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Symbol of Hearts 張錦華、李元亨


Academic year: 2022

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Symbol of Hearts 張錦華、李元亨

E-mail: 9601273@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Art is an embodiment of human culture, it is also true that one’s art work is an embodiment of one’s “culture”, and individual thought, the emotion function sends and the expression. An artware present must pass through the original pains idea and the realization, creates to outside the production by inside, on its shape, color, meaning, light, spatial, perspective, technique and material combinative utilization, if hides the metaphor symbolic which wants in the psychological to express, all is one kind of artistic psychic symbol. I take symbolic expression for my art work-oil paintings, it is said that through art work it can reveal one’s

subconscious territory, one’s inner thoughts that even who himself (herself) does not aware clearly. I wanted to express my inner heart in deep through figures and objects in the art work use them in symbolism way metaphor of meaning. In the art history, Symbolists believed that art should aim to capture more absolute truths which could only be accessed by indirect methods Thus, they wrote and paint in a highly metaphorical and suggestive manner, endowing particular images or objects with symbolic meaning. I used figures and other objects as my visual language, I painted clouds, running streams, white flowers and flush lights with different colors in the dark back ground and streets; Floating clouds in the sky, it is a fantasy for me, express uncertainty, it cannot be gripped as a real thing so light and soft as silk, but this is my mind, I melancholy because I can not grip something for my real life; A running stream brings my heart to follow it and think about my future and wonder where “I will be floating as the stream and where will be my destiny?” There are white flowers accompany with a young female, flowers are pure and lovely, the maiden wants as the flower.

Keywords : Symbol , Appearance , Color e , Meaning

Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書...iii 中文摘要...iv 英文摘要...v 誌謝...vi 目錄...vii 圖目錄...ix 第一章 緒論 1.1 創作動 機...1 1.2 創作目的...2 1.3 創作方法與範圍...3 1.4 創作架構及流 程...4 1.5 名詞釋意...7 1.5.1 象徵(Symbol)...7 1.5.2 形(Appearance

)...7 1.5.3 色 (Color)...8 1.5.4 意(Meaning)...9 第二章 創作之學理基礎與理 念 2.1象徵主義的源起...10 2.2 象徵主義的代表性畫家...12 2.2.1夏凡尼的象徵繪畫傳遞對生活的 意寓...12 2.2.2牟侯的幻想世界與象徵表現...15 2.2.3魯東的真實與虛幻之意寓...17 2.2.4荷德勒對夢魘

、性與死亡的感觸...19 2.2.5克靈加悲觀、頹廢之思維...21 2.2.6愛好文學之克諾普夫...23 2.2.7克 林姆之幻想和裝飾世界...25 2.2.8孟克心理的象徵繪畫...27 2.3 梵谷的心理掙扎...29 第 三章 創作之形式與表現內涵 3.1 心韻的象徵...35 3.2 創作之形式...36 3.3 創作的表現內 涵...37 3.3.1 創作美學的象徵構思...37 3.3.2 康德美學之判斷力批判...38 3.3.3 形、色、

意之內容探索...40 第四章 作品解析 4.1 創作理念...42 4.2 作品分析...44 第 五章 結論...61 參考文獻...63 一、翻譯書籍...63 二、中文書 籍...64 三、圖片引用處...67


一、翻譯書籍: 1.Fredric Jameson 著 唐小兵 譯《後現代主義與文化理論》,合志文化股份有限公 司,台北市,2001年5月 2.Herschel B Chipp,1913-1992 著 余珊珊 譯 《現代藝術理論Ⅱ》,遠流出版事業股份有限公司,台北市,2000年9月 3.Irving Stone著 余光中譯《梵 谷傳》大地出版社,台北市,1978年5月 4.Jacques Marseille/Nadeije Laneyrie-Dagen著 王文融、馬勝利、羅芃、顧家琛 譯《世界藝術史

》,聯經出版事業公司,台北市, 2000年3月 5.Ken Wilkie著 黃詩芬譯《梵谷檔案》,高談文化事業有限公司,台北市,2005年3月 6.Kandinsky 著 吳瑪? 譯《點線面》藝術家出版社,台北市,2000年3月 7.Kandinsky 著 吳瑪? 譯《藝術的精神性》藝術家出版社,台北市

,1995年10月 8.Lev Tolstoy 著 耿濟之 譯《藝術論》台北市,1994年 9.Melissa Mc Quillan著 張書民 譯《梵谷》,遠流出版,台北市,84 年台北市, 2000年3月 10.Pascal Bonafoux著 張南星譯《梵谷 磨難中的熱情》,時報文化出版企業股份有限公司,台北市,1997年5月 11.Ranjit Kumar著 胡龍騰 黃瑋瑩 潘中道合譯《研究方法》,學富文化事業有限公司,台北市,2005年2月 12.Vincent Van Gogh 著 艾文


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