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為全球學生打造設計的星空 2008台灣國際創意設計大賽-「學生組競賽」


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The 2008 Taiwan International Design Competition’s Student Section

Remarks by Minister




容創意」的方案,使得「創意」已成為台灣未來提升競爭力的另 一雙翅膀!未來要進一步發揮競爭力,靠的就是創意。

為配合國內藝術創意產業的發展需要及激發學生的創作動 能,教育部從2003年起執行5年期程的「藝術與設計人才培育計 畫」,到2005年著手推動的「藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫」、

「鼓勵學生參加藝術與設計類國際競賽計畫」,以及2008年與經 濟部共同舉辦的「台灣國際創意設計大賽計畫」,目的都是希望 我國藝術與設計領域人才能與國際接軌,透過參與國際設計平台 的方式,來促進台灣設計水準的提昇,除了讓學生自己的創意能 被看見外,也讓台灣設計藉由這群年輕學子揚名國際。

其中,有鑑於經濟部自2003年起舉辦的「台灣國際創意設計 大賽」,已經在國際設計界建立良好的口碑,教育部特於今年起 配合主題「出入」(In / Out),另行規劃學生組競賽,並將類別擴 大為「產品設計類」、「視覺設計類」及「數位動畫類」三個領 域。除可整合政府部會資源,共同提升台灣的國際形象外,亦企 圖將本比賽發展成為兼具專業人士與學生參與的國際創意設計競 賽盛事,成為全球學生增進設計能力的交流平台。

今年是教育部首度參與辦理學生組競賽,在網路報名階段有 來自全球12個國家地區、1126件作品報名,實際收件結果則有 來自全球9個國家地區、662件作品參賽,顯見本項競賽已經獲得 國內外學生的認同。本次競賽分別於7月15日、9月10日在台北 舉行初審及決審作業,並且於本(2008)年10月4日配合「台灣設 計博覽會」舉行頒獎典禮與得獎作品的展覽;本年度的設計競賽 活動已經圓滿落幕,感謝經濟部的協助,建立兼顧專業人士與在 校學生參與的國際設計競賽平台,感恩所有共襄盛舉的評審委員 及本次競賽「學生組」執行單位-國立台灣師範大學文化創藝產學 中心同仁的辛勞。未來我們還要再擴大國家及學生的參與數,更 希望經由本項競賽能夠為全球學生打造設計的星空,讓年輕學子 的創意不斷地發散光芒。

Since 2002, the central government of Taiwan has been actively pro- moting the development of Creativity Education throughout all aspects of the society. Promotions have included such successful items as “Cul- tural and Creative Industry” and the “Digital Content Creativity”, which resulted in the establishment and growth of collaborative competitions for Taiwan.

The Ministry of Education, in support of the government’s vision for Creativity Education has established educational policies that encourage and support creativity, along with development in the fields of education, the arts, sciences and industry. An important outgrowth of this vision and the MOE’s policies has been the establishment of creative action frame- works for Taiwan in the areas of competition, innovation and visibility on a global scale.

This year, the Ministry of Education will collaborate with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, regarding the promotion of the 2008 Taiwan Interna- tional Design Competition’s Student Section, which will feature student design submissions in the areas of Product Design, Visual Design and Digital Animation. In addition to integrating government ministries and their resources, this competition provides students with opportunities to view collaborative global competitions as a fresh approach for fostering innovative, workable solutions to some of the most challenging areas of education.

Currently, the 2008 Taiwan International Design Competition’s Stu- dent Section has received more than 1126 student submissions from 12 countries for the first stage and 662 student submissions from 9 countries for the second stage. We are very excited to be able to give so many Tai- wan and international students, this opportunity to view and collaborate with each other for the purpose of providing new ideas, for the planning and creating of visual responses to insightful questions, in addition to en- couraging student connections to new resources, which can be used in defining and redefining their design and visual products and digital ani- mation designs.

Special acknowledgement and appreciation needs to be extended to the Ministry of Economic Affairs for its outstanding support, to the Na- tional Taiwan Normal University for hosting the “Student Section” of this year’s competition, along with its highly professional staff, students for all their hard work, along with the Cultural & Creative Industries Center, judges, participants and interested guests. Additionally, it is our expressed hope that in the future, we will be able to expand the competition and the number of Taiwanese and international participants.




2008 Taiwan International Design Contest-Student Section

「2008台灣國際創意設計大賽學生組競賽」計畫主持人 國立台灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心主任

Hope and Dream

Organizer, 2008 Taiwan International Design Contest-Student Section

Director, Cultural & Creative Industries Center, National Taiwan Normal University




計畫」,分別設置「教學資源中心」、辦理「藝術與設計菁英海 外培訓計畫」與「鼓勵學生參加國際藝術與設計競賽計畫」等多 項計畫,積極提升台灣藝術與設計院校學生專業能力,促進國際 設計學術交流與產學合作,並且鼓勵學生參與國際競賽,建立人 才培育與檢視成果的機制,提升台灣設計教育蓬勃發展的能量。

經由為期五年「文化創意產業人才培育計畫」,台灣在藝術與設 計教育已經建立良好的基礎;因此由台灣自主性地規劃辦理國際 創意設計競賽,成為台灣建立國際設計版圖與加強全球合作網絡 的重要指標。

今年為教育部首度辦理學生組國際創意設計競賽,儘管籌備 作業時間極為短促,但是由於配合台灣創意設計中心舉辦多年競 賽的經驗與既有的平台共同推廣,以及相互之間緊密合作與行政 支援,在網路報名階段即有來自全球12個國家地區、1126件作 品報名,實際收件結果則有來自全球9個國家地區、662件作品參 賽的結果,顯見國內外學生熱衷參與國際設計競賽;本次競賽於 由台灣創意設計領域知名專家15人組成初審評審團,於7月15日 舉辦初審作業,分別從「產品設計類」393件參賽作品選出30件 作品入圍,「視覺設計類」207件參賽作品選出30件作品入圍,

「數位動畫類」62件參賽作品選出18件作品入圍;另外於9月10 日邀請國內外專家14人組成決審評審團進行決審作業,最終評審 結果為「產品設計類」銀獎2名、銅獎3名,「視覺設計類」金 獎、銀獎、銅獎各1名,「數位動畫類」金獎、銀獎、銅獎各1 名;並且於2008年10月4日配合在台南蕭壟文化園區舉辦「2008 台灣設計博覽會」舉行頒獎典禮,並且特別規劃「設計夢競館」

展示得獎的作品;感謝教育部提供全球學生以設計逐夢的機會與 平台,感謝來自國內外初審與決審評審委員的辛勞作業,特別要 感謝台灣創意設計中心協助本中心執行計畫,當然最需要感謝的 是來自全球設計院校的師生踴躍參賽,因為他們才是這項競賽真 正的主角。

本人多年來受邀擔任國際間不同設計競賽的國際評審,多次 與國際設計界專家學者交流討論,認為在校的學生參與國際競賽 是檢視學習成果的具體指標,也是增進國際設計交流的最佳途 徑,更重要的藉此得以將自己的夢想與希望具體展現,參與競賽 則是經由國際評審的觀點來驗證自己的原創的概念與創意成型的 技法。誠如教育部長鄭瑞城博士在今年競賽得獎作品專輯序言所 說:「希望經由本項競賽能夠為全球學生打造設計的星空,讓年 輕學子的創意不斷地發散光芒。」,衷心期盼本項國際創意設計 大賽提供年輕學子實現夢想的機會,讓充滿創意與無限想像的希 望能夠持續發熱發光。

The MOE’s Program in Human Resource Development for Colleges of Art and Design began in 2003. The program established several MOE Educational Resources Centers, and organized the MOE Scholarship pro- grams for Overseas Study in Art and Design, and the MOE Award Incen- tive Program for Encouraging University/College Students to Participate in International Art and Design Contests, which actively raises professional capacities of Colleges of Art and Design students in Taiwan, to promote international design academic exchange and industrial-academic coop- eration to encourage students to participate in international contests, to establish human resource development and achievement inspection mechanisms, and to further increase the power of design education de- velopment. Through a five-year Cultural and Creative Industry Develop- ment Plan, Taiwan has established a solid foundation for art and design education; consequently, Taiwan’s active planning and organization of in- ternational design contests have become a significant index of its abilities in the international design domain of global cooperation network.

This is the first year for the MOE to organize the Taiwan International Design Competition-Student Section. The preparation period was ex- tremely short; however, with Taiwan’s experience in organizing contests with a common platforms, and the intense cooperation of administration supports between the center and the platforms, 12 nations participated in the contest’s online registration period, with 1126 submissions; while 9 nations, with 662 entries the contest in the actual work acceptance pe- riod, which shows an enthusiastic participation from students in Taiwan and abroad. On July 15, 2008, a judges group, consisting of 15 profes- sionals from Taiwan’s design domain, held the first trial. In the “Product Design Section”, 30 out of 393 works were selected; in the “Visual Design Section”, 30 out of 207 works were selected; in the “Digital Animation Sec- tion”, 18 out of 62 works were selected. Held on September 10, for the final trials, 14 domestic and foreign professionals were invited to form the judges group. In the final result, 2 silver medals and 3 bronze medals were awarded in the “Product Design Section”; 1 golden, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals were awarded in the “Visual Design Section”, and the “Digital Ani- mation Section”, respectively. An awards ceremony was held at the 2008 Taiwan Design Exposition at Hsiao-Long Cultural Park on October 4 2008;

moreover, “Design Dream Area” was organized to exhibit the award-win- ing-works. I would like to thank MOE for providing students around the globe with an opportunity and platform for fulfilling design dreams, and the hard-work of the first and final trial judges from Taiwan and abroad. I would also like to express my appreciation to the Taiwan Design Center for its assistance in the execution of this program, and more importantly, the enthusiastic participation of Colleges of Art and Design students and teachers, who were the leading characters of this contest.

I have been invited as a judge to various international design contests over the years, and have had opportunities of exchange and discussion with international design professionals and scholars. I believe students’

participation in international contests is a concrete index of achievement inspection, and the best catalyst for increasing international design ex- change. In addition, students are able to realize their hopes and dreams through such opportunities, and display and prove their creative con- cepts and realization techniques for international judges. As the Minister of Ministry of Education, Dr. Cheng Jei-Cheng mentioned in a preface, given in the award-winning-work album, “I hope this contest has created a sky of design for students around the globe, and the creativity of young students would continuously develop glorious radiance.” I hope the In- ternational Design Contest will continue to offer young students an op- portunity to realize their dreams, by offering a platform for their creativity and infinite imagination to shine brightly into the future.


6 產品設計Product Design

銀獎 Silver Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 風來了 The wind is coming

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 連勤和 Lien, Chin-Hu 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 張文智 Chang, Wen-Chih 學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣科技大學

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

銀獎 Silver Prize 作品名稱 Title of work CPR 急救工具 2 Heart-Emergency Kits

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 王郁閔 Wang, Yu-Min 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 張文智 Chang, Wen-Chih 學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣科技大學

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


7 產品設計Product Design

銅獎 Bronze Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 一週間的紀錄 A good diet habit

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 王沛元 Wang, Pei-Yuan 江冠逸 Cheng, Kuan-Yi 鄧國揚 Tern, Ko-Yin

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 李福源 Li, Fu-Yuan 學校名稱 Name of School 大同大學 Tatung University

銅獎 Bronze Prize 作品名稱 Title of work MULK

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 陳軒德 Chen, Shiuan-Te

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

學校名稱 Name of School 銘傳大學

Ming Chuan University

銅獎 Bronze Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 意境山水

Prospect of Landscape 參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 郭家瑋 Kuo, Chia-Wei 蔡易成 Tsai, Yi-Cheng 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 李福源 Li, Fu-Yuan 學校名稱 Name of School 大同大學 Tatung University


8 產品設計Product Design

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 開 / 關 ON / OFF

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 范承宗 Fan, Cheng-Tsung 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 游元良 You, Yuan-Liang 游萬來 You, Wan-Lai

學校名稱 Name of School 國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work Unity In Duality

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant Peter Alwin

國籍 Nationality 印度 India

學校名稱 Name of School National Institute of Design

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 投垃樂

Shoot Garbage

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 林文柄 Lin, Wun-Bing 吳麒佑 Wu, Chi-Yo 林信宏 Lin, Xin-Hung 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 林佳駿 Lin, Chia-Chun 學校名稱 Name of School 南台科技大學

Southern Taiwan University


9 產品設計Product Design

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 鍵貨 Keyboard Goods

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 吳祚漢 Wu, Tso-Han 吳靜怡 Wu, Chiang-Yi 林柔岑 Lin, Jou-Tsen 翁伯煒 Weng, Bo-Wei 陳忠傑 Chen, Chung-Chieh 國籍 Nationality

台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 黃雅玲 Huang,Ya-Ling 學校名稱 Name of School 崑山科技大學

Kun Shan Unniversity

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 蜂巢衣架 HoneyComb 參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 連勤和 Lien, Chin-Hu

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 張文智 Chang, Wen-Chih 范政能 Jeng-Neng Fan 學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣科技大學

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 走迷宮 Stepping Maze

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 侯宜廷 Hou, Yi-Ting

蕭舒駿 Hsiao, Shu-Chun

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 鄭金典 Cheng, Jin-Dean

學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣科技大學

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


10 視覺設計Visual Design

金獎 Gold Prize 作品名稱 Title of work In / Out雜誌 In / out magazine


國籍 Nationality 澳門 Macau 指導老師 Instructor 李澄暲 LEI CHENG CHEONG

學校名稱 Name of School 澳門理工學院

Macau Polytechnic Institute


11 視覺設計Visual Design

銀獎 Silver Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 出宅吧 Leave the house

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 王彥蘋 Wang, Jeng-Ping 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor

楊勝雄 Jack Yang, Shen-Hsiung 學校名稱 Name of School 中國文化大學

Chinese Culture University

銅獎 Bronze Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 時刻 Time

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 翟文思 Zhai,Wen-Si 梁秀川 Liang, XiuChuan 國籍 Nationality 中國 China

指導老師 Instructor 肖勇 Xiao, Yong 學校名稱 Name of School 中央美術學院

China Central Academy of Fine Arts

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 共生 Paragenesis

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 羅珮綺 Luo, Pei- Chi

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 姚村雄 Yao, Tsun-Hsiung 李億勳 Lee, Yih-Sun 學校名稱 Name of School 國立高雄師範大學 National Kaohsiung Normal University


12 視覺設計Visual Design

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 裁紙+人 Decoupage Life

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 黃偉哲 Wei-Je Huang 李耀藤 Yao-Teng Lee 林建宇 Chien-Yu Lin 陳郁屏 Yu-Ping Chen 李政霖 Cheng-Ling Li 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 蔡昌吉 Chang-Chi Tsai 黃庭超 Ting-Chao Huang

學校名稱 Name of School 嶺東科技大學

Ling Tung University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 今非昔比 Now and Past 參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 林上瑄 Lin, Shang-Hsuan

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor

施令紅 Sophia Shih, Ling-Hung

學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work Thinking for Peace / Nature 參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 梁國輝 LEONG, KUOK-FAI

國籍 Nationality 澳門 Macau 指導老師 Instructor 李澄暲 LEI CHENG CHEONG

學校名稱 Name of School 澳門理工學院

Macau Polytechnic Institute


13 視覺設計Visual Design

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 性與金錢 Sex & Money

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 賴建華 Lai, Chien-Hua 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 許和捷 Hsu, Ho-Chieh 學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 出入 In Out

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 鍾年恩 Jhong, Nian-En

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor

施令紅 Sophia Shih, Ling-Hung

學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 書&樹 Book&Tree

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 劉佳珈 Jia-Jia Liu

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

學校名稱 Name of School 朝陽科技大學

Chaoyang University of Technology


14 視覺設計Visual Design

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 出入 In Out

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 林靖容 Lin, Jing-Rong 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 林美吟 Lin, Mei-Yin 學校名稱 Name of School 國立臺南大學

National University of Tainan

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 出”外”入”內” Outside in 參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 尤傑 Yu, Chieh

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 吳淑明 Wu, Shu-Ming

學校名稱 Name of School 國立高雄師範大學 National Kaohsiung Normal University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 出生 Birth

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 張諾帆 Chang, No-Fan

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 吳介民 Jamie, Wu

學校名稱 Name of School 景文科技大學

Jinwen University of Science and Technology


15 數位動畫Digital Animation

金獎 Gold Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 人 .觀 Human Subjective

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 莊禾 Chuang, Ho

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 顏名宏 Yen , Ming-Hung 學校名稱 Name of School 亞洲大學 Asia University

銀獎 Silver Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 祕境 Secret

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 丁婉芷 Ting, Wan-Chih 陳怡璇 Chen, Yi-Hsuan 陳宜謙 Chen, Yi-Chien

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 王年燦 Wang, Nien-Tsan 廖崇政 Liao, Chung-Cheng 學校名稱 Name of School 輔仁大學

Fu Jen Catholic University


16 數位動畫Digital Animation

銅獎 Bronze Prize 作品名稱 Title of work 4’01

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 袁胜群 Yuan, Sheng-Gun 劉楊武 Liu, Yang-Wu 周蕾 Zhou, Lei 陸葉楠 Lu, Ye-Nan 周玥 Zhou, Yue

國籍 Nationality 中國 China 指導老師 Instructor 錢博弘 Qian, Bo-Hong

學校名稱 Name of School 浙江工商大學

Zhejiang Gongshang University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 教育 Education

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 嚴偉家 Yen, Wei-Jia

趙尚逸 Zhao, Shang-Yi 國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan

指導老師 Instructor 何宏文 He, Hong-Wen 學校名稱 Name of School 銘傳大學

Ming Chuan University 國立台南大學

National University of Tainan

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 流水席 Tea Story

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 張伊增 Chang, Yi-Tseng 陳普 Chen, Pu

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 陳俊良 Chen, Jyun-Liang 馮永華 Fong, Yong-Hua 學校名稱 Name of School 輔仁大學

Fu Jen Catholic University 實踐大學

Shih Chieh University


17 數位動畫Digital Animation

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 祝我生日快樂 Happy Birthday to Me

參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 李惠珊 Lee, Hui-Shan

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 鄭俊皇 Cheng, Chun-Huang 蔡昌吉 Tsai, Chang-Chi 學校名稱 Name of School 嶺東科技大學

Ling Tung University

佳作 Honorable Mention 作品名稱 Title of work 旅行箱 Suitcase Travel 參賽者姓名 Name of Applicant 陳彥廷 Chen, Yan-Ting

國籍 Nationality 台灣 Taiwan 指導老師 Instructor 班尼珍 Jean Brennan

學校名稱 Name of School 國立台灣科技大學

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology




2008 Taiwan International Design Competition


鼓勵國際創意設計交流,發掘創意設計人才,展現台灣重視創意 設計之國際形象,建立台灣之國際設計地位。

主題說明 出/入 In/Out








專業組:不限年齡之學生及國內外設計師、設計相關系所老師及 自由創作者

學生組:限定在學學生(以網路截止報名時間為準,須為民國71 年5月1日之後出生,年齡26歲以內)




*參賽者可以個人或組團隊參賽,參賽件數不限,但同一作品不 得重複參加各分組之比賽。



參賽時間表 報名截止

2008年7月01日(星期二)24:00 (台北GMT+08:00) 初選作品送件截止

2008年7月08日(星期二)17:00(台北GMT+08:00) 初選



2008年9月03日(星期三)17:00(台北GMT+08:00) 決選




報名費用 免繳報名費。

參賽程序 (一) 網路報名 1.報名時間

自2008年5月1日(星期五)至7月1日(星期二),台北時間 23:59 (GMT+08:00),逾期不受理。


(1)欲報名者,請至2008第7屆「台灣國際創意設計大賽」專屬 網站填寫線上報名表

專業組http://tidc.boco.com.tw 學生組http://tidcstudent.no-ip.biz

(2)完成報名手續後,系統會寄發「報名完成確認通知」及參賽 編號至報名者之E-mail 信箱。

(二) 初選-送交作品程序 1. 繳交設計圖說


( 1 ) 設 計 圖 說 含 設 計 表 現 圖 , 文 字 說 明 等 , 請 以 A 3 尺 寸 (420×297mm)裱板呈現,並2張為限,文字以英文為主,中 文為輔,各50~100文字內。

(2)送件:請在作品背面右下角標記報名編號及設計圖面編號次 序。請至http://tidc.boco.com.tw下載標籤格式。



• 設 計 圖 說 含 設 計 表 現 圖 、 文 字 說 明 等 , 請 以 A 3 尺 寸




•送件:請在作品背面右下角標記報名編號及設計圖面編號次 序。請至http://tidc.boco.com.tw下載標籤格式。


•作品尺寸無限制,以平面作品為主,唯長度勿超過180公 分,寬度須40公分以上。



( 1 ) 作 品 電 子 檔 光 碟 , 內 含 作 品 電 子 檔 ( A 4 尺 寸/350dpi/CMYK /TIFF檔)

(2)設計者照片。(尺寸210×297mm,解析度300dpi) (3)300~500字英文為主,中文為輔,作品說明。(檔案格式



請在作品背面右下角及光碟標記報名編號及設計圖面編號次 序。

請至http:// tidc.boco.com.tw下載標籤格式 C.【數位動畫類】




•作品說明裱板以4張為限,且裱板需自行裝定,方法如下所 示。


(1)DV格式錄影帶(以10分鐘為限)或是720X480大小,檔案 格式為.mpeg/.swf/.mov/.avi檔案,另剪接一分鐘精華片段,

請將完整檔案及精華片段檔案共同燒錄在 PC格式光碟(CD- Rom、DVD-R)一份。





•送件:請在作品說明裱板背面右下角及光碟標記報名編號及 設計圖面編號次序。請至http://tidc.boco.com.tw下載標籤格 式。





為保障智慧財產權,裱板所使用之圖片若非自行創作,須取得 原著作人同意。






2008年「台灣國際創意設計大賽(專業組)」評選小組  台灣創意設計中心

115台北市南港區園區街3-1號G棟3樓 學生組

2008年「台灣國際創意設計大賽(學生組)」評選小組 國立臺灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心籌備處 106 台北市大安區青田街5巷6號

(2)參賽作品經工作小組確認收件後,於專屬網站上公布作品之 報名編號。

(三) 決選-專業組及學生組產品設計類送交作品程序

1.請繳交以1:1或等比例縮小之精密模型(縮小模型不得小於50平 方公分),執行單位將補助產品設計類(專業組及學生組)佳作入選 者作品模型製作費NTD.20,000元整(含稅)。



b.設計者現身說法,闡述參賽作品設計概念及得獎感言各三 分鐘以內,此為評分重要依據,請參賽者務必繳交。(檔案格 式:.mpeg/.swf/.mov/.avi)

c.300~500字中文與英文作品說明。( 檔案格式:.doc/.txt) d.設計者照片。(jpg檔案尺寸210×297mm,解析度300dpi) 請於9月3日(星期一),台北時間17:00(GMT+08:00) 前,親自 送達或郵寄至:


2008年「台灣國際創意設計大賽(專業組)」評選小組  台灣創意設計中心

115台北市南港區園區街3-1號G棟3樓 學生組

2008年「台灣國際創意設計大賽(學生組)」評選小組 國立臺灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心籌備處 106 台北市大安區青田街5巷6號



a.第一階段初選依照參賽者所提供之原作或裱版為依據,由評 選委員會選出30件作品晉級決選。

b.第二階段決選,專業組及學生組產品設計類採作品模型及光 碟作品評選;學生組之視覺設計類及數位動畫類則依原作進行 決選。

2.評審標準 專業組

以創意出發,突破現有產品造型,並能表達主題概念與美感的 產品設計。創意50% 美感20% 設計完整性20% 圖面表達10%


以創意出發,力求突破,切合主題並能表達主題概念與美感的 設計。


創意50% 美感20% 設計完整性20% 圖面表達10%


創意50% 構圖、美感、嚴謹度、完整性30% 技巧20%


創意50% 美感20% 完整性20% 技術性10%

3.執行單位邀請國內外不同領域專家組成初、決選評審團進行評 選。

頒發獎項 專業組










*所有得獎者將公布於專屬網站及國際媒體上,以提供台灣廠商 進行設計合作案時洽詢。

注意事項 (一) 關於參賽者


2.參加競賽作品應為自行創作之作品,且未在相關設計競賽獲 獎。

3.參賽者須配合提供其創作之詳細資料,作為日後公開報導與展 示之用。






2008 Taiwan International Design Competition

Theme In/Out

Eastern/Western, Traditional/Modern, Global/Local, Exquisite/Mundane, Inside/Outside, Ahead/Behind….

These are the dichotomies that frame our perceptions of the world. We can break through these lines of demarcation and definition, although it takes great fortitude to live in such uncertainty.

In Chinese, there is a word, “Chu Ju” (出入). This word is most commonly translated as discrepancy, inconsistency or uncertainty. Yet “Chu Ju”

means, most literally, “In/Out”. It is the concept of simultaneously coming and going. It is a paradox; one that exists even though the laws of reason state that it cannot.

For the 2008 Taiwan International Design Competition, we invite you to explore the contradictions that arise from the word “Chu Ju”. As you ex- plore this concept, don’t look for truths, but instead seek inspiration in the face of uncertainty.

Participation Professional Section:

Domestic or foreign designers, teachers or students of design related de- partments or schools, freelance designers.

Student Section:

For students that were born no ealier than May 1st, 1982.

The Categories Professional Section:

Product Design Student Section:

Product Design, Visual Design and Digital Animation


1. Participants may enter as an individual or as a group.

2. There is no limit to the number of submissions.

3. Each work may be entered in one category only.

Nature of Submission

Futuristic designs incorporating the theme In/Out.

Competition Schedule Online Registration Deadline

July 1,2008(Tue.)24:00 Taipei local time (GMT+08:00) Deadline for Preliminary Selection Works Submission July 8, 2008(Tue.)17:00 Taipei local time (GMT+08:00) Preliminary Selection

July 15, 2008 (Tue.)

Deadline of the submission for the archived of the Product Design Sep. 3, 2008 (Wed.) 17:00 Taipei local time (GMT+08:00) Final Selection

Sep. 10, 2008 (Wed.)

Award Ceremony and the Exhibition Oct. 4-19, 2008

5.寄件模型為參賽作品,為避免進入台灣海關時間較長,影響作 品到達時間;參賽者於寄件時勿將作品價值填寫超過50美元,且 自行負責繳納通關時所產生之所有費用。

6.獲前三名得獎者須親至頒獎典禮受獎;若未到場之得獎者所獲 該獎項之獎(含稅),將以7成支付。且得獎者,需自付參加頒獎典 禮之旅費。

(二) 關於得獎者

1.在公告得獎一年內,獲獎者及其作品應配合參加相關展示活 動。



4.寄件模型均不退件,模型作品將作為台灣創意設計中心及國立 台灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心籌備處之典藏。


(三) 關於獲獎資格取消

1.獲獎作品經人檢舉涉及抄襲或違反著作權等相關法令,經法院 判決確定者,執行單位得取消其獲獎資格並追回已頒發之獎金及 獎狀。

2.獲獎作品經人檢舉或告發為非自行創作或冒用他人作品且有具 體事證者,執行單位得取消其獲獎資格並追回已頒發之獎金及獎 狀。

3.獲獎作品其後續商品化及行銷行為有損大賽精神者,執行單位 得取消其獲獎資格並追回已頒發之獎金及獎狀。


聯絡方式 專業組

2008年「台灣國際創意設計大賽(專業組)」工作小組  台灣創意設計中心

115台北市南港區園區街3-1號G棟3樓 TEL:886.2.2655.8199 ext. 163 FAX:886.2.2655.8299 E-mail:tidc2008@gmail.com http://tidc.boco.com.tw 學生組

2008年「台灣國際創意設計大賽(學生組)」工作小組 國立臺灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心籌備處 106台北市大安區青田街5巷6號






21 Registration Fee

No registration fee is required.

Participation Procedure 1. Online Registration (1)Registration Period

May 1st, 2008 (Thu.) to July 1st, 2008 (Tue.) 23:59 Taipei local time (GMT+8:00). Late registration will not be accepted.

(2)Registration Method

a. Please fill out the online registration form on the website below Professional Section : http : //tidc.boco.com.tw

Student Section : http : //tidcstudent.no-ip.biz

b. After successful registration, a confirmation letter with your registration code will be sent automatically to the participant’s e-mail box.

2. Submission

(1) For the Preliminary Selection Professional Section

a. Design illustration should be on A3 size (420X297mm) paper board including explanation, with a maximum of 2 paper boards. The descrip- tion should be mainly in English and assisting with Chinese, each of which shall be limited in 50-100 words.

b. Please add the registration code and the sequence number at the lower right hand corner on the back of the paper board. The participant may download the label format from the following websites : http : //tidc.boco.

com.tw Student Section

a. Product Design Category

.Design illustration should be on A3 size (420X297mm) paper board in- cluding explanation. The description should be mainly in English and as- sisting with Chinese, each of which shall be limited in 50-100 words.

.Each participant can submit 2 paper boards only, binding together as follows:

.Please add the registration code and the sequence number at the lower right hand corner on the back of the paper board. The participant may download the label format from the following websites : http : //tidc.boco.


b. Visual Design Category

.Entries of this category should be mainly graphic designs, as the length of the work should not exceed 180c.m. and the width should be no more than 40c.m.

.No explanatory boards are required, except the works should be packed carefully and handle with care.

.Participants should also submit a VCD containing information as fol- lows.

*the works in electric files format (A4 size/ 350dpi/ CMYK/ TIFF)

*photo of designer (size: 210x297mm, 300dpi)

*description of the works, which should be mainly in English and assist- ing with Chinese, each of which shall be limited in 300-500 words.(in doc/

.txt format)


Please add the registration code and the sequence number at the lower right hand corner on the back of the paper board. The participant may download the label format from the following websites http : //tidc.boco.


c. Digital Animation Category

.The film clip should span at least 30 seconds, but should not exceed 10 minutes.

.Film story board, which is attached on A3 size (420X297mm) paper board for illustration purpose. The description should be mainly in English and assisting with Chinese

.Each participant can submit 4 paper boards only, binding together as follows:

.Participants should also submit a VCD containing information as fol- lows:

*A DV tape (which should not span longer than 10 minutes); or electric file in .mpeg/.swf/.mov/.avi format burned on a PC format CD-Rom/DVD- R. Please edit a one-minute clip and copy it in the CD-Rom and DVD-R format. Send it with the complete file that is also in the CD-Rom and DVD- R format.

*photo of designer (size: 210x297mm, 300dpi)

*description of the works, which should be mainly in English and assist- ing with Chinese, each of which shall be limited in 300-500 words.(in doc/.

txt format) .Submission

Please add the registration code and the sequence number at the lower right hand corner on the back of the paper board. The participant may download the label format from the following websites : http://tidc.boco.

com.tw (2)Student ID

Student ID (copies of student ID card or enrollment certificate.) should be submitted with the works.


To protect intellectual property, approval to use story board by original author is required.

participant should fill out affidavit, download from the website, and sub- mit the application to the organizer along with the story board.

(4) Deadline for Preliminary Selection Works Submission

The artworks should be received prior to July 8, 2008(Tue.) 17:00 Taipei local time (GMT+08:00). Entries should be delivered to the follow- ing address:

Professional Section Taiwan Design Center Selection Committee of

2008 Taiwan International Design Competition 3F, Bldg.G, 3-1 Park Street, Nangang Taipei 115, Taiwan Student Section

National Taiwan Normal University Cultural & Creative Industries Center




2008 Taiwan International Design Competition

eters, fully expression of the concept theme as well as demonstrating that the work is consciously designed according to specific principles.

Creativity 50% Aesthetics 20% Deign Completeness 20%

Design Presentation 10%

Student Section

Selection criteria stress innovation transcending existing product param- eters, fully expression of the concept theme as well as demonstrating that the work is consciously designed according to specific principles.

A. Product Design Category

Creativity 50% Aesthetics 20% Deign Completeness 20%

Design Presentation 10%

B. Visual Design Category

Creativity 50% Composition, Aesthetics, Design Completeness 30%, Techniques 20%

C. Digital Animation Category

Creativity 50% Aesthetics 20%, Design Completeness 20%, Techniques 10%


Professional Section

Gold 1 winner/ NT$500,000 in prize money and a certificate Silver 1 winner/ NT$200,000 in prize money and a certificate Bronze 1 winner/ NT$100,000 in prize money and a certificate

Honorable Mention numbers of winner/ NT$10,000 in prize money and a certificate

Student Section

Gold 1 winner/ NT$400,000 in prize money and a certificate Silver 1 winner/ NT$200,000 in prize money and a certificate Bronze 1 winner/ NT$100,000 in prize money and a certificate

Honorable Mention numbers of winner/ NT$10,000 in prize money and a certificate

Terms & Conditions 1. For the participants:

a. All works should be the original creation of the participants and may not infringe any intellectual property rights of others. The organizer ac- cepts no liability.

b. It is recommended that the participants register their works with com- petent governmental authorities before joining the competition.

c. Works submitted will not be returned. The organizer (Taiwan Design Center、National Taiwan Normal University Cultural & Creative Industries Center) shall be entitled to dispose or keep such works at it sole discre- tions.

d. The participants shall provide the details of their works for the purpose of the public reporting and the exhibition.

e. To avoid lengthy custom clearance procedures and delays in transpor- tation, the participants from abroad are recommended to declare a prod- uct value below USD 50.

f. The participants shall have adequate insurance coverage for their works Selection Committee of

2008 Taiwan International Design Competition

No. 6, Lane 5, Cingtian St, Da-an District, Taipei 106, Taiwan

The sequence number will be posted on the website with the confirma- tion of submission.

(5) For the Final Selection

The finalists will be notified by e-mail to submit the listed items.

1. Model (The Product Design of the Professional and the Students) The finalists should submit a full-scale or scaled model (no smaller than 50 cm3). The competition organizer will subsidize the model making fee for the finalists chosen in the categories of ”Honorable Mention “ to an amount of NTD20,000.

2. A CD with the listed files

a. 3 color photos of the model (210X270mm, 300dpi)

b. Participants may explain their submissions and give a pre-recorded vic- tory speech on a CD. (Each video has to be less than 3 minutes in length and in mpeg /swf /mov /avi format)

c. English explanation of your work (doc/txt format, 300-500 words) d. One photo of the participant (210X270mm, 300dpi)

3. Submission Deadline for Final Selection

The model, CD and Design illustration should be submitted to Selection Committee of 2008 Taiwan International Design Competition before Sept.

3, 2008(Wed.) 17:00, Taipei local time (GMT+08:00), either by mail or de- livered in person.


Professional Section Taiwan Design Center Selection Committee of

2008 Taiwan International Design Competition 3F, Bldg.G, 3-1 Park Street, Nangang Taipei 115, Taiwan Student Section

National Taiwan Normal University Cultural & Creative Industries Center Selection Committee of

2008 Taiwan International Design Competition

No. 6, Lane 5, Cingtian St, Da-an District, Taipei 106, Taiwan

Selection Procedure

1. The selection process is divided into preliminary and final stages a. The preliminary stage screens illustrations submitted by the partici- pants. The Selection Committee will choose 30 finalists.

b. At the final stage, for the product design of the profession and the stu- dents, all models, illustrations and explanations should be submitted to the Selection Committee for final screening. The Visual Design and the Digital Animation Design of the Students will be evaluated according to the original work/file

2. Selection Criteria Professional Section

Selection criteria stress innovation transcending existing product param-


23 submitted, particularly with regards to the risk of theft, fire, breakage and


g. The top three winners must be rewarded in person at the Award Cer- emony; there will be 30% deduction from the monetary prizes subject to the absence. All travel expenses related to the award ceremony will be borne by the participants.

2. For the winners:

a. For promotion purposes, the organizer shall have the rights to utilize (including but not limited to reproduce, Public recitation, Public broad- cast, Public presentation, Public transmission, Distribution, Public display, Publication, Public release) the works of the participants entering the final competition in different formats, including but not limited to Video/CD recordings, catalogues, photos, publications, and exhibitions. The win- ners, along with the awarded work, shall cooperate with the organizer in the relative activities within 1 year from proclaiming the awarding.

b. Monetary prizes will be gross, but the income tax will be deducted from all monetary prizes according to government regulations (The winners from abroad shall pay for 20% income tax.)

c. Works (models) submitted will not be returned. The submitted works (models) will be the permanent collections of Taiwan Design Center and National Taiwan Normal University Cultural & Creative Industries Center.

The organizer (Taiwan Design Center、National Taiwan Normal University Cultural & Creative Industries Center.) shall be entitled to dispose or keep such works (models) at it sole discretions.

3. For the prize disqualification:

a. In the event that the awarded works has been proven to be plagiarized or having involved in any infringement of copyrights or other laws, the or- ganizer shall have the rights to disqualify the awarded winners and revoke any prizes and certificates awarded at it sole discretions.

b. In the event that the awarded works is proven to be unoriginal design or has been fraudulently copied from others’ works, the organizer shall have the rights to disqualify the awarded winners and revoke any prizes and certificates awarded at it sole discretions.

In the event that the commercialization and marketing activities of the awarded works contravenes the spirit of this competition, the organizer shall have the rights to disqualify the awarded winners. And revoke any prizes and certificates awarded at it sole discretions.

c. Awards will be cancelled if the very same work was found both in the competitions of the Professional and the Students.


Professional Section:

Secretariat of 2008 Taiwan International Design Competition Taiwan Design Center (TDC)

3F, Bldg.G, 3-1 Park Street, Nangang Taipei 115, Taiwan TEL : 886-2-2655-8199 ext.163

FAX : 886-2-2655-8299 E-mail : tidc2008@gmail.com http : //tidc.boco.com.tw Student Section:

National Taiwan Normal University Cultural & Creative Industries Center Selection Committee of

2008 Taiwan International Design Competition

No. 6, Lane 5, Cingtian St, Da-an District, Taipei 106, Taiwan TEL : 886-2-2322-4929

FAX : 886-2-2322-5042 E-mail : ccic.ntnu@gmail.com http : //tidc.boco.com.tw


出版機關:教育部 發 行 人:鄭瑞城 著作權人:教育部

地 址:10051台北市中山南路5號 電 話:886-2-77366051

指導單位:教育部、經濟部 主辦單位:教育部高教司

執行單位:國立台灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心 協辦單位:波酷網、設計雙月刊

專輯主編:林磐聳 副 主 編:樊哲賢 美術編輯:吳冠羚 專案助理:劉蕓瑄、謝淑妃 出版日期:中華民國97年12月 Published by Ministry of Education Issuer: Cheng Jei-Cheng

Copyright Owner: Ministry of Education

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Chief Editor : Apex Lin, Pang-Soong Vice Editor : Jason Fan, Jeh-Shen Arts Editor : Wu Guan-Ling

Project Assistant : Liu Yun-Hsuan , Hsieh Shu-Fei The Date of Publiishing : December 2008


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Feng-Jui Hsieh (Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University) Hak-Ping Tam (Graduate Institute of Science Education,. National Taiwan

Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University,

2 Center for Theoretical Sciences and Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan!. ⇤ Author to whom correspondence should

2 Center for Theoretical Sciences and Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan..

2 Center for Theoretical Sciences and Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan..

Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan..

第 51 屆國際物理奧林匹克競賽 24 日於立陶宛舉辦,總共有 76 個國家、368 名學 生參與競賽。台灣代表隊由國內大學 10 多名教授組成輔導團隊負責培訓,歷經初

Department of Physics and Taiwan SPIN Research Center, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. The mixed state is a special phenomenon that the magnetic field