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2004 3065

18 81 ( 635 2430 )

( Odds ratio ) 9 mg/dL

5 mg/dL 5.64 7.62

ᙯᔣෟĈ੼Ԍᅕҕা ( Hyperuricemia )

΃ᔁা࣏ཏ ( Metabolic syndrome )

઼઼࡚छᓙ׽ዔିֈࢍ൪јˠڼᒚ໤݋ௐˬѨಡӘ ( NCEP/ATP III )



ಡӘĂҘ઼͞छ̝஽Җதࡗࠎ 8.7-35.1%


Ă҃д ᄂ៉۞௚ࢍአߤ݋ࠎ 17.3-25.8%


Ąధкࡁտព ϯ੼Ԍᅕࣃࠎ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ ( metabolic syndrome ) ၹ јࢋ৵̝˘











ѣ඾ព඾۞࠹ᙯᓑĄ 2001 ѐ࡚

઼൴ܑ"઼छᓙ׽ዔିֈࢍ൪"( NCEP ) ̝јˠڼᒚ

໤݋ௐˬѨಡӘ ( Adult Treatment Panel III report, ATP III )Ăቁᄮ΃ᔁা࣏ཏࠎ͕ҕგ়ঽ̝кࢦኑ ᗔПᐍЯ̄ĂૻአᑕצՀкᓜԖᗁर۞ڦຍ


Ą ࡁտពϯᖣϤ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞ᎡᏴ̈́ѝഇڼᒚĂΞ ഴ͕͌ҕგ়ঽ۞൴Ϡ







វĂ׎΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽ҖதĂ֭ଣ੅̙Т۞ّҾ ѐ᛬д఺ֱ௡Ҿ̚Ă၆ٺ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ̝ᇆᜩĄ


ώࡁտ၆෪פҋҘ̮ 2004 ѐ˘͡Ҍ˩˟͡

ม Ă ̚ ొ ߙ ᗁ ጯ ̚ ͕ ۞ ࣶ ̍ Ϡ ͟ វ ᑭ ྤ फ़ В 3065 Ҝ ( 635 ҜշّĂ 2430 Ҝّ̃ )ĄЧ჌ҕ୵



ϡҋજ̼۞ҕᑅࢍീณĄ֗វኳณ޽ᇴͽវࢦ ( kg ) ੵͽ֗੼π͞ ( m


) ࢍზĄཕಛീณͽϩ͎

ᖒ࿅ཕొĂአፋ੼ޘֹਕ఼࿅νΠ׌઎བ੻˯ቡ Ҍ҈੻˭ቡ̝̚มᕇĂჯ޺ϒ૱ײӛĂٺФঈඕ ՁॡĂณפཕಛĄ


ീĄ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞ؠཌྷߏણ໰ֲ߷ᇾ໤Ă࣒Լҋ Ҙ̮ 2001 ѐ NCEP/ATP III ۞ؠཌྷĂ႕֖˭Е୧ І ( ӣ ) ˬีͽ˯۰Ĉշّཕಛ̂ٺ 90 ̶̳ẵ

ّ̂ٺ 80 ̶̳Ăˬᅕϟڵ਌̂ٺ 150 mg/dL Ăշ

ّ੼૜ޘ਌కϨᓙ׽ዔҲٺ 40 mg/dL ẵّҲ ٺ 50 mg/dL Ăҕᑅ̂ٺඈٺ 130/85 mmHg Ă۩

ཛҕᎤ̂ٺඈٺ 100 mg/dL Ą

ϓཏវ۞Чีૄώྤफ़ͽπӮࣃ Ų ᇾ໤म ೡࢗĄ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽ҖதĂֶࡁտ၆෪۞Ԍᅕ ࣃ੼Ҳ̶ј ( 1 ) ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ( 2 ) 5-6.9 mg/dL ( 3 ) 7-8.9 mg/dL ( 4 ) ̂ٺٕඈٺ 9 mg/dL ඈ 4 ௡ࢍზĄ ͽទᏭਫ਼ᕩ̶ژෞҤĂЧ௡࠹၆ٺԌᅕࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ఺௡̝࠹၆Пᐍͧࣃ ( Odds Ratio, OR ) ̈́ ७ϒѐ᛬ăّҾޢ۞࠹၆ПᐍͧࣃĂ̈́७ϒѐ







ώࡁտπӮѐ᛬ࠎ 32.9 ໐Ă 20.7% ࠎշّĂ πӮ֗វኳณ޽ᇴ 22.5 kg/m


ĂπӮԌᅕࣃ 5.37 Ų 1.45 mg/dL ( ܑ˘ )Ąඕڍពϯ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽


̃Ϡ୉ཏ̚ĂԌᅕࣃ̂ٺ 5 mg/dL ۞Ч௡ᄃԌᅕ ࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ఺௡۞΃ᔁা࣏ཏ࠹၆Пᐍͧࣃ

ֶԔ̶Ҿࠎ 3.36 Ă 14.57 ̈́ 36.15 ( P < 0.001 )Ăѩ ᙯܼд७ϒкีតᇴ ( Β߁ѐ᛬ăវࢦĂ҉ᅕք ࣃ̈́Ϩҕ஧ࢍᇴ ) ޢ̪ѣ࠹Т۞ඕڍ ( ܑ˟̝˘ )

ܑ˘Ĉ Demographic data of the study population ( n = 3065 )

Mean Ų SD Range

Gender ( Male ) 20.7%

Age ( year-old ) 32.9 Ų 8.9 18 - 81 BW ( kg ) 58.94 Ų 11.96 32.4 - 142.1 BMI ( kg/m


) 22.451 Ų 3.678 14.10 - 45.36

WC ( cm ) 76.1 Ų 10.0 54 - 128

SBP ( mm-Hg ) 115.7 Ų 14.5 73 - 197

DBP ( mm-Hg ) 79.1 Ų 10.3 40 - 131

FPG ( mg/dL ) 89.6 Ų 13.5 61 - 325

HDL-C ( mg/dL ) 62.2 Ų 14.3 28 - 118 Triglyceride ( mg/dL ) 86.4 Ų 64.3 21 - 1176 LDL-C ( mg/dL ) 108.3 Ų 29.7 26 - 260 WBC No. ( /ɢ L ) 6048.8 Ų 1594.4 2400 - 18600 Creatinine ( mg/dL ) 0.85 Ų 0.17 0.5 - 2.0 Uric acid ( mg/dL ) 5.37 Ų 1.45 1.3 - 13.1

ܑ˟̝˘Ĉ Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Women According to Serum Uric Acid Levels Uric Acid Levels (mg/dL)

N = 2430 < 5 ( n = 1330 ) 5 - 6.9 ( n = 981 ) 7 - 8.9 ( n = 112 ) Ÿ 9 ( n = 7 ) Prevalence, % (95% CI) 2.0 ( 1.2 - 2.8 ) 6.5 ( 5.0 - 8.0 ) 23.2 ( 15.4 - 31.0 ) 42.9 ( 6.2 - 79.6 ) Unadjusted OR (95% CI) 1.0 3.36 (2.13-5.32)Ő 14.57 (8.15-26.05)Ő 36.15 (7.71-169.42)Ő Age-adjusted OR (95% CI) 1.0 3.13 (1.97-4.96)Ő 12.06 (6.65-21.87)Ő 36.59 (7.69-174.07)Ő Mutivariate OR


(95% CI) 1.0 1.78 (1.07-2.96)Ő 4.54 (2.29-9.00)Ő 7.62 (1.06-55.07)Őā OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval


Adjust for age, creatinine level, body weight and white cell count

Ő p < 0.05


ǕԌᅕࣃ̂ٺ 5 mg/dL ۞ˬ௡Ă׎࠹၆Пᐍͧࣃ Чࠎ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ఺௡۞ 1.78 ă 4.54 ̈́ 7.62 ࢺĄ ҭ д շ Ϡ ୉ ཏ ̚ Ă Ϊ ѣ Ԍ ᅕ ࣃ ̂ ٺ ٕ ඈ ٺ 9 mg/dL ۞఺௡Ă׎΃ᔁা࣏ཏ࠹၆ПᐍͧࣃࠎԌ ᅕࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ఺௡۞ 5.64 ࢺͷ׍௚ࢍຍཌྷ ( ܑ˟̝˟ )Ą΃ᔁা࣏ཏ௡јЯ̄۞ᇴณĂдԌ ᅕࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ఺௡ĂҌк΍ன 4 ࣎Я̄Ăҭ ѣ 3 ٕ 4 ࣎Я̄۞ͧத̙֭੼ĂЧࠎ 0 . 2 % ̈́ 1.9% ć΍ன 3 ă 4 ă 5 ࣎Я̄۞Ѻ̶ͧĂᐌ඾Ԍᅕ ࣃ۞ᆧΐ҃ᆧΐĂ՟ѣЇң΃ᔁা࣏ཏ௡јЯ̄

۞Ѻ̶ͧĂ݋ᐌ඾Ԍᅕࣃ۞˯̿҃ഴ͌ ( ဦ˘ )Ą Ч௡Ҿֶ̙ТّҾ̶ژΞ൴னĂ̙ኢշ̃ϠĂ༊

Ԍᅕࣃດ੼ॡĂ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ஽Җதಶ෸ດ੼Ăҭ Т௡Ҿ۞շ̃Ă׎஽Җத݋՟ѣमҾĄЧ௡Ҿֶ

ϓཏវ۞ѐ᛬үα̶Ҝᇴ̶௡Ă֭७ϒّҾăវ ࢦĂ҉ᅕքࣃ̈́Ϩҕ஧ࢍᇴඈЯ৵ޢĂ൴னੵ˞

Ԍᅕࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ۞఺௡γĂ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽

Җத࠰ᐌѐ᛬ᆧΐ҃ᆧΐ ( ဦ˟ )Ą



ّĂ൴னԌᅕࣃດ੼۞௡ҾĂ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽Җ தດ੼ĂӈֹԯᇆᜩԌᅕࣃ੼Ҳ۞кีЯ৵Еˢ

҂ᇋ֭ΐͽ७ϒޢĂ̪൒ѣТᇹ۞ᔌ๕Ąѩᙷඕ ڍдߙֱ͛ᚥ˵൴னĂ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽Җதᄃҕ












̚࿅੼۞਍फ৵ົᆧΐඪ̈გ၆ٺทᗓ̄۞Гӛ ќĂซ҃ܡᘣඪ᝙ଵ΍Ԍᅕ۞ਕ˧



Ԍᅕࣃ۞˯̿Ăٙͽ༊ҕ୻̚਍फ৵ࣃ෸੼ॡĂ ԌᅕࣃಶΞਕ෸੼ĄϤٺ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ˵ߏ˘჌੼

ဦ˘Ĉ Percentage of metabolic syndrome compo- nents at variable serum uric acid levels MetS = Metabolic syndrome.

ܑ˟̝˟Ĉ Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Men According to Serum Uric Acid Levels Uric Acid Levels (mg/dL)

N = 635 < 5 ( n = 29 ) 5 - 6.9 ( n = 303 ) 7 - 8.9 ( n = 239 ) Ÿ 9 ( n = 64 ) Prevalence, % (95% CI) 6.9 ( 0 - 16.1 ) 13.9 ( 10 - 17.8 ) 20.9 ( 15.7 - 26.1 ) 39.1 ( 27.1 - 51.1 ) Unadjusted OR (95% CI) 1.0 2.17 (0.50-9.47) 3.57 (0.82-15.52) 8.65 (1.89-39.62)Ő Age-adjusted OR (95% CI) 1.0 2.15 (0.49-9.50) 4.08 (0.93-17.99) 10.65 (2.28-49.70)Ő Mutivariate OR


(95% CI) 1.0 2.59 (0.51-13.13) 3.24 (0.65-16.27) 5.64 (1.05-130.26)Őā OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval


Adjust for age, creatinine level, body weight and white cell count Ő p < 0.05

ဦ˟Ĉ Prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to serum uric acid levels stratified by age group.

Age was divided by quartile, with ascending or- der from Q1 to Q4 (The range of age in Q1 ŷ 26, Q2: 27 - 30, Q3: 31 - 37, Q4 Ÿ 38 ). Trend of p value in each group by uric acid level are <

0.05 (except the group with uric acid level < 5









Ăมତౄј੼ҕᑅ۞൴ϠĄ ΩγĂԌᅕࣃ࿅੼۞࣎វ˵૱Ъ׀ѣ੼ˬᅕϟڵ

⟯ҕাĂᔵ൒ࣧЯ̪൒̙ځቁĂҭΞ൴னҕ୻ˬ ᅕ ϟ ڵ ⟯ ۞ ፧ ޘ ᄃ Ԍ ᅕ ࣃ ۞ ੼ Ҳ Ӕ ன ϒ ࠹ ᙯ











Ąώࡁտ൴னĂ ጐგԌᅕࣃ఍ٺϒ૱ቑಛ̰Ă΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽


ᆧΐĄѩ჌΃ᔁা࣏ཏ௡јЯ̄΍ன۞ͧதĂ ᐌԌᅕࣃ˯̿҃ѣព඾ّ۞ᆧΐ۞ࡁտ˵അѣ





ᙯܼĂд७ϒ׎ιПᐍЯ̄ޢ̙֖֭ͽឰԌᅕ ၹј͕ҕგ়ঽ۞፾ϲПᐍЯ̄


Ă Framingham ࡁտ˵Ә෦ԧࣇԌᅕࣃ֭ܧ݄ېજਔ͕᝙ঽ۞፾



Ăҭ Tae ඈˠ൴னĂ੼Ԍᅕࣃ ᄃ੼ҕᑅĂ਍फ৵ܡԩѣ፾ϲ࠹ᙯĂࠤҌԌᅕࣃ




Ą Barbara ඈˠ൴ னĂᐌ඾΃ᔁা࣏ཏ௡јЊЯ̄΍னͧத۞ᆧ ΐĂ 5 ѐޢ͕ҕგ়ঽ̈́ᎤԌঽ۞൴Ϡ፟ົ૟ᐌ


2 0

ĄॲፂώࡁտĂԌᅕࣃ̂ٺٕඈٺ 9 mg/dL ఺௡дշ̙̃Т۞୉ཏ㝯Ă΍ன΃ᔁা࣏

ཏ۞࠹၆ПᐍͧࣃЧࠎ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ֤௡۞ 5.64

̈́ 7.62 ࢺĂຍק඾੼Ԍᅕࣃ۞΍னĂ͍׎ߏԌ ᅕࣃள૱੼ॡĂ׀х΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞፟ົᐌ̝̂


੼Ԍᅕҕা۞࣎९׎૟ֽ̝͕ҕგ়ঽ̈́ᎤԌ ঽ۞൴Ϡ፟ົ૟੼ٺ˘ਠϒ૱ˠĄЯѩĂᓜԖ ᗁर၆ٺ׍ѣள૱Ԍᅕࣃ۞࣎९ᑕ೩੼ᛋᛇĂ υื൴ଧߏӎѣ΃ᔁা࣏ཏЧีЯ̄۞хдĂ





ّෲႬᄋົឰඪ̈გ၆ٺԌᅕ۞Гӛќഴ͌Ăᇆ ᜩԌᅕࣃ۞੼Ҳ

2 9 - 3 0





۞Ϡந୧І˭Ăշّ۞Ԍᅕࣃᑕྍ̂ٺّ̃ĄϤ ѩଯኢĂдТඈ৺۞Ԍᅕࣃ̶௡˭Ă΃ᔁা࣏ཏ Ч௡јЯ̄дّ̃΍ன۞ͧதΞਕົ̂ٺշّĂ



11 , 3 2






3 3 - 3 4


ѐ᛬̶௡ࢍზ̶ژޢĂੵ˞Ԍᅕࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL

఺௡γĂ΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞஽Җதᐌѐ᛬̝ᆧΐ҃ᆧ ΐĂ׎ΞਕࣧЯࠎĈԌᅕࣃ̈ٺ 5 mg/dL ఺௡۞

΃ᔁা࣏ཏ஽ҖதྵҲ ( 2.1% )ĂౄјГֶѐ᛬̶

௡ॡĂЧ̶௡࣎९ᇴ͉͌҃՟ѣ௚ࢍጯ˯۞ຍ ཌྷĄ


फ़Ă၆ٺ࣎ˠ۞Ϡ߿ݭၗă࿅ΝঽΫ̈́ߏӎڇϡ ᘽۏඈЯ৵Ă֭՟ѣΐͽෞҤĂ߇׎ඕڍΞਕѣ

ٙᄱमĄ׎ѨĂᇹώ࠰ֽҋ̚ొߙ˘ᗁጯ͕̚Ă Ξਕхдפᇹ˯۞ઐमĂߏӎਕᑕϡٺБᄂ៉୉



۞஽Җதѣ׎࠹ᙯّĂ൑ڱۢ྽׎ЯڍᙯܼĂߏ ӎԌᅕࣃᆧΐົۡତౄј΃ᔁা࣏ཏ۞΍னᆧΐ ߏ൑ڱଯኢ۞Ą




̂ᆧĂ׎Ч௡јЯ̄΍ன۞ͧத˵෸੼ĂӈֹԌ ᅕࣃ఍ٺϒ૱ቑಛ̰˵ѣ࠹Т۞ன෪ĄдТ˘Ԍ ᅕࣃඈ৺˭Ăѐࡔྵ̂ॡ˵Ξ៍၅ז΃ᔁা࣏ཏ

۞Ξਕّ̿੼Ąѩඕڍ೩ᏹᓜԖᗁरĂ੼ޘڦຍ Ԍᅕࣃ׎ࡦޢΞਕ۞ຍཌྷĂ̈́ѝ᎕ໂ̬ˢ࿰֨̈́






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Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in

Individuals with Hyperuricemia in Central Taiwan

Dong-Hwa Tsai and Shi-Dou Lin

The occurrence of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by the screening and early treatment of metabol- ic syndrome. However, little information existed about whether different graded levels of uric acid in individuals with hyperuricemia will affect the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Taiwan. The potential application of hy- peruricemia was also studied little. To investigate the association between different uric acid levels and preva- lence of metabolic syndrome, a total of 3065 subjects of all hospital staff, aged 18 to 81 years (635 males, 2430 females), who received health examination from Jan. 2004 to Dec. 2004 were enrolled in our study. The study showed that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased significantly across successive grade of serum uric acid concentrations, also the odds ratio (ORs) for the association between increasing levels of serum uric acid and the metabolic syndrome. Those who had serum uric acid concentrations Ÿ 9 mg/dL had a 5.18-fold increased in risk of metabolic syndrome, as compaired with those with concentrations Ŵ 5 mg/dL. Percentage of the more metabolic syndrome components increased as the serum uric acid concentrations increased. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in each subgroup of the same uric acid level persisted in increasing across successive quar- tiles of age. This study indicate that high serum uric acid confers increased risk or prevalence of metabolic syn- drome even for those whose uric acid levels are in the normal range but with higher age. In clinical practice, since high serum uric acid is associated with higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, we must think hyper- uricemia as an important potential marker for cardiovascular disease. ( J Intern Med Taiwan 2008; 19: 325-330 )

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine,

Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan



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