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Examining the Link between Control Mechanism and Employee Deviance: Evidence from Taiwan and Mainland China 簡谷伊、吳孟玲


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Examining the Link between Control Mechanism and Employee Deviance: Evidence from Taiwan and Mainland China


E-mail: 9701159@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Previous studies on workplace interpersonal deviance have focused on either organization- or individual level analysis. This multilevel study examined the effect of low self control, ethical ideology, social control, abusive supervision, and organizational justice on interpersonal deviance using a sample of 668 employees from Taiwan and Mainland China. The results for the Taiwan sample indicated that low self control and procedural justice is significantly associated with interpersonal deviance. Additionally, the results for the China sample indicated that idealism, informal social control, and interactive justice is significantly associated with interpersonal deviance. The contributions of this study as well as the managerial implications are discussed.

Keywords : interpersonal deviance ; self control ; ethical ideology ; social control ; abusive supervision ; organizational justice Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ...................... iii 英文摘要 ...............

....... iv 誌謝詞  ...................... v 內容目錄 ............

.......... vi 表目錄  ...................... vii 圖目錄  ........

.............. viii 第一章  緒論.................... 1 第二章  文獻探討

.................. 4   第一節  人際偏差行為.............. 4   第二節   低度自我控制與人際偏差行為 ...... 5   第三節  個人倫理與人際偏差行為 ........ 6   第四 節  社會控制與人際偏差行為......... 7   第五節  不當監督與人際偏差行為......... 8    第六節  組織正義與人際偏差行為......... 9 第三章  研究方法.................

. 12   第一節  研究架構................ 12   第二節  問卷發放與問卷回收......

..... 12   第三節  操作性定義............... 13   第四節  研究分析.......

......... 16 第四章  研究結果.................. 17 第五章  結論.......

............. 22   第一節  研究結論................ 22   第二節  管理意 涵................ 26   第三節  研究限制與建議............. 26 參考文獻 .

..................... 28 REFERENCES

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