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A Study of the Financial Crisis for the Listed Companies in Taiwan Electronic Industry 姚美秀、唐啟發


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Financial Crisis for the Listed Companies in Taiwan Electronic Industry 姚美秀、唐啟發

E-mail: 9601158@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The study companies aimed the stock listed company in electronic industry as the target. The main purpose is to build a predictable enterprise financial crisis pre-warming model to benchmark if there are any significant differences between financial crisis company and healthy company for one to three years before the crisis occurred. By it analyzes the reasons on why the crisis occurred and the ways to evaluate before it happened in order to help the company to have a better internal management system and to reduce the financial problems. 12 companies with financial crisis had been selected and compare with 24 healthy companies from year 2000 to year 2005 as the study area. The financial crisis pre-warming model is built by studying the direction of these indexes in problem companies. Another group of companies had been selected as the testing samples for this model, by input the financial index of these selected 8 problem companies and 16 healthy companies as comparison from Jan to Nov 2006. To built this model not just from the structure of the financial system but also use the research include descriptive statistic and regression to build the financial crisis pre-warming model in electronic industry. The result shows: the ability of paying debt model has the best predictable ability.

Keywords : Financial crisis, Financial Crisis Early Warning Model, Logit Regression Analysis, Ability of pay debt Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書... iii 中文摘要... v 英文摘要... vi 誌 謝... vii 目錄 ... viii 圖目錄... x 表目

錄... ix 第一章 緒論... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機... 1 第二節 研究目 的... 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制... 3 第四節 研究流程... 8 第五節 論文架 構... 9 第六節 名詞解釋... 10 第二章 文獻探討... 13 第一節 財務危機的定 義... 13 第二節 財務危機之因素... 16 第三節 財務危機預警模型... 20 第四節 財務報表 分析的構面... 24 第三章 研究方法... 31 第一節 研究架構... 31 第二節 研究期間與 樣本...32 第三節 研究假說... 40 第四節 研究方法理論探討... 41 第五節 變數定 義... 45 第四章 實證分析... 49 第一節 ?述性統計分析... 49 第二節 財務危機公 司預警模型之建構... 56 第三節 假說檢定... 83 第四節 Logit迴歸模型之驗證... 86 第五章 結 論與建議... 107 第一節 結論... 107 第二節 建議... 107 參考文

獻... 109 一、中文部份... 109 二、英文部份... 113 附 錄... 116 附錄一... 116 附錄二... 120 附錄 三... 126


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