• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 研究結果與分析

第二節 共現字主題歸類結果

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NO. Year \ SC, TC 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total slp

3 Nursing 125 140 122 124 68 111 49 63 53 23 878 -12.15

4 Information Science & Library Science 43 41 77 135 96 156 113 49 55 6 771 -2.31 5 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 27 28 108 1 68 150 104 135 75 20 716 4.8 6 Psychology, Experimental 26 22 140 3 43 131 153 127 45 19 709 3.46 7 Computer Science, Information Systems 19 50 62 131 69 141 67 36 44 7 626 -2.42 8 Education, Scientific Disciplines 0 28 122 24 2 251 10 64 65 40 606 -0.58 9 Psychology, Educational 7 109 82 175 53 31 47 47 10 19 580 -7.07 10 Health Care Sciences & Services 0 7 68 18 24 239 0 61 51 28 496 1.58

表 4-13 統計結果顯示,數位學習領域期刊論文所屬各領域文章被引用排名 分別為:Education & Educational Research 領域排名第一,總計被引用 6,429 次;

Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 領域排名第二,總計被引用 2,331 次;Nursing 領域排名第三,總計被引用 878 次。另外,從趨勢指標觀察到 Nursing(slp=-12.15)領域所發表文章被引用狀況有明顯下降趨勢。

再詳細分析數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊論文所屬各領域文章之發表與被引用情 形,結果如表 4-14 所示。

表 4- 14 數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊論文所屬各領域文章之發表與被引用分析


1 Education & Educational Research 1134 6429 5.67 927.4 4950.3 5.34 2 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 276 2331 8.45 134.5 1138.8 8.47 3 Information Science & Library Science 188 771 4.1 137.4 411.6 3

4 Nursing 154 878 5.7 143.2 813.5 5.68

5 Education, Scientific Disciplines 98 606 6.18 46.8 292 6.24

6 Psychology, Multidisciplinary 95 716 7.54 53.3 383.7 7.2

7 Computer Science, Information Systems 95 626 6.59 48 261.6 5.45

8 Psychology, Experimental 76 709 9.33 41.3 414.8 10.04

9 Psychology, Educational 68 580 8.53 48.3 391.2 8.1

10 Health Care Sciences & Services 60 496 8.27 30.9 248.2 8.03

註:NC:發表篇數;TC:被引用次數;FC:按作者合作比例計算篇數 CPP= TC/NC;FCPP= FTC/FC

表 4-13 分析結果顯示,Education & Educational Research 領域合計發表 1,134 篇文章,佔所有數位學習領域期刊文獻之 51%,高居第一。接下來後面章節將利 用文獻內容探勘工具 CATAR 針對所有發表在數位學習期刊文獻進行主題分析,


第二節 共現字主題歸類結果

本節針對 SSCI 資料庫下載所得之 2,125 篇期刊文獻之篇名(TI)與摘要

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(AB)欄位,利用 CATAR 執行自動化文獻內容探勘,再進一步利用共現字進行 主題分群歸類分析,也就是將相似文件自動歸類,藉以探析出數位學習領域相關 研究之主題類別。

CATAR 執行自動化文獻內容探勘流程為:先將文件集由第一階 S1 所預設之 門檻值 0.1 進行歸類,結果得 587 個類群,再依據 S1 的歸類結果依據預設凝聚 歸類之門檻值,進一步合併歸納成第二階 S2 歸類,結果得 215 個類群;其次,

將第二階 S2 門檻值的歸類結果,進一步合併歸納成第三階 S3 歸類,結果 得 78 個 類群;再進一步合併歸納成第四階 S4 歸類,結果得 20 個類群,依此歸類模式類 推,可得到多階層歸類結果。而系統歸類結果會依其門檻值設定不同,而得到不 同歸類主題類群。

由 CATAR 所得之共現字主題樹 ( Topic Tree ),則是根據前述凝聚歸類與多 階段歸類後,再配合系統自動擷取之類別描述詞分析而獲得的結果;所有分析結 果均以網頁形式呈現,以方便檢視各個主題歸類的標題詞、篇名與出現頻率較高 的關鍵詞彙。

圖 4-7 為依據 CATAR 執行自動化文獻內容探勘,並進一步利用共現字進行 主題分群歸類分析,所獲得之數位學習領域期刊文獻共現字主題樹歸類結果。

圖 4- 7 數位學習領域期刊文獻共現字主題樹歸類結果

圖 4-7 所得之 1(13)主題樹所代表之意義說明如下:以主題樹第一行顯示之

「911 : 843 筆 : 0.1181 (environment:202.6, web-based:193.5, instructional:161.3, distance:155.8, teacher:150.9)」為例,說明此類別的內部編號為 911;共包括 843

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篇文章;是由各含 768 篇與 75 篇文章的 2 個主題所組成;兩個主題之間的相似 度不低 於 0.1181; 此類 別內的 843 篇 文章 中,最 具代 表性 的關鍵 詞彙為 environment,代表性係數為 202.6,其次為 web-based,代表性係數為 193.5,依 此類推。

本研究為分析出一具有合適主題類別數之數位學習領域主題架構圖,選擇 CATAR 完成之 20 個主題分群結果作為後續進行主題分析的依據,以避免因主題 類別數過多而得到過於複雜之主題分類架構,反而不具參考與分析的意義與價值。

而經由 CATAR 依據數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊文獻共現字主題歸類完成之 20 個主 題分群結果,整理如表 4-15 所示。

表 4- 15 數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊文獻共現字主題歸類




environment:202.5601, web-based:193.5089, instructional:161.2815, distance:155.8168, teacher:150.9709


health:83.3825, online:55.1640, practice:52.0088, train:49.0850, community:47.6008


e-learning system:63.9015, material:57.4846, web-based learn:40.1071, concept:37.7649, user:37.1770


social:41.3388, computer:17.5412, children:14.2475, model:10.9935, interaction:9.1864


conference:22.1515, instructor:21.0350, discussion:13.2074, asynchronou:11.5418, scale:10.2616


open:21.7502, web-based:5.4618, e-learning:3.9035, content:3.8510, educational:3.2141


videoconferenc:27.3636, medical education:22.6907, link:12.3788, lecture:8.1471, evidence:7.3297


academic:22.1349, degree:10.9659, experience:10.3102, programme:9.3306, online:8.7773


assignment:19.2999, online:16.5014, discussion:14.7987, learner:10.1245, module:9.3428


pbl:35.8333, engineer:20.0346, staff:13.9363, university:9.1181, online learn:8.4138


memory:42.3485, i. e.:26.7121, task:17.8981, control:11.5746, performance:10.6930


high:19.5393, high school:16.8453, antibiotic:12.6340, competence:12.0000, primary school:11.2302


leadership:28.3633, cognitive style:19.6529, lifelong:18.9510, lifelong learn:17.5472, trust:14.5522


international:26.4660, south:24.7388, african:23.8642, global:18.6387, pacific:14.0378


collaboration:8.9220, face-to-face learn:8.4227, efficiency:8.2463, debate:7.7612, face-to-face contact:7.7208


mobile phone:21.0566, sms:10.5283, learn strategy:10.1866, device:9.8901, second language:9.8264


mining:22.0460, design pattern:14.0378, web min:12.6340, data min:7.7208, web log:7.01


formative:39.3057, formative assessment:24.5661, company:16.0075, market:12.6119, learn experience:12.1557


rehabilitation:23.5010, hospital:20.3548, career:16.9776, web site:16.8453, counsel:9.8264


coursework:17.5472, exercise:12.9661, translation:11.2302, sign:9.8264, learn set:9.8264

本研究基於數位學習領域期刊文獻共現字分析,將主題歸類為較合適的 20 個主題類別數,再透過每個主題類別的關鍵詞彙,可命名主題類別名稱,如此將 有助於觀察其歸類主題意涵。但仍有部分主題類別範圍太大,而無法瞭解細部含 括哪些子類別主題,因此有必要更進一步解讀出更明確的主題類別。表 4-16 之 S3-78 即為基於 S4-20 所含括之 20 個主題類別,再細分之主題槪念歸類;加底線

Environment, instructional

environment, web-based, instructional

CL01-01 (282) ,dista nce:, teacher

distance learning

distance, education,distance education, student, teach

CL01-02 (86)

Usability / user studies

library, perceive, user, information, technology CL01-03


collaborative learning

collaborative learn, network, social, environment, knowledge CL01-04



cd-rom, library, education, distance education, programme CL01-05


Gender studies

gender, internet-based learn environment,

male, constructivist internet-based learn environment, female CL01-06


Virtual word

world, classroom, web-based, teacher, virtual CL01-07



instructional, learn outcome, graphic, cognitive, learn environment

CL01-08 (20)

Human computer interaction

computer-based, structure, interactive, instructional, teacher CL01-09


Human-matching interface

peer, web-based learn, mechanism, behavioral, tutor CL01-10



laboratory, virtual, teach, science, student CL01-11



instructional design,learn environment, learner, research, internet

CL01-12 (29)

Learning style

style, adaptation, learner, adaptive, web-based CL01-13



professional development, science,teacher, approaches, online CL02



health, online, practice, train,

CL02-01 (56) community

On-line learning

online course, online learn,aid, education, information:

CL02-02 (40)

Resource management

economic, ict, faculty member, university, china CL02-03



literacy, quality, e-learning, development, student CL02-04



rural, family, state, practice, area CL02-05


palliative care

palliative, geriatric, care, palliative care, distance learn CL02-06


community of practice

interactive television, community of practice, division, online education, nonverbal

CL02-07 (17)


healthcare, breast, breast cancer, military, patient CL02-08



public health, preparedness, occupational, train, capacity CL03


e-learning system, material

e-learning system, material, web-based learn, concept

CL03-01 (46) , user

Knowledge-based system

map:, learn system, material, concept, learn material

CL03-02 (31)

Content management

annotation, e-learning environment, document, user, propose CL03-03


Learning management systems

e-learning system, portfolio, rule, learner, analysis CL03-04


Resource based learning

metadata, object, resource, ontology, lom CL03-05


Web-based learning

commitment, web-based learn environment, talent, search, information commitment

CL04 (75)

Instructional management system (IMS) social,computer,children,model,

CL04-01 (24) interaction


agent, social, computer, tutor, student CL04-02


Instructional designer(elearn glossary, ASTD) construction, task, design, collaborative, work CL04-03


Online community(ADTD)

presence, social presence, intrinsic motivation, online and face-to-face, e-learning effective

CL04-04 Mentoring

memory, i. e., task, control, performance

CL11-01 (24)


memory, patient, train, children, task CL11-02


Facilitative tools

i. e., email, fairne, vowel, intention to continue using web-based learn

CL11-03 (13)


metaphor, navigation, element, common, analogy CL13


Lifelong learning

leadership, cognitive style, lifelong,lifelong learn

CL13-1 (9) , trust

Information systems

conversation, human resource, information system, leadership, vldp:

CL13-2 (15)

Lifelong learning

trust, lifelong learn, cognitive style, team, online distance learn

CL18 (44)

Formative assessment

formative, formative assessment, company, market,

CL18-1 (29) learn experience


company, customer, e-learning, train, model

CL18-2 (15)

Formative assessment

formative, formative assessment, fam-wata, item, formative evaluation

CL07 (54)

Medical education

videoconference, medical education

CL07-01 (23) , link,

lecture, evidence

Interactive learning environments

synchronous, lecture, higher, interactive, education

CL07-02 (12)

Video conference

videoconference, authentic, responsibility, challenge, circumstance

CL07-03 (19)

Medical education

medical education, cai:, pda, physic, computer-assisted CL08


Research perspectives academic, degree, experience

CL08-01 (20) , programme, online


community, experience, online, medical, student

CL08-02 (17)

Undergraduate education

academic, academic quality, variation, hear, coping CL08-03



constructivist, action research, observation, peer observation, lay

CL09 (75)

CAI (computer-assisted instruction) Assignmentonline

CL09-01 (27) , discussion, learner,


Synchronous learning

assignment, nurse, online, module, participation

CL09-02 (25)

Distributed learning environments

hybrid, flexible, satisfaction, distance-learning, course CL09-03


Quantitative research

critical think, quantitative, critical think skill, security, qualitative

CL10 (55)

Problem-based learning pbl, engine, staff, university,

CL10-01 (20) online learn

Learning management systems

management, case, student, online learn, support CL10-02


Problem-based learning

pbl, problem-based learn, off-campus, engineer education, CL10-03


Learning technology

elearn, academic staff, learn technology, staff and student, ole CL12



high,high school, antibiotic, competence,

CL12-01 (21) primary school


cultural, anxiety, high, school,program

CL12-02 (13)


intervention, early, antibiotic, primary school, prescribe CL14


International challenges

international, south, african, global

CL14-01 (29) , pacific

IMS (Instructional Management System) south, african, pacific, ict, education

CL14-02 (11)

international collaboration

international, canada, pharmacy, international collaboration, course model

CL06 ( 33)

WWW-based course sites & learning resources

open, web-based, e-learning, content

CL06-01 (10) ,


Web-based learning

facet, web-based program, open source, digital, facet analysis

CL06-02 (12)

Learning object

dropout, technique, traveler, e-learning course, sme CL06-03


IMS (Instructional Management System) object, ims, specification, portal, orientation CL17

( 29)

Knowledge management

mining, design pattern, web mining, data mining

CL17-01 (15) , web log:

Knowledge representation

mining,design pattern, web mining, data mining, big

CL17-02 (14)

Network management

make, decision, perspective, web log, management

Instructor networking

conference, instructor, discussion,:


CL05-01 (16) , scale

Instructor training and support

discussion forum, post, instructor, thread, conference

CL05-02 (16)

Design principles

principle, validity, facilitator, instruction, turkish CL05-03



game, competitive, collaborative interaction, chat, competitive learn

CL16 ( 23)


mobile phone, sms, learn strategy, device,

CL16-01 (9) second language

Learning object

handheld, student learn, bwl, bird-watching, learn object design

CL16-02 (14)

learn strategy

phone:, mobile phone, learn strategy, sms, second language CL15


Collaborative learning collaboration

CL15-01 (9) , face-to-face learn, efficiency, debate, face-to-face contact

F2F (face-to-face)

face-to-face learn, efficiency, face-to-face contact, technology-assisted, learn efficiency CL15-02


Methodologies for system design

methodology, debate, digital collaboration, collaborate, net CL19


Rehabilitation education

rehabilitation, hospital, career, web sit

CL19-01 (12) e,


WWW-based course sites & learning resources hospital, web site, adoption, est, pain

CL19-02 (10)

vocational rehabilitation

career, rehabilitation, non-distance, vocational rehabilitation, career belief

CL20 (18)

Prescriptive learning

coursework, exercise, translation, sign, learn set

CL20-01 (9)


coursework, assistance, industry, doing, postgraduate coursework

CL20-02 (9)

Learning object

translation, sign, learn set, matriculate, traditionally

註:粗斜體字為主題類別標題,加底線字體表比較容易以人工判讀之類別標題詞;主題類別命名 部分則以參考 Computers & Education 期刊投稿論文主題架構、BJET期刊關鍵詞彙與 American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)之 e-learning glossary 進行人工解讀後給定主題類 別標題。

若將表 4-15 基於共現字主題歸類之主題樹架構,運用 CATAR 視覺化之功能,

以主題概念圖方式呈現,結果如圖 4-8 所示。圖 4-8 右側顯示 S4 所歸類之 20 個 主題分群 (cluster)結果,若經由高階歸類至 S5,將被合併歸納成 4 大類,結果 如圖 4-8 左側顯示 S5 所歸類之 4 個主題分群 (cluster)結果,其中 CL15, CL19 和 CL20 為離群主題(outlier)。

ALL_CW_S4- 20 clusters

Outlier:CL15、CL19、CL20 ALL_CW_S3-78 clusters

圖 4- 8 數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊文獻共現字歸類主題概念圖

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圖 4-8 顯示的圓圈,代表一群被歸類在一起的文件,圓圈的大小代表該群文 件的篇數多寡;如主題 CL01 含括了 843 篇文獻,圓圈的距離代表該群文件與另 一群文件的關聯強度,距離越短表示主題上的關聯性越高,而圓圈的顏色代表更 高階段的歸類結果。

由圖 4-8 顯示由共現字歸類的主題類別彼此關聯度極高,例如主題 CL01、

CL02、CL03、CL04、CL07、CL09 與 CL11 文件間的距離短,顯示其關聯強度 高,造成此一現象的原因係這些主題文章採用的關鍵字重複性高。換言之,對主 題歸類而言,基於共現字進行主題分析較不容易將主題歸類劃分清楚。

接下來分別就數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊文獻共現字主題歸類年代分佈、共現 字主題歸類國家排序,與共現字主題歸類作者排序結果進行說明。


數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊文獻共現字各歸類主題之文章數量與年代分佈情形,

如表 4-17 所示。

表 4- 17 數位學習領域 SSCI 期刊文獻共現字主題歸類年代分佈

主題/年代 筆數 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 slp CL01 843 48 60 43 71 54 84 66 114 169 134 11.56 CL02 224 20 14 10 17 12 23 19 27 44 38 2.87

CL03 152 4 9 6 6 15 11 17 18 35 31 3.12

CL04 75 4 0 6 3 5 10 7 14 15 11 1.36

CL05 45 0 1 6 5 2 4 2 11 5 9 0.68

CL06 33 2 3 5 1 1 3 2 8 5 3 0.26

CL07 54 1 1 1 2 1 9 5 4 18 12 1.52

CL08 53 1 3 3 5 4 6 7 7 10 7 0.79

CL09 75 7 1 2 5 4 8 8 11 14 15 1.34

CL10 55 2 2 3 7 2 6 4 8 10 11 0.95

CL11 56 2 4 0 2 3 5 9 12 10 9 1.14

CL12 34 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 7 7 10 0.91

CL13 24 0 6 1 0 2 3 3 1 7 1 0.02

CL14 40 2 2 3 1 2 5 3 7 11 4 0.67

CL15 18 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 5 5 0.47

CL16 23 1 0 1 3 1 2 1 1 7 6 0.54

CL17 29 4 2 0 0 2 1 4 3 6 7 0.49

CL18 44 1 9 3 3 2 5 3 4 5 9 0.32

CL19 22 4 1 1 0 6 4 0 2 3 1 0

CL20 18 1 1 0 3 0 0 2 1 3 7 0.42

表 4-16 統計結果顯示,主題 CL01 有 843 篇、主題 CL02 有 224 篇、主題 CL03 有 152 篇。再由主題 CL01、CL02、CL03 文章數量成長分析結果觀察出,

最多;英國則分別於 CL01、CL07、CL09、CL13、CL14 等主題類別之文章數量,

排序第二名;台灣則在 CL01、CL03、CL04、CL12、CL16、CL17、CL18、CL19 CL09 Hrastinski, S


CL13 Sarmany-schuller,

I Yang, M Magjuka, RJ Mccalla, G Sherk, KE Chan, SCH Rowland, F Weiss, RP Massa, LJ Wat, FKT

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CL14 Solem, M Hudson, B

2 2

CL15 Constantinou, CP Jaen, JA Tutty, JI Liang, PF Garcia-beltran,

A Salomoni, V Amhag, L Fox, R Chen, DJ Horiuchi, S

environment, web-based, instructional, distance, teacher;該主題類別發表文章篇數 最多的前三位作者分別為台灣的蔡今中(Tsai, CC),發表 23 篇;台灣的陳德懷 (Chan, TW),發表 7 篇;台灣的黃國禎(Hwang, GJ) ,發表 6 篇。

CL03 之 主題名 稱 為 e-learning system, material ; 代表 性的關 鍵詞彙 為 e-learning system, material, web-based learn, concept, user;發表文章篇數最多的前 三位作者分別為台灣的陳志銘(Chen, CM),發表 6 篇;台灣的曾憲雄(Tseng, SS),

本研究在參考 Computers & Education 期刊投稿論文主題架構、BJET 期刊關 鍵詞彙與 American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)之 e-learning glossary 進行人工解讀後,歸納出各主題類別之名稱,最後依據國家及作者生產 力排名所得之數位學習領域期刊文獻共現字主題歸類分析結果,如表 4-20 所示。

表 4- 20 數位學習領域期刊文獻共現字主題歸類分析結果

表 4- 20 數位學習領域期刊文獻共現字主題歸類分析結果