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Academic year: 2022

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108 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試試題本




英文翻譯與寫作 (B2420)


1. 考試時間:90 分鐘。

2. 請在答案卷上作答,答案卷每人一張,不得要求增補。

3. 請核對報考甄試類(群)組別、考試科目是否相符。

4. 單選題共 40 題。



單選題,共40 題,每題 2.5 分

一、 同義測驗:請選出與題目畫線部分語意最接近的答案 1. When I was short of cash for my trip, John gave me a hand.

(A) shook my hand

(B) provided me money (C) took me for a walk (D) described the location

2. With free time hard to come by, I should rethink joining the gym.

(A) highly likely (B) easy to ask for (C) difficult to find (D) well-planned

3. The negative reaction from the public is only making it harder for women as a whole to tell their stories on screen.

(A) to a large degree (B) on one level (C) in general (D) at a low grade

4. Unlike some companies who cut corners in the development of their products, we pay attention to every detail when it comes to quality.

(A) use the easiest, quickest or cheapest way (B) strictly follow the best rules and standards (C) find outside experts or partner companies (D) do not always rely on traditional methods

5. Every now and then, whether from a lack of sleep or because of tears, my eyes get puffy.

(A) Sometimes (B) Always (C) Often (D) Frequently



6. Sometimes managers are so arrogant that they lose sight of the big picture.

(A) ability to control and lead team members (B) important steps required to plan a project (C) need for a schedule to manage the work (D) entire perspective on a situation or issue

7. She was told to go home for a rest but declined.

(A) She felt it was unfair for her to go home for a rest.

(B) She was tired, so her boss asked her to take a break.

(C) Despite overworking, she persisted in continuing.

(D) Although she was asked to take leave, she refused.

8. Tesla is cutting 7% of its workforce in an effort to reduce the company’s cost.

(A) Tesla will be hiring 7% more workers in order to meet demands of customers.

(B) As a result of company expenses, some employees from Tesla will lose their jobs.

(C) Tesla’s cost have risen and several workers are unhappy in their jobs.

(D) A few of Tesla’s workers will be transferred to meet cost demands.

9. Australia is in the grip of an extreme heatwave with authorities estimating the country has seen at least 5 of its 10 warmest days on record recently.

(A) The drought has authorities worried that the effects of climate change are larger than expected as Australia experiences half of its warmest days on record lately.

(B) After going through undesirably hot weather, authorities can now confirm that some of the warmest days on record that have been experienced are now over.

(C) The high temperatures in Australia recently are being analyzed by officials to decide if 5 of the warmest days on record were in fact experienced recently.

(D) According to officials, half of Australia’s warmest days on record have been experienced lately as the country is being deeply affected by undesirably hot weather.



10. WeGrow offers children an innovative curriculum that includes learning math and science hand in hand with yoga and farming.

(A) WeGrow has a creative educational program that brings together subjects in the natural sciences with farming and yoga.

(B) The new curriculum at WeGrow allows children to choose either math and science or farming and yoga as their learning path.

(C) WeGrow is setting the trend in education by creating a curriculum that is totally different from traditional schools.

(D) WeGrow teaches farming and yoga because it believes that math and science must be applied to solve real-world problems.

二、重組測驗:請將下列提示字詞重新排列,使之成為語法正確,語意合宜的 句子

11. Westchester County Airport . (1) dining options

(2) and

(3) only a few (4) has no shops

(A) 2134 (B) 4231 (C) 4213 (D) 2314

12. Jim . (1) will be

(2) the project

(3) during my absence (4) supervising

(A) 3214 (B) 2143 (C) 1423 (D) 4213



13. A team of international scientists have developed the “planetary diet” .

(1) and sugar consumption (2) to reduce

(3) red meat (4) by 50%

(A) 2314 (B) 4312 (C) 2143 (D) 4132

14. Looking back at that moment in his life, Stansell says . (1) he went

(2) through

(3) he’s thankful (4) for everything

(A) 3412 (B) 3124 (C) 4312 (D) 2431

15. For about 100 years, . (1) design

(2) has always been (3) at the forefront

(4) of Finland’s national identity

(A) 2134 (B) 1234 (C) 3124 (D) 4321



16. One study has found that someone who regularly sleeps 4 to 5 hours .

(1) a night

(2) like someone (3) performs tasks (4) who is legally drunk

(A) 3241 (B) 2413 (C) 1423 (D) 1324

17. Last year, Samsung cornered the market . (1) for the top position

(2) on smart phones and (3) beat Huawei and Apple (4) in market share

(A) 1324 (B) 4321 (C) 3214 (D) 2314

18. British Prime Minister Theresa May will . (1) remain in London next week

(2) instead of attending (3) to focus on Brexit

(4) the World Economic Forum

(A) 2413 (B) 1342 (C) 1324 (D) 2431



19. California is offering students a two-year bachelor’s degree in .

(1) but won’t charge (2) computer science (3) tuition

(4) until graduates land a job

(A) 2413 (B) 2134 (C) 2314 (D) 2341

20. Inside Africa .

(1) the various mediums of art, music, travel and literature (2) reveals the complexity and diversity of the African continent (3) through

(4) while exploring cultures in different regions

(A) 2314 (B) 3412 (C) 3142 (D) 2134


21. 我的孫女現在還住在國外。

(A) Living aboard is my granddaughter’s dream.

(B) I let my granddaughter stay over for a while.

(C) My granddaughter is still so absorbed in herself.

(D) My granddaughter is still living abroad.

22. 我無法適應美國的生活。

(A) I can’t adapt to life in America.

(B) Adapting to life in America is tough.

(C) You will regret adapting to American ways.

(D) Adapting to life in America is easier than I thought.



23. 這將會對我們的生活造成極大的影響。

(A) What comes our way will not affect our lives.

(B) It will have a big effect upon our lives.

(C) When it has a defect then it is time to let go of it.

(D) Believe it or not, the influence is pretty big.

24. 吸毒會產生幻覺。

(A) He bought a drug for his drowsiness.

(B) Some drugs lead to heightened dizziness.

(C) Drug abuse can create hallucinations.

(D) Taking drugs creates the risk of poor reasoning.

25. 別改變他的想法。

(A) Changing his mind is an impossible mission.

(B) Don’t change his mind.

(C) His mind can never be changed.

(D) I feel bad that we changed his mind.

26. 臺北是臺灣的首都。

(A) Taipei is the capital of Taiwan.

(B) Taipei is a province of Taiwan.

(C) Taipei is the main urban city in Taiwan.

(D) Taipei is a territory of Taiwan.

27. 不遵守交通規則,將面臨鉅額罰款。

(A) If you don’t conform to the traffic laws, you might get a huge fine.

(B) It is really easy to get a huge fine if you don’t learn the traffic laws.

(C) You weren’t aware of the traffic laws. That’s why you got a huge fine.

(D) Those who do not understand the traffic laws break them and get fined.

28. 你怎麼穿著奇裝異服?

(A) Why were you wearing that bazaar’s costume?

(B) Why would you even try on that beggarly-looking outfit?

(C) Why won’t this bewitched costume suit you?

(D) Why are you dressed in such a bizarre costume?



29. 走開!別站在我旁邊!

(A) Go away! Don’t make me stand beside you!

(B) Go away! You are not on my side!

(C) Go away! Your side is not here!

(D) Go away! Don’t stand beside me!

30. 我已經一個禮拜沒吃一頓像樣的飯。

(A) A decent meal has never been cooked for me.

(B) I haven’t had a decent meal for a week.

(C) I have had delightful meals for a week.

(D) I will not have a delightful meal for another week.

31. Don’t chase him away! He’s just a kid.

(A) 別因為他只是個孩子就放過他。

(B) 別讓那個孩子跑了。

(C) 他還只是個孩子別趕他走。

(D) 別誤會這可憐的孩子。

32. The police couldn’t stop prisoners from escaping.

(A) 警察將阻止罪犯的談話。

(B) 警察無法阻止罪犯逃跑。

(C) 罪犯進行的犯罪計畫都掌握在警察手中。

(D) 警察封鎖了罪犯唯一的出入口卻無法阻止罪犯進行恐嚇行動。

33. I used to go to the night market with my friends.

(A) 我以前都和朋友來逛夜市。

(B) 我還是習慣和朋友一起逛夜市。

(C) 我不太喜歡和朋友一起逛夜市。

(D) 朋友們總是會找我一起去夜市。

34. The designer complimented the model on her new style.

(A) 所有頂尖的設計師一起合作完成了模特兒的新造型。

(B) 模特兒為設計師打造了新造型因此被稱讚。

(C) 設計師讚揚著模特兒的新造型。



35. Please remember the latter is of great importance.

(A) 請準時送達現場因為這封信很重要。

(B) 如要留下他人的重要資料必須事先詢問對方。

(C) 請不要忽略事情的嚴重性。

(D) 請記得後者的重要性。

36. Hey, your phone has been tapped!

(A) 嘿!你的手機鈴聲很吵。

(B) 嘿!你的手機被竊聽了。

(C) 嘿!你的手機螢幕碎掉了。

(D) 嘿!你掉了你的手機。

37. As we grow old, we grow bold.

(A) 隨著年齡增長,我們的膽量也越來越大。

(B) 我們的頭越來越禿都是因為年齡的增長。

(C) 我們年齡的增長並不會影響身體的健康。

(D) 老練的人都是隨著經驗累積才變得越來越有智慧。

38. By contrast, we can leave it up to him.

(A) 不能簽完合約就把這件事交給他。

(B) 相較之下,這件事交給他絕對沒問題。

(C) 這件事他全權負責現在卻聯絡不上他。

(D) 溝通一定可以幫助他解決問題。

39. While I was talking, she suddenly broke in.

(A) 她很沒禮貌的叫我別說話。

(B) 他竟然在我說話的時候突然離開。

(C) 我在講電話的時候不要突然打斷我。

(D) 我在講話的時候,她突然插話。

40. I really like Divans because he is down-to-earth.

(A) 我真的很喜歡 Divans,因為他是個腳踏實地的人。







(A) To explain why it takes longer for old people to sleep (B) To explain why people have difficulties in sleeping (C) To explain why people have variations in sleep duration (D)

(C) Some researchers say that if a person’s brain is right, she or he can easily have good musical skills.. (D) According to some researchers, the right brain helps us to improve

(D) It is good news that Janet has returned to her hometown forever 5.This drink became very popular in Europe so that everybody’s.. favorite was chocolate in milk instead

(C) Fugees Family is a soccer team made up of refugee boys and helps them have hopes again.. (D) Refugee children from all over the world need a soccer team to help them