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The Effect of Advertisement Literacy Teaching on the Elementary School Student's Diet Attitude. Knowledge and Behavior 黃 婷、呂勝瑛


Academic year: 2022

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The Effect of Advertisement Literacy Teaching on the Elementary School Student's Diet Attitude. Knowledge and Behavior

黃 婷、呂勝瑛

E-mail: 9800756@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The main purpose of this study is to explore the effect of using advertisement liter-acy teaching on the elementary school students’

diet attitude、diet knowledge and diet behavior. A quasi-experimental design was applied in this study. The subjects in this study were fifth graders in the elementary school divided into the experimental group and control group. Students in the experimental group were presented with television advertisement materials. The length of experiment was two periods per week with a to-tal of 480 minutes presentation of television advertisement materials. There was no ex-perimental treatment on the control group. The summary of this research is listed below: 1. There are significant differences on the diet knowledge and diet behaviors between the male and female students. 2. There are significant differences on the student’s diet knowledge between the stu-dents with different social economic status. 3. There are significant differences on the diet behaviors between the students with dif-ferent BMI. 4. There are positive correlations among the students’ diet knowledge、diet attitudes and diet behaviors. 5. The students in the

experimental groups have changed significantly on their diet knowledge and diet attitudes than the control group students.

Keywords : advertisement literacy ; elementary school students ; diet attitude ; diet knowledge ; diet behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ....................

. vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................

... xi 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究動機與目的........

.... 1   第二節  研究問題與研究假設.......... 5   第三節  研究步驟..........

..... 6   第四節  重要名詞釋義............. 8   第五節  研究範圍與限制......

...... 11 第二章  文獻探討................. 13   第一節  廣告識讀教學之內涵及相 關研究..... 13   第二節  影響飲食態度、知識及行為的因素及相關研        究.........

......... 22   第三節  各國對於減少垃圾廣告之策略探討.... 28 第三章  研究方法......

........... 31   第一節  研究設計與架構............ 31   第二節  研究對象..

............. 33   第三節  研究工具............... 35   第四節  教學設計

............... 39   第五節  資料處理及統計方法.......... 41 第四章  研究結果 與討論.............. 42   第一節  國小學童飲食態度、知識及行為之描述性統        計

.................. 42   第二節  不同背景變項在飲食態度、知識及行為上之         差異分析............... 50   第三節  廣告識讀教學對於國小學童飲食態度、知識         及行為之影響效果分析......... 54   第四節  實驗組成員課後回饋單及飲食紀錄表之綜合         整理分析............... 57 第五章  結論與建議................ 65   第 一節  結論................. 65   第二節  建議................. 68 參 考文獻 ..................... 71 附錄A  健康與領域中「人與食物」的能力指標介紹..

80 附錄B  飲食紀錄表................ 84 附錄C  問卷使用授權同意書...........

. 85 附錄D  正式問卷................. 86 附錄E  電視廣告識讀教學意見調查表.....

... 94 附錄F  職業類別參考表.............. 98 附錄G  教學活動設計..........


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