• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 金融集團防制洗錢及打擊資恐資訊分享之比較法制

第二節 新加坡法

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惟若「特定關係企業」真的再度直接或間接揭露SAR 及申報之事實,

此時存款機構可能仍須負擔相關責任,因此 FinCEN 在指引中建議存 款機構應建立內控措施,確保其關係企業能保護可疑交易報告之秘密 性267;最後「2010 年指引」表明,若存款機構有理由相信將可疑交易 報告相關資訊分享予「特定關係企業」後,可能會將相關資訊揭露予 可疑交易報告中所涉主體,存款機構即不應分享該等資訊,始符合銀 行秘密法等相關規範268

第二節 新加坡法

第一項 防制洗錢及打擊資恐沿革

首先,在洗錢刑事制裁方面,新加坡首先於1992 年制定「毒品販運法

(Drug Trafficking (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992)」,首次將毒品犯罪收 益之行入罪化,例如:協助他人保留毒品販運之收益及隱匿或轉移毒品販 運之收益之行為,皆屬刑事犯罪269;而後於1999 年,該法名稱修改為「貪 腐、毒品販運及其他重大犯罪法(Corruption, Drug Trafficking and other

any information that would reveal the existence of that SAR with an affiliate of its own, even if that affiliate is subject to a SAR rule.”

267 Supra note 261, at 2-3, “As is the case with sharing SARs with head offices and controlling companies, there may be circumstances under which a depository institution, its affiliate, or both entities would be liable for direct or indirect disclosure by the affiliate of a SAR or any information that would reveal the existence of a SAR. Therefore, the depository institution, as part of its internal controls, should have policies and procedures in place to ensure that its affiliates protect the confidentiality of the SAR.”

268 Supra note 261, at 3, “Consistent with the BSA and the implementing regulations issued by FinCEN and the Federal Banking Agencies, a SAR, or any information that would reveal the existence of a SAR, must not be disclosed, even under this guidance, if the depository institution has reason to believe it may be disclosed to any person involved in the suspicious activity that is the subject of the SAR.”

269 1992 Drug Trafficking (Confiscation of Benefits) Act §§41 and 43.

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Serious Crimes(Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1999,CDSA),除上述毒品犯 罪收益之行為,該法將其他重大犯罪(如:凌虐幼童罪、持有爆炸性物質 或武器罪、劫持航空器罪或擄人勒贖罪等)收益之行為亦納入刑事犯罪270; 截至目前,CDSA 最新修正日為 2019 年 1 月 20 日,而為有效落實防制洗 錢及打擊資恐,目前該法所規定的重大犯罪已達450 種。

另外,在行政管制方面,「新加坡金融監督管理局法案(Monetary Authority of Singapore Act,MASA)」於 2007 年 2 月 12 日新增第 27B 條 規定(同年6 月 30 日正式施行),授權新加坡金融監督管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore,MAS)得隨時訂定金融機構防制洗錢及打擊資恐的 相關指引或規範271,因此MAS 於同年 7 月 2 日即針對「銀行業」、「融資 公司業」、「人壽保險業」、「金融顧問業」、「證券期貨業」等金融產業提出 各自的防制洗錢及打擊資恐指引(以下簡稱「MAS Notice」)272,作為實務 執行標準。而後,新加坡國會再於 2015 年 6 月 30 日修訂 MASA 第 27B 條,明文 MAS 所訂定的相關規範得規定「客戶審查措施」及「記錄留存 措施」273,而若金融機構違反指引中關於客戶審查及記錄留存之規定,即

270 1999 CDSA §§41, 41A, 43 and 43A.

271 Monetary Authority of Singapore Act §27B (1) (“The Authority may, from time to time, issue such directions or make such regulations concerning any financial institution or class of financial institutions as the Authority considers necessary for the prevention of money laundering or for the prevention of the financing of terrorism.”).

272 銀行業:MAS Notice 626;融資公司業:MAS Notice 824;人壽保險業:MAS Notice 314;金 融顧問業:MAS Notice FAA-N06;證券期貨業:MAS Notice SFA04-N02。

273 Monetary Authority of Singapore Act §27B (1A) (“In particular, the directions and regulations under subsection (1) may provide for —(a) customer due diligence measures to be conducted by financial institutions to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism; and (b) the records to be kept for that purpose.”).

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屬刑事犯罪須被課予罰金274;而同年5 月 24 日,MAS 再次大幅修訂各金 融產業的MAS Notice275,使其金融業防制洗錢及打擊資恐機制更為完善。

第二項 金融機構防制洗錢及打擊資恐重要規範簡介

金融機構的防制洗錢及打擊資恐措施主要規定於各金融產業的 MAS Notice,為行文方便,以下以「新加坡的 CDSA」、「MAS Notice 626(銀行 業)」、「MAS Notice 314(人壽保險業)」及「MAS Notice SFA04-N02(證 券期貨業)」作為主要分析之規範。該些規範主要重點如下:


按MAS Notice 規定,銀行、人壽保險公司及證券期貨公司(下 合稱「金融機構」)應辨識並評估客戶、地域、產品及交易通路的洗 錢及資恐風險,並建立由高階管理層核准的風險控管政策及程序,

同時確保能夠監控風險管理政策及程序的施行情形;而面對被辨識 出的高風險情形,金融機構必須執行強化措施以管理該等風險,並 確保強化措施的執行效果276


274 Monetary Authority of Singapore Act §27B (1B) (“A financial institution must — (a) conduct such customer due diligence measures as may be specified by the directions referred to in subsection (1A) that are issued to it, …and (b) maintain records on transactions and information obtained through the conduct of those measures for such period and in such manner as may be specified by the directions referred to in subsection (1A) that are issued to it, ...”; Monetary Authority of Singapore Act §27B (2), “A financial institution which —…or (c) contravenes subsection (1B), shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1 million and, …”).

275 E.g., MAS Notice 626, paragraph 1.2, “MAS Notice 626 dated 2 July 2007 is cancelled with effect from 24 May 2015.”; MAS Notice 824, paragraph 1.2, “MAS Notice 824 dated 2 July 2007 is cancelled with effect from 24 May 2015.”; and MAS Notice 314, paragraph 1.3, “MAS Notice 314 dated 2 July 2007 is cancelled with effect from 24 May 2015.”

276 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 4; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 4; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 4.

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依MAS Notice 規定,金融機構於「與客戶建立業務關係時」、

「為非與公司有業務關係之客戶執行價值超過 2 萬新幣之交易時

(限銀行及證券期貨公司)」、「為非與公司有業務關係之客戶執行 或收取價值超過1,500 元新幣之電匯交易時(限銀行)」、「疑似洗錢 或資恐情形發生時」以及「對先前取得之客戶資料之真實性及足夠 度出現懷疑時」,應執行客戶身分審查277,而於執行客戶身分審查程 序所應取得的資料包含:客戶姓名或化名、身分識別碼(身分證字 號、護照號碼或法人登記號碼)、住址或法人註冊登記地(或營業地 址)、出生日期或設立日期(或註冊登記日期)、國籍或註冊登記地

278。另外,關於實質受益人的辨識,於客戶為法人時,金融機構必 須辨識擁有法人所有權、掌有法人控制權或具有其他類似執行權利 的自然人;而於客戶為其他法律架構主體時(如:信託),金融機構 應辨識委託人、受託人、監察人、受益人,以及其他擁有最終所有 權或控制權之自然人279


按CDSA 和 MAS Notice 等規定,金融機構應維持並留存客戶 身分資訊及交易紀錄等相關資訊,且所留存的紀錄必須能夠「重建 歷史交易資訊以作為刑事偵查之證據」、「因應金融檢查或內外部稽 核而作為風險評估所需資訊」或「作為依新加坡有關機關之查詢或

277 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 6.3; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 6.3; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 6.3.

278 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 6.6, 6.8 and 6.10; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 6.5, 6.7 and 6.11; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 6.6, 6.8 and 6.10.

279 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 6.14; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 6.16; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 6.14.

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命令所須提交之相關資料」280。另外,於留存時間方面,金融機構 就「客戶身分審查資訊、帳戶資訊、通匯業務資訊及相關資訊的分 析資料」,應自業務關係終止後或交易完成時起至少保存5 年;而就

「與交易相關之資料、文件及資訊(包含釋疑或重建歷史交易之必 要資訊)」,應於交易完成時起至少保存5 年281


按CDSA 規定,任何人知悉或合理懷疑任何財產係犯罪所得或 工 具 或 有 疑 似 洗 錢 或 資 恐 行 為 時 , 應 向 可 疑 交 易 報 告 辦 公 室

(Suspicious Transaction Reporting Officer, STRO)申報可疑交易,

而未按規定進行申報之人將構成刑事犯罪282;同時為避免妨害司法 偵查,CDSA 亦禁止任何人洩漏可疑交易相關資訊,洩漏相關資訊 者亦構成刑事犯罪283。關此,為因應 CDSA 的可疑交易申報之規定,

MAS Notice 要求金融機構內部應建立一套適當的內部政策、流程及 控管措施以遵循可疑交易申報規範,包含:設置一位可疑交易申報

280 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 12.1 and 12.2; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 10.1 and 10.2; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 11.1 and 11.2.

281 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 14.1; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 12.1; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 13.1.

282 CDSA§39(1) (“Where a person knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect that any property — (a) in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, represents the proceeds of; (b) was used in connection with;

or (c) is intended to be used in connection with, any act which may constitute drug dealing or criminal conduct, as the case may be, and the information or matter on which the knowledge or suspicion is based came to his attention in the course of his trade, profession, business or employment, he shall disclose the knowledge or suspicion or the information or other matter on which that knowledge or suspicion is based to a Suspicious Transaction Reporting Officer as soon as is reasonably practicable after it comes to his attention.”).

283 CDSA §48(2) (“Any person who — (a)knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect that a disclosure has been or is being made to an authorised officer under this Act (referred to in this section as the disclosure); and (b)discloses to any other person information or any other matter which is likely to prejudice any investigation which might be conducted following the disclosure, shall be guilty of an offence...”).

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負責人接收其他經理人或員工所發現的可疑交易資訊,並就可疑交 易報告、背景事實及分析結果等資訊留存紀錄284


金融機構應考量公司所涉及之洗錢及資恐風險和自身業務規 模,建立足夠的防制洗錢及打擊資恐內部政策、程序及控管措施285; 且金融機構若有設立子公司及分公司,其應建立適用至所有子公司 和分公司的集團性防制洗錢及打擊資恐政策,且該政策應包含資訊 分享政策及程序286。另外,金融機構應指派一位位於管理階級的法 遵長,並確保其具有足夠專業知識、經驗及資源以履行其職能287; 且為監督防制洗錢及打擊資恐之法遵業務是否有效執行,金融機構 應同時配置獨立稽核單位能對該等業務進行查核288。最後,金融機 構也應確保其經理人及員工接受足夠教育訓練,使其能理解公司內 部的防制洗錢及打擊資恐政策及措施289

284 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 12.3; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 10.3; MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 11.3; and CDSA §§ 36, 37.

285 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 15.1; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 13.1; MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 14.1.

286 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 15.4, 15.6; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 13.4, 13.6; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 14.4, 14.6.

287 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 15.10, 15.11; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 13.10, 13.11; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 14.10, 14.11.

288 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 15.12; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 13.12; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 14.12.

289 MAS Notice 626, paragraph 15.14; MAS Notice 314, paragraph 13.14; and MAS Notice SFA04-N02, paragraph 14.14.

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第三項 金融集團防制洗錢及打擊資恐資訊分享規範

新加坡法關於金融集團資訊分享之規定,除前述 MAS Notice 之行政 規定外,新加坡「銀行法(Banking Act)」和「信託公司法(Trust Companies Act)」亦有相關規定。以下,考量銀行法和信託公司法為新加坡國會通過 之法律,可能已有規定調和資訊分享和個資保護或金融秘密法令間之衝突,

故本文將先分析該兩部法律之規定,再分析MAS Notice 的規範內容。

第一款 銀行法及信託公司法

首先,在「銀行法」方面,該法第47 條第 2 項規定:「新加坡之銀行

(bank in Singapore)或其董事、經理人及員工等(officers)得依本法附錄 三規定揭露客戶資訊。290」關於該條規定之內容,本文分析如下:

(一)資訊揭露之目的:依照「銀行法_附錄三_第 2 部分」之規定,新加 坡之銀行得基於內部稽核或「風險管理」目的揭露客戶資訊291,而 防制洗錢及打擊資恐作業即為洗錢及資恐風險管理,故新加坡之銀 行得基於防制洗錢及打擊資恐目的進行資訊分享。

(一)資訊揭露之目的:依照「銀行法_附錄三_第 2 部分」之規定,新加 坡之銀行得基於內部稽核或「風險管理」目的揭露客戶資訊291,而 防制洗錢及打擊資恐作業即為洗錢及資恐風險管理,故新加坡之銀 行得基於防制洗錢及打擊資恐目的進行資訊分享。