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(1)‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ (J. Taiwan Agric. Res.) 56(3):153-164 (2007). ܿБ݀ჴᛳλय़ᑈ୔ୱٛ‫ݯ‬ኳԄࣴ‫ز‬ Ȑ΋ȑጪᜦ༜ϐෳ၂1 Ԣܴᝬ2 ଯᓉ๮2,4 ໳྆⊭2 ᎄϢ2 ‫׵‬Еο3 㛧  尐 ‫ࣔۂ‬ᤌΕ೏ᙩဎΕ႓ᄦ⑍ΕᔤւΕ‫ֵޕ‬՟Ζ2007Ζֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ՛૿ᗨ೴഑߻एᑓ‫ڤ‬ઔߒ ΰԫαᓊᣆႼհྒྷᇢΖ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ 56:153-164Ζ ψ೴഑߻एω෻ᓵ࿇୶‫ڣڍ‬Δ‫៽ڇ‬୭߻एՂٍ‫ڶ‬๺‫פګڍ‬ऱூࠏΔ‫܀‬ធ֟ಾኙࠡ‫ؘ‬ ૞යٙ‫ࣔڶ‬ᒔऱࡳᆠΖ‫ء‬ઔߒຘመኔᎾհྒྷᇢ᧭ᢞψ೴഑߻एω෻ᓵ‫ڇ‬՛૿ᗨ߻एֱࣟ ࣠ኔᢓ (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) ऱ‫ࢤ۩ױ‬Δࠀ൶ಘψ೴഑߻एω‫۩ױ‬ऱ‫ؘ‬૞යٙΖ ᆖ‫ڇ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫ ޘ‬200 ֆຸհᓊᣆ࣠Ⴜၞ۩ࠟ‫ڣ‬ऱྒྷᇢΔ࿇෼‫ڇ‬ᆖᛎ‫ܓ‬墿ऱᎈ‫ڂ‬ ՀΔຘመࠠ‫ڶ‬ઌ‫ؾٵ‬ᑑऱ߻एิ៣Δሎ‫ظش‬ഗԭଉईᎈႂΕܶ੅ଇढᎈ塆ᄰᎿ֗堚Ⴜ࿛ ߻एൻਜΔ࿨‫़ٽ‬ᅃቹፖ 3D ဠᚵຌ᧯հ೏ઝ‫ݾݾ‬๬๵ቤ‫ض‬ၴ࣠ኔᢓ጑ྒྷរΔࠀᙟழ‫׌‬ ೯ᓳᖞ࿜ฃΔ‫ױ‬ല࣠ኔᢓയ৫૾‫ ܅‬50%‫א‬ՂΖ2005 ֗ 2006 ‫ྒྷڣ‬ᇢ೴հᖞ᧯‫گ‬墿ለ 2004 ‫ڣ‬ᏺ‫ ף‬402 ᆄ֗ 945 ᆄ‫؀‬ኞΖ2007 ‫ڣ‬ၞ۩հം࠴ᓳ਷᧩‫ق‬Δል‫ا‬ኙ࣍ψ೴഑߻एω࿜ฃ ᚨ‫࣠ګ֗ش‬Լ։्ࡳΔ෡ᤚ‫ڶױ‬ய྇֟‫ش‬ᢐ֗ᏺ‫گף‬墿Ζ‫ڼ‬ႈ‫ض‬ၴྒྷᇢᢞኔΔ‫׽‬૞ࠠໂ ೜٤ऱል‫ิا‬៣Ε‫ݙ‬࿳ऱ๵ቤ֗‫ڶ‬யऱ߻ए‫ݾ‬๬Δֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ՛૿ᗨ೴഑߻एᒔ᥆‫ױ‬ ۩Δઌᣂऱᆖ᧭ᑓ‫ڤ‬ፖփ୲‫ࠎױ‬ᚵၞ۩೴഑߻एհၢ᠜೶‫ە‬Ζ. ᙯᔣෟΚֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓΕ೴഑߻एΕᓊᣆΕ՛૿ᗨ߻एᑓ‫ڤ‬Ζ. ⓜ  岏 ψ೴഑߻एωऱᄗ࢚‫ ط‬Knipling (1979) ༼‫נ‬Δᆖመ 20 塒‫ڣ‬ऱ࿇୶Δ෻ᓵ‫ޓ‬᝟‫ݙ‬ᖞፖ‫ګ‬ᑵΖ Lindquist (2000) ‫ֺڇ‬ለψ೴഑߻एωፖψႚอ߻एωऱฆ‫ٵ‬ழΔ༼‫נ‬ψ೴഑߻एωऱࡳᆠ੡Κ‫ڇ‬ ઌኙᐖՕऱ೴഑Δԫᆢጟཬઌ‫ࢨٵ‬ઌ‫܂ۿ‬ढऱ‫س‬ขृ߻एઌ‫ٵ‬ऱૹ૞୭៽Ζࠡছ༼੡ࠠ‫ڶ‬٥‫ٵ‬ऱ‫ؾ‬ ᑑࠀಾኙ௽ࡳऱ‫׌‬૞୭៽Ζۖᐙ᥼೴഑߻ए౨‫פګܡ‬ऱ૞ై‫ڶ‬Κ(1) ࠠ‫ڶ‬٥‫ؾٵ‬ᑑऱ‫س‬ขᆢ᧯Ι(2) ‫ڶ‬೜٤ऱิ៣Ι(3) ‫ڶ‬९ཚ‫׌׊‬೯ऱՠ‫܂‬ૠ྽Ι(4) ሎ‫ش‬ઝ‫ݾ‬ऱֱऄΙ(5) ‫ڶ‬ኙᛩቼऱ‫ە‬ၦΖ ୙৖‫ ۞ڎ‬2000 ‫ڣ‬ದಾኙ‫ذ‬ኔᢓ (Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)) ᇢᙄ೴഑߻एΔᒔᎁ‫ڶױ‬ ய૾‫ذ܅‬ኔᢓയ৫Δࠀ྇֟ልᢐऱࠌ‫ش‬Δ२༓‫ڣ‬Ոထ֫‫چ‬խ௧࣠ኔᢓ (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) ֱ֗ࣟ࣠ኔᢓ (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) հ೴഑߻एྒྷᇢ (Mau et al. 2003; Vargas et al. 2006)Ζ ‫ݺ‬ഏঞ࣍ 2001 ‫ڣ‬ದፖભഏ୙৖‫ڎ‬ऱ࣠ኔᢓઔߒቸၷയ֊ٌੌΔᆖ‫ط‬ച۩‫؀‬ભልᄐઝ‫܂ٽݾ‬ૠ྽֧ 1. 2. 3. 4.. ۩ਙೃልᄐࡡ୉ᄎልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬઔߒ໴‫ܫ‬ร 2291 ᇆΖ൷࠹ֲཚΚ96 ‫ ڣ‬07 ִ 2 ֲΖ ‫ࢬء‬ᚨ‫ش‬೯ढิ‫ܗ‬෻ઔߒ୉Ε೫ઔߒ୉Ε‫ܗ‬෻ઔߒ୉֗ઔߒ୉Ζ‫؀‬᨜ ‫؀‬խᗼ ᣆ୽ၢΖ ۩ਙೃልᄐࡡ୉ᄎ೯ཬढ߻੽ᛀ੽‫ཬ ݝ‬ढ߻੽ิఐ៽୭ጥ෻ઝઝ९Ζ‫؀‬᨜ ‫ؑק؀‬ ຏಛ‫ृ܂‬Δሽ՗ၡٙΚchkao@wufeng.tari.gov.twΙႚటᖲΚ(04)23309097Ζ.

(2) 154. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. ၞ‫ڼ‬ԫᨠ࢚Δ‫א‬আၞֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ߻एՠ‫܂‬ऱ෼‫( ֏ז‬Cheng et al. 2000)Ζ۟ 2005 ‫ַڣ‬Δ‫ᤩࣟ؀‬૫ ข೴ऱ೴഑߻ए‫ق‬ᒤ૿ᗨዬឩᏺ۟ 15,000 ֆຸΔ‫؀‬᨜۫ࡾ 14 ଡ‫ق‬ᒤ೴ऱ૿ᗨՈ၌መ 10,000 ֆຸΔ ߻ए೴փ؆ֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓയ৫஁‫ױ‬ሒ 3-10 ଍ (Cheng et al. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005)Ζ ᓊᣆ੡‫؀‬᨜ऱૹ૞ֽ࣠ΔࠡխԾ‫א‬ৠࣟ‫چ‬೴ࠎᚨհ‫מ‬Εਞࠟࡱᓊᣆ່ထ‫ټ‬ΰ12 ִ۟ሶ‫ ڣ‬5 ִα Ι ࡵᥞ‫چ‬೴ᓊᣆขཚঞ੡ਞ‫ॣ۟أ‬୙ ΰ5 ۟ 8 ִα Δ୙ࡱ৵ཚ 8 ۟ 11 ִ݁ॺᓊᣆհขཚ (Cheng et al. 2000)Ζ ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴۞ 2001 ‫ڣ‬ದ‫شܓ‬ᔟၺֱ‫ڤ‬ၞ۩ขཚᓳᆏΔբ‫ګ‬੡‫ء‬ઊ 8 ۟ 11 ִၴ֟‫ڶ‬հᓊ ᣆข‫چ‬Δ2004-2005 ‫څڣ‬তᔭ࢓‫ؑק؀‬հ᜔ၦ၌။ࡵᥞ (Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Cooperation, 1996-2005)Δ‫ڂ‬ၦ֟Ꮭ೏ΔਚᄕࠠᆖᛎᏝଖΖ൫‫ڼ‬ԫขཚ‫إ‬ນ೏ᄵֽ֗࣠ฐขΔՈਢ ֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓՕၦ᜗૜ऱࡱᆏΔᄕ࣐ኙബ‫ڕֽ࣠׌‬ᓊᣆທ‫ٲګ‬୭Δᣤૹழ‫ױ‬ሒ٤ྤ‫ګگ‬հ‫ޡچ‬Ζ2005 ‫څڣ‬ত‫چ‬೴ᓊᣆขᔭఄ૞‫ܗ࠰ޣ‬ᙄ෻ֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓऱ߻एΔᆖልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬॣ‫ޡ‬೮਷Δ࿇෼ᓊᣆ੡‫څ‬ত ‫چ‬೴໢ԫ‫່׊‬Օࡲհֽ࣠Δֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓհࠡ‫ֽ࣠ה‬ബ‫׌‬࿕֟‫׊‬։ؒሿཋΔ၏ᔣ२࣠ᖫ்ഛ೴ٍ੷ ᎛Δሶᠦයٙߜ‫ړ‬Δฤ‫ڇٽ‬ԫ௽ࡳ೴഑ጟཬઌ‫܂ٵ‬ढ‫߻׊‬एઌ‫ૹٵ‬૞៽୭ऱছ༼Δᔞ‫ٽ‬ၞ۩೴഑߻ एྒྷᇢΖ ‫ء‬ઔߒ៶‫ط‬ኔᎾྒྷᇢ Lindquist (2000) ༼‫נ‬հ೴഑߻ए෻ᓵΔ᧭ᢞ‫ڼ‬ᄗ࢚ਢ‫ܡ‬ᔞ‫؀࣍ش‬᨜՛૿ ᗨऱ࣠ႼᆖᛜীኪΔ‫څ࣍ط‬ত‫چ‬೴բࠠໂ Lindquist ࢬጠհψ೴഑߻एω૞ైΔ‫૿܀‬ᗨႛપ 500 ֆຸΔ ઌኙ࣍࣠ኔᢓհฝ೯౨Ժۖߢ᥆՛ᒤ໮Ζਚ‫א‬ψ՛૿ᗨωऱֱ‫ڤ‬ᙄ෻Δٍ‫ܛ‬٤ྤ๻ᆜψᒷᓢ൅ω Δ ‫א‬٤૿߻एհֱ‫ڤ‬ၞ۩๵ቤΔՠ‫܂‬փ୲ঞ‫ܶץ‬യ৫጑ྒྷΕᄰႂΕଇढᎈව֗࣠Ⴜ堚ᑥΰܶ࣠ኔ୚๳α ࿛ൻਜΖ. 㧟㠨咖㡈㽤 ֨‫ڼ‬ડгநྤੈ̈́ॺૈϠயໄ‫!ڶ‬ ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫ޘ‬ΰቹ 1α௧ࢸ೏৫տ࣍ 250-1,305 mΔො።‫܅‬௧ࢸ۟խ௧ࢸ‫چ‬൅Δ‫ݮچ‬ᆵ ஁၌መ 1,000 mΖ؆໮‫ط‬௧ࢸપ 1,000-1,300 m ऱ՞౧ᛩ៥Δ‫ߡקࣟא‬ऱՕ‫ڞ‬՞່೏ (1,305 m)Δ࢓ ۫তֱ࢏‫ݧࠉۼ‬੡Բ‫ڞ‬՞ (1,279 m)Ε್ᔿ՞ (1,265 m)Εර՗ᆬ՞ (1,176 m) ֗֜ؓ՞ (968 m)Ζ ত‫૿ק‬։ܑ‫א‬԰ᮺܾᄻ֗ଙ֞ᄻ੡੺Δ‫چ‬Ⴈ‫א‬ଙ֞ᄻࣾߣ່‫( ܅‬250 m)Δ‫ګݮ‬ᗑ‫م‬ऱ՞ߣ‫چ‬ীΖࠡ խ௧ࢸ 600 m ‫א‬Հ‫ٻߨ۫ࣟܧ‬ऱؓᒷ՞ࡕ‫چ‬Δ੡‫׌‬૞ऱᓊᣆ்ഛ೴Ζ‫ء‬೴࣠ᖫ‫א‬ᓊᣆ੡‫׌‬૞հ் ഛ‫܂‬ढΔ்ഛ૿ᗨࢬ‫ࠏֺ۾‬੡ 95.2%Δࠡ‫ڻ‬੡ᚊณ 2.9%֗਴ᖪ 1.9%ΰቹ 2α Δપ‫۾‬٤೴்ഛ૿ᗨऱ ԲԼ։հԫΔᚊณ֗਴ᖪႛሿਣ։ؒ࣍௧ࢸ 300-600 m ၴΖ1993 ‫ڣ‬հছᅝ‫چ‬ᓊᣆขཚ‫ א‬6 ִࠩ 8 ִ੡‫׌‬Δᆖል‫ا‬ᚨ‫ش‬႕‫ۥ‬ᔟၺጻၞ۩ขཚᓳᆏΔ२ն‫ࠐڣ‬ขཚᓳᖞ۟ 8 ִࠩ 11 ִΖ‫ॸڇ‬ၦ‫ֽߩך‬ ᄭྤᇄࠀ಻‫ٽ‬୚๳֗ጥ෻Δ࣠঴‫ۥ‬ᖻ֗ก৫Օ੡༼೏Δ‫ޢ‬ֆְؓ݁Ꮭ௑‫଺ط‬٣ 20 ց៚֒۟ 200 ցΔ ່೏Ꮭ௑‫ױ‬ሒ‫ޢ‬ֆְ 480 ցΔ‫ګ‬੡೏ᆖᛎய墿հ‫܂‬ढΔٚ۶‫࣍ܓڶ‬ᓊᣆ்ഛጥ෻հ੒೯Δል‫ڂ݁ا‬ ᆖᛎ‫ܓ‬墿ᎈ‫ۖڂ‬ᗨᄕ೶ፖΖ ྺϔ௡ᖐᄃ̍үఢထ! ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴հ೴഑߻एՠ‫ิ܂‬៣‫ط‬ම՞ၢልᄎᖞ‫ ٽ‬3 ଡขᔭఄ֗ઌᣂል‫ا‬Δ᜔೶ፖԳᑇપ 100 ԳΔ ࣠Ⴜ૿ᗨપ 200 ֆຸΔ๵ቤհ߻ए೴ො።૿ᗨሒ 500 ֆຸΰቹ 1 દᒵ೴഑αΖรԫ‫ڻ‬ՠ‫܂‬ᎅࣔᄎ࣍ 2005 ‫ ڣ‬5 ִ 24 ֲ‫״‬ၲΔ‫ط‬ขᔭఄఄ९༼ࠎᇠ೴հ១૞۩ਙ೴ቹΔᄗฃቤ։ຂٚ೴഑֗ᙇࡳ጑ྒྷរ ‫ۯ‬ᆜΖรԲ‫ڻ‬ᎅࣔᄎ‫شܓܛ‬ልᇢࢬհဠᚵኔቼຌ᧯ΰLandGene Scape 3.80α፹‫څ܂‬ত‫چ‬೴ 3D ‫᧯م‬ ኔቼ‫چ‬ቹΔലรԫ‫ڻ‬ᄎᤜ๵ቤհຂٚ೴ᒤ໮ፖയ৫጑ྒྷរ‫ۯ‬ᆜ೚ᇡาᒔᎁΔࠀਐࡳ‫ٺ‬጑ྒྷរ૤ຂԳ ֗ᒔᎁ߻एՠ‫܂‬հച۩ழ࿓Ζ.

(3) ᓊᣆႼֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻एྒྷᇢ! 155. ቹ 1. ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴࣠ኔᢓയ৫጑ྒྷរ (A-L) ‫چ‬෻։ؒ‫چ᧯م‬ቹΖ Fig. 1. The 3D geographic distribution of oriental fruit fly monitoring sites (A-L) in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county.. ቹ 2. ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴࣠ᖫ‫܂‬ढ࿨ዌΖ Fig. 2. Fruit crop structure in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county..

(4) 156. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. चᖪ૜‫ޘ‬Ⴞീ! യ৫጑ྒྷរ։ؒऱઌᣂ‫ۯ‬ᆜ‫ط‬ልᇢࢬอᖞΔ٣۩᝜ᆜቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫ޘ‬౰़‫୴إ‬ᐙቝቹΰᆢ ‫م‬ઝ‫ैݾ‬ٝ‫ૻڶ‬ֆ‫ ׹‬GeoTAIWAN ߓ٨ΔնՏ։հԫᑇ‫़ۯ‬ᅃቹΔቹ༏ᒳᇆΚ95203064Ε95203065Ε 95203066Ε95203074Ε95203075Ε95203076α Δ٦‫شܓ‬ᓡਣࡳ‫ۯ‬ᏚΰGARMIN GPSVTΔ‫؀‬᨜ഏᎾ౰ ሽैٝ‫ૻڶ‬ֆ‫׹‬αലയ৫጑ྒྷរࡳ‫ۯ‬Ζ‫چא‬෻ᇷಛຌ᧯ΰMapinfo 7.0Δ԰壂ઝ‫ݾ‬ֆ‫׹‬α୚ᦤ୶෼ઌ ᣂ‫ۯ‬ᆜΔࠀ‫شܓ‬ဠᚵኔቼຌ᧯ (Scaper 3.80) ലᇷಛቹ᠏ང੡ 3D ‫᧯م‬ቹᐋ‫ڕ‬ቹ 1Δ࣍ՕᎬኟՂ᧩‫ق‬ ࠎል‫ا‬ᛵᇞΕᒔᎁ֗᧯᧭߻ए೴഑հᖞ᧯़ၴ։ؒፖ‫஁ݮچ‬ฆΖ 2005 ‫࣠ڣ‬ኔᢓ‫៽ګ‬യ৫጑ྒྷՠ‫ ۞܂‬6 ִ 10 ֲၲࡨ۟ 11 ִขཚ࿨‫ޔ‬Δ੡ཚપքଡִΔ2006 ‫ڣ‬ ٍፂ਍ઌ‫ٵ‬๵ቤΖയ৫጑ྒྷՠ‫ط܂‬ขᔭఄఄ९ਐࡳ 12 ‫ۯ‬ል֖૤ຂΔ‫ ޢ‬10 ֚࣍‫ࡳྒྷٺ‬រ ΰ‫ڕ‬ቹ 1 A-Lα ‫گ‬ႃ៽᧯Δอԫബ‫ڃ‬ልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬૠጩნᖞΖയ৫጑ྒྷະ߽ආ‫ش‬խ‫ڤޏ‬ᎈ៽ฏΔփᆜܶ੅‫ظ‬ഗԭଉई ᎈවࣨΰ4.0Ø4.0Ø0.9 cm3 ᧜ፂࣨ௦ዤ 95%‫ظ‬ഗԭଉईፖ 5%ԯԺ࣪հ෗‫෈ٽ‬α Δᣬ඀೏৫પ 1.0-1.5 mΔ ‫ ޢ‬2 ଡִ‫ޓ‬ངᎈවࣨΖ ؔ៽࿇‫س‬യ৫հ጑ྒྷএນᖲᙇ࠷߻ए೴փᓊᣆ࣠Ⴜၞ۩ආᑌΔආᑌᒤ໮੡ᓊᣆཬ௓ࡌ໮ 5 m փΔ ࠷ᑌ 100 ଡᓊᣆᆵ࣠Δૠጩ࣠ኔխհؔ៽ᑇΔ٥ૠ 4 ૹᓤΖ ྺϔିֈ! ‫ء‬ႈྒྷᇢཚၴೈᝮႃል‫ا‬೶ፖ๵ቤಘᓵ؆Δࠀಾኙ೴഑߻एհᄗ࢚֗ࠡᚨ‫ݾش‬๬ၞ۩ඒߛᝑ ฾Δࠟ‫ڣ‬ၴ٥ૠᙄ෻Կ‫߻ڻ‬एՠ‫܂‬ᎅࣔᄎΕԫ‫ڻ‬ᨠᐰᄎ֗ԫ‫ګڻ‬யᎅࣔᄎΚ(1) 2005 ‫ ڣ‬5 ִ 24 ֲ ‫ق‬ᒤ‫إ‬ᒔ߻ए‫ݾ‬๬հሎ‫ش‬ፖ೴഑߻एᄗ࢚ඒߛΙ(2) 2005 ‫ ڣ‬8 ִ 17 ֲᜰᙄ࠹୭࣠堚෻৙ᖄ֗߻ए ೴़ၴ։ؒઔಘΔൎ֏߻ए‫ݾ‬๬֗ิ៣ՠ‫֨ٻ܂‬ԺΙ(3) 2005 ‫ ڣ‬10 ִ 12 ֲ‫ط‬ष೴ࡺ‫֗ا‬՛ᖂ࠰‫ܗ‬Δ ಻‫؀ٽ‬ભልᄐઝ‫܂ٽݾ‬ૠ྽ભֱԳ୉೶๶Δᙄ෻೴഑߻एᨠᐰᄎΙ(4) 2005 ‫ ڣ‬10 ִ 31 ֲΚ‫״‬ၲᓊ ᣆ೴഑߻ए‫ګ‬யᎅࣔᄎΙ(5) 2006 ‫ ڣ‬5 ִ‫״‬ၲ 95 ‫ڣ‬৫ՠ‫܂‬ᎅࣔᄎΖ ֨‫ڼ‬ନ߉! ᄰႂ߻एΚ‫ޢ‬ֆຸ๻ᆜ 4 ଡᎈ៽ᕴΔփᆜ௦ዤܶ੅‫ظ‬ഗԭଉईհ཯ׂ (3.5Ø3.5Ø0.7 cm3)Δ‫ޢ‬ၜ ෌‫ף‬ᢐᕪΔ᜔ૠ༼ࠎ 800 ଡᎈ៽ᕴࠎ 200 ֆຸհ߻एΖ‫ࠟޢ‬ଡִ‫ط‬ልᇢࢬ༼ࠎ 50 mL ෿ᇘܶ੅‫ظ‬ ഗԭଉईᢐ෈ΰ95%‫ظ‬ഗԭଉईፖ 5%ԯԺ࣪հ෗‫෈ٽ‬α Δ‫ڻޢ‬٤೴ࠎᚨ 300 ෿ᢐ෈Δ‫ط‬ል‫۩۞ا‬෌ ‫ޓף‬ᄅΖ2005 ‫ ڣ‬6 ִ۟ 12 ִհ߻एཚၴΔ٥ࠎᚨ 4 ‫ڻ‬ᢐ෈Ζ2006 ‫ڣ‬ঞ༼‫ ۞ڰ‬5 ִՂ‫ܛڲ‬ၲࡨኔਜ ᄰႂՠ‫܂‬Δ߻एཚၴᢐᕪ٥ࠎᚨ 4 ‫ڻ‬Ζઌᣂᎈවᇷ‫طޗ‬೯ཬढ߻੽ᛀ੽‫ݝ‬ψ࣠‫ذ‬ኔᢓ٥‫߻ٵ‬एૠ྽ω ಻‫ࠎ༼ٽ‬Ζ 堚ႼΚ2005 ‫ ڣ‬7 ִ‫ڂ‬࿇෼࣠ኔᢓയ৫‫ڶ‬Ղࣙ᝟ႨΔ‫׊‬ᓊᣆ࣠ᖫࡌ໮ᆵ࣠ᣤૹΔೈນᖲᓳ਷࣠ ኔխհؔ៽യ৫؆Δ࣍ 7 ִ 15 ֲጹ৺࿇࣋ 309 ଡܶ።Ⴝ‫ݮ‬Ⴟᓄදΰऴஉ 65 cm Ø ೏ 90 cmα Δ࣋ᆜ ࣍࣠Ⴜփࠎ‫گ‬ႃᐒඵ࣠Δ‫א‬ᆵኔ堚Ⴜՠ‫܂‬Ζ ଇढᎈවΚ࣍࣠ኔᢓയ৫ሒ೏୽ழΔ༼ࠎܶ੅๨‫ػ‬ᔆֽᇞढΰGF-120Δ0.02%ᔅᘭවᖺ塆ᕪαΔ ԫ‫ ࠎ༼ڻ‬8 ֆ֒ΰ‫ױ‬ො። 100 ֆຸհ߻ए‫ش‬ၦα Δࠌ‫ش‬ழല଺෈࿕ᤩ 10 ଍Δ‫א‬រᏴֱ‫ڤ‬ၴሶ 5 m ਜ ‫ش‬ԫ๠Δਜ‫ۯش‬ᆜᙇᖗᔟອߜ‫ړ‬ऱᖫიΕࣤයΕᆺહࢨֽࣽਪ࿛Δ‫ޢ‬ၜࠌ‫ش‬ԫ‫ڻ‬Ζ ୚๳Κ‫ط‬ል‫۩۞ࠏ࢓ࠉا‬ᙄ෻Δ‫ޢ‬ֆຸપࠌ‫ ش‬10,000 ଡ౐๳Δ࣍խ࣠ཚง࣠ழၞ۩୚๳Δຑ ᥛࠟ‫݁ڣ‬ኔਜΖ ड़ৈෞҤ! ‫گ‬ႃ߻एཚၴֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ࿇‫س‬യ৫ᇷறΕᓊᣆขၦΕขᔭᏝ௑֗࠹୭෷࿛ᇷறΔࠀ๻ૠം࠴ᓳ ਷ል‫ا‬ኔᎾ೶ፖ‫ڼ‬ՠ‫܂‬հტ࠹Δࠎၞ۩ய墿։࣫Ζ.

(5) ᓊᣆႼֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻एྒྷᇢ! 157. 俟  㨫 2005 ‫ ֗ڣ‬2006 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত߻ए೴հ࣠ኔᢓയ৫ᓳ਷এ۞ 6 ִၲࡨΔၞ۩۟‫ڣٵ‬ 11 ִ੡ַΖຑᥛ 2 ‫ڣ‬ᓳ਷݁‫נ‬෼ 7 ۟ 8 ִհࡱᆏࢤ໢ԫ೏୽Δ‫ڼ‬ԫ೏୽യ৫۞ 7 ִխ‫ڲ‬ၲࡨՂ֒Δ 8 ִՂ‫ڲ‬ሒࠩ೏រΔ9 ִխ‫אڲ‬৵৺ᝪՀ૾ΰቹ 3α Ζ٤೴ 12 ଡᓳ਷រհଡܑᇷற݁‫ܧ‬෼ઌ‫ٵ‬᝟ႨΔ ‫܀‬լ‫ٵ‬ᓳ਷រၴհയ৫஁ฆ‫ױ‬ሒ 5 ଍‫א‬ՂΖ2005 ‫ڣ‬ऱയ৫೏୽࿇‫ ࣍س‬7 ִ 30 ֲ۟ 9 ִ 10 ֲհၴΔ ؓ݁ᎈ៽ᑇ੡ 35 ೋЯະ߽Я֚Ι2006 ‫ڣ‬യ৫່೏୽ٍ੡ 7 ִ 30 ֲ۟ 9 ִ 10 ֲΔؓ݁៽ᑇ੡ 17 ೋ Яະ߽Я֚Δለ 2005 ‫ ܅૾ڣ‬50%Δࠟ‫ٵڣ‬ԫ೏୽հ࿇‫س‬ཚ݁੡ 40 ֚Δઌᅝֱ࣍ࣟ࣠ኔᢓ‫ګݙ‬ԫ ଡ‫ז׈‬ऱழၴΖ ጑ྒྷᇷற᧩‫ق‬Δ2005 ֗ 2006 ‫ ڣ‬12 ๠ᓳ਷រհ࣠ኔᢓ࿇‫س‬௣९ឈઌ‫ۿ‬Δ‫ ܀‬DΕEΕFΕJ ࡉ K ࿛ 5 ๠യ৫݁‫ڶ‬ೣ೏෼ွΔᆖፖ٤೴ؓ݁യ৫ઌֺለΔංྒྷ‫ױ‬౨੡ֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑ࢤᑷរ (Hot spots) ΰ। 1α Ζઌ‫ٵ‬ऱ࿨࣠࣍ 2007 ‫ ڣ‬7 ִٍ٦৫ૹ෼ΰ। 2α Δ᧩ߠ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴ऱᒔ‫ڇژ‬യ৫ᑷរΔ‫ࠐآ‬ല ٨੡ᇠ‫چ‬೴հ߻एૹរΖ ‫څ࣍ط‬ত‫چ‬೴ᓊᣆขཚො። 8 ִ۟ 11 ִΔೣ೏ऱ௛ᄵឈᔞ‫࣠ٽ‬ኔᢓհ࿇ߛ᜗ཷΔ‫࣠܀‬ኔᢓയ ৫௣९ፖᓊᣆขၦΕขཚࠀྤ‫ޡٵ‬ऱ෼ွΰቹ 4αΔ‫ױ‬౨‫߻ڂ‬ए೴փᓊᣆ୚๳ፖ堚Ⴜՠ‫܂‬ኧࢍΔॴ ࿪Աֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓհ᜗ཷΔۖࠌ‫ڼ‬୭៽‫آ‬ᙟᓊᣆհ࿨ኔۖ਍ᥛ༁‫س‬Ζංྒྷ 7 ۟ 8 ִၴऱ໢ԫയ৫೏୽ ᄕ‫ױ‬౨ࠐ۞ᇠ‫چ‬೴ᚊณ‫س‬ข৵ཚհᆵ࣠Δ‫ڂ‬ቯᆠ‫ ڇ‬7 ۟ 8 ִၴ੡ᚊณฐขཚ (Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Cooperation, 1996-2005)Δ৵ཚ౒‫׎‬ጥ෻հᆵ࣠ᆖൄທ‫࣠ګ‬ኔᢓ༁‫س‬Ζ‫࣍ط‬ຑᥛ 3 ‫ڣ‬հᓳ਷݁࣍ 7-8 ִၴ‫נ‬෼‫ڼ‬໢ԫയ৫೏୽Δૹ෼ࢤ੷೏Δ‫ࠐآ‬հ߻एᚨ࣍ 6 ۟ 7 ִቃ٣‫ף‬ൎ࣠Ⴜ 堚ᑥՠ‫܂‬Δೈ‫׌‬೯‫گ‬ႃࢨൽୖᚊณᆵ࣠‫א‬؆Δٍႊࣹრ‫سڰ‬ᓊᣆᆵ࣠հ堚෻Ζ 2005 ‫ ڣ‬7 ۟ 8 ִհ࣠ኔᢓയ৫೏୽Δམ࿍ᑉᐙ᥼ࠩ‫ڰ‬ᑵհᓊᣆΖᆖᓳ਷ᓊᣆᆵ࣠࿇෼Δؓ݁ ‫ޢ‬ศᆵ࣠խપ‫ ڶ‬4 ය࣠ኔᢓؔ៽Δۖ౒‫׎‬ጥ෻հᓊᣆ࣠ᖫΔ‫ޢ‬ལᆵ࣠‫ܛ‬ሒᑇՏศΔࢬ౨᜗ཷऱ࣠ኔ ᢓ੡ᑇማᆄೋΔ‫ױ‬ᣤૹ‫ٲ‬୭ 9-11 ִฐขհᓊᣆΖ੡߻ᒤ࣠ኔᢓՕၦ࿇‫س‬Δ‫ܛم‬ආ࠷堚Ⴜ۩೯Δ 7 ִ 15 ֲದ࣍ 200 ֆຸ࣠Ⴜխ࣋ᆜ 309 ଡՕীᆵ࣠‫گ‬ႃදΔኔਜ٤૿堚ႼΔᆖ‫گ‬ႃᆵ࣠ࠀᄰ៽৵Δ ‫࣠ߠآ‬ኔᢓհ৵ᥛ‫ٲ‬୭Ζ2005 ‫څڣ‬ত‫چ‬೴հᓊᣆ‫س‬ขឈ‫࣠ࠩ࠹آ‬ኔᢓ‫ٲ‬୭Δ‫ڂ܀‬ᇠ‫ڣ‬ᖵᆖ 7 ִ 16 ֲ հψ௧ཞᏈଅωΕ8 ִ 30 ֲհψ௠‫ܓ‬Ꮘଅω֗ 9 ִ 30 ֲհψᚊ‫׆‬Ꮘଅωΰխ؇௛ွ‫ݝ‬Ꮘଅᇷற஄ (http://rdc28.cwb.gov.tw/data.php)αհॿ᦭ۖ྇ขΔ൫ፖ 2004 ‫ڣ‬ઌֺለΔথ‫ڂ‬ขၦ྇֟֘ۖ໢Ꮭ༼ ೏Δ‫س‬ข᜔ଖլ྇֘ᏺΔய墿ေ۷ߠ। 3Ζ 2006 ‫ڣ‬ՠ‫܂‬ૠ྽ല堚Ⴜՠ‫ڰ༼܂‬ᙄ෻Ζឈྥ 7-9 ִհ໢ԫയ৫೏୽սྥ‫נ‬෼Δ൫യ৫բՀ૾ ΰቹ 2α Δ٤ཚ࣠ኔᢓհ࿇‫س‬യ৫ٍ૾‫܅‬Δ߻ए‫ګ‬யለ 2005 ‫ࠋޓڣ‬Δ९ሒ 6 ଡִऱཚၴ࣠ኔᢓയ৫ ݁‫آ‬Ղ֒Δ‫ݙ‬٤ྤ೴؆٦ॿԵऱംᠲΔᓊᣆ঴ᔆٍ‫៽ࠩ࠹آ‬୭ᐙ᥼Ζ ኔਜ೴഑߻एհய墿ေ۷ᇡ‫ڕ‬। 3 ֗। 4Δ᧩‫ق‬ኔਜ৵հ‫گ‬墿ᏺ‫߻׊ף‬ए၄‫ش‬ঞ‫܅૾ܧ‬ऱ᝟ ႨΔᖞ᧯ᛧ‫ܓ‬։ܑለ࢓‫ڣ‬ᏺ‫ף‬ᄅ‫؀‬ኞ 402 ᆄ֗ 945 ᆄցΰપ‫ٽ‬ભ८ 12.2 ᆄ֗ 28.6 ᆄցα Δࠀ۞ 2005 ‫ڣ‬ၲࡨᙄ෻؆ᔭΔࢷ୶௧؆ؑ໱Ζ੡ᒔኔᛵᇞऴ൷೶ፖհል‫ا‬ኙ೴഑߻एՠ‫܂‬ച۩‫ګ‬யऱေ۷Δ‫ط‬ ልᇢࢬ‫א‬ം࠴ֱ‫ڤ‬ᓳ਷ል‫ا‬ᨠტΔ٥ૠ‫ڶگڃ‬யം࠴ 29 ٝΖ‫ء‬ႈം࠴ലေ։հ࿛్೴։੡ 1 ۟ 5 ։ၞ۩։࣫Δ࿨࣠‫ڕ‬। 5Δል‫ا‬ኙ೴഑߻एऱ᜔ေᏝ᥆‫ࡳ्׊૿إ‬Δ᜔ؓ݁ေ։ሒ 4.0 ։Ζࠡխኙ ೴഑߻एऱய࣠‫ ڶ‬90%।‫ق‬የრΔս‫ ڶ‬10%լየრΙ97%ል‫ا‬ᎁ੡ልᢐࠌ‫֟྇ڶش‬Δႛ 3%।‫ق‬ል ᢐࠌ‫ش‬ၦ‫ڶ‬ᏺ‫ף‬ԫࠄΙ‫ڶࢬ܀‬ऱል‫ا‬ኙ࣍೴഑߻एኔਜ৵߻एઌᣂ၄‫ش‬ऱ֭‫݁נ‬।‫྇ڶق‬ઊΖ‫׼‬؆ ࠉል‫۩۞ا‬ေ۷ᇷறΔኔਜ೴഑߻एছ࠹୭෷ؓ݁੡ 38%Δኔਜ৵࠹୭෷૾۟ 18%Δ྇֟પ 20%Ζ.

(6) 158. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. ቹ 3. 2005 ֗ 2006 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴ 12 ๠጑ྒྷរ (A-L) հ࣠ኔᢓയ৫᧢֏Ζ Fig. 3. Oriental fruit fly density monitoring by 12 farmers (A-L) in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county during 2005-2006..

(7) ᓊᣆႼֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻एྒྷᇢ! 159. ቹ 4. 2005 ֗ 2006 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴ᓊᣆขၦፖ࣠ኔᢓയ৫᧢֏ቹΖ Fig. 4. Wax apple production and oriental fruit fly density change in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county.. । 1. 2005-2006 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴࣠ኔᢓയ৫጑ྒྷ࿨࣠ Table 1. Average oriental fruit fly density in individual monitoring sites located at Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county, during 2005-2006 ID of monitoring sitesz 2005 density Above 2006 density Above Hot pot # Longitude Latitude (No. flies/trap/day) average (No. flies/trap/day) average possibility A 209366 2608089 5.6 7.5 B 208629 2608669 4.9 9.0 C 209035 2608557 5.9 6.8 D 207414 2607592 15.1 Yes 11.6 Yes Yes E 207530 2608345 24.8 Yes 16.2 Yes Yes F 206636 2608275 18.6 Yes 16.0 Yes Yes G 206784 2607455 6.0 12.8 Yes H 206596 2608152 9.5 8.7 I 208043 2608438 17.5 Yes 8.5 J 206449 2608659 29.6 Yes 15.4 Yes Yes K 208064 2607907 19.2 Yes 15.0 Yes Yes L 208154 2607672 23.2 Yes 10.3 Average density 15.0 11.5 z The monitoring sites were point coordinated by Transverse Mercator 2° projection with datum GRS67..

(8) ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. 160. । 2. 2007 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴࣠ኔᢓയ৫጑ྒྷ࿨࣠ Table 2. Oriental fruit fly density in individual monitoring sites located at Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county in 2007 ID of monitoring sites A B C D E F G H I J K L. Hot spot possibility. Yes Yes Yes. Yes Yes. OFF density in 2007 (No. flies/trap/day) Jun-20 Jun-30 Jul-10 Jul-20 0.2 1.5 3 2 0.3 1.3 3 2.1 0 2 3.5 2 0.2 2.1 4.5 3.5 0.5 2.5 4.8 7 0.5 3 5.5 8.5 0.4 2.5 3.9 5 0.4 1.8 3.5 5.5 0.5 1.5 4 7 0.7 2.3 5 5.5 0.3 2 5.5 5 0.2 1.5 4 3.5. Jun-10 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.3 0. Jul-30 2.5 2.8 2.8 6 12.5 15 9.5 8.3 9.2 11.6 10.5 7. । 3. 2005 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫ޘ‬ኔਜ೴഑߻ए৵ፖ‫آ‬ኔਜছΰ2004 ‫ڣ‬αհய墿ေ۷ Table 3. Comparison of wax apple production and oriental fruit fly control cost in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county for 2005 and 2004 Items compared Yield Quantity (tons) Price (NT dollars per kg) Value (NT dollars) Export (tons). 2005. /. 2004. 545 102.3 55,753,500 20y. / / / /. 857 61.1 52,362,700 0. Difference -36%z +66% +6%. Control expenses(NT dollars) Fruit bagging 5,202,813 / 6,092,295 - 889,482 Male annihilation 99,000 / 0 (Methyl eugenol + Naled) + 161,700 Food bait (GF-120) 33,000 / 0 Field sanitation 29,700 / 0 Total z Production reduced 36% due to typhoon. y First time ever for exportation form Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county.. Gain in NT dollars. +3, 390,800. +727,782. +4,118,582. ۖ೶ፖ೴഑߻एऱ೯ᖲΔ‫࣠ڂ‬ኔᢓ‫ٲ‬୭ᣤૹऱ‫ ۾‬14%Ι‫ݦ‬ඨ૾‫ءګ܅‬ऱ‫ ڶ‬14%Ι‫ݦ‬ඨ༼೏঴ ᔆऱ‫ ڶ‬22%Ιཚඨᏺ‫گף‬墿ृ‫ ڶ‬50%Ζ. 岝  嵥 ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴۞ 2005 ‫ڣ‬ኔਜֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻ए‫ࠐא‬Δ࣠ኔᢓऱയ৫ႛ‫ ڶ‬7 ۟ 8 ִհ໢ԫ೏୽Δ ຑᥛ 3 ‫נق᧩ڶ݁ڣ‬ઌ‫ٵ‬ऱ᧢֏Ζ௅ᖕ‫܂‬ढઌᓳ਷࿨࣠Δ‫ء‬೴഑ೈᓊᣆ؆Δࠡ‫ה‬ऱബ‫࣠׌‬ᖫ்ഛጟ.

(9) ᓊᣆႼֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻एྒྷᇢ! 161. । 4. 2006 ‫ڣ‬ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴ኔਜ೴഑߻ए৵ፖ‫آ‬ኔਜছΰ2004 ‫ڣ‬αհய墿ေ۷ Table 4. Comparison of wax apple production and oriental fruit fly (OFF) control cost in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county for 2006 and 2004 Items compared Yield Quantity (tons) Price (NT dollars per kg) Value (NT dollars) Export (tons). 2006. /. 432 138.6 59,875,200 23. 2004. Difference. / 857 / 61.1 / 52,362,700 / 20z. Gain in NT dollars. -50% +227% +14% +15%z. Control expenses (NT dollars) Fruit bagging 4,125,000 / 6,092,295 Male annihilation 99,000 / 0 (Methyl eugenol + Naled) Food bait (GF-120) 2,080 / 0 Field sanitation 0 / 0 Total z The second year for exportation since 2005.. +7,512,000. - 1,967,295 +1,866,215. + 101,080. +9,378,715. । 5. ቯᆠᗼම՞ၢ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴ᓊᣆข೴ል‫ا‬ം࠴ᓳ਷࿨࣠ΰየრਐᑇ 1-5 ։α Table 5. Questionnaire on the area-wide control efficacies in a 5-point scale from wax apple growers in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county Question. Rating obtained from 29 farmers 5z. 4. 3. 2. 1. Are you satisfied with the results of OFF 2 24 0 1 area-wide control program? 2. Your understanding of the area-wide 3 21 3 2 control tactics is sufficient. 3. Are you willing to practice the area-wide 6 21 1 1 control program? 4. Do you think the quality of harvested fruit 4 22 3 0 improved in this program? 5. Did you reduce the cover spray after 6 20 2 1 adapting area-wide control? 6. Did you gain financially after 5 24 0 0 implementing the area-wide control? Average rating z 5: strong agree, 4: agree, 3: neither agree nor disagree, 2: disagree, 1: strong disagree.. 1. Score. 2. 3.79. 0. 3.86. 0. 4.10. 0. 4.03. 0. 4.07. 0. 4.17 4.00. ᣊ֟‫׊‬ᑇၦլ‫ڍ‬Δႛ‫ڶ‬ᚊณ 2.9%֗਴ᖪ 1.9%Ζቯᆠ‫چ‬೴ᚊณขཚ੡ 7-8 ִΔਸ਼՗ขཚ੡ 9-10 ִΔ ࠡ‫ה‬਴ᖪᣊ੡ 10-2 ִΔ᧩‫ڼق‬೏୽‫נ‬෼ऱழၴႛፖᅝ‫چ‬ᚊณ‫س‬ขࡱᆏࠠ‫ޡٵ᧩ࣔڶ‬ऱ෼ွΔۖፖ ৵ᥛ‫س‬ขհᓊᣆ֗਴ᖪࠀྤઌᣂΖᇠ‫چ‬೴ᓊᣆ்ഛཚၴհ࣠ኔᢓ੽ൣᒔբ࠹ࠩߜ‫ړ‬൳ࠫΔ‫܀‬սᚨ༼ ‫ڰ‬ᚘࠫ‫ڂ‬ᚊณທ‫ګ‬ऱ࣠ኔᢓගᆢയ৫Ղ֒Δ྇֟ኙᓊᣆհ৖ౡΖ.

(10) 162. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. 2005 ፖ 2006 ‫ڣ‬ऱയ৫጑ྒྷ࿨࣠݁‫נ‬෼ઌ‫ٵ‬ऱߨႨΔ᧩‫ ق‬7-8 ִऱയ৫೏୽ऱข‫س‬এഗ࣍ઌ‫ٵ‬ ऱ଺‫ڂ‬Δ៶‫ط‬਍ᥛऱᄰႂ֗堚Ⴜՠ‫܂‬Δ8 ִ‫א‬৵࣠ኔᢓയ৫Օ༏૾‫܅‬Ζឈྥ 9-12 ִ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴ս‫ڶ‬ ઌᅝ೏ऱᓊᣆขၦΔ‫࣠܀‬ኔᢓയ৫սፂ਍࣍‫܅‬യ৫Δᢞኔ堚ႼΕᄰႂᎈව֗ଇढᎈව࿛ՠ‫܂‬ᒔኔ‫ױ‬ ‫א‬ሒࠩᚘࠫ࣠ኔᢓගᆢऱய࣠Ζൕയ৫጑ྒྷរऱ‫چ‬෻։ؒ֗യ৫ᓳ਷࿨࣠઎ࠐΔ߻ए೴഑؆໮ऱᓳ ਷រ‫ڇ‬٤೴യ৫Հ૾հ৵Δࠀ‫נآ‬෼೴؆ॿԵհ࣠ኔᢓගᆢΔ᧩ߠ‫ࠌܛ‬՛೴഑ऱ߻ए೴Δ೴؆ฝԵ հ࣠ኔᢓࠀ‫ڕآ‬ቃཚᣤૹΖ2005 ‫ڣ‬ᓳ਷ᆵ࣠࿇෼Δ‫ޢ‬௓ᓊᣆሒᑇՏศհᆵ࣠౨᜗૜Ղᆄೋ࣠ኔᢓΔ ‫ױ‬ऴ൷ᐙ᥼߻ए೴࣠ኔᢓയ৫Ζᆖᖲ೯ଥ‫߻ޏ‬ए࿜ฃΔ‫ף‬ൎ‫ض‬ၴᓡ‫س‬Δբ‫ڶ‬யऱ૾‫଺܅‬࿇ࢤ࣠ኔᢓ യ৫Δ2006 ‫ޓڣ‬ല߻एழ࿓༼‫ڰ‬ԫଡִΔ5 ִՂ‫ܛڲ‬ၲࡨ٤૿ᄰႂऱՠ‫܂‬Δ‫چפګ‬ല 7-8 ִऱയ৫ ೏୽૾‫ ܅‬50%Ζ ‫ء‬ႈྒྷᇢཚၴམ࣍ආ‫گ‬ཚၞ۩࣠ኔ࠹୭෷ᓳ਷Δ൫‫ڂ‬٤೴݁ኔਜ୚๳অᥨΔࢬ൓ᑇᖕྤऄ֘ਠ ట‫إ‬ऱ࠹୭෷Δլ٨Ե‫ء‬໴‫ܫ‬ಘᓵᒤ໮Ζ ‫څ‬ত‫چ‬೴૿ᗨႛ 500 ֆຸΔ‫࣠א‬ኔᢓհฝ೯౨ԺۖߢΔ‫ء‬լ࣐ၞ۩ψ೴഑߻एωΔ‫܀‬ᛀီຑᥛ ࠟ‫ڣ‬ऱയ৫጑ྒྷ࿨࣠Δ࿇෼ࠀ‫נآ‬෼؆ࠐ࣠ኔᢓԵॿऱ෼ွΔឈྥ࣠ኔᢓࠠ‫ڶ‬९၏ᠦᔢฝऱᑨԺΔ ‫ڶآࠀ܀‬ൎՕऱᛩቼᚘԺআࠡᔢฝΔ‫ڂ׊‬ᇠ‫چ‬೴հሶᠦයٙߜ‫ړ‬Δ‫܂‬ढጟᣊ໢ొΔۖ౨ᛧીߜ‫߻ړ‬ ए‫ګ‬யΖྒྷᇢխٍ࿇෼Δᄅᘋ‫ࠠ׊‬೏ᑨԺհᓊᣆ‫ڶࠠڂ‬Ꮭ௑հᎈ‫ڂ‬Δል‫ا‬ኙ࣍୚๳অᥨ֗ᆵኔ៽୭ ጥ෻‫ڕ‬堚Ⴜፖᄰႂ࿛ՠ‫܂‬ऱ಻‫ٽ‬რᣋՈઌኙ‫༼چ‬೏Ι‫׊‬ᖞଡขᔭఄഗ࣍ፂᥨข঴ᜢᥩऱ‫ؾ‬ᑑΔٍ౨ ‫ڶ‬யપ‫ޔ‬ቸၷધ৳Δ‫ګݮ‬ቸ࿨‫܂ٽ‬ऱิ៣Δࠠ‫ࣔڶ‬ᒔ‫׊‬٥‫ٵ‬ऱ‫ؾ‬ᑑΖຘመ១ঁ࣐۩ऱ‫ݾ‬๬‫ظ੅ܶڕ‬ ഗԭଉईᄰႂΕଇढᎈ塆ᄰᎿ֗ᆵኔ堚Ⴜՠ‫܂‬Δ٦ჸ಻ሎ‫چش‬෻ᇷಛߓอፖᐙቝ๠෻‫ݾ‬๬֗‫ݙ‬࿳ऱ ९ཚՠ‫܂‬ૠ྽Δࠉࡳཚࡳរհയ৫጑ྒྷᇷற‫׌‬೯ಾኙ࣠ኔᢓ࿇‫س‬णउᓳᆏ߻एൻਜΔึ౨৬‫ࠠ੷م‬ ‫ق‬ᒤ‫ګ‬யհ՛૿ᗨψ೴഑߻एωᑓ‫ڤ‬Δ‫࣠הࠡࠎױ‬ᖫ்ഛ೴հ೶‫ە‬Ζ ‫ ط‬2005-2006 ‫څڣ‬তᓊᣆ்ഛ೴ኔਜ೴഑߻एऱ‫ګ‬யᢞࣔΔ՛૿ᗨհֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻ए‫ڇ‬ຝ ։࣠ᖫ்ഛ೴ਢ‫۩ױ‬ऱΔ։࣫ࠡ‫ץైڂפګ‬ਔΚ(1) ‫܂‬ढጟᣊ໢ొΔ‫׊‬ขཚᓳᆏ༼೏ᓊᣆᆖᛎᏝଖΔ ༼ࣙል‫߻ا‬एრᣋ֗ቸၷ‫֨ٻ‬ԺΙ(2) ֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ٦ॿԵऱ৖ౡࠀլ‫ڕ‬ቃཚΙ(3) ‫ظ‬ഗԭଉईᄰႂ ֗ઌᣂ߻एൻਜऱய࣠᧩ထΔ‫چפګ‬ലയ৫ᚘࠫࠩᆖᛎ߻एֽᄷ‫א‬ՀΙ(4) ߜ‫ړ‬ऱ୭៽യ৫጑ྒྷߓ อ༼ࠎԱᒔኔऱ୭៽࿇‫س‬ᇷಛΔ൓‫א‬ႉ‫ܓ‬༳༽෼उΔۖ౨ආ࠷‫ؘ‬૞ऱ߻एൻਜΙ֗ (5) യ৫጑ྒྷ ᇷற౨᧩෼ֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓയ৫ᑷរऱ‫ۯ‬ᆜΔ‫࣠ࠐآࠎױ‬Ⴜ堚ᑥ֗ᠧ࣠ബ‫׌‬ખೈ࿛ቃ߻ൻਜհ೶‫ە‬Ζ ֺኙ‫ء‬ઔߒհ࿇෼Δၞԫ‫ޡ‬ല Lindquist ଺༼ऱ೴഑߻ए૞ైଥ‫ڕإ‬ՀΚ(1) ࠠᆖᛎ‫ܓ‬墿ऱ೯ ᖲΙ(2) ‫ڶ‬٥‫ؾٵ‬ᑑऱ߻एิ៣Ι(3) 堚ཐऱ߻एՠ‫܂‬փ୲Δࠠໂ‫۩ױ‬ऱՠ‫܂‬ൻਜ֗‫ݙ‬࿳ऱՠ‫܂‬ૠ ྽Ι(4) ᨋ੒ሎ‫ش‬෼‫ڶ‬ऱ೏ઝ‫ݾݾ‬๬Ι֗ (5) ‫׌ڶ‬೯ࢤ‫נ‬ᚰऱ߻एൻਜΖ. 崛  嶬 ‫ء‬ઔߒࢭ೯ཬढ߻੽ᛀ੽‫ݝ‬ψ‫܂‬ढ‫ڶ‬୭‫س‬ढᖞ‫߻ࢤٽ‬एૠ྽ω ΰ94-ጥ෻-3.1-ཬ߻-01 (3-1)֗ 95-ጥ ෻-3.1-ཬ߻-1αᆖ၄ᇖ‫ܗ‬Ζቯᆠᗼਙࢌ֗ම՞ၢልᄎ࠰‫ܗ‬ᙄ෻߻एՠ‫܂‬Ζຫ࿳ՒΕຫ‫׈‬ሒΕຫ࿳‫ٱ‬Ε ࣥᤌᅇΕࣥࡗᛎΕ᝔ඔ૴Εࣥᤉ‫ګ‬Ε‫ࡵ࣎ۂ‬ΕᏥ֮ࡌΕຫ࡚ੳΕ്ႉན֗ࣥటີ࿛ል֖࠰‫ܗ‬യ৫጑ ྒྷՠ‫܂‬Δ௽‫ڼ‬ી᝔Ζ.

(11) ᓊᣆႼֱࣟ࣠ኔᢓ೴഑߻एྒྷᇢ! 163. ㆤ䞷㠖䘊 (Literature cited) Cheng, E. Y., Y. B. Hwang, C. H. Kao, and M. Y. Chiang. 2002. An area-wide control program for the oriental fruit fly in Taiwan. p.57-71. in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Insect Ecology and Fruit Fly Management. Plant Protection Society of the Republic of China, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. (in Chinese with English abstract) Cheng, E. Y., Y. B. Hwang, C. H. Kao, and M. C. Lee. 2004. Current oriental fruit fly control strategy and future prospects. BAPHIQ Quarterly Report 2:25-26, BAPHIQ, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (in Chinese) Cheng, E. Y., Y. B. Hwang, C. H. Kao, and W. Y. Su. 2000. Oriental Fruit Fly Control Manual. Spec. Publ. No. 91, Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 58 pp. Cheng, E. Y., C. H. Kao, M. Y. Chiang, and Y. B. Hwang. 2003. Modernization of oriental fruit fly control in Taiwan: the planning and execution of an area-wide control project. p.49-66. in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Plant Protection Management for Substainable Development: Technology and New Dimension (Ho, C. C. et al., eds.). Plant Protection Society of the Republic of China, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. (in Chinese with English abstract) Cheng, E. Y., C. H. Kao, M. Y. Chiang, and Y. B. Hwang. 2005. Area-wide control of oriental fruit fly and melon fly in Taiwan. p.147-154. in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Taiwan-American Agricultural Cooperative Projects, Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. Knipling, E. F. 1979. The basic principles of insect suppression and management. Agriculture Handbook No. 512. USDA, SEA, Washington, D. C. 659 pp. Lindquist, D. A. 2000. Pest management strategies: area-wide and conventional. p.13-19. in: Proceedings of Area-wide Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests (Tan, K. H., ed.), Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. Mau, R. F. L., E. B. Jang, R. I. Vargas, C. Chan, M. Y. Chou, and J. S. Sugano. 2003. Implementation of a geographic information system with integrated control tactics for areawide fruit fly management. p.1-22. in: Proceeding of the Workshop on Plant Protection Management for Sustainable Development: Technology and New Dimension (Ho, C. C. et al., eds.). Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Cooperation. 1996-2005. Monthly Report on Fruit and Vegetable Marketing, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (in Chinese) Vargas, R. I., R. F. L. Mau, L. Wong, and E. B. Jang. 2006. Successful utilization of the area-wide approach management of fruit flies in Hawaii. p.31-40. in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Area-wide Management of Insect Pests, Japan..

(12) 164. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. Studies on Small Model Area-wide Control of the Oriental Fruit Fly for Wax Apple in Taiwan1 Ming-Yao Chiang2, Ching-Hua Kao2,4, Yu-Bing Huang2, Edward Y. Cheng2 and Mu-Chuan Lee3 Abstract Chiang, M. Y., C. H. Kao, Y. B. Huang, E. Y. Cheng, and M. C. Lee. 2007. Studies on small model area-wide control of the oriental fruit fly for wax apple. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 56:153-164. The area-wide (AW) control of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), OFF) was tested, using the conditions defined by Lindquist, in Juan-Nan area of Mei-Shan township, Chia-Yi county, where wax apple is the major crop with significant economical importance. Growers in this area show a common interest in wax apple production, hence are highly cooperative in managing the fruit fly population. All available OFF control techniques have been utilized, e.g., methyl eugenol bait for male annihilation; protein bait for female fly control; bagging of the fruits; and thorough field sanitation in all wax apple orchards. A well organized OFF density monitoring program was established with 12 monitoring sites, which covered 500 ha testing area. By using 3D aero-photos display system, control planning and farmer education were conducted under the AW control scheme. In two years of AW control practice, the OFF population droped below the economic threshold and fruit production was in excellent quality with a financial gain of NT$ 4 million ($122,000) in 2005. In 2006, the OFF population density was further reduced 50% from that of 2005, and the estimated economic gain on fruit value combining with the saving of pest control cost exceeded NT$ 9 million ($286,000). The evaluation of the AW control program also included a survry of farmers’ inputs, which concluded a score of 4.0 in the scale of 1 to 5. The control practice covering 500 ha was considered small in the AW control model for OFF, as if did not have any buffer zone established. Despite the high mobility of OFF, no serious re-invasion problem from the adjacent area occurred due to the scarcity of alternative hosts in that area. This study, though confirmed the AW control requirements as proposed by Lindquist, recommends the requirements supplemented with such additional elements as effective control tactics, continuous farmer education, new and available technologies. Key words: Bactrocera dorsalis, Area-wide control, Wax apple, Small acreage model.. 1. Contribution No. 2291 from Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture. Accepted:July 2, 2007. 2. Respectively, Assistant Entomologist, Associate Entomologist, Assistant Entomologist and Entomologist, Applied Zoology Division, ARI, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 3. Chief, Pest Management Section, Plant Protection Division, Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 4. Corresponding author, e-mail:chkao@wufeng.tari.gov.tw; Fax: (04)23309097..




Compared with November 2006, the index of Clothing & footwear; Recreation & culture; and Housing & fuels recorded notable increases of 1.57%, 1.12% and 0.92%

exegetes, retrospectively known as the Shan-chia and the Shan-wai. In this essay I argue that one especially useful way of coming to understand what was truly at stake in

www.edb.gov.hk> School Administration and Management> Financial Management > Notes to School Finance> References on Acceptance of Advantages and Donations by Schools

• Since the term structure has been upward sloping about 80% of the time, the theory would imply that investors have expected interest rates to rise 80% of the time.. • Riskless

Two cross pieces at bottom of the stand to make a firm base with stays fixed diagonally to posts. Sliding metal buckles for adjustment of height. Measures accumulated split times.

In this paper, the study area economic-base analysis and Location Quotient method of conducting description, followed by division of Changhua County, Nantou County,

In the process control phase, by using Taguchi Method, the dynamic curve of production process and the characteristics of self-organizing map (SOM) to get the expected data

The Earned Value Management (EVM) is an international standard for project cost control, which provides a promising tool for project cost control practice of the middle