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Academic year: 2022

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中一級 中國歷史科 教學設計示例



Unity and Diversity of Chinese Cultures (e.g. Yangshao Culture and Liangzhu Culture) and the Progress of the Chinese People

(Zhonghua minzu)

一.建議教節:6 節 二.預期學習成果:


1. 了解中國人有本身的人種演變過程,並非由非洲或其他遷徙而來的。(知


2. 掌握中華大地上有不同的文化體系,但最終融匯為具多元特色的中華文 化。(知識內容)

3. 認識「中華民族」是指中華人民共和國境內獲得認定的 56 個民族的統 稱。(知識內容)

4. 透過閱讀文字資料、地圖、圖像、網頁等,比較異同,分析史事。(知


5. 欣賞中華民族多元一體的特色。(情意、態度)


1. 因應非華語學生的中文能力,工作紙較多圖像,部分題目輔以英文,協 助學生理解內容。

2. 題型包括剔選、選擇、配對、填充等。思考題可因應學生的語文程度,


3. 教師可按學生學習情況加入討論環節,以增加學生之間的互動。

4. 教師可鼓勵學生瀏覽相關網頁,提升學習興趣。

5. 教師教授課題時,除教授相關史實外,亦須指導學生認識中國的文明和 文化,促進他們認識中國文化的特質。

6. 教師可因應學生的程度而選取適合的部份或教學活動施教。




內容重點 流程 相關教材


中國人的起源 及傳說

1. 講解關鍵詞;

2. 通過中國傳說及郵票,讓學生了解中國人 起源;

3. 運用考古發現及圖像,說明有關人類起源 的說法;

4. 透過考古發現及圖像,證明亞洲人也有自 己進化的歷程。




課節二至三 舊石器時代:

祿豐古猿、北 京猿人及山頂 洞人

1. 透過三大重要考古發現、圖像及文字資 料,解釋中國人的由來;

2. 使用地圖說明世界古猿頭骨化石的分 佈,從而讓學生明白現今中國人的祖先,


3. 通過圖像、時間線及其他資料介紹祿豐古 猿、北京猿人、山頂洞人,讓學生了解舊 石器時代的特徵。







工作紙 課節四至五


仰韶文化及良 渚文化

1. 運用地圖,說明新石器時代中國主要的不 同文化圈;

2. 透過考古發現、圖像及其他資料介紹仰韶 文化及良渚文化,讓學生掌握新石器時代 的特徵。




工作紙 課節六

香港地區的新 石器時期考古 發現及中華民 族的演進

1. 透過考古發現、圖像及文字資料,了解「馬 灣人」是香港的先民;

2. 利用圖像及瀏覽網頁認識香港新石器時 代出土的文物;

3. 運用地圖及圖像,說明中華民族的演進。





工作紙 備註:

1. 學校可參考本教學計劃以調適課程,配合學生的需要;

2. 可因應學生的中文程度而刪去或減少當中的英文句子或詞彙;

3. 可同時參考課程發展處所出版的其他教材或為本課綱準備的其他示例;

4. 可考慮向學生提供更多全方位學習的經驗,如到內地考察、參觀博物館 等等。


XXX 中學

中一級 中國歷史科課堂工作紙


Unity and Diversity of Chinese Cultures (e.g. Yangshao Culture and Liangzhu Culture) and the Progress of the Chinese People (Zhonghua minzu) 姓名 Name:________________ 成績 Grade:_____/_____

班別 Class:__________( ) 批改日期 Date of Marking:


1. 中國人的起源及傳說。Origins and legends of the Chinese People.

2. 舊石器時代:祿豐古猿、北京猿人及山頂洞人。Old Stone Age: Lufengpithecus

lufengensis, Peking Man and Upper Cave Man.

3. 新石器時代:仰韶文化及良渚文化。New Stone Age: Yangshao culture and Liangzhu culture.

4. 香港地區的新石器時期考古發現及中華民族的演進。 Hong Kong: New Stone Age archaeological findings and the progress of the Chinese People.

一. 本節關鍵詞 (Key Terms)

1 二. Pangu 盤古(pun4 gu2)

2 三. Nüwa 女媧(neoi5 wo1)

四. 3 五. Java Man 爪哇人(zaau2 waa1 jan4)

4 六. Old Stone Age 舊石器時代(gau6 sek6 hei3 si4 doi6)


Lufengpithecus lufengensis

祿豐古猿(luk6 fung1 gu2 jyun4) 6 Peking Man 北京猿人(bak1 ging1 jyun4 jan4) 7 Upper Cave Man 山頂洞人 (saan1 deng2 dung6 jan4) 8 七. New Stone Age 新石器時代(san1 sek6 hei3 si4


9 八. Yangshao culture 仰韶文化(joeng5 siu4 man4 faa3) 10 九. Liangzhu culture 良渚文化(loeng4 zyu2 man4 faa3) 11 十. Ma Wan People 馬灣人(maa5 waan1 jan4)

12 Chinese People (Zhonghua minzu) 中華民族(zung1 waa4 man4 zuk6)



二. 本節概要 (Key Points of the Chapter) 中國人有本身的人種演變過程,並非由非 洲或其他遷徙而來的。

Chinese people had a development process of their own and did not arrive from Africa or other lands.

中華大地上有不同的文化體系,但最終融 匯為具多元特色的中華文化。

Chinese lands had different cultural systems, but most ended up combining into a Chinese culture with diverse characteristics.

「中華民族」是指中華人民共和國境內獲 得認定的 56 個民族的統稱。

“Chinese People” refers to the Chinese people within the borders of China along with overseas Chinese. It is a collective term that includes 56 ethnic groups.


課節一:(一)中國人的起源及傳說 Origins and legends of the Chinese People

I. 傳說中的中國人起源 Legends of the Origins of Chinese People


Where do humans come from? Ancient Chinese people come from two related legends: Pangu and Nüwa.

資料一:Source A:


把殼打開一條裂縫,再高舉雙手頂著殼頂用力撐開,於是,天和地便分開,形 成了「世界」。

A male god named Pangu woke up and discovered he was trapped in an eggshell. So Pangu took up an axe and cracked the egg with it. Then he raised both arms above his head and forcefully pushed the egg apart. So, heaven and earth were separated.

They became the “world”.

資料二:Source B:



After a number of years, a goddess named Nüwa felt the earth lacked life. So she ran to the edge of the pond, stared at her own reflection and used yellow mud to knead together “humans”.



1. 這是 1987 年中國郵政發行的「中國古代傳說」中的兩款郵票,你能分別指 出盤古和女媧嗎?In 1987, the China Post issued two stamps on the theme of

“Legends of Ancient China”. Can you tell which is Pangu and which is Nüwa?

2. 你的族裔對人類起源有什麼神話傳說?請你用兩分鐘向同學介紹。

What legends does your ethnicity have about human origin(s)? Please spend two minutes introducing these legends to your classmates.

II. 考古發掘下的人類起源 Archaeological Findings on Human Origins

有些相信進化論的科學家認為,人類進化的最重要部分是腦袋的擴大,所以早 期的考古學發掘,以頭骨化石作為重點。

According to evolutionary theorists, the most important part of human development was brain enlargement. Therefore, early archaeologists excavated fossils of skulls and focused on them.

這是 This is:盤古 Pangu 這是 This is:女媧 Nüwa


資料三:頭蓋骨化石 Source C: fossils of skulls

Source: Wikipedia: Neanderthal 1

資料四:人類進化的歷程 Source D: Human evolution

資料五:在以後的數十年,愈來愈多人類頭骨化石在非洲出土,科學家開始懷 疑人類的起源是來自非洲,早期出現在亞洲的人類,便是自非洲遷徙到來的。

Source E: In the next few decades, more and more fossils of human skulls in Africa were dug up. Scientists began to suspect humans came from Africa and when

humans emerged in Asia, they had migrated there from Africa.

1856 年,德國的尼安德塔河谷(Neander Valley)地區發 現一個頭蓋骨化石,腦容量介乎於猿猴和人類之間,眉骨 卻較現代人為大。科學家認為是人類進化的其中一個「證 據」。

In 1856, a fossil of a skull was found in Neander Valley in Germany. The volume of the brain was between that of monkeys and humans. The browbone was also receded far more than the modern human. Scientists believe this is one of the “evidences” of human evolution.



腦容量約相當於 現代人的 2/3。

Brain capacity was 2/3 of that of a modern human.

身高約 173 cm。腿骨較現代人粗壯,說明已經是直立行走,

而且有長期奔跑的習慣。His height was around 173 cm. His thigh bone was thicker than that of a modern person, suggesting he could already stand upright and walk, and even had habits of running for long periods.

前額和下巴後縮,是 原始人的一般特徵。

Forehead and jaw pulled back. This was a typical characteristic of early humans.

III. 爪哇人 Java Man

資料六:爪哇人 Source F: Java Man

世界各地不少古人類的考古遺址,顯示不同地方均有人類活動的痕跡,其中爪哇人的發現有特別的意義。1891 年,考古學家 在爪哇發現古人猿骸骨化石,斷定是距今 70 萬至 100 萬年前的猿人化石。這個發現,證明亞洲人也有自己進化的歷程。

Everywhere across the world, there are many ancient human archaeological sites, showing that different places all equally had traces of human activities. The discovery of the Java Man was particularly special. In 1891, archaeologists at Java discovered fossils of ancient human skeletal remains. They concluded these fossils were 700,000 to 1,000,000 years old. This discovery proves Asians also had their own history of development.


名:北京猿人 Name: Peking Man 地點:北京周口店 Location:

Zhoukoudian, Beijing

年代:50 萬年前 Era: 500,000 years ago

發現年份 Date of discovery:1929 備註:頭蓋骨化石在 1941 年抗日戰 爭期間遺失,此圖是模型。

Note: skull fossil, lost during the Sino-Japanese War in 1941, this is a replica.

名:山頂洞人 Name: Upper Cave Man

地點:北京周口店 Location:

Zhoukoudian, Beijing

年代:2 萬年前 Era: 20,000 years ago 發現年份 Date of Discovery:1934 備註:三顆完整頭骨化石在 1941 年 抗日戰爭期間遺失,此圖是模型。

Note: 3 intact skull fossils, lost during the Sino-Japanese War in 1941, this is a replica.

名:祿豐古猿 Name: Lufengpithecus lufengensis

地點:雲南省祿豐縣 Location: Lufeng county, Yunnan province 年代:800 萬年前 Era: 8 million years ago

發現年份 Date of Discovery:1978

備註:完整頭骨化石,但已被岩石泥層壓扁。Note: complete skull

北京周口店 Zhoukoudian, Beijing

課節二至三:(二)舊石器時代:祿豐古猿、北京猿人、山頂洞人 Old Stone Age: Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Peking Man, Upper Cave Man

資料一:中國人的由來:三大重要考古發現 Source A: Origins of Chinese Peoples: Three Important Archaeological Discoveries

雲南祿豐 Lufeng, Yunnan



1. 請將以上三大發現的資料填寫在有關的空格內。Please use the three big discoveries of the last page to fill in the blanks

I. 祿豐古猿

Lufengpithecus lufengensis

資料二:祿豐古猿生活的年代(800 萬年前),冰河時期的地球,氣候異常寒冷,

導致樹葉和果實減少。部分猿猴開始離開樹上,在平原覓食。但平原的猛獸很 多,其中劍齒虎最為兇惡。為了生存,有猿猴開始多用雙腿行走,祿豐猿猴便 是其中的一種。

Source B: Lufengpithecus lufengensis lived 8 million ago. This was the world of the Ice Age. The climate was exceptionally cold, leading to less tree leaves and fruit being available. Some apes began to leave the trees and foraged on the ground. But there were many predators on the ground. Saber-toothed cats were the most

threatening. In order to survive, some apes began to use both legs to run.

Lufengpithecus lufengensis was one of the first types.

名稱:祿豐古猿 Name:

Lufengpithecus lufengensis 距今:800 萬年 Years ago: 8 million

名稱:山頂洞人 Name: Upper Caveman 距今:2 萬年 Years Ago: 20,000 名稱:北京猿人

Name: Peking Man

距今:50 萬年 Years Ago:




Lufengpithecus lufengensis

資料三:祿豐古猿 Source C: Lufengpithecus lufengensis

2. 為什麼利用兩腿行走,在平原生活會安全一點?

Why was it safer to run on two legs on the ground?


Widened field of vision to sense potential danger far away.



資料四:祿豐古猿 Source D: Lufengpithecus lufengensis 3. 想一想:古猿進化後,生活上會有什麼改善?

Think: Any improvements in life when Lufengpithecus lufengensis evolved?



The upright Lufengpithecus lufengensis could raise up both arms, carry weapons, and hunt.

To run faster and chase prey, their legs developed to be particularly strong.





祿豐 Lufeng


Source E: Global Distribution Map of Ancient Ape Skull Fossils

參考《中華文明傳 真》,第一冊,頁 13。

4. 世界古猿化石的發現,大致可以分佈在歐洲、非洲、印度和中國四處,請在 下列的空格填上這四個地區:

The discoveries of the ancient ape fossils across the globe can be roughly divided into Europe, Africa, India and China. Please write these four locations in the below blanks:

A: 非洲 Africa B: 歐洲 Europe C: 印度 India D:中國 China

小結 Conclusion:

由此可見,現今中國人的祖先,是由本地的古猿進化出來,而非由外地遷徙過 來的。

From this you may see that the ancestors of todays Chinese people developed from local ancient apes and not foreign migrants.



由於脊骨直立,頭部不用向前,聲帶得 到進化,發展出語言。Due to the straight spine, the head did not need to jut

forwards. So, vocal chords developed together with language.

手指進一步發展,可以更加靈巧地使用 工具。Fingers developed further and tools could be used more skillfully.

行走時脊骨 直立,北京猿 人是正式的 直立人。

When walking, the spine was straight and upright. The Peking Man was the first officially upright human.

II. 北京人 Peking Man


Source F: The differences between Lufengpithecus lufengensis and Peking Man

800 萬年前 8 million years ago


Lufengpithecus lufengensis

50 萬年前 500,000 years ago 北京猿人 Peking Man

北京猿人的平均年齡只 得 14 歲!The average lifespan of the Peking Man was only 14 years!


5. 你認為北京猿人身體上較祿豐古猿在什麼地方進步?請在下列各項選取你 認為對的,加上號。答案可多於一個。Which part of the upper body of the Peking Man improved compared to Lufengpithecus lufengensis? Please select below what you think is correct and put a . There may be more than one correct answer.

☑ 手部能靈活運用工具 Hands can flexibly move and use tools

☑ 懂得運用語言 Understand how to use language

☑ 脊骨直立,雙腿步行更有力 Spine was straight and upright. Both legs were stronger for walking.

 不怕寒冷 Not afraid of the cold

☑ 體格更強健 Stronger physique



6. 北京猿人已經懂得以下四件事情,請你找出來,在方格的右上角加上號。

There are four images representing what Peking Man already know. Please find them and put a  in the box.

北京猿人還未懂得自己生火,他們是從自然界中(如自雷電而來的山火)取得 火種,小心保存,再用火把食物燒熟。The Peking Man did not know how to start a fire yet. They obtained it from the natural world (such as hill fires started from thunder and lightning), carefully preserved it, and then used the fire to cook food.

製作精美飾物,需要高超的技術,北京猿人還未到這個水平。Making beautiful accessories required a high skill level. The Peking Man had not yet reached this level.

取火 Start Fire

把肉類燒熟才進食 Cook food before eating


Make beautiful accessories

打製簡單的石器 Make simple stone tools

住在天然的山洞內 Live in natural caves

將火種保存 Maintain Fire

✔ ✔ ✔


III. 山頂洞人 Upper Cave Man

資料七:山頂洞人的發現。在發現北京猿人的附近,考古學家發現了另一個年 代距離我們更近的古人類遺址。遺址洞穴位於山頂,所以稱為「山頂洞」。

Source G: The Discovery of Upper Cave Man. Near the site of discovery of the Peking Man, archaeologists also discovered the origins of the ancient people of a more recent era. The cave ruins were found at the top of mountains and so they were named “Upper Cave Man”.

7. 下圖有什麼地方顯示山頂洞人較北京人先進?試圈出答案。答案可多於一 個。

In these drawings, what aspects are shown where the Upper Cave Man is more sophisticated than the Peking Man? May more than one answer.

懂狩獵 / 懂生火 / 懂鑽孔 / 懂葬禮 / 懂縫紉 / 懂建屋 knowing how to hunt/ knowing how to start a fire/

knowing how to bore hole / knowing how to hold a funeral/

knowing how to sew/ knowing how to build a house





Source H: The life of Upper Cave man. According to these discoveries, scientists reconstructed the lives and appearance of the Upper Cave Man. Some artists

rendered these into drawings.

1. 懂得生火 Knows how to start fires

2. 在魚骨上鑽孔,成 為骨針,縫紉獸皮作 衣服。Bored hole on a fishbone, to make a bone needle, and sewed animal leather clothing.


3. 鑽孔技術是山頂洞人的超級技術,

在石卵、貝殼、甚至動物(如狐狸、獾 和鹿)的牙齒鑽孔,以植物做的繩子穿 起來,便成飾物。Hole boring technology was the super technique of Upper Cave Man. Holes were bored on rocks, shells, and even the bones and teeth of animals (for example foxes, badgers and deer).

With plants, a thread was made to wear these as jewellery.

4. 山頂洞人設有葬區,考古學家發現屍體化石上 多被撒上紅色鐵礦粉,懷疑是埋葬時進行過某種 儀式。如果是真的,那麼山頂洞人已經發展了信 仰,而鐵礦粉是代表了某種祈求。Upper Cave Man had burial grounds. Archaeologists discovered many fossils of corpses had red iron powder scattered on top. They suspected it was part of a burial ceremony.

If this is true, the Upper Cave Man had already developed religion and the iron ore powder represented some kind of prayer.




8. 位於北京的周口店遺址博物館有很豐富關於北京人及山頂洞人的展品,可瀏 覽該博物館網站,提供雙語內容。

The Museum of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site at Beijing has many exhibits about the Peking Man and the Upper Cave Man. You can browse this museum website, which provides bilingual content:

http://www.zkd.cn/(官網升級維護中 under maintenance)

9. 有關山頂洞人的介紹,可看這個片段(普通話)

Regarding Upper Cave Man introduction, you may look at this video (Mandarin):

https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dz411i79J?spm_id_from=333.905.b_75705669 64656f.5




10.活動 Activity:


Do It Yourself: My image as an early human in Old Stone Age 製作步驟 Instructions:

第一步:找一張自己的照片 Step One: Find an image of yourself 第二步:把不同的紙張和素材,連同照片,貼在一張底紙上。

Step Two: Stick different sheets of paper as well as your photo onto a piece of backing paper.


Conclusion: The Old Stone Age has the following characteristics:

1.住在天然的山洞內。Live in natural caves.

2.已懂得取火。Already know how to make fire.

3.有骨針,顯示有縫紉能力。Have bone needles and can sew.

4.能打製粗糙的石器。Can forge crude stone tools.


山頂洞人的三個頭骨 3 Upper Caveman Skulls

11. 這些頭骨,都屬於舊石器時代,請你將它們配對圖中 A、B、C 的三個時段。

These skulls all belong to the Old Stone Age, please match them to the diagrams A, B, and C time periods

距今 1 萬年前 10,000 Years Ago 距今 1 千萬年前

10 million years ago

被地層壓扁了的祿 豐古猿頭骨 Stratum crushed

Lufengpithecus lufengensis skull

北京猿人頭蓋骨 Peking Man Skull

2 萬 年前 800 萬


50 萬

年前 New Stone Age

Old Stone Age

20,000 years ago 500,000

years ago 8 million

years ago



課節四至五:(三)新石器時代的來臨 Origins of the New Stone Age 1. 想一想:新石器時代與舊石器時代有什麼不同?


耕種,並飼養牲畜;製作陶器。The New Stone Age refers to the humans of that era already possessing the following technologies: leaving caves and building houses to live in, farming and raising livestock and making tools.

資料一:新石器時代文化分佈圖 Source A: Map of Cultural Regions of the New Stone Age


2. 新石器時代,在中國不同地方都出現,形成不同的文化圈。請利用上圖,列 出主要文化圈的地域:The New Stone Age in China appeared in different places, becoming different cultures. Please use this map to find out the location of the main cultures:

地域 Area 文化圈 Cultural sphere 文化圈 Cultural sphere 華北 Northern China 仰韶文化 Yangshao


龍山文化 Longshan culture

華中 Central China 良渚文化 Liangzhu culture



I. 仰韶文化 Yangshao culture

資料二:仰韶文化村落 Source B: Yangshao culture village

人類由狩獵和採集轉至農業,世界因此出現第一代的農夫。仰韶文化主要農作 物是適合北方生長的小米。

Humans turned from hunter-gatherers to farmers, creating the first generation of farmers. Yangshao farming culture was suitable mainly for millet.


Left caves and used branches and sticks to make houses near their fields.

人們需要多樣性的器皿去盛載種子和農作物等,舊有的石器既笨重而且打製費 時,於是開始利用泥土燒製陶器使用。

People needed a lot of houseware to carry seeds and crops. Before, they had stone tools. But since stone was cumbersome and forging was time consuming, they began to use fired clay pottery.


Old Stone Age humans already understood how to use fire. By the time of the New Stone Age, they began to use pottery to make cooking utensils.



Archaeologists according to the discoveries at the Xi’an Banpo archaeological site restated the human lives of the New Stone Age.

3. 試從提供的文字中, 選取適當的詞語填寫在 空格內。From this provided text try to select suitable phrases 採集 Harvest 墓地 Cemetery 狩獵 Hunt 捕魚 Catch fish 製作陶器

Made Pottery

打製石器 Made stone tools

小米種植 Millet growing 陶器作炊具

Pottery made Cooking utensils


Use wood to build houses 捕魚 Catch fish 墓地 Cemetery

採集 Harvest 狩獵Hunt

製作陶器 Made Pottery

打製石器 Made stone tools 利用樹木蓋建房子

Use wood to build houses

小米種植 Millet growing


Pottery made Cooking utensils 仰韶文化村落

Yangshao Culture Village



3. 當中哪四項是新石器時代才出現的活動?試圈出答案。Which four of these items are only activities that would appear in the New Stone? Circle your answer.

墓地 Cemetery 捕魚 Catch fish

採集 Harvest 狩獵Hunt

製作陶器 Made Pottery

打製石器 Made stone tools 利用樹木蓋建房子

Use wood to build houses

小米種植 Millet growing


Pottery made Cooking utensils 仰韶文化村落

Yangshao Culture Village


資料三:仰韶文化 - 「半穴居」Source C: Yangshao culture - Half Cave 半坡遺址中發掘到仰韶文化中人們所居住的是一種稱為「半穴居」的房屋 。

「半穴居」是一種半地下結構建築。搭建時先在地面挖一個坑穴,再利用樹木 在坑穴上面搭建房子,屋頂則鋪茅草。The Yangshao culture people in the Banpo site were living in the houses called “Half Caves". The “Half Cave” was a type of half underground structure. When building, first a living space was dug out, then a house was built on the surface with thatch spread on the roof.

4. 為什麼要出現這樣的設計?請在以下適當的空格內加上✔。答案可多於一 個。Why was this design necessary? Please put a ✔ in the appropriate blank. There may be more than one correct answer.

 陷阱,捕獵野獸 Pitfall, hunting wild animals

 躲避陽光 Hide from the sun

☑ 擴大居所空間 Expand living space

 方便養豬 Convenient for raising pigs

☑ 冬天坑穴比較暖 Warmer in the winter

外觀 From the outside

地上部分 Part above ground

地下部分 Part below ground



資料四:半穴居 Source D: Half Cave



2.華北天氣寒冷,居所 的核心空間建在地下,


The “Half Cave” had two advantages:

1. Increased living space 2. Since the weather in northern China was cold, the core space of the house was

underground and able to preserve heat better.

日本同時代(繩文時 代)也流行半穴居,日 本學者稱之為「豎穴 居」。為了禦寒,全屋 表面都鋪滿茅草。

In Japan in the same era (Jōmon period), the Half Cave was also

fashionable. Japanese scholars called it a

“vertical cave”. To defend from cold, thatch was placed on top of the whole house.

江戶東京博物館藏模型,2017 年攝

A model in the Edo-Tokyo Museum, photo taken in 2017


Yangshao culture: Half Cave


資料五:仰韶文化 - 彩陶 Source E: Yangshao culture - Coloured Pottery 仰韶文化的另外一個特色是製作大量的彩陶。Another feature of Yangshao Culture is the production of a large number of coloured pottery.

1. 泥土捏成陶器

Clay was kneaded into pottery

2. 加上圖案並上色 Drawings and colour were added

3. 燒製(如不燒製,陶器沾水會 融掉)

The pottery was fired (if not fired, pottery becomes moist and melts away)

4. 燒好後,漂亮的彩色 陶器(彩陶)便出來了。

After fired, beautiful colours emerge on the pottery, making it coloured pottery.



5. 新石器時代:紙黏土製作 - 仰韶文化 New Stone Age Paper clay Objects:

Yangshao culture

考古學家在仰韶文化圈找到許多繪上魚兒的彩圖陶器。同學可以嘗試利用紙黏 土仿製一個。Archaeologists of Yangshao cultural sites found many fish drawings on pottery. You may try to use paper clay make an imitation.


第一步:把紙黏土捏成陶盤 Step 1: Knead paper clay into a bowl

第二步:在外面或裏面繪上圖案(可以是你喜歡的魚類)Step 2: Draw an image on the outside or inside (such as your favourite kind of fish)

互聯網圖片Internet Image


II. 良渚文化 Liangzhu culture

資料六:良渚文化 Source F: Liangzhu culture

良渚文化分佈在長江下游南部地區,亦即所謂「江南」。江南位處太湖地區,土地肥沃,著名城市包括杭州和蘇州。The Liangzhu culture is from the southern lower Yangzi river area, also known as Jiangnan. Jiangnan is part of the Lake Tai area and the land there is fertile. Famous cities here include Hangzhou and Suzhou.



估計宮殿區的房子規模非常宏大。The estimated sizes of the houses in the palace area were extremely large.

資料七:良渚文化 - 宮殿區 Source G: Liangzhu culture - Palace Area

宮殿區是宮殿所在,也表示這裏是國家的行政中心,反映了當時很可能已有早 期國家的形態。

整個宮殿區高 5 米,是泥土築成的人工高地,凸顯了統治者的崇高地位。

According to archaeological excavations in Liangzhu, there is an area that may be the palace area. The palace area contained a palace and indicated that this place was the central government of the state. It shows that there was a very good chance the Yangshao culture already had the form of an early country. The entire palace area was 5m high. It used earth to create a manmade high point. This gave prominence to the lofty position of rulers at a high point.


玉琮:大型玉石雕琢而 成,外方內圓,是古代 通神的器物,顯示墓主 非富則貴。Cong: Large jade sculpted into being square on the outside and round on the inside.

In ancient times, it was a device for

communicating with the gods. It shows that the person buried in this grave was wealthy and respectable.


Axe: Large axe, but since it was made with jade, it was clearly an identity symbol.

資料八:良渚文化 - 考古發現 Source H: Liangzhu culture - archaeological excavation

在良渚,考古學家在若干的墓穴內,發現大量的玉石陪葬品。由於玉石是珍貴 的石器,估計墓穴所埋葬的都是貴族。At Liangzhu, archaeologists discovered many jade funerary objects inside a number of tombs. As these jade items were all precious stone implements, they suspected that the tombs contained nobility.



可能是代表某種兇 猛的神獸!Maybe it represents some kind of ferocious mythical animal!

資料九:良渚文化 - 獸面紋玉器 Source I: Liangzhu culture - jade items were carved with animal faces


Archaeologists at the Liangzhu site discovered many jade items. Some large jade items were carved with similar animal faces.

圖片來源:王國平,《神人面獸的真像》,頁 41。

Image Source: Wang Guoping , Shenren mianshou de zhenxiang, p.41.


木柄(考古發掘時已經 腐朽)Wooden handle (when archaeologists dug it up it was already


資料十:墓葬主人 Source J: The Tomb Occupant

其中一個墓葬(反山 12 號墓),陪葬品特別多,包括兩件獨一無二的玉器。The number 12 grave contained especially numerous funerary items. It included two unique jade artifacts.


這種東西叫做「玉琮」,在良渚墓中常見,不過 本墓的玉琮特別巨大,考古學家稱之為「玉琮 王」。Ancient Chinese believed that jade was a funerary object that could defend against corpse rot. This type of thing was called a cong. In

Liangzhu graves, it was always seen, but the cong of this grave was especially gigantic.

Archaeologists named it “King of cong”.

「鉞」是類似斧頭的兵器,不過 這一支鉞是用玉器製成,估計是 權杖 - 代表兵權的擁有。This was an axe. However, this axe was made of jade and was more like a scepter -- representing military power



圖片一 Picture 1 圖片二 Picture 2

6. 你能看到一個頭戴羽毛觀帽的人,正在控制著神獸嗎?試在圖片二圈出答案。Can you see a person wearing a feather hat controlling a mythological animal? Circle your answer in picture 2.

具有這種本領,這個人應是良渚的大人物! Since the tool has this ability, this person probably was a powerful figure in Liangzhu.


Image from Zhejiang satellite TV


資料十一:墓主真正身份 Source K: The Real Identity of the Tomb Occupant

這是用玉製成的 觀帽,上有許多管 子。考古學家相 信,這些管子,原 先可能插上鳥類 羽毛。This is a hat made with jade.

There are many tubes on top of it.

Archaeologists believe these tubes originally perhaps contained bird feathers.

既有能力制服兇猛的神 獸,又掌兵權,這位墓主,

估計就是良渚王。Since the culture had the ability to make clothes, control vicious mythological

animals, and wield military power, this tomb occupant was probably a ruler in Liangzhu.



7. 在不同的墓內分別找到陶器,玉琮王和玉串,它們的主人最有可能屬於圖中哪個階層?請你配對。Which part of the hierarchy did the owners of the pottery, giant cong, and jade bracelet belong to? Please match.


資料十二:良渚文化的平民生活 Source L: Liangzhu culture: Lives of common people

除了良渚王及貴族外,一般平民的生活是怎樣的?Except for King Liangzhu and the nobles, how’s the lives of common people?

稻米種植需要大量的水,長江流域非常適合生產這種農作物。A lot of water is needed to grow rice. The Yangzi river valley is extremely suitable for producing rice.



良渚文化的房子都是用樹枝、泥土和茅草建成,大概可以分為兩種:一是普通 的茅草屋;二是杆欄式的茅草屋。The houses of Liangzhu culture all were made from branches, earth, and thatch. They could be roughly divided into two types, one was the normal thatched-roof house, the second was the thatched-roof house on poles.

8. 想一想:為什麼良渚文化的房屋不像仰韶文化採用半穴居?Think: Why did the houses of the Liangzhu culture not use the “Half Cave” of the Yangshao culture?

南方氣侯土地潮濕,不適宜採用半穴居。In the Southern climate, it was humid and the Half Cave was not suitable.


Normal thatched-roof house

杆欄式的茅草屋 Thatched-roof house on poles


9. 請將以下資料及物品進行歸類,填上適當的英文代號。Please classify the below information and items. Write down their appropriate letters.

小結 Conclusion:

這顯示中國人種雖然是本土發源,但各地的文化發展,會因為地理和氣候的不 同而出現差異。This shows that even though Chinese people had local origins, different cultures developed in different locations. Geographical and climate differences produced cultural differences.

仰韶文化 Yangshao Culture B, E, G, I, J

良渚文化 Liangzhu Culture A, C, D, F, H



10.人類文明源自大江大河,圖中綠色部分,顯示世界四大文明的起源點,請用 線配對四大文明的代表國家。Human civilization originates from large rivers. The green parts of the map shows the four great civilizations of the world and their

origins. Please use lines to match the four great civilizations and their representative countries.

A 古印度 Ancient India

B 中國 China

C 古埃及 Ancient Egypt

D 巴比倫 Babylon


課節六:(四) 香港地區的新石器時期考古發現及中華民族的演進 Hong Kong:

New Stone Age archaeological findings and the progress of the Chinese People

I. 香港地區的新石器時期考古發現 Hong Kong: New Stone Age Archaeological Findings

1997 年,考古學家在馬灣發現距今 6000 年的新石器時期文化遺址,將發現的 人骨命名為「馬灣人」。他們就是香港的先民。In 1997, archaeologists at Ma Wan discovered a cultural site from the New Stone Age 6000 years ago. The discovered human bones were named “Ma Wan People”. They were the first people of Hong Kong.

資料一:馬灣人 Source A: Ma Wan People 馬灣人小資料:Information on Ma Wan People:

1.平均年齡 36 歲以下。Average lifespan was below 36.

2.平均身高 163 厘米。Average height was 163cm.


一帶的古老習俗)One of the female skulls was missing a middle incisor. Perhaps, it was a result of a tooth extraction social custom. (Pulling out incisors was the ancient custom of the Guangdong region.)

4.無論男女,均有佩戴玉塊作耳飾。 Regardless of male or female, all wore jade pieces as earrings.




資料二:陶器紋飾 Source B: Pottery Decorations 陶器上的紋飾除了美觀外,還有實際作用!

在遠古時代,陶器大多以泥條盤築法或陶輪方法塑造器身,再用陶拍(或陶印)拍打器表,使濕潤的器身變得更為密致和耐 用。經拍打後的陶器,表面會留下陶拍上紋飾或繩子的印痕。因此,紋飾不單透露不同時代不同人群的愛好,還使陶器不易


The patterns on potteries are beautiful and practical.

In the ancient times, pottery wares were mainly formed by coiled clay or pottery wheels and being paddled into shape to make the wares more durable and sturdy. The pottery surface would thus be imprinted with the decorative patterns from the paddle or the trace of the cords. Therefore, the pottery patterns could not only make the pottery wares non-slip, but also reveal the aesthetics of different peoples in different eras. (Ref: Know more about the Patterns on Pottery, n.d. by AMO)

印有紋飾的新石器時代陶器 Coarse corded pottery

陶印 Pottery stamp

新石器時代 New Stone Age



1. 陶器紋飾-配對 Pottery Decoration: Matching

華南地區陶器的紋飾十分多樣化,請你將有關器皿及紋飾加以配對。There were many types of Southern Chinese pottery decorative patterns. Please match the relevant pots to their decorative patterns.


(Ref: Know more about the Patterns on Pottery, n.d. by AMO)


資料三:香港考古資料系統 Source C: Hong Kong Archaeological Archive System

2. 香港不少地方發現了新石器時代的考古遺址,請進入古物古蹟辦事處的「香 港考古資料系統」 https://hkaas.amo.gov.hk/hkaas/main.jsp?lang=2

進入系統後,在「年代」中選取「新石器時代(公元前 4500-前 1500 年)」,你 便可瀏覽這段時期香港新石器時代出土的文物了;你亦可以從「物料」或「考 古遺址」進入選取有關文物。

Hong Kong has many places where archaeological artefacts of the New Stone Age were discovered. Please enter the Antiquities and Monuments Office’s “Hong Kong Archaeological Archive System”


After you open the page, in “Period”, select “Neolithic Period to Bronze Age (c.4500-1500 BC)”

You can even browse the cultural artefacts from the New Stone Age dug up in Hong Kong. From “material” and “archaeological site”, you may enter and select the relevant cultural artefacts.



春秋時期(公元前 770-476 年)

Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)

II. 中華民族的演進 The Progress of the Chinese People

資料四:中華民族的演進 Source D: The Progress of the Chinese People




During the Spring and Autumn Period or the early Eastern Zhou dynasty, the Zhou people considered themselves the cultural centre, known as Huaxia, of China. The ethnic groups around the Huaxia became regarded as culturally backward barbarian ethnicities. They were known as the Eastern Yi, Southern Man, Western Rong, and Northern Di.

The terms of Yi, Man, Rong and Di referred to barbarians in different regions.


China of Today: “Chinese People”

到了今日,中國的範圍擴大了,但 仍然存在許多少數民族(官方認可 的共 56 個),統稱「中華民族」。

Today, the territory of China has expanded, but there are still many minorities in China. Officially, there are 56. Together, they make the

“Chinese People” (Zhonghua minzu).




賈蘭坡,《山頂洞人》,龍門聯合書局,1951 年。

趙春青、秦文生,《中華文明傳真 1 原始社會:東方的曙光》,上海:上海 辭書出版社,2001 年。

胡永凱,《女媧補天》,上海:上海人民美術出版社,1980 年。

許慶華、陸慶五,《祿豐古猿—人科早期成員》,北京:科學出版社,2008 年。

王國平,《神人面獸的真像》,杭州: 杭州出版社,2013 年。


《良渚:文明之源》紀錄片,浙江衛視製作,2019 年。


《良渚:文明之光》紀錄片,浙江衛視製作,2019 年。


《良渚:文明之道》紀錄片,浙江衛視製作,2019 年。





(官網升級維護中)(official website down for maintenance) 山頂洞人的介紹(普通話):

https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dz411i79J?spm_id_from=333.905.b_75705 66964656f.5




黃浩明先生(erichmwong@edb.gov.hk; 35406829)或 羅嘉恩女士(lokayan@edb.gov.hk; 28925882)



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