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A Research of the Development of Trade Union Confederations in Central Taiwan 謝傳民、朱寶青


Academic year: 2022

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A Research of the Development of Trade Union Confederations in Central Taiwan 謝傳民、朱寶青

E-mail: 9315924@mail.dyu.edu.tw


  This thesis is intended to discuss over the development of the trade union confederations in central Taiwan, and hopes to seek a feasible method to improve the current trade union alliance and to become an important social power to promote the standard and quality of living of laborers with decent trade union culture.   First of all, this thesis talks about the tendency and the relationship of governmental policy and the united labor movement under the social change. Hopefully, try to explore the influence on central Taiwan. The data the thesis adopts are in two parts: the past reference data, and the recorded visiting data. The first part is focused on the theoretical analysis of the influence on central Taiwan. The rest includes talks with union leaders: topics on trade union organizations, political and economic change, and the united labor development in central to explore the possible tendency in the social change..   Before 1984, Taiwan society delineated by democratic movement period can be divided into two periods: the first is early democratic period which emphasizes order” and the later period which emphasizes “stability”. It is caused by a compulsory integration or superior dominating power over the people’s the opinion expression , In the past, the union operation could keep an long-standing peace and stability was because of the execution of the Martial Law.   The KMT established a protective control mechanism that originally had the view of 「keeping stability, propelling the economic development」, not only strengthened the unequal relation between labor and management, but also let the convergence of workers collective sense and

“union’s independent operation“2 be tortured severely.   In the years 86 to 94, in the wake of ” the lift of the Martial Law

”3 and the political democratization, united labor movements were prosperous, as had tremendous influences on Taiwan’s future society, politics, and economic development. Covered by the global economic recession, the united labor movement in Taiwan has suffered an unprecedented setback. In analyzing the relationship between the labor movement and political, economic ideological factors as well as the historical background, “social mutation “4and internal dilemma, also because of the existing special social condition, the thesis is focused on the labor movement issues therein.   The lift of the Martial Law is no doubt the biggest social and political innovation in Taiwan, as incurred the social change. This change has caused more impact in central Taiwan

labor-management relationship. That is, labor’s nature, business corporation and labor-management dispute will accordingly be changed. The governmental labor policy was forced to change from “authoritative control” to “democratic agreement”.

Meanwhile, trade union leaders hoped the government to present more policy security. On the other hand, because of the deepening of social democracy, laborers asked the government to decrease control. By virtue of the retrospection of domestic and international labor union development, it gives us a possibility to find out a feasible way to improve the union development. The goal the

government and both labor and management pursued is to have a harmonious labor-management relationship.   By way of the inchoation of independent trade unions, the horizontal alliance among unions will certainly increase. Among others, the union leaders should have a deep recognition about social democracy and its practice then commit to promote the quality of union leaders.

In addition, there should be internal retrospection and improvement so as to guarantee the success of trade union confederation. It is still necessary for laborers to study theories and to struggle in getting the spring of laborers and decent union culture.

Keywords : the Development of Trade Union Confederations ; union’s independent operation ; the lift of the Martial Law ; social mutation

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 ……… iii 中文摘要 ………

……… iv 英文摘要 ……… vi 誌謝 ………

……… ix 目錄 ……… x 圖目錄 ………

………… xii 表目錄 ……… xiii 第一章 緒論………

……… 1  第一節 前言……… 1 第二節 研究動機………

………… 5 第三節 研究目的……… 7 第四節 研究流程………

…… 8 第五節 章節安排……… 10 第二章 文獻探討………

… 12 第一節 台灣的工會運動發展史……… 12 第二節 中部地區之政治經濟環境分析與地方工會發展 簡 史……… 19 第三節 工會組織經營與發展問題之探討……… 27 第三章 研究


方法……… 36 第一節 研究前架構(分析架構)……… 36 第二節 研究 對象……… 38 第三節 研究設計……… 39 第四節 研究限 制……… 45 第四章 研究分析……… 47 第一節 工會組 織目前碰到的問題……… 48 第二節 工會幹部對「總工會發展」有關的分析………… 49 第三節 官方對「

總工會發展」有關的分析……… 76 第四節 未來的對策-組織與發展……… 92 第五章 結論與建議

……… 103 第一節 結論……… 103 第二節 建議……

……… 107 第三節 未來之研究……… 109 參考文獻 ………

……… 110 一、中文部分……… 110 二、英文部分

……… 118 圖目錄 圖1-1 本研究流程圖……… 9 圖2-1 傳統總工會組織變遷情形……… 28 圖2-2 自主性工會組織變遷情形……… 29 圖2-3 中部地區工會結構圖……… 31 表目錄 表1-1 各級工會數及會員數、組織率………

…… 3 表1-2 工會及會員數─以各級工會分……… 4 表2-1 台灣地區中彰縣市重要統計指標:工商業概況類…

23 表2-2 台灣地區中彰縣市重要統計指標:勞資爭議案件 類……… 25 表2-3 全國 性總工會概況……… 28 表3-1 總工會發展的研究前架框……… 37 表3-2 訪談對 象簡介……… 38 表3-3 探索性研究特性列表……… 40 表4-1 總工會發 展之分析……… 47 表4-2 工會幹部訪談內容的分析……… 48 表4-3 工會幹部「

總工會發展問題」的分析……… 50 表4-4 工會幹部「總工會發展對策」的分析……… 63 表4-5 官方「總工會 發展問題」的分析……… 77 表4-6 官方「總工會發展對策」的分析……… 84 表4-7 研究後框架……

……… 93 表4-8 官方「中部地區總工會發展問題」有關的分析…… 94 表4-9 官方「中部地區總 工會發展對策」有關的分析…… 96 表4-10 工會幹部「中部地區總工會發展問題」有關的分析 98 表4-11 工會幹部「中部地 區總工會發展對策」有關的分析 100 【附件一】中部地區各縣市 工會組織現況表……… 119


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