The relation instance in Figure 9 is a bitemporal relation in the Time Relational Model over a relation schema with explicit attributes Name and Course. Note that Georeg’s enrollment

in the Math course has been (logically) deleted. ut

Ahn In differentiating valid and transaction time, a four-dimensional data model was used [SA85, SA86]. Relational instances were illustrated as a sequence, stamped with individual transaction times, of three-dimensional volumes, where one of the dimensions was valid time (tuples were stamped with intervals).

Snodgrass In the data model associated with TQuel, four implicit attributes were added to each relation: the transaction time of the transaction inserting the tuple, the transaction time of the transaction logically deleting the tuple, the time that the tuple started being valid in reality, and the time that the tuple stopped being valid in reality [Sno87, SGM93].


Effective Effective Registration Registration Deletion Name Course time-start time-stop time-start time-stop time

Bill English 1 1 423 427 —

George English 1 2 438 438 —

Bill English 3 4 452 452 —

George Math 5 6 487 487 495

Figure 9: The Example Relation in Ben-Zvi’s Data Model

Example: Figure 10 shows, in the TQuel data model, the bitemporal relation given in Figure 9.

u t

Name Course Valid Transaction Begin End Start Stop

Bill English 1 ∞ 423 427

Bill English 1 1 427 ∞

George English 1 2 438 ∞

Bill English 3 4 452 ∞

George Math 5 6 487 495

Figure 10: The Example Relation in Snodgrass’ Data Model

McKenzie McKenzie’s bitemporal model [McK88, MS91] timestamps attribute values but re- tains the requirement that attributes be single valued. This was done in an effort to achieve the benefits of attribute-value timestamping (e.g., the ability to perform a cartesian product) without the implementation complexities of set-valued attributes. The two types of objects in this model are the snapshot and valid-time relations (a transaction-time relation is a sequence of snapshot relations; a bitemporal relation is a sequence of valid-time relations, both indexed by transaction time). The value of an attribute in a valid-time relation is always an ordered pair whose compo- nents are a value from the attribute’s domain and a set of chronons. There is no requirement that the timestamps of any of the attribute values in a relation be homogeneous, but relations are not allowed to have value-equivalent tuples.

Example: A valid-time relation instance in McKenzie’s data model is shown in Figure 11. In this model, Bill’s enrollment in English must be recorded in a single tuple, otherwise the value- equivalence requirement is violated. George’s enrollment history, however, cannot be recorded in a single tuple; an attribute may be assigned only one value from its value domain. ut Transaction time was supported by indexing a sequence of valid-time states with transaction time [MS90]. This data model also allowed the schema, and even the class of the relation (i.e., snapshot, valid-time, transaction-time, or bitemporal) to vary.


Name Course


Bill, {1, 3, 4}

i h

English, {1, 3, 4}

i h

George, {1, 2}

i h

English, {1, 2}

i h

George, {5, 6}

i h

Math, {5, 6}


Figure 11: The Example Relation in McKenzie’s Data Model

Gadia-3 In the data model associated with the calculus-based query language TempSQL [Gad92], attributes are timestamped with finite unions of rectangles in valid-time/transaction-time space [BG89b], i.e., effectively bitemporal elements.

Example: Figure 12 shows the bitemporal relation given earlier, now as an instance of a relation

in the TempSQL data model. ut

Name Course

[1,∞] × [423, 427] Bill [1,∞] × [423, 427] English [1, 1]× [423, NOW] Bill [1, 1]× [423, NOW] English [3, 4]× [452, NOW] Bill [3, 4]× [452, NOW] English [1, 2]× [438, NOW] George [1, 2] × [438, NOW] English

[5, 6]× [487, 495] George [5, 6]× [487, 495] Math

Figure 12: The Example Relation in the Gadia-3 Data Model

Thompson In the Accounting Data Model, tuples have, in addition to the natural key, the static attributes, and the time-varying attributes, four timestamp attributes: accounting start time, accounting finish time, engineering start time, engineering finish time, as well as a boolean timewarp attribute [Tho91]. The accounting time roughly corresponds to valid time, and the engineering time corresponds to transaction time (a more detailed comparison may be found elsewhere [JS93]).

The time warp attribute enables attribute values to change historically.

3.6 Summary

The following brief summary oversimplifies the data models in an effort to differentiate them.

• Brooks was the first to consider time in the database (long before the relational model was proposed!).

• Wiederhold was the first temporal model to be implemented.

• Jones was the first to define a time-oriented algebra.

• Clifford-1 attempted to model the semantics of natural language.


• Ariav exploited the three-dimensional analogue, where the third dimension is valid time.

• Navathe defined his data model primarily to support his extension to SQL called TSQL.

• Sadeghi’s data model was defined primarily to support his extension to DEAL called HQL.

• Sarda, Lorentzos and Tansel all incorporated operators to switch between an interval repre- sentation and a single chronon representation. Lorentzos’ data model, closest to the conven- tional relational data model, supports nested granularity timestamps and periodic time.

• Segev focussed on scientific data, collected generally at regular intervals by multiple sensors.

• Clifford-2, Gadia-1, Gadia-2, Gadia-3, and Tansel all employ non-1NF data models. Clifford-1 emphasizes associating timestamps with both the attribue value and with the tuple; Clifford-2 associates timestamps with both attributes and with tuples; Gadia-1 emphasizes the homo- geneity property; Gadia-2 emphasizes the multi-homogeneous property; and Tansel includes four types of attribute values.

• Kimball was the first implemented transaction-time model.

• Stonebraker has the most impressive implementation to date of a temporal data model.

• Jensen used backlog relations to encode the changes made to transaction-time relations.

• Ben-Zvi was the first to incorporate both transaction time and valid time.

• Ahn demonstrated that transaction time and valid time are entirely orthogonal.

• Snodgrass used a particularly simple bitemporal model to support TQuel.

• McKenzie timestamped attribute values but retains the requirement that attributes have only a single value within a tuple.

• Gadia-3 effectively used bitemporal elements.

• Thompson focused on the use of temporal databases in accounting.

3.7 Comparison

The temporal data models just summarized may be compared by asking four basic questions: how is valid time represented, how is transaction time represented, how are attribute values represented, is the model homogeneous, and is the model coalesced.

3.7.1 Valid Time

Two fairly orthogonal aspects are involved in representing valid time. First, is valid time rep- resented with single chronon identifiers (i.e., event timestamps), with intervals (i.e., as interval timestamps), or as valid-time elements (i.e., as a set of chronon identifiers, or equivalently as a finite set of intervals)? Second, is valid time associated with entire tuples or with individual at- tribute values? A third alternative, associating valid time with sets of tuples, i.e., relations, has not been incorporated into any of the proposed data models, primarily because it lends itself to high data redundancy. The data models are evaluated on these two aspects in Table 2. Interestingly, only one quadrant, timestamping tuples with an valid-time element, has not been considered.


Event Interval Valid-time Element Gadia-2

timestamped Lorentzos Brooks

attribute McKenzie Clifford-2

values Thompson Gadia-1

Tansel Gadia-3

Ahn Ben-Zvi

Jones timestamped Ariav Navathe

tuples Clifford-2 Sadeghi

Segev Sarda

Snodgrass Wiederhold

Table 2: Representation of Valid Time 3.7.2 Transaction Time

The same general issues are involved in transaction time, but there are about twice as many alternatives. Transaction time may be associated with

• a single chronon. When stamping a tuple identifying a change to a relation state, the insertion of the tuple signifies the termination (logical deletion) of the most recent tuple (if any) with an identical key value. An additional attribute is required to indicate whether the newly inserted tuple only terminates the previous tuple or also becomes part of the new state (e.g., the attribute Op in Jensen). When an entire evolving state is stamped, no such attribute is necessary. One state is current from its chronon and until it is superceeded by a state with a higher chronon. Note that this alternative results in very high redundancy when compared with the first alternative.

• an interval. A newly inserted tuple would be associated with the interval starting at now and ending at the special value UC , until-changed.

• three chronons. Ben-Zvi’s model records (1) the transaction time when the valid start time was recorded, (2) the transaction time when the valid stop time was recorded, and (3) the transaction time when the tuple was logically deleted.

• a transaction-time element, which is a set of not-necessarily-contiguous chronons.

Another issue concerns whether transaction time is associated with individual attribute values, with tuples, or with sets of tuples.

The choices made in the various data models are characterized in Table 3. Gadia-3 is the only data model to timestamp attribute values; it is difficult to efficiently implement this alternative directly. Gadia-3 also is the only data model that uses transaction-time elements. Ben-Zvi is the only one to use three transaction-time chronons. All of the rows and columns are represented by at least one data model.


Single chronon Interval Three Transaction-time element (pair of chronons) Chronons (set of chronons) timestamped

attribute Gadia-3


timestamped Jensen Snodgrass Ben-Zvi

tuples Kimball Stonebraker

timestamped Ahn McKenzie

sets of tuples Thompson

Table 3: Representation of Transaction Time 3.7.3 Homogeneity and Coalescing

Table 4 compares the models on the last two aspects. The name of the data model is given in the first column. Whether the model is homogeneous in valid time is indicated in the next column (c.f., Section 3.1.4). All the models are homogeneous in transaction time. Tuple-timestamped data models, to be identified shortly, are necessarily temporally homogeneous. All data models that use single chronons as timestamps turn out to be temporally homogeneous as well. For data models that only support transaction time, this aspect is not relevant.

The next column specifies whether the data model requires that tuples be coalesced in valid time (c.f., Section 3.1.5). No model is coalesced on transaction time. Event-stamped data models are by necessity not valid-time coalesced.

3.7.4 Attribute Value Structure

The final major decision to be made in designing a temporal data model is how to represent attribute values. Six basic alternatives are present in the data models. In some models, the timestamp appears as an explicit attribute; we do not consider such attributes in this analysis.

• Atomic valued—values do not have any internal structure.

• Set valued—values are sets of atomic values.

• Functional, atomic valued—values are functions from the (generally valid) time domain to the attribute domain.

• Ordered pairs—values are an ordered pair of a value and a (valid-time element) timestamp.

• Triplet valued—values are a triple of attribute values, valid-from time, and valid-to time.

This is similar to the ordered pairs representation, except that only one interval may be represented.

• Set-triplet valued—values are a set of triplets. This is more general than ordered pairs, in that more than one value can be represented, and more general than functional valued, since more than one attribute value can exist at a single valid time [Tan86].

The last column of Table 4 specifies the attribute value structure associated with each temporal data model.

In the conventional relational model, if attributes are atomic-valued, they are considered to be in first normal form [Cod72]. Hence, only the data models placed in the first category may be considered to be strictly in first normal form. However, in several of the other models, the non-atomicity of attribute values comes about because time is added.


Data Model Valid-time Valid-time Attribute Homogeneous Coalesced Values

Ahn yes yes atomic

Ariav yes no atomic

Ben-Zvi yes no atomic

Brooks no ? atomic

Clifford-1 yes no atomic

Clifford-2 no no functional

Gadia-1 yes no functional

Gadia-2 no yes functional

Gadia-3 yes no functional

Jensen N/A N/A atomic

Jones yes no atomic

Kimball N/A N/A atomic

Lorentzos no no atomic

McKenzie no yes ordered pairs

Navathe yes yes atomic

Sadeghi yes yes atomic

Sarda yes no atomic

Segev yes no atomic

Snodgrass yes yes atomic

Stonebraker N/A N/A atomic

Tansel no no atomic,

set-valued, triplet, set-triplet

Thompson yes no atomic

Wiederhold yes no atomic,

ordered pairs

Table 4: Comparison of Temporal Data Models


4 Context

The previously proposed data models arose from several considerations. They were all extensions of the conventional relational model that attempted to capture the time-varying semantics of either the reality being modeled, the state of the database, or both. They attempted to retain the simplicity of the relational model; the tuple timestamping models were perhaps most successful in this regard. They attempted to present all the information concerning an object in one tuple; the attribute value timestamped models were perhaps best at that. And they attempted to ensure ease of implementation and query evaluation efficiency; the backlog representation may be advantageous here.

Representational Data Models Display Formats

Physical Database Design Attribute-value

Timestamping Backlogs

Tuple-timestamping Conceptual

Temporal Data Model


? k

6 aaaaaaa



Logical-level 1



Database Design Logical

Format Format

Query Optimization

Figure 13: Interaction of Conceptual and Representational Data Models

It is clear from the number of proposed representations that meeting all of these goals simulta- neously is a difficult, if not impossible task. It is our contention that focusing on data presentation (how temporal data is displayed to the user), on data storage, with its requisite demands of regu- lar structure, and on efficient query evaluation has complicated the central task of capturing the time-varying semantics of data. The result has been, as we have seen, a plethora of incompati- ble data models, with many query languages, and a corresponding surfeit of database design and implementation strategies that may be employed across these models.

We therefore advocate a separation concerns. The time-varying semantics is obscured in the representation schemes by other considerations of presentation and implementation. We feel that the conceptual data model to be proposed shortly is the most appropriate basis for expressing this semantics. This data model is generally not the most appropriate way to present the stored data to users, nor is it the best way to physically store the data. However, there are mappings to several representational data models that, in many situations, may be more amenable to presentation and storage, those representations can be employed for those purposes, while retaining the semantics of the conceptual data model. Figure 13 shows the placement of the proposed data model with respect to the tasks of logical and physical database design, storage representation, query optimiza- tion, and display. As the figure shows, logical database design produces the conceptual relation schemas, which are then refined into relation schemas in some representational data model(s).

Query optimization may be performed on the logical algebra, parameterized by the cost models of the representation(s) chosen for the stored data. Finally, display presentation should be decoupled from the storage representation.

Note that this arrangement hinges on the semantic equivalence of the various data models. It


must be possible to map between the conceptual model and the various representational models, as will be discussed in Section 6.

5 A New Proposal

We now present a new model, termed the bitemporal conceptual data model, or BCDM. This data model supports both valid and transaction time. It is designed to be a conceptual data model, as opposed to a representational data model, in the sense just described.

We begin by specifying the structural aspects of the time domain assumed by the data model.

In Section 5.2, we describe the objects (temporal relations) of the model and consider how these objects may be updated.

5.1 The Time Domain

For both valid and transaction time domains, we assume the linear, discrete, bounded structural model of time. We utilize chronons, as discussed in detail in a separate proposal on timestamp representation [DS92b]. We assume that chronons have length (some multiple or fraction of a

“second”). We assume that valid and transaction time are absolute. Relative times may be stored in relations as values of attributes (termed spans [SS92]); such user-defined times are not discussed further here. As we can number the chronons, the domains are isomorphic to the domain of natural numbers.

5.2 Objects in the Model

Tuples in a bitemporal conceptual relation instance are associated with time values from both valid time and transaction time. For both domains, we assume that the database system has limited precision; the smallest time unit is termed a chronon [JCE+94]. The time domains have total orders and both are isomorphic to subsets of the domain of natural numbers. The domain of valid times may be given as DV T = {t1, t2, . . . , tk} and the domain of transaction times may be given as DT T ={t01, t02, . . . , t0j} ∪ {UC } where UC is a distinguished value which is used during update as will be explained later in this section. We expect that the valid time domain is chosen so that some times are before the current time and some times are after the current time.

We also define a set of attribute namesDA={A1, A2, . . . , AnA} and a set of attribute domains DD ={D1, D2, . . . , DnD}. In general, the schema of a bitemporal conceptual relation, R, consists of an arbitrary number of explicit attributes from DA, A1, A2, . . . , An, with domains in DD, encoding some fact (possibly composite) and an implicit timestamp attribute, T, with domain DT T × DV T. Thus, a tuple, x = (a1, a2, . . . , an| tb), in a bitemporal conceptual relation instance, r(R), consists of a number of attribute values associated with a timestamp value.

An arbitrary subset of the domain of valid times is associated with each tuple, meaning that the fact recorded by the tuple is true in the modeled reality during each valid-time chronon in the subset. Each individual valid-time chronon of a single tuple has associated a subset of the domain of transaction times, meaning that the fact, valid during the particular chronon, is current in the relation during each of the transaction time chronons in the subset. Any subset of transaction times less than the current time and including the value UC may be associated with a valid time. Notice that while the definition of a bitemporal chronon is symmetric, the explanation is asymmetric.

This assymmetry is also present in the the update operations to be defined shortly, and it reflects the different semantics of transaction and valid time.

Thus, associated with a tuple is a bitemporal element, denoted tb, consisting of bitemporal chronons (“tiny rectangles”) in the two-dimensional space spanned by valid time and transaction


time. Because no two tuples with mutually identical explicit attribute values (termed value- equivalent) are allowed in a bitemporal relation instance, the full time history of a fact is contained in a single tuple.

In graphical representations of bitemporal space, we choose the x-axis as the transaction-time dimension, and the y-axis as the valid-time dimension. Hence, the ordered pair (t, v) represents the bitemporal chronon with transaction time t and valid time v.

Example: Consider a relation recording employee/department information, such as “Jake works for the shipping department.” We assume that the granularity of chronons is one day for both valid time and transaction time, and the period of interest is some given month in a given year, e.g., June 1992. Throughout, we use integers as timestamp components. The reader may informally think of these integers as dates, e.g., the integer 15 in a timestamp represents the date June 15th.

Figure 14 shows how the bitemporal element in an employee’s department tuple changes. Em- ployee Jake was hired by the company as temporary help in the shipping department for the interval from time 10 to time 15, and this fact became current in the database at time 5. This is shown in Figure 14(a). The arrows pointing to the right signify that the tuple has not been logically deleted; it continues through to the transaction time UC (until changed).

Figure 14(b) shows a correction. The personnel department discovers that Jake had really been hired from time 5 to time 20, and the database is corrected beginning at time 10. Later, the personnel department is informed that the correction was itself incorrect; Jake really was hired for the original time interval, time 10 to time 15, and the correction took effect in the database at time 15. This is shown in Figure 14(c). Lastly, Figure 14(d) shows the result of three updates to the relation, all of which become current starting at time 20. These three updates could have been entered in a single transaction, or as separate transactions occurring during the same chronon.

While the period of validity was correct, it was discovered that Jake was not in the shipping department, but in the loading department. Consequently, the fact (Jake, Ship) is removed from the current state and the fact (Jake, Load) is inserted. A new employee, Kate, is hired for the shipping department for the interval from time 25 to time 30.

We note that the number of bitemporal chronons in a given bitemporal element is the area en- closed by the bitemporal element. The bitemporal element for (Jake, Ship) contains 140 bitemporal chronons.

The example illustrates how transaction time and valid time are handled. As time passes, i.e., as the computer’s internal clock advances, the bitemporal elements associated with current facts are updated. For example, consider when the fact (Jake, Ship) was first inserted into the database. Due to the semantics of insertion as described in the next section, facts are inserted to the relation during the chronon prior to when they first become current. Thus (Jake, Ship) is physically inserted into the relation at time 4, with six valid time chronons (10 to 15) each with the associated transaction time chronon UC .

At this time, the fact is not yet current in the database since no bitemporal chronons with a transaction time other than UC are associated with the tuple. At time 5, the fact logically becomes current in the database, and the six new bitemporal chronons, (5, 10), . . . , (5, 15), are appended.

This continues until time 9, when a correction to the fact’s valid time is made. Thus, starting at time 10, 16 bitemporal chronons are added at every clock tick.

The actual bitemporal relation corresponding to the graphical representation in Figure 14(d) is shown in Figure 15 below. This relation contains three facts. The timestamp attribute T shows each transaction-time chronon associated with each valid-time chronon as a set of ordered pairs.

u t Valid-time relations and transaction-time relations are special cases of bitemporal relations that



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