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The Goal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology.


Academic year: 2021

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vii 台 灣 心 理 諮 商 季 刊 2016 年,8 卷 4 期,vii- x 頁


王智弘 Chih-Hung Wang (彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系,ethicgm@gmail.com) 本刊致力於推動本土諮商心理學,或心理諮商與心理治療本土化,其目的 並非要否定或排斥西方(其實更精準的說法是本土之外,也就是他土,我們俗 稱為外地)所發展的心理諮商與心理治療理論,而是有其更深刻或更寬廣的涵 義,首先,本土諮商心理學鼓勵東方的心理諮商與心理治療專業人員致力於將 發源於西方的現代心理諮商與心理治療進行在地化(localization)的歷程,透過 在地化的修正,以更適用於本地的人們。 其次,本土諮商心理學期待由外地引入的心理諮商理論與技術,更進一步能 與在地文化結合而晉升到本土化的層次,也就是將文化傳統的「本」與在地生活 經驗的「土」相結合,而能將源自西方的現代心理諮商與心理治療理論,與東方 各地的文化傳統與在地生活經驗結合,也就是完成本土化(indigenization)的過 程,而讓心理諮商與心理治療能吸收文化傳統的養分與融入在地生活經驗的成 分,而更能為在地人們所使用,提供在地當事人更貼切的專業服務。也就是說本 土化的主張是提醒:當由他土(外地)引入助人專業理論與技術時,宜經歷在地 化(localize)與本土化(indigenize)的過程,除能以本土所能理解的語言加以表 述、理解與運用之外(在地化),更能運用本土的文化傳統與生活經驗以吸納外 來助人專業理論與技術的特長(本土化),而能創建能融入外來文化與本土文化 的助人專業理論與技術。 最後,本土諮商心理學也期待在本土諮商心理學發展成熟的基礎下,本土的 助人專業人員能由自己本土的文化出發,以創建植基於本土文化的特有助人專業 理論與技術,以服務在地的人們,並對外地的助人專業也有所啟發。 如上所述,推動本土諮商心理學的目的主要有三:第一,推動心理諮商與心 理治療理論與技術的在地化;第二,推動能融入外地文化與本地文化的助人心理 諮商與心理治療理論的創建;第三,推動以本土文化為基礎的助人專業理論與技 術的創建。

Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 2016, vol. 8 no. 4 pp. vii- x.


viii 我們相信,不同的文化都會有其助人的特色與理論技術的適用性,而文化對 助人專業發展的具有深遠的影響,心理諮商與心理治療的本土化提供一個可行的 發展視野,本土諮商心理學所要努力的,除了要提醒世界各地的專業助人工作者 去覺察心理諮商與心理治療的理論與技術可能有文化適切性的議題之外,更鼓勵 專業人員能涵泳與體會各自的文化傳統與在地生活經驗,將在地的多元文化納入 考慮,使助人專業理論以及從理論所發展出來的實務技術能更滿足多元文化與在 地當事人的需要。從下一期(第九卷第一期)開始,本刊將改名為《本土諮商心 理學學刊》,以作為催化與推動本土諮商心理學發展的平臺,希望這是一個本土 諮商心理學以及心理諮商與心理治療本土化的一個新契機,而同時本期也是本刊 以《臺灣心理諮商季刊》為名出刊的最後一期,刊物沒有結束,而是有一個更美 好的理想和新的開始,刊物將更本土化,也將更國際化,感謝所有編輯委員、審 查委員、作者以及讀者過去的鼓勵與支持,盼望大家能繼續支持與疼惜《本土諮 商心理學學刊》,正如《詩經.大雅.文王》有云:「周雖舊邦、其命維新」, 改名後的《本土諮商心理學學刊》還要更加努力,走在臺灣、華人地區、亞洲以 至於全世界諮商心理學專業發展的最前面,繼續奮鬥下去。 本期的焦點論壇主題是中醫心理學,特別邀請上海中醫藥大學的曲麗芳教 授撰寫專題論文:心主神明,心智成長,心理健康,並邀請北京大學回龍觀醫 院閆少校主任醫師與北京中醫藥大學劉天君教授分別撰寫評論論文之後,再由 曲麗芳教授針對評論論文撰寫回應論文。華人在探討本土諮商心理學時,中醫 心理學是值得關注的重要主題,三位專家的論文增進了我們對中醫心理學領域 的認識與關切。本期另有一篇論文:近十年心理健康研究英文文獻的視覺化分 析,則是運用視覺化軟體以分析美國資料庫中的相關心理健康論文,提供了我 們對論文探討的分析工具與美國心理健康研究現況的進一步了解。



The Goal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology

Chih-Hung Wang

The purpose of this journal is to promote indigenous counseling psychology. This is not to deny or exclude Western (or to be more accurate, that of lands outside local soil and what we commonly refer to as foreign) counseling and psychotherapy theories, but to further and expand their significance.

First of all, indigenous counseling psychology is intended to encourage Eastern helping professionals in their commitment to transform Western modern counseling and psychotherapy theories into new versions through the process of localization to better suit the local people.

Second, indigenous counseling psychology expects to integrate counseling theories and techniques from foreign field with the local culture into the level of localization, that is, combine foreign concepts with local cultural tradition and life experience. This combination of modern Western counseling and psychotherapy theory and Eastern cultural traditions and local life experience constitutes the process of indigenization. By absorbing the components of Eastern cultural tradition and integrating the elements of local life experience into Western counseling and psychotherapy theory, the needs of local people can be more appropriately met. In other words, the idea of localization is a reminder that it is more beneficial to localize and indigenize when introducing theories and techniques to help people. In addition to understanding local conditions, absorbing the expertise of foreign professional theory and technology through the lenses of local cultural tradition and life experience (localization) can produce new theories and techniques that integrate foreign and local culture (indigenization).

Finally, indigenous counseling psychology is also looking forward to having local helping professionals develop new indigenous counseling theories founded on the indigenous counseling psychology from their own culture. Such new indigenous counseling theories can not only appropriately serve the local people, but may also become meaningful inspiration to foreign helping professionals.

As mentioned above, the purpose of promoting indigenous counseling psychology is threefold: first, to promote localized counseling and psychotherapy theories and techniques; second, to promote the construction of new indigenous counseling psychology theories and techniques that integrate foreign and local cultures; third, to encourage local helping professionals to construct new indigenous counseling psychology theories and techniques that are founded on their culture.



inherent characteristics and applicability that can have a profound impact on professional development. In addition to being a viable vision for the development of counseling psychology, indigenous counseling psychology can strive to remind helping professionals around the world to pay attention to culturally relevant issues in counseling and psychotherapy theories and techniques, and encourage them to understand and appreciate their own cultural tradition and local life experience. We believe that the inclusion of local culture and experience will enable helping professionals to develop theories and techniques that can better meet the needs of multicultural and local clients.

Beginning with the next issue (Volume IX), this journal will be renamed the "Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology" to reflect its mission as a platform for catalyzing and promoting the development of indigenous counseling psychology. We hope that this would be a new opportunity for introducing indigenous counseling psychology to helping professionals around the world.

This issue is the last issue under the title, Taiwan Psychological Counseling Quarterly. It is not the end of the publication, but rather a better and new beginning for an indigenized and international future. I would like to thank all members of the editorial committee, reviewers, authors and readers for their past encouragement and support. We look forward to your continuing support for and interest in the Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology. As noted in The Book of Songs Daya King Wen, the "Zhou Dynasty, although ancient in history, is reformed in its life. " With the new title, Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology, we will be forerunners to lead helping professionals in Taiwan, Chinese regions, Asia and the world, and will continue striving forward in this paradigm revolution.

The theme in this issue is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) psychology. We have specially invited Professor Qu Li-Fang from the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to write the discourse, "The heart of the gods, mental growth and mental health", Dr. Shao-Xiao Yan, MD of Peking University Huilongguan Hospital and Professor Tian-Jun Liu, professor of Chinese Medicine University to write the review articles, and Professor Li-Fang Qu to write the commentary to the reviews. In the Chinese culture, traditional Chinese medicine psychology is an important theme in indigenous counseling psychology, and worthy of our attention. The papers of these three experts can greatly contribute to our understanding and interest in TCM psychology. Also in this issue, the paper, Visual Analytics of English Publications in Mental Health Research Over the Last Decade and articles on the use of visual software to analyze the US database of relevant mental health papers help us understand thesis analytical tools and further our understanding of American mental health research.



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