• 沒有找到結果。

本實驗利用小蘗鹼處理非小細胞肺癌細胞株,探討小蘗鹼的抗腫瘤活 性與其分子作用機轉,結果發現,小蘗鹼具有明顯的生長抑制作用,並可 使細胞週期停滯於 G0/G1時期,這與部分前人研究所得論點是相符合的。

深入去探討分子作用機制,發現小蘗鹼會去調控或影響的分子相當廣,包 含一些細胞週期調控分子、MAPK 家族分子以及轉錄因子。

仔細分析這些受影響的分子間相互的關聯性,可推論出小蘗鹼抑制細 胞生長可能的分子作用路徑(圖 12)。在小蘗鹼進入細胞時,可能會直接 或間接去影響MAPK 家族分子的活性,使 ERK、JNK 和 p38 MAPK 三者 蛋白質激酶活性均減少,接著由於 MAPK 家族分子調控了許多轉錄因子

(如 AP-1 和 NF-κB),因此可能導致許多 G1期相關分子的表現改變,根 據本論文之實驗結果可得知 cyclin D3、Cdk2 和 Cdk4 的表現量下降,而 cyclin E、p16INK4A、p21CIP1/WAF1/sdi1

和 p27KIP1 的表現量則是上升。因此,

G1 期 相 關 的 cyclin-Cdk complexes 無 足 量 或 活 性 去 磷 酸 化 下 游 的 pRb2/p130,而低磷酸化型的 pRb2/p130 會使細胞週期無法順利進行而停止 於 G1 期,導致細胞無法進入細胞增殖週期,細胞生長因而停止。另一方 面,由實驗數據得知,雖然p21CIP1/WAF1/sdi1

表現量增加,然其上游分子p53 卻不受調控,顯示小蘗鹼的生長抑制機制可能透過 p53-independent 的途 徑。

在本實驗中,我們確實證明了小蘗鹼的抗腫瘤活性,是經由抑制癌細 胞的增生。於分子層次上,有些調控 G1 細胞週期的分子會受到小蘗鹼的 影響與調控,導致細胞週期停滯。因此,我們認為小蘗鹼雖然還不能立即 應用於臨床癌症治療上,但其仍具有發展為新一類抗癌藥物的潛力。

4. Microscopic observation shows the anti-proliferation effect of berberine

(1, 10 or 100 µM) on four NSCLCs(H1299, H1299/p53, A549 and CH27).

5. H1299, H1299/p53, A549 and CH27 cells were treated with drug-free medium(control), or medium containing 1, 10 or 100 µM of berberine for 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell numbers were calculated by using hemocytometers.

Data represents that cell growth was inhibited by berberine in a dose-dependent manners.

6. Flow cytometric analysis of four NSCLCs treated with berberine(100 µM)for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell cycle G1 arrest was apparently observed.

7. H1299 and H1299/p53 cells were treated with drug-free medium (–), or medium containing 100 µM berberine(+)for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell lysates were then prepared for Western blot analysis of Cdks and cyclins.

8. H1299 and H1299/p53 cells were treated with drug-free medium (–), or medium containing 100 µM berberine(+)for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell lysates were then prepared for Western blot analysis of CdkIs, p53 and retinoblastoma proteins.

9. H1299 and H1299/p53 cells were treated with drug-free medium (–), or medium containing 100 µM berberine(+)for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell lysates were then prepared for Western blot analysis of MAPK family and phospho-Akt.

10. H1299 and H1299/p53 cells were treated with drug-free medium (–), or medium containing100 µM berberine(+)for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Cell lysates were then prepared for kinase activitiy assay of Cdk2, Cdk4, Cdk6, ERK, JNK and p38 MAPK.

11. H1299 and H1299/p53 cells were treated with drug-free medium (–), or medium containing 100 µM berberine(+)for 24, 48 and 72 hours.

Nuclear extracts were prepared for gel shift assay of AP-1 and NF-κB.

12. Molecular mechanism of berberine on cell growth inhibition of NSCLCs.

表3. The effect of berberine on cell cycle distribution.

H1299 H1299/p53 A549 CH27 Berberine

(100μM) − + − + − + − +

Day 1 G1 37.51 54.16 38.83 67.44 51.52 57.66 59.39 62.28 S 49.40 36.12 50.95 23.41 38.35 34.99 30.19 26.99 G2/M 13.09 9.72 10.22 9.15 10.13 7.35 10.42 10.73 Day 2 G1 37.92 65.51 37.45 76.89 50.31 66.91 64.78 60.01 S 50.30 29.48 54.03 12.61 40.11 21.11 23.92 29.47 G2/M 11.78 5.01 8.52 10.50 9.58 11.98 11.30 10.52 Day 3 G1 49.63 57.38 43.06 76.80 54.50 63.38 65.93 58.54 S 36.73 37.79 39.29 15.52 35.69 22.92 26.87 29.00 G2/M 13.64 4.83 17.65 7.68 9.81 13.70 7.20 12.46


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