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Academic year: 2022

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榮譽第一 ※考試時間,請關閉手機


科目名稱:英文文選 一律橫式作答 共 4 頁第 1 頁

注意: 請依照題號排列的順序作答。


一、選擇題 1.______


: 二、簡答題 1._______



一、 選擇題 60%,每題 3 分 (單選題,請選出一個最恰當的答案。)

1. After all, teachers get paid to teach us, and we pay tuition for our classes. It’s their job, right? 這 句子裡的 tuition 是什麼意思?

1) 薪水 2) 雜費 3) 學費

2. Robinson Crusoe tells his readers that he could not bring himself to go naked on his island. 這句 子裡劃線的部份是什麼意思?

1) 不讓自己在島上裸體 2) 無法把自己帶到荒島上 3) 不能把自己帶離荒島

3. In 1996, I read a newspaper article about a child whose mother could barely scrape together enough to buy a turkey dinner. 這句子裡劃線的部份是什麼意思?

1) 媽媽沒有找到足夠的錢買火雞餐 2) 媽媽很夠錢買火雞餐

3) 媽媽只找到足夠的錢買火雞餐

4. Patricia’s father ran the kitchen and her mother ran the dining room. 這句子裡的兩個 ran 是什麼 意思?

1) 跑路 2) 經營 3) 逃出

5. Patria: Have you ever eaten there?

William: Yes, of course. It is a wonderful restaurant, but is not known for good service. We shall have to train you from scratch.

William 說的話裡劃線的部份是什麼意思?

1) 用火車載你出站 2) 從頭訓練你 3) 不用訓練了

6. The _______ I spoke, the more she stared at me with her mouth half-open. 請為空格選出最適當 的答案。

1) faster


2) fast 3) fastest

7. I’ll finish ________ this book as soon as possible. 請為空格選出最適當的答案。

1) read 2) reading 3) readed

8. Their _______ you the picture was their way of thanking you. 請為空格選出最適當的答案。

1) send 2) sent 3) sending

9. Customer (woman): Did you make a reservation, honey?

Customer (man): I’m sorry, sweetheart. I thought you were going to make the reservation. My mistake.

Customer (woman): _______________.


1) Yes, we have.

2) No, I guess we don’t. How long is the wait?

3) No, I don’t like to make a reservation.

10. I wished I could give the peace of those few moments to my father and my friend. But ________.


1) I can.

2) I don’t want to.

3) I can’t.

11. Secure in the knowledge he is doing the right thing, he never expects gratitude in return for his efforts and needs no one to commend him.請選出這句子的主要結構。

1) Secure in the knowledge….

2) He is doing the right thing….

3) He never expects gratitude for his efforts and needs no one to commend him.

12. The most you may do, if the waiter is very busy, is to fill their water glasses and bring them bread, telling them their waiter will be right with them. 下面哪一段是這句子最主要的主詞?

1) the most you may do 2) you may do

3) the waiter

13. Plowing through the process of gathering documents and getting approved, I began to feel an impatient, selfish longing for an infant I didn’t yet know, the one who would become my daughter.


1) Plowing through the process …, 2) I began to feel…

3) The one who…

14. Plowing through the process of gathering documents and getting approved, I began to feel an impatient, selfish longing for an infant I didn’t yet know, the one who would become my daughter.

這段話裡的 I didn’t yet know 用來形容哪一部份?

1) an infant

2) an impatient, selfish longing 3) the process

15. Plowing through the process of gathering documents and getting approved, I began to feel an impatient, selfish longing for an infant I didn’t yet know, the one who would become my daughter.

這段話裡的 the one 是代名詞,用來代替哪一部份?

1) I 2) an infant


3) documents

16. My brother Michael and I meet at our father’s office with gifts for him—ours and our brother Ron’s. 這句子裡的 ours and our brother Ron’s 用來說明哪一部份?

1) gifts

2) father’s office 3) Michael

17. 下面用括號來表示 and 的連接,哪一句才是對的?

1) His neighbors (would offer the usual candy) and (fruit) to his children, who stood around him all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys.

2) His neighbors (would offer) the usual candy and (fruit to his children), who stood around him all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys.

3) His neighbors would offer the usual (candy) and (fruit) to his children, who stood around him all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys.

18. 下面句子包含一個形容詞子句和一個過去分詞片語,哪一種括法,才可以看出形容詞子句 和過去分詞片語?

1) His neighbors would offer the usual candy and fruit to his children, {who stood around him [all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys]}.

2) His neighbors would offer the usual candy and fruit to{his children, who stood around him [all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys]}.

3) His neighbors would offer the usual candy and fruit to his children, {who stood around him [all dressed up] as little angels or monsters or cowboys}.

19. His neighbors would offer the usual candy and fruit to his children, who stood around him all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys. 這句子有一個形容詞子句,它是用來修飾哪 一部份?

1) candy and fruit 2) his children 3) his neighbors

20. 下面句子包含了兩個附屬子句,用括號表示,哪一種括法才能表現出來?

1) I think about the {children who will be giftless at a time [when the whole world appears to be exchanging presents]}.

2) I think about the children {who will be giftless [at a time when the whole world appears to be exchanging presents]}.

3) I think about the children {who will be giftless at a time [when the whole world appears to be exchanging presents]}.

二、 簡答題(閱讀測驗) 40%,每格 4 分


Abbey: Did they have Halloween then? Maybe he threw a Halloween party and came as a goat. Hey, look! I think our waiting is over now. Isn’t that our waitress coming with our food now?

Faith: That’s her, thank God.

Judy: That’s almost the name of this restaurant! Doesn’t “TGIF” mean “Thank God It’s Friday”?

Jerry: Another reminder of Robinson Crusoe! What a coincidence! The name of the native that first found Robinson Crusoe on his island was “Friday.”

1. Abbey 說的哪一句話,是用來進一步說明 I think our waiting is over now.請完整抄寫出 來。(寫英文)___________

2. Jerry 說的 Another reminder of Robinson Crusoe!是用來回應 Judy 的哪一句話?請完整 抄寫出來。(寫英文)___________

3. 請把說明 Friday 身分的哪一段英文抄寫出來?(寫英文)___________

4. Jerry 說 “What a coincidence!”是指哪一件事是一個巧合?(寫中文即可)____________


根據課本第二十課 Is It Chinese to Say “Thank you”?:


5. 請簡單敘述持反對意見讀者來信的主要內容。(寫中文即可)_____________

6. 作者在文章最後提到自己才是該說謝謝的人,為什麼?(寫中文即可)___________


But St. Nick has taught me a thing or two. The greatest gift giver of them all sustains the wonder of Christmas by concealing his true identity. He signs his cards, “Santa, North Pole.” Likewise, the return address on my gift will humbly say the same.

7. 從這段話裡,可以看出作者打算寫些什麼,來做為禮物上寄件人的住址?(抄寫英文)



根據課本第二十八課 A Gift to My Father:

8. Ronald Reagan 的女兒為什麼送她爸爸一個 snow globe?請用中文簡單敘述。________


根據課本第三十課 Just Desserts:作者是一個八十幾歲的老太太,她在文章最後提到 My life now is my dessert, the whipped cream of leisure I was longing for.

9. 為什麼她會這樣說?請用中文簡單敘述重點。(寫中文即可)_____________


Chester: Oh really! She must be special, if you call her “Great.”

Burton: What? Oh. Great Aunt Lillian is something special, but she is hardly great, in the usual sense of the word. “Great” here simply indicates the way I am related to her.

10. 從這段對話裡,可以知道 Chester 把 Great Aunt Lillian 的“Great”想成是哪一個英文字的



一、選擇題 60% (每題三分)

1.(p228) 3) 學費

2.(p255) 1) 不讓自己在島上裸體

3.(p302) 3) 媽媽只找到足夠的錢買火雞餐 4. (p349) 2) 經營

5. (p351) 2) 從頭訓練你 6. (p253) 1) faster 7. (p252) 2) reading 8. (p230). 3) sending

9. (p366) 2) No, I guess we don’t. How long is the wait?

10. (p318) 3) I can’t.

11. (p305) 3) He never expects gratitude for his efforts and needs no one to commend him.

12. (p354) 1) the most you may do 13. (p329) 2) I began to feel…

14. (p329) 1) an infant 15. (p329) 2) an infant 16. (p316) 1) gifts

17. (p254) 3) His neighbors would offer the usual (candy) and (fruit) to his children, who stood around him all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys.

18. (p254) 1) His neighbors would offer the usual candy and fruit to his children, {who stood around him [all dressed up as little angels or monsters or cowboys]}.

19. (p254) 2) his children

20. (p305) 3) I think about the children {who will be giftless at a time [when the whole world appears to be exchanging presents]}.


二、簡答題(閱讀測驗) 40% (每題四分)

題目一 (p247)

1.(寫英文) Isn’t that our waitress coming with our food now?

2.(寫英文) Doesn’t “TGIF” mean “Thank God It’s Friday”?

3.(寫英文) (that) first found Robinson Crusoe on his island 4.(寫中文即可) 餐廳名稱和原著民的名字都是 Friday

題目二 (p236)

5.(寫中文即可) 中國人不善對自己人說謝謝,中國人只對外國人或陌生人說謝謝。

6.(寫中文即可) 身為一個外國人離鄉背井,需要很多協助,而確實也從周遭的中國 同事、學生、同仁上得到很多幫忙,所以應該說謝謝。

題目三 (p305)

7.(抄寫英文) Santa, North Pole 題目四 (p315)

8.(寫中文) 因為爸爸在她小時候,跟她敘述冬天的景象,讓她充滿想像。她送

snow globe 給爸爸,也是想激起爸爸的回憶及想像。

題目五 (p339)

9.(寫中文即可) 作者一生忙碌,到了八十歲總算有閒暇可以過自己想要過的日子了,

所以老太太以為:This is my time to enjoy the quietness of just being, of stopping to look and feel and think, of indulging myself. Time for myself at last.

題目六 (p379)

10.(寫英文) special



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