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國立空中大學 107 學年度上學期期中考試題


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 107 學年度上學期期中考試題


科目:實用英文 一律橫式作 3-1 頁


壹、 閱讀方法測驗,50%。這門課的教學節目帶與課本的導讀都一再的強

調學習與閱讀的方法,請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議 你先看題目在問甚麼,再去找答案;另外,這不是考翻譯,所以在看題目 時請不要浪費時間在翻譯句子。

1. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是動名詞?

(1) You have to think, guess, and judge the meaning of the sentences.

(2) By understanding sentences you will understand vocabulary and grammar rules better.

(3) It is different from learning science courses.

(4) It’s just like when we were children learning Chinese.

2. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是現在分詞?

(1) Thank you for joining our meeting today.

(2) I have been waiting for you.

(3) You may understand the all the words in the following two sentences….

(4) I am reading English now.

3. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ed 形式的字不是過去分詞?

(1) I hope that the problem will be solved in my lifetime.

(2) The arts have really flourished there.

(3) In early 1996, the people of Quebec voted to reject the idea of separating from the rest of Canada, but the result was very close.

(4) The French speaking population in Quebec feels discriminated against by the English speakers.

4. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是動名詞?

(1) I haven’t done any real hiking for several years.

(2) In those places, do you need ropes and other mountain climbing equipment?

(3) It takes a lot of planning to hike the trail in one season.


(4) When the hikers stop for the night, they hang their food kits from trees because the bears are always hungry and looking for food.

5. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ed 形式的字不是過去式?

(1) I attended a training course in Taipei the past two months.

(2) You don’t know how pleased I am to see you!

(3) The flight arrived 10 minutes ago.

(4) No, he looked away.

請為下面幾題的空格選一個正確的答案 6. They ____ that Chicago is a walking city.

(1) hear (2) have heard (3) hearing (4) heard

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作

答 3-2 頁

7. Excuse me, is this seat ____?

(1) take (2) takes (3) taking (4) taken

8. 下面三句話中,那一句有個形容詞子句?

(1) Maybe I should make a phone call to my family, and tell them that I will be back late.

(2) You should see what it is like during holidays.

(3) The only thing they have in their mind is getting home and cooking dinner.

9. 下面三句話中,那一句沒有個形容詞子句?

(1) Harry is a little nervous because he doesn’t know what to expect when he gets there.

(2) Where did the Native Americans who were living in the New England area come from originally?

(3) There are a couple of stores inside the mall that have things made in the U.S.

10. 下面這句話中有沒有形容詞子句?如果有,請將它完整地抄下來,抄整句不 給分,請注意子句的完整。

Is there anything else I need to do?

貳、 閱讀測驗,50%。請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議

你先看題目在問甚麼,再去找答案,另外,這不是考翻譯,所以在看題目 時請不要浪費時間在翻譯句子。

1. It’s very crowded and all the food is out in the open.

請問: 畫線部分中的 is out in the open 是說這些食物怎麼了?


2. That was some bus ride! I feel there were more people on the bus than in my hometown.

請問: Harry 說的這 2 句話的大意是甚麼?請用中文回答,不要抄句子。

3. I remember we went down an alley near the police station and then turned left.

請問: 句子中的 and 是連接那二段話?只要將那 2 段話分別抄下即可,請注 意,重點是關鍵的字一定要抄到,抄整句不給分。

4. I like going to yard sales. It’s a great way to find something you need and save a few bucks at the same time.

請問: you need 這 2 個字在這個句子中是用來說明句子中的那個字?

5. Ellen: You can’t drive a car with only a permit.

Jade: Ellen is right. You have to have a regular license to drive a car by yourself.

請問: 依據對話的內容,a permit 和 a regular license 的差別是甚麼?請用中 文回答。

6. Jade: Sometimes, I’ll eat a bowl of cereal with some sliced bananas or strawberries.

Laura: I had that for breakfast yesterday.

請問: 依據對話的內容,that 在這裡是指甚麼?抄下相關的文字即可。

7. Joy: How badly was he hurt? Did he break a leg?

Carol: No, he fell and got the wind knocked out of him. He was skiing again in our next class a week later.

請依據對話的內容,說明黑體字所形容的那個人跌倒後,受傷是如何的情 況,請用中文說明。

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作

答 3-3 頁

8. Helen: I want to see the fence Tom Sawyer painted, I want to see Becky Thatcher’s house, and I want to see the cave where she and Tom got lost in the story of Tom Sawyer.

請問: (1) 這一個句子中有幾個形容詞子句? (2) 請將形容詞子句完整的抄下 來。

9. It begins in the mountains in Georgia and goes through the mountains north to Maine.

請問: 句子中的 and 是連接那二段話?只要將那 2 段話分別抄下即可,請注 意,重點是關鍵的字一定要抄到,抄整句不給分。

10. The idea of a free public library is pretty old in this country, perhaps as old as the


United States itself. It’s something that is often taken seriously by communities.

請問: 依據對話的內容,it 指的是甚麼?請抄下相關的字,抄整句不給分。



1. 4 2. 1 3. 3 4. 4 5. 2 6. 2 7. 4 8. 3 9. 1

10. I need to do


1. 公開展示、陳列 2. 公車擁擠

3. went down an alley 和 turned left 4. something

5. a permit 不可以獨自開車,a regular license 就可以 6. a bowl of cereal with some sliced bananas or strawberries

7. 跌倒後一時無法回神、一時喘不過氣來、一時沒有反應、一時無法行動 8. (1) 2 個;(2) Tom Sawyer painted & where she and Tom got lost in the story of

Tom Sawyer

9. begins in the mountains in Georgia 和 goes through the mountains north to Maine,

10. a free public library



I want to see the fence Tom Sawyer painted, I want to see Becky Thatcher’s house, ___14____ I want to see the cave where she and Tom got lost in the story of Tom Sawyer.. John:

I don't want to see your sorry face again.. The software will run on

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