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National Taiwan University Library


Academic year: 2022

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National Taiwan

University Library


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Brief History




Sites & Floor Plans

館藏 Collections



校史館 / 博物館群

NTU History Gallery / NTU Museums


Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Resource Center


Digital Library & Museum of Buddhist Studies




Vision and Perspectives


2 4 6 16 19 26 28 29 30 32





臺大圖書館創設於 1928 年 3 月,前身為日本統治時期成立的臺北帝國大學附屬圖 書館,大學肇始之際,當局即著手規劃圖書館專屬建築,以因應未來學術資源入藏 與利用需求,1929 年由臺灣總督府營繕課負責興建圖書館館舍,位置坐落在今天的 臺大校史館,第一期工程在 1930 年啟用,隨著營運需求逐期擴建。1945 年臺灣光 復,同年 11 月 15 日政府接收「臺北帝國大學」更名為「國立臺灣大學」,圖書館 亦同時改隸,溯至本館創設至今已逾 90 年歷史。

日治時期興建的圖書館受限於空間規模,無法滿足近代圖書資訊服務需求,學校自 1986 年 7 月籌畫新總圖書館,歷經 12 年興建終於在 1998 年 11 月正式啟用。新總 圖書館延續舊圖書館建築使用的山牆、拱窗、挑高等特色,營造新時代學術殿堂氛 圍,更有承先啟後的意義。圖書館遷館之際同時將校總區原有 34 所院系圖書館(室)

館藏與人力集中管理,紓解過去分散式人力配置的窘困,解決讀者以往費時奔波各 館(室)間查詢資料之辛勞,館員專業素養更能夠在新的空間發揮專長,提供師生 多元、專業與主動式的服務。

National Taiwan University Library was founded as the Taihoku Imperial University Library in March 1928 by the Japanese colonial government. As the school was established, the Library was planned to be built to support academic research. In 1929, the Library was constructed in the location of today’s NTU History Gallery, and it started to operate in 1930 and expanded as time went by. With the end of World War II, the university was handed over to the government of the Republic of China and changed to its current name on November 15th, 1945. As a result, the Library has become the National Taiwan University Library.

NTU Library as it is today officially opened to the public in November 1998 after 12 years of planning and construction. The building was designed in the spirit of the original building:

it retained the arched windows, gables, and piazza, providing a sanctuary for study in the new age. Most of the university’s previously dispersed departmental libraries have been integrated, and the Library is now able to provide a comprehensive library service.


照片 | 康有德提供



臺大圖書館在館藏量、特藏資源、自動化系統、創新服務、館際合作、資源推廣 等營運表現,早已成為國內各大學圖書館的標竿。2005 年起承擔臺大校史館營運、

2007 年統籌成立臺大博物館群擔任召集重任,帶動校史傳承、匯集學術標本的文 化資產價值,成為其他大學參考的典範。圖書館團隊不斷地為學術研究資源、校園 文化資產蓄積能量,發揮專業的管理能力,期許在良好的軟硬體環境下與臺大學術 表現共同成長,引領臺灣圖書資訊學術界及實務界共同邁向卓越。

NTU Library is currently the nation’s leading university library in terms of its collection size, special collections, automation system, innovative services, interlibrary cooperation, and promotion of resources. Furthermore, the Library has undertaken the operations at NTU History Gallery since 2005 and coordinated NTU Museums since 2007. The Library has continuously devoted itself to curating academic resources and preserving campus heritage, becoming an exemplar for other university libraries within the nation.

歷任館長 List of University Librarians

姓 名 Name 就任年月 Term

田中長三郎 Tyôzaburô Tanaka 昭和 4 年 1929

安藤正次 Masatsugu Ando 昭和 10 年 1935

素木得一 Tokuichi Shiraki 昭和 15 年 1940

矢野禾積 Kazumi Yano 昭和 16 年 1941

于景讓 Jing-Rang Yu 民國 34 年 11 月 (代理) Nov. 1945 (Deputy)

范壽康 Shou-Kang Fan 民國 36 年 10 月 Oct. 1947

蘇薌雨 Hsiang-Yu Su 民國 38 年 6 月 Jun. 1949

楊日然 Zu-Zan Yang 民國 61 年 8 月 Aug. 1972

陳興夏 Hsing-Hsia Chen 民國 70 年 8 月 Aug. 1981

林光美 Kuang-Mei Lin 民國 82 年 11 月 (代理) Nov. 1993 (Deputy)

吳明德 Ming-Der Wu 民國 85 年 2 月 Feb. 1996

項 潔 Jieh Hsiang 民國 91 年 8 月 Aug. 2002

陳雪華 Hsueh-Hua Chen 民國 97 年 8 月 Aug. 2008

陳光華 Kuang-Hua Chen 民國 105 年 8 月 Aug. 2016

民國 57 年 10 月至 58 年 7 月閱覽組賴永祥主任代理館長

Mr. John Yung-Hsiang Lai, who worked in Reader Services Division, was appointed to be the deputy University Librarian from October 1968 to July 1969.

民國 70 年 2 月至 7 月法學院許介鱗教授代理館長

Prof. Chieh-Lin Su was appointed to be the deputy University Librarian from February 1981 to July 1981.






Organization 組織職掌



社會科學資源服務組 醫學圖書館


副館長 圖書委員會


The University Librarian presides over the operations of all NTU libraries by order of NTU President.


This division is in charge of arranging exhibitions and tours for NTU History Gallery, organizing extension activities, documenting the oral histories of alumni, and collecting memorials and artifacts that mark each step of the university’s history. It is also responsible for coordinating campus-wide operations between members of NTU Museums.

負責營運社會科學院辜振甫先生紀念圖書館及法律學院圖書館,提供各項 相關服務。

This division is in charge of the operations of Koo Chien-Fu Memorial Library and Law Library, providing various reader services.


The library takes charge of a variety of services provided for Medical Campus.


The Office of the University Librarian assists the University Librarian in planning, overseeing, and directing the execution of various operations.


The Associate University Librarian assists the University Librarian in handling library operations.



The Library Committee consists of professors from each college and student representatives to offer suggestions on library operation and developments in meetings convened once per semester.

University Librarian

University History Affairs Division

Social Science Resources Services Division Medical Library

Office of the University Librarian Associate University Librarian

Library Committee












The division is responsible for acquisitions, subscriptions, exchanges, donations, classification, and cataloging in all formats for the Library, and it is also in charge of budget control and maintenance of bibliographic records.


This division is in charge of general reader services, including circulation and interlibrary loan services.


This division oversees the maintenance of all materials in the Main Library except for the special collections, and it manages Automated Storage Retrieval System and the service center.


This division provides reference service and library instruction, supports teaching activities and researches, as well as coordinates library-related requests from departments and institutes.



This division is responsible for collecting, preserving, and digitizing special collections such as rare books, thread-stitched binding collection, area studies materials, university history materials, individual collections, as well as providing reader services.


This division takes charge of providing library tours, publishing manuals and brochures, as well as organizing extension activities for the Library collections.

支援校內教師學術研究工作,藉由數據分析、書目探勘等方法,提供研究發展領 域決策支援、引文分析及研究資料典藏等創新資訊加值服務。

This division, using bibliomining and bibliometrics techniques, bolsters faculty’s academic research and provides supports regarding research field developing strategy, citation analysis, and collecting research materials to create innovative value-added services for the university community.


This division is in charge of the operation and maintenance of automated information systems, technology devices, and internet facilities.


This division conducts administrative tasks comprehensively, such as budget plans, assets management, security control, sanitation supervision, and other administrative tasks.

Acquisitions and Cataloging Division

Reader Services Division

Collection Services Division

Subject Services Division

Special Collections Division

Library Extension Services Division

Research Support Division

Information Technology Services Division

Administration Division


總圖書館 Main Library

Sites & Floor Plans 館舍

F l o o r P l a n

流通服務櫃臺 參考諮詢櫃臺 現期期刊 當月報紙 教師指定參考書

一般/人文/社會科學參考書 東亞經典與文化研究資料 四庫全書


自習室 討論區 國際會議廳




Circulation Services Desk Information Desk Current Periodicals Daily Newspapers Course Reserves

Reference Collection for General, Humanities and Social Sciences

East Asian Classics and Cultures Collection Siku Quanshu

Music Bay

Study Room Discussion Area Auditorium

Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Resource Center

全館有 64 間研究小間,4 間討論室,各樓層皆備有公用電腦及影印室,並 提供無線上網服務。

The Main Library houses 64 Study Carrels and 4 Group Discussion Rooms.

Computers for searching the Library’s online catalog, photocopiers, and Wi-Fi are available on each floor of the Library.


珍善本圖書 地區資料 臺灣研究資料 線裝書及各種文庫

科技資料 科技參考書 西文社會科學資料 輿圖資料 多媒體服務中心

裝訂期刊 臺大人文庫

人文/社會科學資料 藝術資料

密集書庫 裝訂報紙

Rare Books (Closed Stacks)

Area Studies Collection (Closed Stacks) Taiwan Studies Collection

Miscellaneous Collection

Monographic Collection for Science and Technology Reference Collection for Science and Technology Western Monographic Collection for Social Sciences Map Collection

Multimedia Center

Bound Periodicals NTU Collected Works

Monographic Collection for Humanities and Social Sciences Fine Arts Collection

Compact Stack Bound Newspapers







臺大人文庫 NTU Collected Works


彰顯臺大人整體學術出版能量,同時讓尚在校就讀之莘莘學子從學長的著作中進行典 範學習,延續學術脈動。此空間承蒙川流基金會董事長李華林博士(1957 年藥學系畢 業)、余舜華博士(1959 年農化系畢業)及鄭富美女士(1964 年護理系畢業)三位校友慷 慨捐款贊助,於 2007 年校慶日開幕,啟用迄今已彙集 800 餘位校友逾 8,000 件圖書。

NTU Collected Works room was funded through generous donations from three NTU alumni:

Dr. Hwa-Lin Lee, Chairman of the Chuan Lyu Foundation (Class of 1957, School of Pharmacy), Dr.

Shun-Hwa Yu (Class of 1959, Department of Agricultural Chemistry), and Ms. Fu-Mei Zheng (Class of 1964, Department of Nursing). NTU Collected Works was officially inaugurated in 2007 on the university’s anniversary. It maintains archives of publications by authors associated with NTU.

It highlights the academic achievements of NTU faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, and current students. To date, the archive has received over 8,000 book donations from over 800 alumni.

日然廳 Zu-Zan Hall


演講等活動。本空間承蒙受業於楊日然教授門下 1977 級法律系校友捐款闢建,命名 日然廳以感念教授恩澤,於 2013 年 12 月 4 日楊教授八十冥誕日揭牌啟用。楊日然教 授曾任本校法律學系系主任、法研所所長,兼任本館館長 8 年有餘,後由總統提名任 命為第四、五屆司法院大法官,深受學界及司法實務界推崇。

Zu-Zan Hall is a multifunctional space for organizing various exhibitions, workshops, symposiums, and lectures. Donated by the Class of 1977 alumni of NTU College of Law, the

“Zu-Zan Hall” was built in memory and honor of Professor Yang and opened on December 4th, 2013, Professor Yang’s 80th birth anniversary.

The late Prof. Zu-Zan Yang was the Dean of NTU’s College of Law, Chair of the Graduate Law Institute, Grand Justice for the fourth and fifth term, and University Librarian for more than eight years, earning much respect from the academia and the legal community.


討論區 Discussion Area

原學習開放空間於 2018 年由教學發展中心交還本館管理使用,更名為討論區,持續 提供本校師生自由討論、輕鬆交談的空間服務,增進師生在課餘的學習交流。討論區 包含多間討論室與沙發區等區域,是閱讀、上網或進行小型讀書會、課業討論、語言 交換的好地方。

The Discussion Area was returned to Main Library from NTU Center for Teaching and Learning Development in 2018, offering a space for NTU faculty and students initiating group meetings, organizing book clubs, and having language exchange.

自動化書庫服務中心 ASRS Service Center

自動化書庫位於綜合教學館地下 2 至 4 樓,是國內首次引進的設備,於 2018 年 10 月 30 日啟用,可典藏至少 120 萬冊圖書,空間利用效益高達傳統書架的 5 倍之多;透 過自動倉儲系統控制方式,充分發揮管理效能,提供讀者省時省力之優質服務。為便 利讀者使用,於該館 1 樓設置自動化書庫服務中心,讀者可透過館藏目錄系統線上預 約,接獲取件通知後即可至自動化書庫服務中心取書。

The first-ever ASRS for libraries in Taiwan, located at the B2 to B4 floor of Multi-Purpose Classroom Building on NTU campus, has been in operation since 2018. This system can store at least 1.2 million books, which is five times greater than the capacity of a traditional shelf.

Besides, it efficiently saves users’ time to access library collection with such an automatic management system. Users can request items through the Library online catalog and pick them up in the Service Center on the 1st floor of the Multi-Purpose Classroom Building.




Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library F l o o r P l a n

裝訂期刊 簡報室 討論室 自習室

流通暨參考諮詢服務櫃臺 閱報區

現期期刊 電子資源檢索 開架閱覽室 視聽區


Bound Periodicals Briefing Room Discussion Room Study Room

Circulation and Reference Services Newspapers

Current Periodicals Computer Lab Open Shelf Area Audio-Visual Area

Closed Stacks

2F 1F B1

社會科學院辜振甫先生紀念圖書館(以下簡稱社科圖)於 2014 年 9 月 15 日隨著社會 科學院遷回校總區新大樓後開放啟用,以支援社會科學院教學、研究需求,厚植學術 能量為業務核心。實體館藏整併自原位於城中校區的法律暨社會科學院圖書分館(以 下簡稱法社分館)、法律政治研究圖書室及經濟學研究所圖書室等三館舍之館藏資源。

The Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library opened on September 15th, 2014, with the relocation of the College of Social Sciences to the new building located on the Main Campus. The Library aims to support teaching and research in the College of Social Sciences and to bolster academic achievements. The physical collections are a consolidation of the original holdings at the Law and Social Sciences Library, the Law and Political Science Research Library, and the Library of the Graduate Institute of Economics on the Downtown Campus.


社會科學院大樓由日本知名建築家伊東豐雄建築師設計。社科圖位於中央樓層的地下 一樓至二樓部分空間,面積 4,645 平方公尺,最具特色者為由 88 支樹狀柱結構屋頂 與 130 個形狀不一的天窗造型,搭配竹製書架及桌椅,所打造宛如森林般的一樓開架 閱覽空間。社科院遷院計畫歷經 12 年籌備,再經過 4 年半的興建與搬遷,為感謝校 友辜振甫學長生前及其家族對大樓興建及圖書館裝修慷慨捐款,本校特將社科院圖書 館空間命名為「辜振甫先生紀念圖書館」,以茲感念。

社科圖以成為國內社會科學研究重鎮為目標,截至 2019 年 7 月底,紙本館藏計有 33 萬 6 千餘冊,其中珍貴館藏為日治時代法政、經濟與東南亞研究之圖書與期刊,計約 10 萬冊。學科館員針對社會科學院所屬政治系、經濟系、社會系、社工系、國發所、



The new College of Social Sciences building was designed by the famous Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The Library is located at the center of the building, from B1 to the 2nd floor, with an area of 4, 645 square meters. The open shelf area on the 1st floor is one of the most uniquely designed sections—supported by 88 white columns designed to imitate trees with 130 irregularly shaped skylights, coupled with the stacked bamboo bookshelves and furniture as if reading in a tranquil forest. The relocation of the College of Social Sciences took 12 years to plan and followed by four and a half years of construction and moving. The University named the Library as “Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library” in dedication to alumni Chen-Fu Koo for his and his family’s generous donations to the project.

The Library seeks to become the hub of social sciences research in Taiwan. Up to July 2019, the number of printed collections of the Library is more than 336,000 volumes, and the featured collections are around 100,000 volumes of books and journals, highlighting areas of law, politics, economics, and Southeast Asian studies during the Japanese colonial period. The subject librarians here provide reference services, library instructions, and extension services for Departments of Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Social Work, Graduate Institutes of National Development, Journalism, and Public Affairs.


醫學圖書館 Medical Library F l o o r P l a n

多媒體學習中心 電子資源檢索區 教材製作區 多媒體播放區 視聽室 簡報室 會議室 研究小間 閉架圖書室

醫學舊籍 紙本裝訂期刊

參考室 核心館藏 教師指定參考書 學位論文 醫學人文專區 現期期刊 休閒圖書及期刊 討論室

開架圖書室 圖書 中文裝訂期刊

學習共享空間(2020 年起)


i 服務臺 新書展示區 展覽區 咖啡廳 影印中心

Multimedia Learning Center Electronic Resources Retrieval Area Instructional Material Production Area Multimedia Broadcasting Area Audiovisual Room

Briefing Room Conference Room Study Carrels Closed Stacks

Medical Ancient Collection Bound Periodicals

Reference Room Core Collection Course Reserves Dissertations

Medical Humanities Area Current Periodicals

Books and Magazines for Leisure Seminar Room

Open Stacks Monographs

Chinese Bound Periodicals

Learning Commons (estimated to open in 2020) Western Bound Periodicals

Circulation Desk

New Acquisitions Display Area Exhibition Hall

Library and Book Café Copy Area






國立臺灣大學醫學圖書館(以下簡稱醫圖)是國內歷史最悠久且館藏最豐富之醫學圖 書館,其發軔可追溯至 1899 年 4 月,時稱「臺灣總督府醫學校圖書室」,1936 年改 稱「臺北帝國大學附屬圖書館醫學部分室」,1945 年臺灣光復,更名為「國立臺灣 大學醫學院圖書分館」,1989 年 4 月遷至現址,1991 年 2 月臺大醫院圖書室與醫圖 合併,1992年11月及1994年7月護理系及公共衛生學院先後將其圖書資料移至醫圖。

醫圖擔負提供醫學校區醫學資訊與服務之責,主要服務對象為本校醫學院、公衛學院 之教職員工生及臺大醫院之醫護人員,服務人數逾 1 萬人,同時亦開放予校外讀者使 用。2018 年 2 月更名為「國立臺灣大學醫學圖書館」。

醫圖館藏旨在支援及配合本校醫學校區之教學、研究與醫療服務,以健康科學相關資 料為主要蒐藏範圍,資料類型包括圖書、期刊、視聽資料及電子資源等,目前館藏量 已達 25 萬冊以上,並設有 RFID 自助借還書機,增加讀者借還書之便利性。為提昇校 區同仁之人文素養,培養學生的人文關懷,醫圖特設有醫學人文區,專架陳列臺灣醫 療史、臺灣醫界人物傳記、醫學與人文等主題之相關資料。此外,醫圖亦定期舉辦各 項活動以推廣館藏與服務。

2017 年起展開為期三年的空間改造,以促進校區師生腦力激盪與交流為理念,規劃 內容為:2019 年釋出 1 樓部分空間設置咖啡廳,提供舒適怡人的環境與美味餐點;

2020 年完成 2 樓學習開放空間,備有多元資訊設備與討論場地;2021 年完成 4 樓閱 讀沉思區及自習室,供個人化學習研究之用。

The National Taiwan University Medical Library (NTUML) is the oldest medical library with the largest medical collection in Taiwan. Founded in April 1899, it was named the Medical School Library of Taiwan Governor-General’s Office. The library was merged with the Taihoku Imperial University in 1936 and renamed “Medical Branch of Taihoku Imperial University Library.” In 1945, the Library changed its name to “Medical Branch of National Taiwan University Library”

with Taiwan Restoration and moved to the current location in April 1989. After combining collections with the Medical School Affiliated Hospital Library in February 1991, with the Department of Nursing in November 1992, and with the College of Public Health in July 1994, the Medical Branch became the medical information service center for the Medical campus, serving more than 10,000 users, including the University users, NTU Hospital users, and the public. In February 2018, it was renamed “National Taiwan University Medical Library.”

The Medical Library aims to support the teaching, research, and healthcare services for the faculty and students of Medical Campus. Thus, the Library collection focuses on Health Sciences and related subjects, holding more than 250,000 volumes of books, journals, audiovisual materials, and electronic resources; additionally, RFID Self Check systems are equipped in the Library to enhance circulation services. In order to advance humanism and humanities in medical education and healthcare services, a Medical Humanities Area was established to display resources about Taiwan’s medical history, biographies of great people in the medical discipline, and medical humanities. Moreover, library tours, education instructions, and many other activities are held at the Medical Library to promote its collection and services.

Since 2017, the Medical Library has begun its renovation based on the idea of facilitating communication among Medical Campus users. The process includes introducing a café to provide spaces and meals on the 1st floor (completed in 2019), and building learning commons with various information devices on the 2nd floor (2020) and the reading area and study room for individual study on the 4th floor (2021).


院系所圖書室 Others

法律學院圖書館 Law Library

法律學院圖書館(以下簡稱法律圖),於 2009 年 7 月隨著法律學院由徐州路校區搬遷 至校總區,設立於法律學院萬才館 1、2 樓,總面積約 1,365 平方公尺。2016 年富邦集 團蔡萬才家族贊助本棟建築物改造裝修,包括教室與圖書館櫃臺的改裝、增設密集書 庫區、更新監視系統,以及將特藏室改造為法學典範書屋等,打造法律圖為ㄧ與時俱進 的優質學習空間,以支援法律學院之師生教學研究,並協助臺灣法學教育的永續發展。

館藏整併原徐州路法社分館與法政研圖之重要法律類藏書與期刊,截至 2019 年 5 月 底,計有圖書及裝訂期刊總計 8 萬 6,960 冊,並訂有中、日、英、法、德之法學專業 相關紙本期刊 205 種、電子期刊 2,887 種。

樓層配置一樓為期刊、參考書、博碩士論文、人權資料專區、中日文圖書、中文重要 教科書區、密集書庫區,以及法學典範書屋,二樓為西文圖書區,全館總計提供 252 個閱覽席位。

The Law Library moved to Wan Tsai Research Hall with College of Law from Hsu-jou Campus in July 2009, and it is located on the 1st to 2nd floor, with an area of 1, 365 square meters. In 2016, the Wan-Tsai Tsai family (Fubon Group) sponsored the renovation of the research hall to reconstruct classrooms and improve the functionality of the Library, such as rebuilding the service desk, extending compact stack area, updating monitoring system, and remodeling Featured Collection Area to the Bookhouse of Paradigms in Law. Establishing such an up to date learning space is beneficial for supporting teaching and research activities in the College of Law and advancing law education in Taiwan.

The Library holdings consolidate essential collections in law discipline from former Law and Social Sciences Library and the Law and Political Science Research Library. Up to May 2019, there are 86,960 volumes of books and bound periodicals along with 205 printed journals (Chinese, Japanese, English, French, and Germany) and 2,887 e-journals.

The journals, reference books, dissertations, theses, human rights materials, Chinese and Japanese books, major Chinese textbooks, compact stack, and the Bookhouse of Paradigms in Law are located on the 1st floor. English books are on the 2nd floor. There are 252 reading seats in the Law Library.


Sec. 2, Xinhai Rd.


Sec . 4, Keelung Rd.


. 3, Keelung Rd.


Sec.3, Shinsheng S. Rd.

羅斯福路四段 Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.


National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

銘傳國小 Mingchuan Elementary School Royal Palm Blvd.

小 椰 林 道 Palm Ave.

楓 香 道 Sweetgum Ave.

Gol den Rain Ave.

垂 葉 榕 道Banyan Ave.

Fan Palm Ave. Water Fir Ave.

Zhoush an Rd.

Sec. 3, Xinhai Rd.

捷運公館站 Gongguan Metro Station


3 1

文學院College of Liberal Arts 新生

教學館Freshman Classroom Bldg.

第一學生活動中心 1st Student Activity Center 農藝館 Dept. of Agronomy 工學院

綜合大樓 College of Engineering Bldg.

森林環境暨 資源學系 School of Forestry and Resource Conservation 工程科學及 海洋工程學系 Dept. of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering 明達館Ming Da Hall

生命科學館 Life Science Bldg.

綠房子 Eco-House

農業試驗場 Agricultural Experimental Farm

傅鐘Fu Bell

瑠公圳水源池 Liugongjun Pool

農業陳列館 Agricultural Exhibition Hall 臺大訪客中心

NTU Visitor Center 普通 教學館 CoreSubjects Classroom Bldg.

博雅 教學館 Liberal Education Classroom Bldg.

小福樓 Xiao-Fu Square

土木工程館 Dept. of Civil Engineering

保健中心 Health Center

體育館 Gymnasium 思亮館Shih-Liang Hall

女九舍 9th Women’s Dorm

傅園 Fu Garden 運動場

Sports Field 醉月湖 Drunken Moon Lake 計算機及

資訊網路中心 Computer and Information Networking Center

應用力學 研究大樓Graduate Institute of Applied Mechanics

鹿鳴堂 Lu-Ming Hall

駐衛警察隊 Campus Security 電機

二館 EE Bldg.

No. 2 獸醫館

Dept. of Veterinary Medicine 社會與社工館

Dept. of Sociology / Dept. of Social Work 國家發展所 Graduate Institute of National Development

社會科學院 辜振甫先生紀念圖書館 Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library


社會科學院 College of Social Sciences

霖澤館 Tsai Lecture Hall

法律學院圖書館 Law Library


萬才館Wan-Tsai Research Hall

新聞研究所 Graduate Institute of Journalism

小小福Xiao-Xiao-Fu Food Services 行政大樓 Administration Bldg.

共同教學館 Common Subjects Classroom Bldg.

第二學生 活動中心 2nd Student Activity Center 管理學院 二號館Bldg. 2, College of Management 管理學院一號館 Bldg. 1, College of Management

數學系圖書室 Dept. of Mathematics Library


資訊工程 德田館 CSIE-DerTian Hall

物理學系圖書室 Dept. of Physics Library

7 尊賢館Tsun-Hsien Hall

鹿鳴廣場Lu-Ming Square

綜合體育館 Sports Center

總圖書館Main Library


化學系圖書室 Dept. of Chemistry Library


校史館 Gallery of NTU History 舊總圖Old Main Library

圖書資訊學系圖書室 Dept. of Library and Information Science Library


自動化書庫 服務中心ASRS Service

Center 2

海洋研究所圖書室 Institute of Oceanography Library


Map of NTU Libraries in Main Campus


圖書館 ( ) 分布圖

化學系圖書室 Dept. of Chemistry Library 原子與分子科學研究所 2 樓 Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences 2F

總圖書館 Main Library

社會科學院 辜振甫先生紀念圖書館 Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library 社會科學院 B1-2 樓 College of Social Sciences B1-2F

數學系圖書室 Dept. of Mathematics Library 天文數學館 2-3 樓 Astronomy-Mathematics Building 2-3F

物理學系圖書室 Dept. of Physics Library 凝態科學研究中心 310 室 Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, Room 310

圖書資訊學系圖書室 Dept. of Library and Information Science Library 自動化書庫服務中心

ASRS Service Center 綜合教學館 1 樓 Multi-Purpose Classroom Building 1F

法律學院圖書館 Law Library 萬才館 1-2 樓 Wan-Tsai Research Hall 1-2F

海洋研究所圖書室 Institute of Oceanography Library

1 2



5 6


8 9



Map Legend 圖 例 說 明

廁所 Toilet 餐廳


訪客中心 Information 博物館

Museum 書店



Vehicle Parking 機車停車場

Motorcycle Parking 出入口(車輛可通行)

Vehicle Exit 出入口(僅供行人/自行車通行)

Pedestrian / Bike Exit

捷運站Metro Station 捷運站出入口

Metro Station Exit 公車站

Bus Stop 1

醫療站 First-Aid Station

互動式電子地圖查詢 http://map.ntu.edu.tw

Interactive map of NTU Campus

其他系所圖書室 Departmental Libraries


物理、化學、海洋與圖書資訊等系所圖書室。各單位均提供讀者服務,由總圖集中處 理各館藏單位之書刊徵集、分類編目等事宜。

Due to its historical background and dispersed campuses, in addition to the Main Library, the University Library system also contains two site libraries: the Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library of College of Social Sciences and the Medical Library. There are also departmental libraries for the college of Law and the departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Oceanography, and Library and Information Science. While all the libraries provide reader services, the processes of collection acquisition and cataloging, as well as other administration supports are conducted by the Main Library.




並與多個國家地區的學術及研究機構維持出版品交換贈送關係,達到促進校際、國際 間學術交流之目的。

The mission of NTU Library is to fulfill the teaching, learning, and research needs of students and faculty at the University. To date, the Library houses more than 8,100,000 collections, which makes NTU Library the largest academic library in Taiwan. To facilitate the inter-collegiate and international academic communication, NTU Library is one of the officially designated repositories for government publications and has agreements of exchange and donation collections with academic and research institutes worldwide.

Collections 館藏


圖書館收藏中外文古籍善本資料 25 萬餘件,為國內各大學之最,如淡新檔案、明版 線裝書、琉球歷代寶案、西洋搖籃期刊本等均至為珍貴。此外,本校教授與校友不乏 近代名家,本館主動蒐集手稿真跡,提供優質保存環境,並擴及至非本校之其他名家 手稿,以落實本校研究資源重鎮之譽,目前已有王文興、林文月、臺靜農、白先勇、

葉維廉、王禎和、楊雲萍、殷海光、鄭騫、潘貫、慎芝與關華石、桂文亞、姚朋、裴 溥言、戴炎輝、杜維運、齊邦媛、夏德儀、葉俊麟、金恆杰等名家手稿入藏。

本校前身為日治時期之臺北帝國大學,建校初期便建立極具地域特色之講座與研究 所,從事臺灣、中國大陸及南洋等亞洲地區有關歷史、自然、產業、資源等各方面之 調查和研究,其中因臺灣資料館藏之豐富多元,為臺灣資料重要的典藏機構,本館目 前仍持續以臺灣研究為收藏重點,廣泛蒐集圖書、期刊、檔案手稿及相關影音資料等。

NTU Library holds over 250,000 volumes of rare books in Chinese and other languages, particularly the Tan-Hsin Archive (1776-1895) (judiciary archive of Tamsui and Hsin-chu area), Ming editions of thread-bound books (from the 15th to 16th century), the Rekidai Hoan (1424-1867) (diplomatic archive of the Ryûkyû Kingdom), and the collection of 15th-century European incunabula. It's the largest of such holdings of any academic library in Taiwan. The Library has also actively acquired the manuscripts of the University's faculty, alumni, and non- NTU notable persons, to establish such a resource hub. To date, it has archived manuscripts of Wen-Hsing Wang, Wen-Yueh Lin, Ching-Nung Tai, Hsien-Yung Pai, Wai-Lim Yip, Chen-Ho Wang, Yun-Ping Yang, Hai-Kuang Yin, Chien Cheng, Kuan Pan, Shen-Chih and Hua-Shih Kuan, Wen-Ya Kuei, Peng Yao, Pu-Yen Pei, Yen-Hui Dai, Wei-Yun Du, Pang-Yuan Chi, Te-I Hsia, Jun-Lin Ye, Heng- Jie Jin, and many others.

NTU’s predecessor, the Taihoku Imperial University, was a pioneer institution for the study on Taiwan, Mainland China, and Southeast Asia. Chair system was established for historical, natural, industrial, and resource research on area studies. The rich and diverse collections of Taiwan have especially made the Library an essential archival institution for such research materials.

In hopes of enriching the Library’s Taiwan-related research materials, the Library continues to focus on acquiring books, journals, archives, manuscripts, and multimedia materials in the field.

館藏 特藏資源 Special Collections


本館自 1997 年起推動館藏數位化工作,近 20 年來已有相當成績。藉由前國科會國家 型科技計畫,已完成淡新檔案、臺灣古碑拓本、伊能嘉矩手稿、田代安定手稿、歌仔 冊、狄寶賽文庫等臺灣研究資源數位化;其他中日西文善本、檔案手稿等館藏,亦逐 步透過數位化,兼顧保存與推廣利用之效。臺灣舊照片資料庫與日治時期統計資料庫,

從日治時期舊籍中摘取元素,創造新的特色館藏。本館亦積極與校外典藏單位、私人 收藏家合作數位化,包含中國國民黨史料、慈林教育基金會典藏臺灣社運史料等都有 豐碩成果。

近年著重各專藏文庫數位化,包含磯永吉、楊雲萍、國分直一、葉嘉瑩、林文月、白 先勇之手稿、小川文庫、大鳥文庫及田中文庫之特色圖書等,上述數位化資料均可於 本館網站「特藏資源」頁籤下查詢瀏覽。

Since 1997, the Library has been endorsing digitization of its collections and has completed much progress in the last 20 years. Through the National Science Council’s (now the Ministry of Science and Technology) National Technology Program, Taiwanese research materials such as the Tan-Hsin Archives, the Monumental Stone Rubbings, Manuscripts of Kanori Ino, the Tashiro Antei Manuscripts, Kua-a-tsheh (Lyric Books of Taiwanese Opera), the V. S. de Beausset Collection, and others have been completely digitalized. For better preservation, promotion, and use, the Library has been digitizing its rare book and manuscript collections continuously. For instance, the creation of the Database of Taiwanese Old Photos and the Taiwan Colonial Statistics Database shows the Library’s efforts of reorganizing featured characteristics from books published during the Japanese Era (1895-1945) and coining novel special collections. On the other hand, the Library also seeks collaborations with other institutions and private collectors, including the KMT Party History Database and the Taiwan Democracy Archives held by the Chilin Foundation.

In recent years, the focus of digitization has shifted to Individual Collections, such as the manuscripts of Eikichi Iso, Yun-Ping Yang, Naoichi Kokubu, Chia-Ying Yeh, Wen-Yueh Lin, and Hsien-Yung Pai, as well as rare books from the Ogawa Collection, Otori Collection, and Tanaka Collection. Users are able to retrieve these featured collections on the Library website.

日治時期 繪葉書




特藏 地圖


Services 服務

館際合作 Interlibrary Loan Services


本館加入國內館際合作系統—「全國文獻傳遞服務系統(Nationwide Document Delivery Service,簡稱 NDDS)」,以協助讀者向國內其他單位申請;另可透過 OCLC、Rapid ILL 或國外其他單位,取得國內未蒐藏之資料。目前本館與國內 100 餘 所大專院校簽訂圖書互借協議,讀者可洽借該單位核發之借書證前往借書。多年來,



推出「三校借書一卡通用服務」,申辦通過後三校師生可持教職員工證或學生證至合 作館借閱圖書或使用閱覽服務。

Books and documents not held at NTU libraries can be checked out from other libraries in Taiwan through the Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS) or acquired internationally from OCLC and Rapid ILL. In addition, the Library has interlibrary loan agreements with over 100 academic libraries in Taiwan. Users may check out books from those libraries by applying for a library card at the circulation desk or via the online interlibrary loan system. Noticeably, the annual number of requests for NTU Library collection ranks the top in Taiwan for many years.

National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology have introduced the Tri-Library Loan Service, so that eligible patrons at the three universities may use their university IDs to check out books from the other two university’s libraries.

書刊流通 Circulation Services

本館多數館藏以開架方式陳列供讀者利用,一般圖書均可外借,期刊、報紙、參考資 料、特藏資料及公播版視聽資料則以館內閱覽為主。為方便讀者還書,所借圖書可歸 還至總圖、社科圖、醫圖及任一院、系所圖書室;為服務本校讀者借用跨校區圖書資料,


NTU Library collection maintains open stacks in most areas (except for the 5th floor of the Main Library). Although books can be checked out, other items such as journals, newspapers, reference collection materials, special collections, and public presentation editions of audiovisual materials are for in-library use only. For readers’ convenience, books can be returned to any site/departmental library instead of the original unit. Additionally, Intercampus Loan Service is provided for readers to request books between the Main Library and the Medical Library; full-time faculty may further choose to obtain the requested book at the Library or the departmental office.


參考諮詢服務 Reference Services

本館設有參考諮詢服務臺,由專業館員提供有關圖書館服務與資源使用等說明,並指 導讀者查找與蒐集研究資料。另提供本校師生專屬「與館員有約」深度諮詢服務,能 更深入了解本館豐富多元的資源,獲得更精準的客製化資訊。除面對面的服務外,也 可透過電話、電子郵件或圖書館臉書粉絲專頁等方式提出問題,或從本館網頁與參考 服務部落格取得各種資訊新知與指引。

The Information Desk is located on the 1st floor of Main Library, where librarians not only provide information about library services and resources for users but also instruct readers in searching and organizing research materials. To further understand and utilize plentiful resources, faculty and students can book “Ask a Librarian” for an in-depth consultation and obtain personalized information more precisely. Other than face-to-face services, users may raise questions and get the answers via phone, email, or Facebook. NTU Library website and Reference Service Blog are also effective ways of acquiring numerous information and instructions.


學科服務 Subject Services

本 館 學 科 館 員 秉 持 便 捷、 熱 忱、 學 習、 專 業(Handy、Enthusiastic、Learning、

Professional,簡稱 HELP)的服務信念,提供教師與學生教學支援、研究和學習協助等 專業服務,不僅擔任院系所與圖書館之間的聯繫窗口,協助教師辦理課程指定參考資 料、研擬計畫用書與專業書刊推薦,瞭解師生需求以協助教師研提相關研究計畫,並 提供客製化的學科主題利用指導講習。

為能永續典藏並呈現本校學術研究產能,2018 年整合本校機構典藏(NTUR)與學 術庫 (Academic Hub) 二平臺,於 9 月份推出臺大學術典藏(NTU Scholars,https://

scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw),透過研究者簡歷、研究成果之資料連結、以及多元學術影響 力指標的提供,加值呈現學術合作之網絡趨勢,並永久典藏本校學術成果。

NTU Library subject librarians uphold the core belief "Handy, Enthusiastic, Learning, and Professional" (HELP) to support the University users’ teaching, learning, and research activities. Subject librarians bridge departments/colleges and the Library, assisting professors in managing course reserve books, drafting bibliography for projects, recommending books and journals of specific academic fields. They also help professors and students to construct research projects and customize instructional classes of different subjects on the basis of certain requests.

To sustainably archive and present the academic productivity of NTU, the Library integrated

“NTU Repository” and “Academic Hub” into “NTU Scholars” (https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw) on September 2018. In addition to consolidating researchers’ portfolios and their works, “NTU Scholars” provides numerous academic impact indicators to show the trend of cooperation among disciplines and preserve academic achievements of the University.


研究支援服務 Research Support Services

本館於 2018 年設置「研究支援組」專責支援校內教師學術研究工作,進行資訊分析及 研究情報的蒐集。針對教師及系所提供的領域網絡分析服務(Domain Network Analysis Service,簡稱 DNA 服務),係利用大型引文資料庫如 Web of Science 及 SCOPUS,藉 由數據分析、書目探勘等方法,透過共同關鍵字、共著、共引及書目耦合等引文網絡 關係,取徑書目計量學與資訊視覺化手段呈現研究主題之消長,協助申請人辨識研究 典範之移轉並探索新興研究前沿(Research Front);此外,著手開發研究資料典藏服 務(Research Data Curation Service),利用開源軟體 Dataverse,協助機構、期刊管理 旗下學者、投稿者上傳之研究資料,以促進資料典藏、分享、再用的發展,使研究資 料價值最大化。秉持學術圖書館的核心價值,本館透過研究支援服務協助學術單位概 觀其學術產出的聚焦熱點、分析合作走向,並活化研究資料再利用價值,提升機構之 整體學術研究力。

The Research Support Division was established in 2018 to facilitate NTU faculty’s academic research by collecting and analyzing the research information. The “Domain Network Analysis Service” (DNA Service) provides faculty and academic units services to utilize methods of data analysis and bibliomining in citation index databases such as Web of Science and SCOPUS to construct the networks of co-keywords, co-authors, co-citations, and bibliographic coupling to present the changes of research subjects through bibliometrics and information visualization.

It’s beneficial for applicants to acknowledge the paradigm shifts and explore the Research Front. In addition, the Division uses open-source software “Dataverse” to develop the Research Data Curation Service for archiving, sharing, and reuse of the data, assisting NTU faculty in dealing with personal research data and helping academic units manage data submitted to the affiliated journals. With the services provided by Research Support Division, University faculty and academic units may comprehensively recognize the focus of the discipline, analyze the cooperation trend, and improve the reusability of data. Such services may enhance the academic competitiveness of the University.


多媒體服務 Multimedia Services

本館多媒體館藏包含 BD、DVD、VCD、CD、黑膠唱片、錄影帶、錄音帶等國內外具教 育性與知識性之各類型視聽資料,以支援教師教學研究及學生學習;另一方面,定期 製作音樂主題介紹及由專業影評人針對電影館藏撰寫專文介紹,以深入淺出的方式為 讀者提供不同角度的欣賞觀點,行銷多媒體館藏。相關服務內容包括:影音 @ Online 系統、樂牙彎公播音樂聆賞、數位 MOD 公播頻道、有線電視選播、影音 Focus 部落格、

主題影片選介、數位學習網、視聽資料借閱及大小團體使用室借用等服務。因應科技 發展趨勢,本館導入 AR 擴增實境技術提升服務品質,並增進使用者與本館的互動與 認識。

Multimedia collections in the Library are for teaching, research, and learning activities, which consist of various types of educational and knowledgeable audiovisual materials such as BD, DVD, VCD, CD, gramophone records, VHS, and cassette tapes. Periodically, the librarians introduce different types of music, and the film critics write columns to promote collections by offering different perspectives. Related services include Information on Demand system, music listening station, digital MOD channels, cable TV channels, a blog for film and music, recommendations for thematic movies, e-learning program, multimedia collection circulation, and group room reservation. Augmented Reality (AR) technology is also implemented to elevate users’ experiences in the Library.


資訊服務 Information Services

2018 年本館導入雲端圖書館自動化系統(System for Library Information Management,

簡稱 SLIM),透過雲端服務架構與嶄新介面,改善圖書館各項服務的內部作業流程,



本館亦自行開發新版「國立臺灣大學圖書館行動 APP」(iOS、Android),使讀者更便 利地使用圖書館服務與資源,隨時掌握圖書館最新消息、館藏查詢、個人續借與預約 等服務,也能於行動裝置上瀏覽精彩影評、試聽經典音樂、讀取館內 AR 擴增實境等 多媒體內容。

NTU Library introduced the “System for Library Information Management” (SLIM) in 2018 to improve internal workflows through a cloud-based service structure and a novel interface.

The SLIM is beneficial for managing both printed and electronic collections and strengthening the consolidation of system and resources, providing a one-click discovery service for users to obtain collections efficiently.

On the other hand, the Library developed “NTUL Mobile APP” for both iOS and Android platforms for users to access services and resources more conveniently. Users may follow the latest news, retrieve and request collections, renew checked-out items, browse film reviews, and listen to music trailers with the APP.


推廣服務 Extension Services

為增進讀者對圖書館館藏與服務之利用、拓展讀者視野、提升圖書館形象,本館經常 舉辦各種推廣活動,如展覽、參觀導覽、演講座談、互動遊戲、資源利用課程等,引 領讀者貼近本館內涵、培養其自我學習、思考之能力與素養。而透過受理預約國內外 同道參訪交流行程、編製各式文宣簡介與出版品以供校內外讀者瞭解本館營運概況,



In order to promote the services and resources of NTU Library, numerous extension activities such as exhibitions, lectures and talks, interactive games, book exhibitions, film festivals, and topical instruction programs have been held for drawing users’ attention and developing their abilities of self-learning and related literacy. In addition, the Library establishes the public relations and markets the professional image nicely through arranging tours for visitors from regarding fields and publishing brochures and manuals. NTU Library also puts efforts into operating websites, e-newsletters, and social media to ensure users to attain instant information.


NTU History Gallery / NTU Museums

校史館 / 博物館群

本館於 1998 年啟用新館後,同年舊總圖由臺北市政府指定為古蹟,並於 2005 年 6 月 成立校史館,坐落舊總圖書館二樓中央閱覽室。校史館設立後,廣泛徵集校史文物、

老照片,並進行口述訪談,策劃校史記憶相關特展與活動,延續本校記憶、凝聚向心 力並傳承其精神。

2007 年 11 月起啟動「臺大博物館群」,由圖書館負責規劃整合全校 10 個標本室或 小型博物館(人類、動物、植物、昆蟲、地質、醫學人文、物理、農業、校史、檔案)。目前 博物館群辦公室設置於校史館營運組,負責博物館群統籌性行政業務與推廣活動,以 期為大學的社會教育責任善盡心力。


While NTU Main Library moved to the current location and opened in 1998, the older building was designated as a municipal monument in the same year. In June 2005, the Central Reading Room on the 2nd floor of the old Main Library building was reconstructed and formally opened as NTU History Gallery. For building the coherence and embracing the beliefs of NTU, NTU History Gallery not only extensively collects historical relics and oral histories related to the University, but also curates various exhibitions and activities to honor NTU history.

The “NTU Museums Cooperation and Development Plan” was launched by the University in November 2007 for making educational impacts on society. NTU Library has been in charge of planning, coordinating, managing, and promoting common affairs among the ten members of NTU Museums Group, including the Museum of Anthropology, the Zoology Museum, the TAI Herbarium, the Insect Museum, the Geology Museum, the Museum of Medical Humanities, the Heritage Hall of Physics, the Agricultural Exhibition Hall, NTU History Gallery, and the Museum of Archives. Currently, the headquarter of NTU Museums is at the office of University History Affairs Division, presiding over joint administrative matters and extension activities.

NTU Museum of Anthropology

NTU History Gallery NTU Geo-specimen Cottage NTU Heritage Hall of Physics NTU Insect Museum

N TU Ge o

-s p e cim e n Cottage N T U H i s t o r y G a l l e r y

NTU Herbarium

NTU Agricultural Exhibition Hall NTU Museum of Zoology NTU Archives NTU Museum of Medical Humanities


He r bariu m


Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Resource Center


本館受原住民族委員會之委託,自 2006 年起於總圖地下 1 樓建置並營運「臺灣原住 民族圖書資訊中心」,以專門圖書館為定位,致力於徵集與整理國內外原住民族相關 議題的研究資源,提供讀者閱覽利用。資料類型包含中文、日文、外文圖書、多媒體 影音資料與電子資源,持續發展館藏內容的深度及廣度。至 2019 年,原圖中心收錄 館藏量達 4 萬冊(件)

As part of a project commissioned by the Council of Indigenous Peoples, NTU Library established the Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Resource Center at B1 of the Main Library in 2006, which is targeted as a special library for acquiring and organizing resources about Taiwan and foreign indigenous peoples for users. The Center collects various languages and types of materials, including books of Chinese, Japanese, and other foreign languages, multimedia collections, and e-resources. Up to 2019, the Center has held nearly 40,000 volumes.



Digital Library & Museum of Buddhist Studies


1995年成立的 「 佛學數位圖書館暨博物館 ( 以下簡稱佛圖 ),http://buddhism.lib.

ntu.edu.tw/」 由本校哲學系榮退教授釋恆清法師肇創,2003 年由本館接手營運,至 2009年改由本校文學院執行,2018 年 4 月起再度由本館接續承辦,本校資訊工程學 系特聘教授暨數位人文中心主任項潔教授自 2003 年起擔任主持人至今。佛圖致力於 蒐集匯整佛教相關研究論著書目與全文,2017 年獲選全球百大大學數位圖書館之一,

目前全球使用量每日超過 10,000 人次,總使用量超過 2,700 萬人次,現為全球最大 線上佛學研究主題資料庫,為全球各大學所推薦。

佛圖收藏逾 41 萬篇書目資訊、7 萬多篇全文檔案,內容含括全球 45 種語言以及 15 種資料類型,使用者可進行檢索,並免費閱讀下載。可利用「佛學著者權威資料庫」

查詢全球10萬名佛學研究者的相關著作目錄、可透過「收錄期刊指南」查詢全球1,998 份佛教期刊。亦提供 17,715 卷數位佛典下載,以及線上梵文、藏文、巴利文等語言 教學工具。

Digital Library & Museum of Buddhist Studies (DLMBS, http://buddhism.lib.ntu.edu.tw/) was founded in 1995 by Professor Emeritus of the Department of Philosophy Ven. Shih Hen- ching. The sponsorship was transferred to NTU Library in 2003 until 2009, when the College of Liberal Arts took over. The sponsorship was given back to the Library in 2018. The Principle Investigator of the project since 2003 has been Jieh Hsiang, Distinguished Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and Director of Research Center for Digital Humanities. DLMBS focuses on collecting bibliographies and full-texts of journal articles, books, collections of essays and other research resources in Buddhist studies.

It was selected in 2017 by CollegeDegree.com has one of the 100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access, and is the only one on Buddhist Studies. It is the most comprehensive database of its kind in the field of Buddhism and is recommended by universities worldwide. There are more than 10,000 users daily and more than 27,000,000 total user/session access to the website.

The current content of DLMBS includes more than 410,000 bibliographic records and 70,000 full-texts in 45 languages, and 15 types of literature. The new "Buddhist Author Authority Database" allows users to search the works of 100,000 Buddhist researchers in the world, and the "Journals Included" section enables users to search among 1,998 Buddhist journals in the world. It also provides 17,715 volumes of digital Buddhist canons for users to download, and online teaching tools of Sanskrit, Tibetan, Pali and other languages.


本館編製各式文宣簡介推展圖書資源與服務,並與各領域學者專家合作出版文庫書 目、全文校勘等圖書,以促進大眾對館藏資源之瞭解與利用。近年(2015-2019)出版 概況如下:

In addition to providing a wide variety of publications to introduce its resources and services to readers and the public, NTU Library collaborates with scholars of various fields to publish collection catalogues and full-text collations. The recent publications (2015-2019) are listed below:

標註 者提供可線上閱覽之電子檔/電子書 This mark◆ means e-version available

館務報導 Library News and Statistics

◆ 國立臺灣大學圖書館館訊(月刊)

◆ 國立臺灣大學圖書館年報(每年更新)

◆ 典藏.韶光—臺大圖書館遷館 20 週年專刊(2018)

圖書資訊學相關學術論著 Academic Publications

◆ 大學圖書館(半年刊)(1997-2016)



NTU Library Newsletter (Monthly)

NTU Library Annual Report(Annual)

Light for Good: National Taiwan University Library 1998-2018 (2018)

University Library Journal (Semi-annual) (1997-2016)


圖書館使用手冊 Library User’s Guide for Faculty or Students

◆ 學生版使用手冊《認識圖書館從這裡開始》(每年更新)

◆ 英文版使用手冊《NTU Library User's Guide》(每年更新)

◆ 教師版使用手冊《這是你的圖書館》(每年更新)

特藏資源 Special Collections

■ 國立臺灣大學圖書館田中文庫植物圖譜(再版)(2019)

■ 國立臺灣大學圖書館典藏琉球關係史料集成 第二卷-第五卷(2015-2018)

■ 國立臺灣大學圖書館典藏平家物語音譜本:第一卷平家物語節附語り本(2018)

校史館 / 博物館群出版品 NTU Campus Publications

◆ 國立臺灣大學博物館群工作成果概覽(年刊)

■ 四六事件與臺灣大學(2017)

■ 標本.文物.我們的歷史──臺大博物館群與藏品精選(增訂版)(2015)

Get a Fresh Start to Know Your Library: Guides for Students (Annual)

NTU Library User’s Guide: English Version(Annual)

It’s Your Library: for Faculty (Annual)

NTU Museums Annual Report (Annual)

The Incident of April 6 1949 and National Taiwan University (2017)

Stories and Selections from the National Taiwan University Museums (Revised edition) (2015)

An Atlas of Plants from Tanaka Collection at National Taiwan University Library (2019)

Historical Archives of the Ryukyu Kingdom Housed at National Taiwan University Library:

A Transcription, Vol. 2-5 (2015-2018)

The Musical Score of the Tale of the Heike at National Taiwan University Library, Vol. 1: The Heike Monogatari (Abridged Edition) (2018)



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According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if the observed region has size L, an estimate of an individual Fourier mode with wavevector q will be a weighted average of

This kind of algorithm has also been a powerful tool for solving many other optimization problems, including symmetric cone complementarity problems [15, 16, 20–22], symmetric

Department of Physics and Taiwan SPIN Research Center, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. The mixed state is a special phenomenon that the magnetic field

Department of Physics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. We investigate how the surface acoustic wave

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In order to reveal the real purpose of this important work, the present paper discusses both Dau-shr's historical background, the fierce competition between Buddhist and the