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系所動態/ Highlights


Academic year: 2022

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目 錄


院長的話/ Dean's Message

... 02 走過疫情 迎向曙光

Got Through the Pandemic The Dawn is Coming

系所動態/ Highlights

... 04 陽明交大與警政署首創全台開設科技犯罪偵查在職專班 建立警政資安生態體系

A New Degree Program Established by NYCU and National Police Agency to Cultivate Future Police Officer Talents in Technology

產學合作/ Industry Collaboration Project

... 08 4G/5G 多媒體系統之資安弱點檢測與威脅防護

4G/5G Multimedia Application Security Vulnerability Detection and Threat Protection 探勘金融消費資料於客戶消費行為預測與個人化電子廣告標題生成

Predicting Consumer Behavior and Generating Personalized Titles with Data Analytics

教師專訪/ Interview with Faculty

... 10 陳奕廷老師:做自己熱愛且能夠讓世界變得更好的事

An Interview with Dr. Yi-Ting Chen: Pursuing Your Passion and Make This World a Better Place

資訊系友/ Alumni

... 12 Futuristic Technologies 交大日歡慶回娘家

Futuristic Technologies: NYCU Alumni Day 傑出校友 林榮賜學長:利他共好

Rong-Shy Lin, an Outstanding Alumnus: Altruism and Mutual Advantage

科普軼聞/ Science Column

... 16 數位分身的前世 : 傳真機

The Forerunner of Digital Cloning: Fax Machine 坦克通訊與 MOS 指標

Tank Communication and MOS

學術研討/ Seminar

... 20 德州農工大學 P. R. Kumar 教授演講 : From Adaptive Control to Reinforcement Learning

P. R. Kumar’s Speech, “from Adaptive Control to Reinforcement Learning”

哈佛大學孔祥重教授演講:The World Is Flat: Lead, or Survive, in This Era of 120,000 Reviewed New Research Papers Per Year in Just a Single Discipline

Dr. H.T. Kung’s Speech - The World Is Flat: Lead, or Survive, in This Era of 120,000 Reviewed New Research Papers Per Year in Just a Single Discipline

活動花絮/ Activities

... 26 林彥宇教授榮獲科技部傑出研究獎

Professor Yen-Yu Lin Won the Outstanding Research Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology 立足台灣放眼國際 頂尖會議不缺席

NYCU Students Gaining International Recognition at Top International Conferences 資訊學院陳志成教授團隊大幅提升核心網路效能

The Team of Dr. Jyh-Cheng Chen of the College of Computer Science Greatly Improve the Efficiency and Performance of the Core Network


Enhancing General and Academic English Together at the College of Computer Science

院系消息/ News

... 36

募款計畫/ Donation

... 40


Dean's Message 院長的話

走過疫情 迎向曙光 Got Through the Pandemic The Dawn is Coming

走過疫情,新學年歡迎新任系所主管加入院 系行政團隊。感謝歷屆行政團隊的努力,以及全 院師生和廣大系友的支持,本院今年度在各方面 的表現,不只延續學院良好學風與優異傳統,也 讓學院未來的發展走得更穩健。

本院在資安領域深耕多年,為國內學界翹 楚,不僅設有培養高階資訊安全人才的資安碩士 學位學程外,今年 9 月本院與警政署更首創以科 技犯罪偵查實務為主的「科技犯罪偵查資通訊碩 士在職專班」,以培育更多資安專才。

本院擁有豐沛的研發能量,本期介紹李奇 育副教授研究團隊的資安弱點檢測與威脅防護技 術,用以應對技術更新所產生的資安威脅。彭文 志教授研究團隊開發「可剖析顧客行為模式以提 供個人化自動服務」之廣告標題生成技術,與 KKDAY 及玉山銀行的合作,驗證該技術之產業應 用性。

今年度資工系友回娘家活動意義非凡。4 月 9 日於交大日頒獎傑出系友林順喜學長、王介呈 學長、黃維中學長、陳儒寬學長、江孟峰學長與 馮彥文學長,也恭喜林榮賜學長榮獲陽明交大第 一屆傑出校友,他們傑出表現與成就,裨益社會,

足為學弟妹的典範。同日進行「台灣電腦資訊發 展館」的揭牌開幕儀,由系友發動募款興建,揭 示陽明交大資訊學院在台灣資訊科技發展軌跡中



院內年輕教授不但在國際頂尖學術發表多有嶄 獲,在各項重要獎項也備受肯定。特別恭喜詹力 韋教授榮獲學術界年輕學者的最高榮譽-科技部

「吳大猷先生紀念獎」。此外,本院一向鼓勵老 師們帶領學生參與國際重要競賽,我個人與陳健 教授指導謝承穎同學榮獲 ACM MobiCom 2021 Student Research Competition 研究所組第二名,

繼去年本院獲得第一名後,為全台第二度於此國 際知名競賽締造佳績。

由於許多世界大學排名非常重視大學的聲 譽,新校名對於排名可能會有衝擊,然而合校後 陽明交大在世界大學排名相較於合校之前排名均 有進步。在最新公布的 RUR 世界大學 2022 排名 中,本校整體表現取得全球第 89 名佳績,在台 灣大專院校中排名第一。雖然大學排名不是絕 對,但這是我們努力之一,是我們鞭策自己的出 發點。展望 2023 年,衷心期盼全院師生同心協 力為國家社會的未來持續努力。



After the pandemic, we are pleased to welcome new members to join our administrative team in the new academic year. We are grateful to the former administrative team members for their efforts, as well as to all of our faculty, students, and alumni for their support. This year, our college’s achievements in all aspects not only keeps the excellent tradition of the college, but also paves the way for the steady development of the college in the future.

Having been deeply involved in cyber security research for many years, our college is the leader in domestic academic circles. In addition to the degree program of cybersecurity management for cultivating information security talents, we and the National Police Agency have formed the "Degree Program of Information and Communication for Technology Crime Investigation”

in September 2022, which focuses on technology crime investigation practice, thereby cultivating more information security professionals.

Due to our abundant research and development capacity, this issue of the CCS Magazine reports the work of Professor Chi-Yu Li and his team, the information security vulnerability detection and threat protection, to defend against information security threats introduced by technology revolution.

In addition, Professor Wen-Chih Peng and his team developed advertising headlines generation technology, which analyzes customer behavior patterns to produce customized automated services, and verified the industrial applicability of this technology through the collaboration of KKDAY and E.SUN BANK.

This year’s NYCU computer science alumni reunion is of great significance. On April 9, the NYCU alumni day, Rong-Shy Lin, Shun-Shii Lin, Jie-Cheng Wang, Wei-Chung Hwang, Ju-Kau Chen, Mike Jiang, and Yenwen Feng were honored with outstanding alumni awards. Meanwhile, congratulations to Rong-Shy Lin for being awarded the first outstanding alumni award of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Their outstanding achievements not only benefit the society, but also make them be the role models for students.

The opening ceremony of the "Taiwan Computer

Information Development Pavilion'' was held on the same day. The museum, of which the fundraising campaign was launched by alumni, revealed the key role of the College of Computer Science of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University played in the development of Taiwan's information technology.

The outstanding performance of our faculty and students would also be one of the themes in this issue. The young professors in our college not only have published many papers in top international conferences, but also received various academic awards. Special congratulations to Professor Liwei Chan for being awarded the highest academic honor for young scholars - the Mr. Wu Ta-You Memorial Award by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition, our college has always encouraged faculty to lead students to participate in important international competitions. Advised by Professor Chien Chen and me, Cheng-Ying Hsieh won the second Prize in ACM MobiCom 2021 Student Research Competition. This is the second time that Taiwan's continued success in this internationally renowned competition.

Since many world university rankings place a strong emphasis on reputation, NYCU, the new university name may adversely impact rankings. However, compared with the rankings before the merger, the ranking of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University after the merger is better. In the latest RUR World University Rankings 2022, NYCU ranked 89th in the world and top 1 in Taiwan. Though not a completely accurate measure, university rankings are one of the goals we strive for, and the starting point for us to spur ourselves. Looking forward to 2023, I sincerely hope that our faculty and students will work together to continue to work hard for the future of the society and our country.

Dean of the College of Computer Science 2022.12


Highlights 系所動態

陽明交大與警政署首創全台開設科技犯 罪偵查在職專班 建立警政資安生態體系


也導致科技犯罪猖獗,網路攻擊、金融詐騙、虛 擬貨幣洗錢等案件層出不窮,衍生警政人員在資 通、金流及情資面的偵查困境。國立陽明交通大 學與警政署今年 9 月首創全台開設以科技犯罪偵 查實務為主的「科技犯罪偵查資通訊碩士在職專 班」,提升警政人員的資安素養,掌握資通訊安 全尖端技術。

林奇宏校長表示,「科技犯罪偵查資通訊碩 士在職專班」將以教育部每年外加 30 名員額提 供優秀警務人才在職進修,結合陽明交大在資通 訊安全的專業知識與警政署刑事警察局犯罪偵查 實務專長,建構系統性的資通訊教育體系,提升 警政人員資通訊安全背景知識與技術,防堵未來 伴隨高資訊化時代來臨的資安威脅。

陳永昇教務長指出,愈便利的科技、愈安全 的隱私,愈增加偵查人員在案件偵辦上的難度。

例如加密通訊軟體有不同點對點加密機制,無法 透過網路通訊監察解密取得通訊內容;網路匿蹤 技術門檻及成本大幅降低,警方只能查到跳板 IP 位址,難以溯源追查;近年犯罪集團利用虛擬貨 幣及第三方支付洗錢,也增加金流溯源困難。資 安警員需要持續對新興科技有所了解,長期透過 實際辦案、熟知各種網路犯罪模式來累積經驗,

並利用現有科技尋求調查辦案突破點,解決偵查 困境。


翹楚;8 位資安領域專業教師搭配資訊學院 60 餘位專任師資,研究與產學合作成果傑出,近年 更獲科技部支持設立資安特色中心。為掌握資通 訊安全的發展趨勢,建立以實務應用為導向的學 術研究模式,專班以資訊學院為核心,科技法律 學院、醫學院、生物醫學暨工程學院為衛星,建 構資通訊安全師資、課程及應用學科知識,規劃 程式設計、電腦網路、資料庫系統、機器學習、

人工智慧等基礎學科,科技偵查人工智慧、區塊 鏈、雲端運算、大數據、教育訓練、金融科技作 為核心學科。

人才培育方面,專班將針對犯罪偵查人員進 行培訓,結合刑事局專家進行實務課程共授,由 警政署專家提供科技犯罪刑偵實務專業課程,共 同進行研究指導,以培養學員具有應對政府、社 會及企業等資安事件所需技能,建構完整的科技 犯罪偵查資通訊安全資源平台。

「科技犯罪偵查資通訊碩士在職專班」強 調科技建警不應侷限於犯罪偵查,要跳脫傳統思 維窠臼,接受傳統犯罪衍伸至網路世界的現實,

推動「科技」成為警察的通識,並依勤、業務區 分類別與等級,將科技偵查向下扎根。陽明交大 作為台灣資通訊安全領域的先驅,研究成果與知 識持續與產官研界共享,建立我國良好的資安環 境,期透過專班與實務偵查上所遭遇之困境與時 俱進,進行研究並尋找解決方案,滿足國內對資 通訊安全專才的高度需求。


A New Degree Program Established by NYCU and National Police Agency to Cultivate Future Police Officer Talents in Technology

The rapid development of technologies in recent years has brought more convenience to modern life.

However, it also led to technology crimes, such as cyberattacks, financial fraud, cryptocurrency crimes.

Thus, it causes troubles for police officers in detecting information communication, financial flows, and information security. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and National Police Agency worked together to establish the Degree Program of Information and Communication for Technology Crime Investigation in September this year. The purpose is to enhance the information security literacy of police officers and to master the advanced technology of information and communication security.

President Chi-Hung Lin indicated that the Degree Program of Information and Communication for Technology Crime Investigation, founded by the Ministry of Education, will provide 30 additional outstanding police officers for on-the-job training.

These courses integrate the information and communication security expertise offered by Yang Ming Chiao Tung University with the crime investigation practice expertise shared by police officers from Criminal Investigation Police Office to build a systematic education system. Police officers can enhance the knowledge of information and communication security to prevent future information security threats that come along with the convenience of new technology.

Dr. Yong-Sheng Chen, the dean of academic affairs, pointed out that the more convenient technology and the more secure privacy there are, the more challenging to detect cases for investigators. For example, encrypted communication software has a different point-to-point encryption mechanism, which cannot be monitored to obtain the contents of the communication. Besides, nowadays the technology threshold for network anonymity and the cost are lower. Therefore, during the investigation quite often, only springboard IP addresses could be found, which means it could make tracing sources difficult online.

Furthermore, criminal groups in recent years have been using third-party payment for money laundering.

Thus, it also increases the difficulty to trace cash flow.

Police officers specialized in Information security need to understand the ongoing emerging technologies through accumulating experiences through different cases with various cybercrime patterns, and using existing technologies to find breakthrough points on


National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University has been working in the field of information security for many years. With 8 faculty members specializing in information security and other more than 60 full-time faculty members in the College of Computer Science, the university has achieved outstanding results in research and industry-academia cooperation. In addition, a Information Security Center was established in recent years with the support of the National Science and Technology Council. In order to grasp the development trend of information and communication security and to establish an application-orientated academic research model, this master program takes place at the college of Computer Science as the core department, and other qualified professors also offer courses for this program, including NYCU School of Law, Medical School, College of Biomedical Science and Engineering. Students can take courses such as programming, computer networks, database systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence detection, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, education and training, and financial technology at this master’s program.

In terms of cultivating talents, the program focuses on training crime investigators in which the teachers are the criminal affairs Bureau experts for practical purposes. The purpose is to train students with skills required to deal with security incidents for government, industries, and our society. Eventually, we hope to build a complete technology crime security resources platform with these talents. The Degree Program of Information and Communication for Technology Crime Investigation emphasizes that technology should not be limited to crime investigation, but to accept the fact that crime has been extended to the cyber world in reality. Therefore, promoting general knowledge of technology has become the trend for police officers with different duties. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, taking the lead in information security, continues to share research and knowledge with the industry, government, and communities to build a good information security environment in Taiwan.

Through attending this program and investigating issues in real investigation, we aim to find more solutions through more research to meet with the high demand for information and communication security professionals in Taiwan.



4G/5G 多媒體系統



發展至今已逾數十載,憑藉著更快的網速與更大 的網路頻寬,許多過去在 3G 時代所面臨的技術 障礙被一一克服,伴隨 4G 系統的出現,人們的 生活也由「固定式」轉為「行動式」,獲得更大 程度的便利性。科技發展日新月異,轉眼無線通 訊領域也將進入「高速度、低延遲、多連結」的 5G 時代,面對嶄新技術架構一併帶來的未知資 安挑戰,本院資訊工程學系李奇育副教授與其團 隊,開發出一款適用 4G/5G 多媒體系統之資安弱 點檢測模組,用以應對技術更新所產生的資安威 脅。

從技術層面切入討論,已支援現有 4G 語音 服務 VoLTE 和 VoWiFi 的 IP 多媒體子系統(IMS,

IP Multimedia Subsystem)將在未來支援 5G 語音 服務 VoNR (Voice over New Radio)和影像服務 ViNR (Video over New Radio),可見 IMS 系統 是未來 5G 通訊生態系統提供服務的必要元件。

換言之,該系統若存在資安弱點,將對 5G 通訊 造成嚴重資安威脅。李奇育副教授與團隊成員利 用所開發之檢測模組,檢測出三個存在於 IMS 系 統中的重大資安漏洞;同時使用七個廠牌的手機,

在台灣和美國共四個電信商網路中進行實驗,証 實此三個資安漏洞將造成用戶承受包括:秘密通 話拒絕服務攻擊(Denial of Service)、社交工程 攻擊之幽靈通話與來電號碼偽裝攻擊等風險。

特別是前述第一項攻擊威脅一旦出現,將造 成用戶在未收到警示,毫無防備的情況下,無法 撥打或接收任何來電,對於使用者資安影響可見 一斑。開發團隊也於檢測過程中發現,此三個資 安漏洞主要分別發生於 IMS 系統的通話狀態機、

通話管理和號碼驗證,攻擊者可以藉由 VoWiFi 的資安漏洞截取 VoWiFi 應用程式和 IMS 系統之

間的會話連線,偽造對話啟動協定 SIP 封包,對 IMS 系統的三個資安漏洞進行攻擊。為了檢視此 資安威脅可能帶來的最大損害,開發團隊設計了 具自動調適的拒絕服務攻擊,實驗顯示,此攻擊 對受害用戶的有效攻擊時間竟可達 99%,再次凸 顯此漏洞急需解決應對之法,否則將產生極大的 資安疑慮。

運用 AI 技術,開發團隊還發現現有 4G/5G 電信網路的另一個資安漏洞——通話資訊洩漏,


也就是在用戶毫不知情的情況下,攻擊者僅需知 道用戶的電話號碼,便可判斷其是否可為攻擊目 標。為了應對上述潛在威脅,李奇育副教授與開 發團隊除了將檢測結果回報給 GSMA 行動網路協 會,同時提出系列解決方案,包含應用層資料來 源認證、延遲通話資源綁定技術和通話管理限制 分離;並使用開源軟體 OpenIMSCore 證明,該解 決方案在不影響系統效能前提下之實踐可行性。

一併搭配應用 AI 發展出的「來電號碼偽裝攻擊 之防護檢測技術」,檢測來電通話是否為號碼偽 裝攻擊,為 4G/5G 技術下新生之資安危脅提供對 應參考解方。

隨著 5G 時代來臨,相關技術不僅在全球經 濟發展中扮演關鍵角色,其於各行業、領域的應 用範圍和規模也將逐步擴大,高速穩定的通訊技 術一旦普及,潛在的資安威脅將讓人難以忽視。

李奇育副教授與團隊成員所研發之資安弱點檢測 與威脅防護技術,將有助於行動通訊技術標準

(如 3GPP 和 GSMA)、國內外電信商、設備商 和手機製造商,檢測和修補存在於多媒體服務應 用程式和系統的資安風險。如此卓越貢獻,也將 造福全球行動通訊技術相關產業,期待此項技術 未來於運作系統中的實際應用!


4G/5G Multimedia Application Security

Vulnerability Detection and Threat Protection

The fourth-generation mobile communication (4G) has been developed for more than decades since the mobile communication technology debuted. With faster network speed and larger bandwidth, many technical obstacles of 3G mobile network have been overcome. Moreover, the emergence of 4G has changed people's lives from "fixed" to "mobile" so that people have gained a higher degree of convenience.

With the rapid development of technology in modern life, the wireless communication network is driving towards the 5G era, promising "high speed, low latency and massive connections". Facing the unknown challenges in information security associated with the new technical framework, Associate Professor Chi-Yu Li of the Department of Computer Science and his team have developed an information security vulnerability detection module for 4G/5G multimedia systems to defend against information security threats introduced by technology revolution.

From a technical perspective, the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS, IP Multimedia Subsystem), which supports the existing 4G voice services VoLTE and VoWiFi, will support 5G voice service VoNR (Voice over New Radio) and video service ViNR (Video over New Radio) in the future. The IMS system is definitely a key component for the future 5G communication ecosystem. In other words, if some information security weaknesses exist in the IMS system, it will pose a serious threat to 5G communications.

Professor Li and his team used the developed detection module to identify three major information security vulnerabilities in the IMS system. In the experiment, they simultaneously used seven brands of mobile phones in four telecom networks both in Taiwan and in the United States. Finally, they have confirmed that these three security vulnerabilities can put a user's plan in jeopardy, such as secret call denial of service attacks (Denial of Service), social engineering attacks (ghost calls), and caller number spoofing attacks.

In particular, once the first attack threat mentioned above occurs, users are unable to make or receive any calls without warnings and precautions, thereby greatly affecting user experience with information security. During the detection process, the team also discovered that these three information security vulnerabilities are mostly found in the call state machine, call management and number verification in the IMS system. Through the security vulnerabilities of VoWiFi, attackers can intercept the connection session between the VoWiFi application and the IMS system, as well as create fake Session Initiation

Protocol (SIP) packets, thereby attacking the three security vulnerabilities of the IMS system. In order to examine the maximal potential damage caused by the information security threat, the team designed a self-adaptive denial-of-service (DOS) attack. Their experiments show that the effective attack time of this attack on victims can reach 99%, which once again highlights that this vulnerability needs to be solved in no time, otherwise it will cause critical security concerns.

Meanwhile, the team uses AI technology to find another information security loophole in the existing 4G/5G telecommunications network: call information leakage, which can be used to remotely identify the target user's phone. In other words, an attacker can target the victim by the phone number without the knowledge or consent of the user. In order to deal with the above potential threat, Professor Li and his team not only reported the results to The Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), but also proposed a series of solutions, including application layer data source authentication, delayed call resource binding, and call control isolation. In addition, the team used the open-source software OpenIMSCore to demonstrate the practical feasibility of the solution while maintaining system performance. Combining with "Caller Number Masquerade Attack Protection Detection Technology", which checks if the incoming request is a request forgery attack by AI technology, this package provides a corresponding solution for the emerging information security threat under 4G/5G technology.

With the advent of the 5G era, related technologies not only play a key role in the development of the global economy, but also gradually expand the application scope and scale to diverse industries and fields.

However, once the stable high-speed communication technology becomes popular, the following potential threat to information security would be too severe to ignore. The information security vulnerability detection and threat protection technology developed by Associate Professor Li and his team will assist mobile communication standards organizations(3GPP and GSMA), domestic and foreign telecom carriers, equipment manufacturers, as well as mobile phone manufacturers to identify and reduce application- level and system-related security risks of multimedia services. Such an outstanding contribution will also benefit the global mobile communication industry.

We look forward to the practical applications of this technology in the system in the future.

Industry Collaboration Project



隨著網際網路普及與各項資訊技術發展革 新,國內外許多產業都乘上了資訊化的浪潮,迎 向「數位經濟」新時代。從資訊化的作業流程,

到虛擬化的產品服務、數位化的金融交易,以及 電子化的商業行為,系列新型態的生產、消費模 式轉變,不僅為生活帶來高度的便利性,同時也 成為帶動產業創新、優化產業結構的原動力。本 院資工系的彭文志教授與其團隊,順應數位經濟 發展趨勢,開發出一款「可剖析顧客行為模式以 提供個人化自動服務」之廣告標題生成技術,讓 商家在精準投放廣告的同時,高效促進顧客消費 行為之實踐。

「數位經濟」之具體應用形式之一,即是將 大數據與人工智慧技術運用於既有的金融消費模 式上,達到預測消費者消費行為之目的。彭文志 教授於受訪時提到,早期金融產業如銀行與各商 家在選擇行銷手法時,多半只針對具備會員身分 的用戶進行廣告投放。但近年來,運用統計與機 率的方式,銀行逐步能透過分析報告了解其客群 的消費模式;此外,隨著資料的大量累積與演算 法不斷地進步,若配合機器學習與深度學習等相 關技術,還能做到「對單一消費者進行消費行為 分析」這般細膩且精準的操作。如此一來,商家 便能針對消費者進行客製化的廣告投放,而個人 化 EDM(Electronic Direct Mail)就是其中一種實 踐手法,同時也是彭文志教授與其團隊所開發技 術的應用範疇。

EDM 行銷主要藉由發送電子郵件達到通知、


已逾數十載,該行銷手法仍未被新興的社群媒體 所取代,主要可歸功於其技術成熟、成本穩定的 特性。彭文志教授團隊所開發之技術內容主要包 含「建立顧客行為預測與推薦系統」與「協同吸 引力文章標題產生」兩大方向,前者透過消費資 料庫為顧客建檔,發掘行為特徵,強化行銷策略 與消費行為分析的連結;後者藉由解析顧客的社 群點擊紀錄與消費關聯,剖析「顧客—意圖—金 融產品」三者錯綜複雜之關係,進而生成個人化 標題,作為 EDM 行銷用途。

運用團隊開發技術進行個人化廣告投放,一 方面能讓商家針對特定消費族群投其所好,提供 最合適之廣告內容;另一方面,消費者也能精準 獲得其所需的商品通知,不受多餘資訊打擾,進 而提升簽帳比例與消費行為轉換率。此外,於廣 告持續投遞過程中,系統會透過檢視消費者與該 則廣告的互動情形,作為人工智慧模型調整的依 據,透過不斷地循環、學習產製出最精準、客製 化的 EDM 內容。

目前彭文志教授團隊已透過與 KKDAY 及玉 山銀行的合作,驗證該技術之產業應用性,搭配 前述兩者所提供之時空資料庫、金融語意及圖像 資料庫、社群網路身分資料庫,統整使用者瀏覽、

消費紀錄等數據,分析出客戶喜好、行為模式等 特徵,使得精確且個人化的 EDM 內容投放成為 可能,同時大幅提升消費行為轉換率,一舉為供 需雙方營造雙贏局面。本技術之開發團隊能將商 業金融與資訊科技雙領域之學識經驗結合,創造 可能並加以應用,實為跨域合作之成功典範!


Predicting Consumer Behavior

and Generating Personalized Titles with Data Analytics

With the rapid development of information technology and popularization of the world-wide Internet, many industries, both domestically and abroad, have been riding the wave of informatization and embracing a new era of digital economy. Including information technology workflow, product service virtualization, digital transactions, and electronic business, the transformation of production and consumption pattern not only brings the next level of convenience, but also becomes the driving force of industrial innovation and industrial structure optimization. Following the development trend of the digital economy, Professor Wen-Chih Peng and his team of the Department of Computer Science at NYCU, developed advertising headlines generation technology, which can analyze customer behavior patterns to design and produce customized automated services, to help merchants not only improve the effectiveness of advertising, but also promote consumption efficiently.

One of the forms of work in the Digital Economy is to apply big data and artificial intelligence technology to the existing consumer financial patterns to accurately predict consumer behavior. In the interview, Professor Peng said that financial industries such as banks and merchants in the past only targeted users with membership status for advertising.

Nowadays, statistics and probability methods can help banks with analytics to deeply recognize the consumption patterns of their customers. In addition, with the accumulation of large amounts of data and continuous improvement of algorithms, it is possible to achieve precise operation as "analyzing the individual consumer behavior" when we combine technologies such as machine learning and deep learning. In this way, merchants can carry out custom advertising to their target customers. One of the practices is Personalized EDM (Electronic Direct Mail), which is also the application field of the technology developed by Professor Peng and his team.

EDM marketing is a type of marketing that sends email to generate more leads, build relationships, and increase sales. Although being used for over decades, email marketing is not replaced by the emerging

social media due to the mature technology and easy- to-estimate cost. The applications developed by Professor Peng and his team include "A Customer Behavior Prediction and Recommendation System"

and "Collaborative Eye-Catching Title Generator". The former builds customer profile database to discover behavioral traits to strengthen the link between marketing strategy and consumer behavior analysis, while the latter analyzes the intricate relationship between customer, intention, and financial product by establishing the relation between customers’ ad clicks on social media and their purchase, thereby creating a custom title for EDM Marketing campaign.

While using the technology developed by the team to carry out custom advertising to their target customers, on the one hand, merchants can target their marketing messages to specific individuals; on the other hand, consumers can receive accurate product notification without redundant information to increase consumer conversion rate and spending. In addition, during continuous advertising, the system will keep adjusting the artificial intelligence model according to the interaction between consumers and advertisers, thereby creating the most accurate and customized EDM content.

At present, Professor Peng and his team have verified the industrial applicability of this technology through the collaboration with KKDAY and E.SUN BANK.

Combining with spatiotemporal database, financial semantics and image database, as well as social network identity database provided by the above two companies, the team consolidates user browsing and consumption records to analyze customer preferences and behavior patterns and make accurate and customized EDM content accordingly, thereby greatly increasing customer conversion rate and creating win-win situations for both customers and suppliers.

Professor Peng and his team integrate the knowledge and experiences of business finance and information technology to innovate with new applications, which successfully builds a model of cross-domain collaboration!

Industry Collaboration Project





Interview with Faculty 教師專訪


做自己熱愛且能夠讓世界變得更好的事 An Interview with Dr. Yi-Ting Chen:

Pursuing Your Passion and Make This World a Better Place


專精智慧駕駛系統、電腦視覺、人工智慧與機器 學習等領域的陳奕廷助理教授,擔任受訪嘉賓。

希望能藉由陳奕廷老師豐富多元的出國求學、工 作經驗分享,供同為資訊人的資工系同學們做為 未來求學規劃、職涯發展參考。從最初求學申請 時,對於是否投身研究的迷惘與考量,談到求職 時的職場探索經驗與後續任職師資的教學理念,



於大學四年級時,就讀本校電子工程學系的陳 奕廷老師就已開始思考未來的發展規劃。考量到出 國求學必要之申請資料、鑑定考試的準備時間,陳 老師決定把握住前往伊利諾大學香檳分校的交換機 會,以其適應狀態作為未來是否長期出國留學,攻 讀碩博士學位的選擇依據。憶起出發前往交換前,

交大恰巧邀請在伊利諾大學香檳分校從事模式辨 識、電腦視覺與人機交互的黃煦濤教授前來演講,

演講內容充分激發陳老師的興趣與熱忱,他立刻主 動寫信向黃教授詢問是否可以參與研究專案。在獲 得肯定答覆後,陳奕廷老師便以新成員的身分加入 研究團隊,協助專題計畫進行。

「我覺得這是一個很重要的契機,讓我開 始對『研究』這件事情有想法,知道自己在做什 麼。」初次的研究經驗累積,與其所帶來之成就 感,為陳奕廷老師在探索自我、了解自身未來規 劃等面向帶來極大的幫助。該次的專題產製經驗 也讓陳老師下定決心,將原先的「出國交換探索、


「申請博士班」為最終目標。儘管摸清了努力方 向,後續也順利申請上博士班,陳老師卻面臨了 多數國際學生都會遇到的難題——高額消費與學

費所帶來的負擔,在沒有金援的情況下,頂著極 大的金錢壓力度過第一個學期。


談及「研究動力」與「贊助金援」取捨的兩 難,陳奕廷老師回想起在求學第二學期時,雖成 功得到獎助學金,但研究主題卻與自身興趣有所 出入,在深入探索時總會少了幾分熱忱,這樣的 困境直到博士班倒數第二年,修習「電腦視覺」

課程之後才有所改善。好不容易找尋到極具探索 熱忱之研究領域,但考量到畢業時限在即,面對

「等待機會從事相關研究」或「進入職場尋找相 關工作」的二選一難題,陳老師選擇了前者,在 大學同學牽線下,加入了美國加州大學美西德分 校楊明玄教授的電腦視覺研究團隊。憶起當時自 己在自薦信中提到「我不管有沒有獎助金,我就 是要去做!」陳老師認為,或許正因毫不掩飾嶄 露「真的想做」的熱忱與決心,才有機會打動楊 教授,獲得貴人相助,實踐所學,繳出兩項研究 計畫成果。

緊接著,在多次研究與實習經驗累積過程 中,陳奕廷老師逐步摸索出自身投身研究的理由 與目標。在美國本田研究所時,陳老師從先進駕 駛系統專案中意識到,車禍事故所引發之社會問 題有迫切解決的需求,而自身所學之實踐正是解 方之一;「電腦視覺」不單可當作研究興趣,其 延伸應用如智慧駕駛系統、輔助機器人等技術更 可為交通安全、居家照護等社會議題做出貢獻。

「運用所學,為有需要的人提供協助,改變並解 決現存之問題,或許正是我一直以來追尋的研究 目標與意義。」這是陳老師面對「為何研究」的 問題思考,透過親身經歷所得出,簡單卻富含深 意的答案。

於訪談末段,陳奕廷老師分享了工作最後一 年帶實習生的特別經驗。擔任 mentor 期間,陳 老師能充分感受到實習生對研究的迷茫好似當年 的自己;他認為,若有人能在此時以過來人的身 分,提供引導並給予自信,對於研究新鮮人定有 極大助益,這也正是陳老師選擇投身教職的原因 之一。結合各項經歷,陳老師以自身體悟勉勵同 學們:「主動積極去追尋自己興趣的同時,做自 己熱愛且能夠讓世界變得更好的事!」期待莘莘 學子們能充分探索自我,投注熱忱於所學,貢獻 並造福社會!

We are very honored to invite Dr. Yi-Ting Chen, an assistant professor of the College of Computer Science who specializes in intelligent driving systems, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in this interview. We hope to share Dr. Chen’s diversified study and career experiences to students of our college for career planning as a great reference. From having doubts to think about whether to pursue a research career, to the experience of job application and his teaching philosophy, Dr. Yi-Ting Chen shared his ups and downs in this journey.

It is normal to feel confused, but don’t forget to seize your opportunity

When majoring in Electrical Engineering in his senior year of NCTU, Dr. Chen had already started thinking about his future. Considering the time taken to prepare for application documents and examinations to study abroad, he decided to apply for a short- term exchange program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Through this opportunity, he wanted to see if he was able to fit in and can further pursue master’s and doctoral degrees abroad in the future. Just before he left for his exchange program, he recalled that coincidentally Prof. Thomas S. Huang, a professor at Illinois at Urbana Champaign was invited to give a lecture at NCTU. Dr. Huang was one of the leading figures in pattern recognition, computer vision, and human computer interaction. Dr. Chen was deeply inspired by Dr. Huang’s lecture so he immediately wrote to Professor Huang to ask if he could participate in the research project. After receiving a positive answer, Dr. Yi- Ting Chen joined the research team in the project team directed by Dr. Huang. “I think this was a turning point for me to start to think about the meaning of research and what I was doing.” Not only gaining a sense of self- achievement from research experiences, conducting research also helped him to explore and plan for his future. This experience gained from the research project also made Dr. Chen determined to extend his plan from a short-term exchange and master’s degree to a doctoral program application as his final goal. Although Dr. Chen made up his mind and successfully enrolled in the doctoral program, he soon faced a challenge that most international students encountered-the burden of high living costs and expensive tuition fees. He had a rough first semester under enormous pressure without financial support in his doctoral study.

What is the purpose of research? Your passion will answer you

When it comes to the dilemma of choosing between the passion to conduct research or receiving an assistantship, Dr. Chen shared his memory during his second semester of doctoral study. Although he did

successfully receive an assistantship, he was not very motivated in the research topic he was conducting. This situation did not improve until the second last year of his doctoral study when taking the course, Computer Vision, in which he found a passion for research. Just not long after he discovered his passion, Dr. Chen soon faced another challenge, which was that it was about time for him to graduate from doctoral study. He needed to decide whether to keep waiting for an opportunity to do research that he was very interested in or enter the job market in a related field. In the end, he chose the former option and joined Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang’s computer vision research team at the University of California at Merced. In his cover letter to apply for a position at Dr. Yang’s lab, he wrote “I don’t care if I have an assistantship or not, I just want to do it!”.

Perhaps the reason why he was recruited by Dr. Yang and earned this opportunity was because of his strong determination. With this firm and positive attitude, Dr.

Chen was able to publish two papers while working in Dr. Yang’s research team.

Dr. Yi-Ting Chen gradually found the reasons and goals for his devotion to research from many research and internship experiences. When working at the Honda Research Institute USA, Dr. Chen realized he could put his expertise into solving real problems. For instance, he found that there was an urgent need to solve problems caused by car accidents when exploring advanced driver assist system projects. “Computer Vision” could be more than a research interest, moreover, it can be applied in intelligent driving systems, and assistive robots to contribute to traffic safety and home-care services. “Using what I learned and providing assistance to people in need to solve existing problems is my goal behind my passion in research. This is a simple yet meaningful answer to the question of "what is the purpose of research", and Dr. Chen conveyed the messages through his personal experiences.

At the end of the interview, Dr. Chen shared his experience when leading interns in the final year in Honda Research Institute USA. When guiding interns as a mentor, he felt that those interns’ circumstances were very similar to him back then, such as feeling confused about their future and research. He believes that if someone could provide guidance based on their perspective as an experienced researcher, it would be very helpful for younger generations. It was also the reason why he devoted himself to teaching at the Department of Computer Science at NYCU. Now He often encourages his students to “actively pursue their passion and do what they love to make the world a better place.” He hopes that students can explore and devote themselves fully to their studies and give what they have to this society.



Alumni 資訊系友

Futuristic Technologies 交大日歡慶回娘家

文/翁健棋 今年四月上旬,搭上陽明交大合校後首個

「交大日」歡慶氛圍,本院資工系亦於盛會舉辦 期間推出「Futuristic Technologies 系列活動」,

一併進行「台灣電腦資訊發展館」的揭牌開幕儀 式,同時頒發傑出系友獎項,廣邀各界資工系友 回娘家,共襄盛舉。系列活動不僅獲得「資工人」

的熱烈迴響,亦吸引媒體朋友、對相關領域有興 趣之莘莘學子出席參與。

傑出系友頒獎典禮中,於各領域執牛耳的受 獎學長們「返回主場」,踴躍出席本次盛會,為 的就是與學弟妹們分享寶貴的學涯、職涯經驗,



獲頒傑出系友的 70級林順喜學長憶起因緣際會到 學校任教的過程,喜歡棋牌等益智遊戲的他,將 對自身興趣的熱忱轉移至研究領域,結合所學,


其演算能力可達每秒展開上億個牌面,各程式應 用領域橫跨中西,從麻將、橋牌到黑白棋皆有相 對應技術得以運用,令人驚嘆。林順喜學長以自 身喜好為動力,持續思考如何於 AI技術領域求新 求變,如此崇實篤行精神實為各學子之表率。

而 80級的黃維中學長也在分享中提到,自 身於開發軟體過程中的獨到觀察:「在這一波比 較新的資訊科技浪潮下,要靠各領域的大家通力 合作;換句話說,單一個專長的團隊絕對沒有辦 法產出理想成品。不管是在資訊領域、人文社會 科學領域,或是醫療領域,多面向相互合作、各 展所長,才有可能把成品做得更好。」黃維中學 長也期許在座的未來新星們,能多累積跨域合作 經驗,與各專長人才共築合作生態系,帶領資訊 科技產業向前衝!相信傑出系友們的經驗分享皆 讓與會師生獲益良多,也再次恭喜本次獲獎的林 榮賜學長、林順喜學長、王介呈學長、黃維中學 長、陳儒寬學長、江孟峰學長與馮彥文學長。

除去傑出系友頒獎典禮,本次盛會另一大 重頭戲便是由聯發科技資深處長梁伯嵩博士、

台積電 IT 企業系統整合處林均彥處長主講的 Futuristic Technologies 講座。梁伯嵩博士自三階

段 Computing Platform的轉換切入,透過技術發 展歷程,依照時序、由淺入深引導聽眾進入「未 來運算趨勢:從積體電路到人工智慧與虛實宇 宙」主題。談及現代人普遍對「AI是否會超越人 類大腦」問題所生的擔憂,梁博士應用具體舉例 與圖解,點出「目前人工智慧的運算效能,對比 人類大腦還差得遠。」同時勉勵在場師生,目前 技術的不足、運算效能的瓶頸,正是學界與業界 研究突破的動機與目標,儘管現階段好比「觀察 鳥兒,欲學習飛行的人類」般,進展有限;但在 科技發展日新月異的當代,假以時日,在座的各 位都有可能是「高效飛行原理」的開發者。屆時,

人工智慧應用的深度與廣度將超出我們目前所能 認知的範疇。

講座下半場,任職台積電,81級的林均彥 學長自產業現況切入,提出如何用更低的耗能,

做到更強運算的問題思考,與梁博士的演講內容 相呼應。談及企業皆須面臨的數位轉型難題,林 均彥學長道出「業務價值思考、軟體轉產品的思 維建構、清楚的藍圖與願景」三大成功關鍵,搭 配上相關業務單位的支持,才會是真正有效益的

「好的轉型」。「沒有人能確定目前在做的是否 正確,但我可以肯定方向是明確的,我們也會繼 續努力。」林均彥學長以樂觀態度面對轉型挑戰,

順勢為講座收尾。再次感謝梁伯嵩博士、林均彥 學長豐富精彩的分享,和與會貴賓的熱情響應,


Futuristic Technologies: NYCU Alumni Day

In early April this year, with the festive atmosphere of the first " NYCU Alumni Day" after Yang Ming Chiao Tung University was merged, the Department of Computer Science launched the "Futuristic Technologies Series Activities" during the event, and jointly unveiled the

"Taiwan Computer Information Development Center".

At the same time, the Outstanding Alumni Award were awarded. All friends and alumni were invited to join the great feast. The activities not only received enthusiastic response from "Computer Science guy", but also attracted both media friends and students who are interested in related fields to attend.

In the Alumni awards ceremony, the seniors who are outstanding in various fields "came back home" and proactively participated in this event to share their precious academic and career experience with young students. Following the tradition of “back home”, they hope to practice the "NYCU guys support each other"

Spirit and transform their experiences into nutrients for the growth of young students. Shun-Shii Lin (‘70), who was awarded the Outstanding Alumni award, recalled the process of embracing teaching as a career. Since he is passionate about puzzle games such as chess and cards, he integrated his enthusiasm with the research.

Applying what he has learned, he and his students have developed a program which is ranked among the best in the world in chess and card games. The calculation efficiency can handle hundreds of millions of game states per second. The applications of core technology amazingly span from East to West games, such as Mahjong, bridge, and Othello. Lin, driven by his own passions, keeps on seeking further innovations and changes in AI fields. Such spirit is truly a role model for all students.

Wei-Chung Hwang (‘80) also shared his unique observation while developing software: "Under this new trend of information technology, it is necessary for everyone in various fields to collaborate with each other;

in other words, it is impossible to develop a perfect product by a team with single expertise. No matter whether it is in the information field, the humanities and social sciences field, or the medical field, cooperating with each other in various fields and exerting their strengths is mandatory to create better products.”

Huang hoped that the future talents will accumulate more experience in cross-domain cooperation, build a cooperation ecosystem with talents of various expertise, and bring forward the information technology industry.

We believe that the experience sharing of outstanding alumni will benefit the faculty and students a lot.

Congratulations again to the winners of this award,

Rong-Shy Lin, Shun-Shii Lin, Jie-Cheng Wang, Wei- Chung Hwang, Ju-Kau Chen, Mike Jiang, and Yenwen Feng.

Apart from the Outstanding Alumni Award Ceremony, another main focus event is the Futuristic Technologies speech given by Dr. Liang Bor-Sung, Senior Director of MediaTek, and Frank Lin (‘81), Director of TSMC IT Enterprise System Integration Department. Dr. Liang started from three paradigm shifts of Computing Platform. Through the technological development process in chronological order, he guided the audience, from the shallower to the deeper, to the theme of

"Future Computing Trend: From Integrated Circuits to Artificial Intelligence as well as the Metaverse".

Responding to people's concerns about "whether AI will surpass the human brain", Dr. Liang took specific examples and diagrams to point out that " the current capability of artificial intelligence is far worse than that of the human brain." He also encouraged the faculty and students: The existing primitive level of technology and the bottleneck of computing performance may become the target of research breakthroughs and motivation in academia and industry. We are currently in a stage as if

"while observing birds, human beings want to learn to fly" and the progress in the fields advances sluggishly;

however, in an era of rapid technological development, some of you may be the developers of "the principle of efficient flight" in the near future. At that time, the depth and breadth of artificial intelligence applications will exceed the scope of our current knowledge.

In the second half of the speech, Frank Lin, a director at TSMC, cut into the current state of the industry and raised a question for everyone: how to achieve stronger computing with lower energy consumption. This statement echoes Dr. Liang's speech. Referring to the digital transformation challenges all enterprises face, Lin pointed out "business value thinking, mindset of product associated with software, and clear blueprint and vision"

are the three key factors to success. Combining with the support of relevant business units, it will be an effective

"good transition". "No one can assure whether we are doing the right things; however, I am sure that we are on the right track and will continue our best endeavors." Lin ended the speech with an optimistic attitude towards the challenges of transformation. Once again, we thank Dr. Liang Bor-Sung and Mr. Frank Lin for such wonderful sharing, as well as the distinguished guests for their enthusiastic response, which brought this event to a perfect conclusion. Looking forward to seeing you again next year!

資工系「系友回娘家」活動圓滿成功,除了三間 教室座無虛席,線上亦有逾 400人觀看直播。


Alumni 資訊系友

傑出校友 林榮賜學長:利他共好


本校合校後,首屆傑出校友名單 於去年年末出爐,極具邁向「偉大大 學」里程代表性,意義重大的獲獎名 單中,除去於防疫第一線,守護國人 健康的醫療公衛領域佼佼者外,亦不 乏多位奠定台灣現有通訊建設基礎,

放眼未來,布局全球的資通訊領域中 堅人才。其中也包含了本文的主角,

民國 76年畢業於本校計算機工程學 系,深耕資通訊領域三十載,打造台 灣行動 5G與寬頻服務不遺餘力,任 職中華電信執行副總經理(技術長)


具 備 本 校 資 訊 工 程 研 究 所 博 士 學位,身為交大資訊人一脈的林榮賜 學長,曾擔任中華電信數據通訊分公 司總經理、中華電信研究院院長等要 職,專門執掌網路與數據技術的應用 開發與建置,是位學識與業界經歷兼 具的技術領航先鋒。在 5G技術萌芽之 初,林榮賜學長便利用透徹的產業觀 察,搭配上多年累積的學識、技術經 驗,提前為「萬物皆可聯網」的智慧 聯網時代佈局。在認知到電信業者於 新商業模式下的定位後,林榮賜學長 判斷其所具備的「中介性質」特性,

最有機會將使用者與應用服務這兩端 串聯在一起,目標既已確立,一系列 包括智慧交通、智慧安防、智慧能源 等領域的的大型專案便開始運作。

除 了 發 揮 自 身 專 業 , 督 導 行 動 5G建設,打造行動寬頻智慧世代,

帶動活躍網路社會之貢獻外,林榮賜 學長亦善盡社會責任,長期致力於推 動公共安全及災害防護救助緊急通訊 之建置。另一方面,林榮賜學長也不 忘飲水思源,積極提供資源與協助,


品」人才的國際競爭力。自民國 102 年起步之「產學大聯盟計畫」觀察便 可發現,林榮賜學長於與中華電信的 產學合作洽談中,扮演極為關鍵的重 要推手;此外,其多次協助本校建置 前瞻電信研究網路,於強化無線寬頻、

free5GC(世界第一個符合 3GPP R15 版 本 服 務 化 架 構 標 準 的 開 源 核 心 網 路)等技術領域研究產生極大助益。

歡慶交大日當週,林榮賜學長以 傑出校友、系友雙重身分返校受獎,

同時藉此機會與與會師生分享自身領 導團隊,統籌事務的管理經驗。憶起 初入職場時所受到的衝擊,林榮賜學 長點出「利他共好」概念建立的重要 性,相較求學時對於學業表現的自我 追求,職場上與他人合作共事乃不可 避之常態,此時大家身處同一團隊,


產生正向循環推進力,是團隊合作達 成高效多產的重要秘訣。不單如此,

成員的「異質性」也是組建團隊須考 量的關鍵要素,如多元的意見與觀 點、人格特質互補的相性調適,皆為 高異質性所帶來的正面效益。

於分享末段,林榮賜學長以一 句「隨時搞懂你需要的是 Do Right Things,還是 Do Things Right。」勉 勵眾學子,同時提醒宏觀的格局是協 助判斷的關鍵,發現對的問題,同時 解決對的問題,是專案成功的不二法 門。對比佈局任職公司轉型成長所須 的關鍵技術與服務、帶領團隊建立產 品研發敏捷化流程,即時滿足市場需 求等實績,傑出校友林榮賜學長將職 場歷練濃縮,傾囊相授,在經驗傳承 的同時,落實了「交大人幫交大人」


Rong-Shy Lin, an Outstanding Alumnus:

Altruism and Mutual Advantage

The first list of outstanding alumni after the merger was announced at the end of last year, which marks a milestone towards creating a great university. In addition to the leaders in the medical and public health field, who protect our health at the forefront of epidemic prevention, the list included many talents in the field of information and telecommunications, who have laid the foundation of Taiwan's existing telecommunication infrastructure and established a global presence in the future. Among them, Dr.

Rong-Shy Lin, Senior Executive Vice President (Chief Technology Officer) of Chunghwa Telecom, graduated from the Department of Computer Science at NCTU in 1976. He has been deeply involved in the field of information and telecommunications over the past 30 years and spared no effort in creating mobile 5G and broadband services in Taiwan.

Dr. Lin received his doctorate in computer science at NCTU. Specializing in application development and network and data communication deployment, he has held important positions including general manager of Chunghwa Telecom Data Communication and president of Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories. He is also a technology pioneer with knowledge and industry experience. In the early days of 5G technology, Dr.

Lin combined his thorough industry observation with the knowledge and experience accumulated over the years to advance the strategic arrangement for the era of intelligent networking where "everything can be connected to the Internet." While realizing the positioning of the telecommunications industry in the new business paradigm, Dr. Lin identified its characteristic of "intermediary," which has the greatest opportunity to link both users and application services.

Once the goal was confirmed, a series of large-scale projects, such as smart transportation, smart security, and smart energy, immediately kicked off.

Besides exerting the expertise in the workplace, s u p e r v i s i n g t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f m o b i l e 5 G infrastructure, creating a mobile broadband smart generation, and driving the flourishing activity of the Internet society, Dr. Lin fulfills his social responsibilities, which he has long been promoting the establishment of public safety and emergency communications for disaster management and risk reduction. On the other hand, Dr. Lin kept the spirit of “drinking water while thinking of the source” to actively provide resources and assistance to NYCU in order to enhance the

international competitiveness of NYCU talents through industry-academic collaboration. In the "Industry- University Alliance Project," which was formed in 2013, Dr. Lin played a vital role in the industry- academia cooperation with Chunghwa Telecom. In addition, he has assisted NYCU in building the testbed of a leading-edge telecommunication network, which significantly benefits the research in the fields such as advanced wireless broadband and free5GC (the world's first open-source 5G core network implementation complying with the 3GPP R15).

Over the University Day celebration week, as an extraordinary alumnus of NYCU and an alumnus of the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Lin attended the ceremony on campus for the outstanding alumni award. At the same time, he took this opportunity to share his experience in team management and affairs coordination with faculty and students. Recalling the impact of the first job experience, Dr. Lin pointed out the importance of establishing the concept of "altruism and mutual advantage." Compared with the personal academic achievement people pursue in school, cooperation in the workplace is unavoidable. In other words, altruism is literally equivalent to self-interest when people are on the same team. And the key factor of efficient and productive teamwork is boosting altruistic behavior to generate positive momentum.

And not only that, but the "heterogeneity" of members would also be a main factor of consideration while forming a team. For example, diverse opinions/

viewpoints and compatibility adjustment with complementary personalities are both benefits of high heterogeneity.

At the end of the sharing session, Dr. Lin encouraged the students, "Keep aware of your real need: doing right things or doing things right." He remarked that macroscopic patterns would be the key to making better decisions. The success of a project heavily relies on finding the right problem and fixing it. In addition to laying out the key technologies and services for his company's transformation and growth, as well as leading his team to establish an agile product development process so as to promptly satisfy market requirements, our outstanding alumnus Lin distilled his career experience and shared with the students without reserve, which indeed fulfilled the spiritual model of "NYCU guys support each other."


Science Column 科普軼聞

最近我到高雄市的國立科學工藝博物館演 講,順便參觀其珍貴館藏,無意間看到中華電信 的骨董傳真機 TYPE LDI-3 FACSIMILE,頗有親切 感。科工館的解說:「傳真機為結合光學、電子、

精密機械及通訊等多項技術的事務機器。由於網 際網路通訊盛行,傳真機市場逐步衰退,且單一 功能傳真機已不符需求,故廠商推出結合傳真、

掃描、影印及列印等多功能傳真機來因應市場變 化。」今日傳真機被當成不符需求的事務機器,

其實它可是 1940 年代的劃時代創新。

數位分身是今日的熱門話題,而傳真機應 該是最早期的遠距數位分身產生器。傳真機的前 世可歸功於倫傑 (Richard Ranger) 發明的無線傳 真 (wireless photoradiogram 或 transoceanic radio facsimile)。這部無線傳真機由紐約傳送第一張 照片到倫敦,照片是時任美國總統柯立芝 (John Coolidge) 的玉照。

倫傑於 1930 年成立 Rangertone 公司,位於 紐澤西州的紐瓦克 (Newark),這家公司在三號公 路附近,我曾拜訪過。倫傑一生多采多姿,有許 多發明,還得過奧斯卡金像獎。直到今日,無 線傳真仍然用於傳送氣象圖及資訊。1924 年,

AT&T 的艾維斯 (Herbert Ives) 完成第一張彩色傳 真。艾維斯是個特異獨行俠,多次公開表示反對 愛因斯坦的相對論。

1925 年 貝 爾 實 驗 室 採 用 真 空 管 技 術 和 光 電管技術研製出了實用型的傳真機。1947 年慕 維 廉 (Alexander Muirhead) 發 明 現 代 的 傳 真 機;

1960 年代,美國陸軍首次以衛星傳送照片到波 多黎各 (Puerto Rico)。早期的傳真機採用阿摩尼 亞水來作顯影液,到後期才出現用特別熱感紙的 傳真機。

中華電信總公司陳列一部早期的傳真機,這 部日本 Toho Denki 製造的傳真機於 1968 年出品,

將客戶手寫之電報稿,原樣地發送或接收。1970 年代中期,因傳真機成本大幅下降,遂普遍被採 用,尤其是數位傳真機在日本率先流行,很快取 代電傳打字機 (teletypewriter)。其主因是,在那 個年代,以打字機敲打日文很不方便,遠不如傳 真機的掃描快速。傳真電報稿不必先譯成電碼再 傳送,而可直接送真跡到對方客戶端。

1980 年後,傳真機已遍佈全世界。1985 年,

麥格努斯基 (Hank Magnuski) 製作第一張電腦傳真 擴充卡 GammaFax,完成第一部電腦傳真機。現 在的傳真機大多數都依此原理,採用噴墨或雷射 列印。今日傳真的服務已漸漸被網路上的服務取 代,不過傳真仍有優點,例如它不像網路產品那 樣容易被入侵或中毒。因此一些機密文件,仍然 依賴傳真機的傳送。

The Forerunner of Digital Cloning:

Fax Machine

Recently I gave a speech at the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung City, and stopped by to enjoy the precious collection. It was quite familiar to me when I saw Chunghwa Telecom's antique fax machine, TYPE LDI-3 FACSIMILE, by accident. The National Science and Technology Museum explanatory text described, “Fax machines are business machines that integrate optics, electronic, precision machinery, and communications. The fax machine market declines gradually due to the prevalence of internet use. At the same time, single-function fax machines cannot meet the end users’ expectation so that vendors promote multi-function fax machines, which offer faxing, scanning, photocopying and printing in one box, in response to market changes.” Although fax machine today is regarded as a business machine that does not meet the requirements, it was in fact an epoch-making innovation in the 1940s.

While digital clones are a hot topic today, fax machines should be the earliest remote digital clone generator. The forerunner of current fax machines was wireless photoradiogram or transoceanic radio facsimile invented by Richard Ranger. The wireless fax machine sent the first photo, which was a photograph of President John Calvin Coolidge, from New York to London.

Ranger formed a company, Rangertone, Inc., in Newark, New Jersey in 1930. I have visited that company near Highway 3. Ranger lives a colorful life.

He has many inventions, and won an Academy Award.

Until today, wireless faxing is still used to transmit weather maps and information. In 1924, Herbert Ives of AT&T developed the first color facsimile. Ives is a loner and he has publicly spoken out against Einstein's theory of relativity on several occasions.

In 1925, Bell Labs developed a practical fax machine using vacuum tubes and photocells. In 1947, Alexander Muirhead invented the modern fax machine; in the 1960s, the US Army first sent images to Puerto Rico by satellite. The early fax machines utilized ammonia solution as a developer, and in the later period, fax machines using special thermal paper became available.

Chunghwa Telecom Corporation exhibits an early fax machine. This facsimile machine Toho Denki, manufactured in Japan in 1968, sends or receives the customer’s handwritten telegram as it is. In the mid- 1970s, the cost of fax machines reduced sharply, so they were widely accepted. In particular, digital fax machines became popular in Japan and soon replaced teletypewriters. In those days, typing Japanese with a typewriter was inconvenient, which was far less efficient than scanning hand-written documents with a fax machine. Fax telegram drafts did not need to be translated into codes before transmission, but were directly sent to the peer.

After 1980, fax machines were used around the world. In 1985, Hank Magnuski produced the first computer fax add-on card, called GammaFax, and invented the first computer fax machine. Most of today's fax machines follow Magnuski’s design concept, either using inkjet or laser printing. Today's fax service has been gradually substituted by the service on the Internet; however, fax still possesses some advantages since it is not as easy to be hacked or poisoned as Internet products. Therefore, some confidential documents still rely on the transmission of fax machines.

數位分身的前世 : 傳真機

文/林一平 講座教授

早期傳真機。林一平攝 林一平手繪之柯立芝 (John 早期電傳打字機。林一平攝 Coolidge)。



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