• 沒有找到結果。

2.2 錯視

2.2.2 錯視的分類

本研究欲探討的目標為新的幾何錯視的分類方式,但錯視除了幾何錯視之外,尚有 非常多種的錯視現象,以下探討錯視的分類以及分類的依據。


1. 依照性質的差異

今井省吾(1988)提出錯視的分類方法,分析不同的錯視中,有何不同的性質、指向 意義,其分類方式較偏向主觀的直接感受,以錯視的外觀為主,將錯視分成了:









近江源太郎利用今井省吾的錯覺分類方式,作更進一步的垂直延伸和水平擴展,在圖 2-9 中,可以看到在每一個主分類的下方,另外又定義了更明確的分類意含。就分類的依 據來說,仍然使用性質的差異,較主觀的方式來作分類。



表 2- 1 Gregory 的錯視分類(Gregory, 1997)

physical Cognitive


errors Optics Signals Rules Objects

Ambigui ties 多義性

People like us

Cataract, mist, fog,(any loss of image quality )

Retinal rivaly, aberrant stimulation (e.g. pressure on eye)

Figure-ground (usually set by Gestalt Laws of closure, etc.)

Necker cube, face-vase, schroder staircase, Mach corner, hollow face

Distorti lateral inhibition effects (such as brightness and color contrast)

Fraser spiral, café wall, pulfrich pendulum (stereo-depth)

Ponzo, object feeling heavier than larger object of same weight)

Paradox image in wrong place, self in two places at once)

Rotating spiral after-effect (expanding or contracting, yet staying same size)

Tri-bar, penrose triangle, Esher’s

‘belvedere’, ‘water fall’, etc.

Magritte mirror (back of head seen reflected, instead of face)

Fictions 虛構的

They live in a mirror

Rainbows, moiré, patterns

After-image, Mach’s bends, Benham’s disk (color)

Kanizsa triangle, Schumann (illusory contours and surfaces)

Faces-in-the-fire, man-in-the-moon, galleons in clouds, ink blots

表 2- 2 Gregory 的錯視分類,由 Ninio 重新編輯(Ninio, 2001)

Origin Type of illusion

physical physiological Cognitive Ambiguities


Hazes Shadows

Ames room Apparent motion

Necker cube

Figure-ground reversals Distortions



Bending of light rays

Geometric adaptations Café wall (Munsterberg) Contrast effects

Geometric illusions

Paradoxes 自相矛盾的

Mirrors Discrepancies between


Motion aftereffects Constancies

Impossible figures


Subjective contours Filling in the blind spot

另外,Ninio 另外又根據認知特徵的常規來分類錯視(如表 2-3),將錯視分類為 8 種 類行,舉出每一種的類型的範例,並且指出它們對照於 Gregory 的分類方法時,是屬於哪 一主類型下的細分類型,例如在「分解、融合」的類型中,主要的範例就是奧奇錯視(Ouchi’s illusion),而這一類型比對到 Gregory 的分類方法時,是屬於認知下的多義性的錯視。

表 2- 3 Jacques Ninio 的錯視分類(Ninio, 2001)

category Visual (V) and auditory (A) prototypes

Gregory’s classification (P/ physiological, C/

cognitive) Perceptual limits


V: Benham’s disc A: Seashell sound

P/fictions idem Contrast


V: Mach bands

A: Rawdon-smith effect

P/ fictions P/ distortion Segregations, fusions


V: Ouchi’s illusion A: Melody segregation

C/ ambiguities C/ ambiguities Completions


V: Subjective contours A: Auditory restoration

C/ fictions C/ fictions

Adaptations 適應作用

V: McCollough effect A: Zwichker effect

P/ fictions P/ fictions Constancies


V: color of the moon A: phase neglect

P/ distortion C/ paradoxes Reference points, localizations


V: the pigeon’s head A: Deutsch’s illusion

C/ paradoxes P/ paradoxes Arbitrations between channels


V: geometric illusions A: dominance of the image

C/ distortions C/ paradoxes