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不可不知的300个西方文化经典:英汉双语精华版 - 万水书苑-出版资源网


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(1)第一章 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15 随着信息渠道的愈加畅通,现在我们可以接触到更多的 西方小说,在那些引人入胜的作品中有哪些最令人感到意犹未 尽,难以忘怀呢?又有哪些最令人感到叹为观止,不可思议 呢?在这一章中我们将一起邂逅十五本优秀图书,一起感受思 想的碰撞,享受得到共鸣的快乐;邂逅不同的高尚之人,与他 们产生思想上的碰撞;体味不同的人生,感受文化的魅力。或 是成长过程 , 或是甜美回忆 , 或是动人爱情 ,或是惊悚悬 疑……,翻过这一页页书,让我们一起开始走近西方历史最伟 大的畅销小说,一起来了解他们的文学故事。.

(2) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 一本优美纯净的小书 —芒果街上的小屋 The House on Mango Street is a coming-of-age novel by Mexican-American writer Sandra Cisneros, published in 1984. Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyous, The House on Mango Street tells the story of Esperanza, whose neighborhood is one of harsh realities and harsh beauty. Esperanza doesn't want to belong-not to her rundown. translated all over the world, it has entered. neighborhood, and not to the low expectations. the canon of coming-of-age classics.. the world has for her. Esperanza's story is that of. 《芒果街上的小屋》是于 1984 年出. a young girl coming into her power, and. 版的,由美国墨西哥裔作家桑德拉· 西. inventing for herself what she will become.. 斯内罗丝所著的一部成长记事小说。此. Told in a series of vignettes stunning. 书讲述了埃斯佩浪莎,一个生活在极度. for their eloquence, The House on Mango. 现实又极度纯净美好街区里的女孩的故. Street is Sandra Cisneros's greatly admired. 事,情节纯美而触动人心。埃斯佩浪莎. novel of a young girl growing up in the. 的故事是一部争取命运为自己创造理想. Latino section of Chicago. Till now, the. 未来的故事。. book has been translated into over 10. 这部书为桑德拉最受欢迎的作品。. languages and published all over the world.. 迄今为止,已被译为十余种文字在全世. Acclaimed by critics, beloved by children,. 界发行。因广受评论家推崇及儿童、家. their parents and grandparents, taught. 长们的喜爱, 《芒果街上的小屋》已入选. everywhere from inner-city grade schools to. 美国大中小学教材,并为全世界所知,. universities. 成为了成长记事小说经典之作。. across. the. country,. and. Tips  joyous:快乐的,高兴的. . eloquence:修辞,口才. . rundown:破旧的,失修的. . admire:赞美,钦佩. . expectation:期待,展望. . acclaim:称赞. . come into power:掌权. . beloved:心爱的. . series:系列. . translate:翻译. . vignette:小插图. . come of age:成长记事. 2.

(3) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 风靡全球的魔法书—哈利波特 Harry Potter is a series of seven. English-language versions of the. fantasy novels written by British author J. K.. books are published by the famous. Rowling. The books chronicle. publishing company in the. the adventures of the adolescent. United. wizard Harry Potter and his. United States, Australia,. friends from the Hogwarts School. and Canada. Thus far, the. of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The. first six books have been. central story arc concerns Harry's. made into a series of. struggle against the evil wizard. motion. Lord Voldemort,. killed. Warner Bros. The series. Harry's parents in his quest to. also originated much tie-in. conquer the wizarding world and. merchandise, making the. subjugate. Harry Potter brand worth. who. non-magical. people. (Muggles) to his rule.. Kingdom,. pictures. the. by. £15 billion.. Since the 1997 release of the first novel. J.K.罗琳所著的《哈利波特》是一部. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the. 由七本幻想小说组成的系列丛书。该书. books have gained immense popularity,. 记叙了以哈利波特为主,来自霍格伍兹. critical acclaim and commercial success. 魔法学校的青少年们的冒险故事。. worldwide. As of June 2008, the book series. 自 1997 年首发至 2008 年 6 月, “哈. have sold more than 400 million copies and. 利波特”系列广受喜爱并被译成了 67 种. have been translated into 67 languages, and. 文字在世界发行,销售量达四亿册之多,. the last four books have consecutively set. 其最新四本更是被评为史上销售最快的. records as the fastest-selling books in history.. 图书。. Tips  fantasy:幻想,白日梦. . release:发行. . chronicle:编年史,按时间编排. . immense:极广大的. . adventure:冒险. . consecutively:连续地. . adolescent:青少年. . version:版本. . wizard:男巫. . motion picture:电影. . struggle against:对抗. . tie-in:有联系. . conquer:征服. 3.

(4) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 有史以来最卖座的小说 —达·芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery-detective fiction novel written by American author Dan Brown. It follows symbologist Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu as they investigate a murder in Paris's Louvre Museum and discovers a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus. thriller, and conspiracy fiction genres, it. Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ of. is Brown's second novel to include the. Nazareth having been married to and. character Robert Langdon, the first being. fathering a child with Mary Magdalene.. his 2000 novel Angels & Demons. In. The novel has provoked a popular. November 2004 Random House published. interest in speculation concerning the. a Special Illustrated Edition with 160. Holy Grail legend and Magdalene's role in. illustrations.. the history of Christianity. The book has. 《达·芬奇密码》是美国作家丹·布. been extensively denounced by many. 朗于 2003 年出版的一部小说。. Christian denominations as an attack on. 这本书集侦探、惊悚、悬疑于一体,. the Roman Catholic Church. It has also. 激起了大众对某些宗教理论的极大兴. been criticized for its historical and. 趣。兰登书屋于 2004 年将此书再版,新. scientific inaccuracy.. 版本包含了超过 160 幅带文字说明的图. The book is a worldwide bestseller. 片。. that had sold 80 million copies as of 2009. 至 2009 年,本书全球累积销售量已. and that has been translated into 44 languages.. Combining. the. 突破 8 千万册,并被译 44 种文字。. detective,. Tips  mystery:神秘,神秘的事物. . as of:到……为止. . thriller:使人毛骨悚然的东西(小. . detective:侦探. . symbologist:符号学家. . investigate:调查. . conspiracy:共谋,阴谋. . provoke:激起,驱使. . genre:类型. . speculation:思索. . illustrate:说明. . inaccuracy:错误. . edition:版本. 说). 4.

(5) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 泪流满面中领悟生命真谛—时间旅行者的妻子 The Time Traveler's Wife, published in. characterization of the couple, applauding. 2003, is the debut novel of American. their emotional depth; others criticized. author Audrey Niffenegger. It is a love. her writing style as melodramatic and the. story about a man with a genetic. disorder. plot as emotionally trite. The. that. novel. won. Books. the. causes him to time travel. Exclusive. Boeke. unpredictably, and about. Prize and a British Book. his wife, an artist, who has. Award. A film version was. to cope with his frequent. released in August 2009.. dangerous. 《时间旅行者的妻. Niffenegger,. 子》于 2003 年出版,是美. frustrated in love when. 国作家奥黛丽·尼芬格的. she began the work, wrote. 小说处女作。此书被奉为. the story as a metaphor for. 经典科幻爱情小说,记叙. her failed relationships.. 了一位患有遗传性时间错. absences. and. experiences.. The novel, which has been classified as. 位症病人与其妻子的爱情故事,隐喻尼. both. 芬格其自身的一段失败感情。. science. fiction. and. romance,. examines issues of love, loss, and free will.. 评论界对本书的评价褒贬不一,在. The book became a bestseller, and as. 对其细腻的写作手法感情高度赞扬的同. of March 2009 had sold nearly 2.5 million. 时,也对其写作风格提出质疑。时至 2009. copies in the United States and the United. 年,该书已在英美国家销售 2500 万册,. Kingdom. Many reviewers were impressed. 并赢得 Boeke 最佳图书奖和英国图书奖,. with Niffenegger's unique perspective on. 其电影版本也已于 2009 年 8 月发行。. time. travel.. Some. praised. her. Tips  debut:初次登场. . praise:赞扬,称赞. . genetic:遗传的. . melodramatic:情节剧的. . disorder:混乱. . applaud:赞同,称赞. . unpredictably:不可预知地. . depth:深度,深刻. . frustrated:失败的,落空的. . criticize:批评. . metaphor:隐喻. . trite:陈腐的. . relationship:关系,关联. 5.

(6) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 美国惊悚推理类畅销小说第 1 名 —黑色大丽花 The Black Dahlia, written by James Ellroy, focuses on two handsome policemen in the investigation in a murder of a famous beauty spy, code-named "Black Dahlia". By virtue of the title and the ability of the nation's famous "boxing champion", as well. reached 18 million; and with Da Fen Vinci. as the well-known "keen insight" among the. Code and referred as the most anticipated. nation's police, they broke the numerous. 2006 movie original novel.. dangers and obstacles. After all the struggles. 《黑色大丽花》主要讲述了两位英. with beautiful women, the right color, the. 俊的警察在调查代号为“黑色大丽花”. CIA, foreign intelligence agencies and many. 的著名美女间谍谋杀案时,冲破了重重. other forces, they finally had a thorough and. 险阻,在历经美女、权色、中情局、外. clear investigation in the complicated and. 国情报机构等诸多势力的种种纠缠之. confusing case and made the result public;. 后,终于将扑朔迷离的案情彻查清楚并. the final outcome of the case made the. 公诸于世的故事。案件的最后结果让全. whole world very surprised and shocked .... 世界的人都感到非常意外……. The sales of The Black Dahlia. 《黑色大丽花》全美销量已达 710. reached 7.1 million in 2005 U.S., and. 万册,成为美国惊悚推理类畅销小说第 1. became the top one best-selling horror. 名;2005 年并被翻译成 12 种文字在 44. and reasoning novel. The book has been. 个国家出版,全球销量达 1800 万册;且. translated into 12 languages and published. 与《达·芬奇密码》并称为“2006 年最. in 44 countries. The global sales volume. 值得期待的电影原著小说”。. Tips  investigation: (正式的)调查,侦. . 查,研究;学术研究. horror:恐怖,战栗;惨状;极端讨 厌;痛恨. . boxing champion:拳王. . publish:出版;公布. . CIA: Central Intelligence Agency:中. . anticipate:预期;预料;期待;预. . . 央情报局. 先做……;预支;抢先于;占……. complicated and confusing:扑朔迷. 之先;促进;提早;使提前发生;. 离的. 预先考虑;预先准备. outcome:结果;成果;后果;结局 6.

(7) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 灵性的觉醒—新世界 A New Earth, Awakening to Your. for which over 700,000 people from more. Life's Purpose is a book by New Age. than 100 countries, registered on Oprah.com,. author Eckhart Tolle. It is the follow-up to. and according to Barnes & Noble, it later. the book, The Power of Now.. became the fastest-selling title in. Tolle's. the history of Oprah's Book. thought, in brief, is that the. Club, which has selected 61. whole of humanity is trapped. books since 1996 , and within. in. of. four weeks of the announcement. thought. An individual will. sold 3.5 million copies. By 2009,. experience. 4.7 million copies were in print.. The. core. self-created this. of. worlds as. their. self-concept.. Within. these. labyrinthine. stories. it. 《新世界:灵性的觉醒》 是新世纪作家艾克哈特·托. is. 尔的成功力作。. impossible to achieve lasting. 在这本书中,作者经由. happiness. As they are fictional and static, all self concepts are subject to. 自己的亲身经历,描绘了痛苦之身如何. destruction and decay, a process Tolle. 控制人类,而我们又如何能够借助于临. cites as the main causal factor in human. 在之光,也就是意识的觉醒,从痛苦之. suffering.. 身中破茧而出。. It was first published in 2005. It has. 此书 2005 首发后便荣登纽约时报畅. been on the New York Times Best Seller list,. 销书榜,后经著名主持人奥普拉·温弗. and has grown in popularity since Oprah. 莉推荐而更受欢迎,仅在 10 周内就吸引. Winfrey recommended it for her book club. 了来自 100 多个国家的 70 多万用户在互. in January of 2008. This was followed by a. 联网上和托尔讨论。截止到 2009 年本书. 10-week live online seminar ("webinar"). 已出版 470 万册。. with Tolle, which started on March 3, 2008, Tips  follow up:继续的. . destruction:破坏,毁灭. . core:核心,中心,果核. . popularity:普及,流行,声望. . in brief:简要地. . recommend:推荐,介绍. . humanity:人类,任性,仁慈. . seminar:研讨会. . individual:个人的,单独的. . register:注册. . labyrinthine:曲折的. . select:挑选. . achieve:完成,达到 7.

(8) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 科学、幻想、历史与灵界的结合 —末世迷踪 Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days is a best-selling novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins that starts the Left Behind series. This book and the others in the series give narrative form to a specific eschatological reading of the Christian Bible,. stated that it "...combines Tom Clancy like. particularly the Book of Revelation.. suspense with touches of romance, high. Millions of people suddenly vanish and. tech flash and Biblical references". The. frantic, survivors of the disappearances. Chicago Tribune called it "...an exciting,. begin their search for their friends and. stay-up-late-into-the-night, page turner. families as well as answers to what's. story". Publishers Weekly recognized Left. happened. Among them are pilot Rayford. Behind as "...the most successful Christian. Steele, his daughter Chloe Steele, and. Fiction series ever.". Bruce Barnes, who begin to discover that. 《末世迷踪》是由蒂姆·莱西与杰. what has really happened is that the. 里·詹金斯合著的末世系列的第一部。. Rapture has taken place. Meanwhile, a. 此系列对《圣经》 ,特别是《启示录》中. young. 的内容进行了细致描写。. journalist,. Cameron. "Buck" but. 《末世迷踪》讲述了飞行员雷福德. charming Romanian politician named. 和他的女儿以及布鲁斯在全世界几百万. Nicolae Carpathia, who quickly attracts. 人都在瞬间飘然而去后,寻找灾难发生. millions of followers, seemingly overnight.. 的真正原因的故事。. Williams. follows. an. unknown,. 此书一经发行便广受好评。. There have been several good reviews from various media. The New York Times Tips narrative:叙述性的. . charming:迷人的. . specific:具体的. . politician:政治家. . eschatological:末世学的. . several:几个. . vanish:消失. . various:不同的,多样的. . frantic:狂乱的. . page turner:引人入胜的. . as well as:也,又. . recognize:认可,承认. . unknown:不知名的. . 8.

(9) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 世纪之书—魔戒 The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by philologist and Oxford University professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier, less complex children's fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much larger work. It has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into many languages, becoming one of the most popular and influential works in 20thcentury literature. The title of the book refers to the main antagonist of the story, the Dark Lord Sauron, who had in an earlier age created the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power, as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth following the course of the War of the Ring through the. eyes of its characters, most notably the hobbits, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee (Sam), Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry) and Peregrin Took (Pippin). The Lord of the Rings has inspired, and continues to inspire, artwork, music, films and television, video games, and subsequent literature. Award-winning adaptations of The Lord of the Rings have been made for radio, theatre, and film. 《魔戒》是英国作家 J·R·R·托尔金的史诗式 的奇幻小说,目前已被翻译 成多种语言,成为 20 世纪最有影响力的 小说。故事由魔戒持有者佛罗多展开, 他在不知情的状况下继承了一枚戒指, 却发现这枚戒指是魔王迟迟不能统治世 界的关键。于是,在巫师甘道夫的主导 下,由矮人、精灵、哈比人、游侠和人 类组成了魔戒远征队。 现《魔戒》已涉及了美术、音乐、 影视等多个领域,其获奖剧本也已被搬 入剧院和荧幕。. Tips  epic:史诗. . antagonist:对手,敌手. . philologist:语言学者. . ultimate:最终的. . sequel:结局. . weapon:武器. . complex:复杂的. . campaign:战役. . eventually:最后,终于. . conquer:征服. . influential:有影响的. . inspire:鼓舞,激发,产生. 9.

(10) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 后“哈利波特时代”的魔幻巨著 —暮光之城 Twilight is the debut, young-adult vampire-romance. novel. by. author. Stephenie Meyer. Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents, but became an instant. bestseller. when. published. originally in hardback in 2005, debuting at NO.5 on the New York Times Best Seller. Twilight was released in 2008.. list within a month of its release and later. It was a commercial success, grossing more. peaking at NO.1. That same year, Twilight. than $382 million worldwide and an. was named one of Publishers Weekly's. additional. Best Children's Books of 2005. The novel. American DVD sales, as of July 2009.. was also the biggest selling book of 2008. “暮光之城”系列小说为斯蒂芬 妮·梅尔所著以年轻吸血鬼的爱情为题 材的故事。出版之前此书曾遭到 14 家出 版社的拒绝,但 2005 年一经出版后便登 上了畅销书榜的第 5 名,并在一个月之 内跃居第一。同年获 2005 年度“最受儿 童欢迎图书”称号。此书被译为 37 种文 字在世界发行,销量达 1700 万册。 此系列由《暮色》 、 《新月》 、 《月食》 、 《破晓》四本书组成。由《暮光之城》 改编的电影已于 2008 年上映,截止到 2009 年 7 月其票房过 3 亿,同时其 DVD 在美国获过亿收益。. and, to date, has sold 17 million copies worldwide, spent over 91 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, and been translated into 37 different languages. It is the first book of the Twilight series, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. The novel is followed by New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. A film adaptation of Tips  vampire:吸血鬼. $157. million. . peaking:剧烈增加. from. . initially:最初,开头. . worldwide:全世界的. . reject:拒绝. . eclipse:月食. . agent:代理. . breaking dawn:破晓. . instant:立即的,直接的. . film adaptation:影片加工. . originally:最初,原先. . commercial:商业. 10. North.

(11) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 叛逆成长—麦田里的守望者 The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger. Originally published for adults, the novel has become a common part of high school and college curricula throughout the English-speaking world; it has also been translated into almost all of the world's major languages. Around 250,000 copies are sold each year, with total sales of more than 65 million. The novel's antihero, Holden Caulfield, has become an icon for teenage rebellion. Holden Caulfield is the 16-year-old schoolboy whose first-person narrative of his mental breakdown over several days forms the basic plot. Critics generally agree that he is the only substantial character in the novel. However, opinions are divided on the outcome of Holden’s constant raging against the hypocrisy of the adult world: Some see his eventual acceptance of reality as a positive view of his maturation, while others view his capitulation as an indictment of an oppressive society. The novel was among the 100 best. English-language novels from 1923 to 2005 as chosen by Time, and named by Modern Library and its readers as one of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. It has been frequently challenged in the United States for its liberal use of profanity and portrayal of sexuality and teenage angst. 《麦田里的守望者》为 美国作家杰罗姆·大卫·塞 林格(J. D. Salinger)于 1951 年发表的小说,后被世界上的许多英语 国家引入教材,并被译成多种文字,每 年销售 250 余万本。 该书以主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲德的 口吻讲述自己被学校开除后在纽约城游 荡将近两昼夜,企图逃出虚伪的成人世 界去寻求纯洁与真理的经历与感受。评 论界对其内容题材褒贬不一,而霍尔顿 则成为叛逆期少年的偶像。 1923 年至 2005 此书连续被《时代》 周刊评为最优秀的英文小说之一,并被 现代图书馆冠以最优秀应为小说之一的 名号。. Tips  adult:成年人. . hypocrisy:伪善. . curricula:课程,课. . acceptance:接受,承诺,容忍. . throughout:遍及,贯穿. . frequently:频繁地,常常;经常地. . first-person:第一人称. . liberal:自由主义的. . mental:精神的,智力的. . profanity:亵渎. . substantial:坚固的,真实的. . angst:担心. 11.

(12) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 爱与责任的寓言 —小王子 The Little Prince, published in 1943, is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's most famous novella. It has been translated into more than 180 languages and sold more than 80 million copies making it one of the drawn on these same experiences for use. best selling books ever. several. as plot elements in The Little Prince.. profound and idealistic observations about. Saint-Exupéry's novella has been adapted. life and human nature. For example,. to various media over the decades,. Saint-Exupéry tells of a fox meeting the. including stage, screen and operatic works.. young prince as he exits the Sahara desert.. 《小王子》 于 1943 年出版, 为圣·埃. The story's essence is contained in the lines. 克苏佩里最著名的作品。它已被译成超. uttered by the fox to the little prince: "It is. 过 180 种语言,销售量超过 8 千万册,. only with the heart that one can see rightly.. 成为史上最畅销书之一。. The. Little. Prince. makes. What is essential is invisible to the eye.". 圣·艾克苏佩里赋予了《小王子》. Other key thematic messages are articulated. 深刻人生哲理。在书中作者巧妙地让小. by the fox, such as: "You become responsible,. 王子在沙漠中遇到了狐狸,而后又通过. forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is. 狐狸之口说出了诸多深刻的语句。 圣·埃克苏佩里以自己在撒哈拉沙. the time you have spent with your rose that. 漠飞行的经历,撰写了《小王子》这一. makes your rose so important.". 力作。此书已被改编成舞台剧、影视剧、. An earlier memoir by the author. 歌剧等多种艺术形式。. recounts his aviation experiences in the Saharan desert. He is thought to have Tips  aviator:飞行员. . essential:本质的,实质的,基本的. . novella:短篇故事,中篇小说. . invisible:无形的,看不见得. . profound:深刻的,渊博的. . thematic:主题的. . idealistic:空想主义的. . articulate:清晰说明. . observation:观察. . recount:叙述. . essence:基本;本质. . adapt to:适合. . utter:全然的,绝对的. 12.

(13) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 浮华中潸然泪下—岛 The Island is a historical fiction novel. generations of Petrakis women. There's Eleni,. written by Victoria Hislop. It is the winner. ripped from her husband and two young. of several awards including that. daughters and sent to Spinalonga. of Newcomer of the Year at the. in 1939, and her daughters Maria,. 2007 British Book Awards. The. finding joy in the everyday as she. book was also nominated for. dutifully cares for her father, and. the Book of the Year award at. Anna, a wild child hungry for. the same event.. passion and a life anywhere but Plaka. And finally there's Alexis,. A richly enchanting novel of lives and loves unfolding. Eleni's. against the backdrop of the. visiting modern-day Greece to. Mediterranean during World War II, The. great-granddaughter,. unlock her family's past.. Island is an enthralling story of dreams and. 维多利亚·希斯洛普,英国著名作. desires, of secrets desperately hidden, and. 家, 《岛》为其长篇小说。此书一经发行. of leprosy's touch on an unforgettable. 便获 2007 年英国图书奖的最佳新作奖及. family.. 年度最佳图书的提名。. The Island tells the story of Alexis. 《岛》的是一部以二战中地中海地. Fielding, a woman on the cusp of a. 区为背景,讲述生活与爱是如何发展的. life-changing decision.. 故事。作者讲述了阿里西斯·菲尔丁想. The Petrakis family lives in the small. 探究母亲的尘封过去,而随着母亲的过. Greek seaside village of Plaka. Just off the. 去被打开一个融合爱恨纠葛的凄凉故事. coast is the tiny island of Spinalonga, where. 怆然铺展,一曲令整个欧洲潸然泪下的. the. 生死悲欢徐徐展开……. nation's. leper. colony. once. was. located—a place that has haunted four Tips  award:奖项. . colony:殖民地. . nominate:提名. . locate:位于,使……坐落于. . enchanting:迷人的. . haunt:神鬼出没. . unfolding:伸展,演变. . dutifully:忠实地. . backdrop:(事件的)背景. . passion:热情,激情. . Mediterranean:地中海. . unlock:开启,开……锁. . desperately:失望地. 13.

(14) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 一度遭禁的非情色小说 —洛丽塔 Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, first written in English and published in 1955 in Paris, later translated by the author into Russian and published in 1958 in New York. The book is internationally famous for its innovative style and infamous for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator, middle aged Humbert Humbert, becomes obsessed and sexually involved with a twelve-year-old girl named Dolores Haze. Lolita is narrated by Humbert Humbert, a literary scholar born in 1910 in Paris, who is obsessed with what he refers to as "nymphets". Humbert suggests that this obsession results from his failure to consummate an affair with a childhood sweetheart before her premature death. In 1947, Humbert moves to Ramsdale, a small New England town, to write. He rents a room in the house of Charlotte Haze, a widow, mainly for the purpose of being near Charlotte's 12-year-old daughter, Dolores, an archetypal nymphet. After its publication, Nabokov's Lolita attained a classic status, becoming one of. the best-known and most controversial examples of 20th century literature. Lolita is listed in the TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005. It is fourth on the Modern Library's 1998 list of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th century. 《洛丽塔》是弗拉基米尔·纳博科 夫的作品,于 1955 年首次在巴黎出版, 而后被作者译为俄语,1985 年在纽约出 版。小说因其革新风格而受到世界范围 内的欢迎,同时也因其主题而受到争议。 此书由主人公亨伯特的自白开始, 叙述了一个中年男子与一个未成年少女 的畸恋故事。 《洛丽塔》是纳博科夫的经 典之作,也是 20 世纪最受争议的作品之 一。此书从 1923 年至 2005 年持续保持 在《时代》周刊百部最优秀英文小说榜 中,并于 1998 年被评为现代图书馆的 20 世纪百部优秀小说之一。. Tips  internationally:国际性地  innovative:创新的,革新的  infamous:名声狼藉的  controversial:争议的  protagonist:主角  subject:主题  obsess:使困扰.       . 14. nymphet:n. 早熟女孩 consummate:完成;圆满的 premature:早熟的,未成熟的 archetypal:原型的 attain:达到,获得 status:地位,身份 literature:文学作品,文艺.

(15) 第一章. 历史上最伟大的畅销小说 TOP15. 畅销小说的黄金模式—圣殿春秋 The Pillars of the Earth is a historical. The book was listed at No. 33 on the. novel by Ken Follett published in 1989. BBC's Big Read, a 2003 survey with the. about the building of a cathedral in. goal of finding the "nation's best-loved. Kingsbridge, England. It is set in the middle. book". The book was also selected for. of the 12th century, primarily during the. Oprah's Book Club in 2007. A sequel,. time known as The Anarchy, between the. entitled World Without End, was released. time of the sinking of the White Ship and. in October 2007. 《圣殿春秋》是英国小说作家肯· 福. the murder of Thomas Becket. The. book. development Architecture preceding. the. 莱特的作品,出版于. Gothic. 1989 年。故事开始于. traces of. the. 12 世纪中期,这段时. Romanesque. 期正是政治混乱时期。. out. of. 12 世纪的英格兰,. Architecture and the fortunes of the Kingsbridge priory. 高耸的哥特式教堂的. against the backdrop of actual. 出现象征着一个新时. historical events of the time.. 代的开端,小说正是以. Although Kingsbridge is the. 此为背景所作。. name of an actual English town, the. 此书出版前福莱特以惊悚小说闻. Kingsbridge in the novel is actually a. 名,但这部作品出版后便成为其最为畅. fictional location representative of a. 销的书。据 2003 年的调查, 《圣殿春秋》. typical market town of the time.. 在 BBC 的大阅读节目中排名第 33 位,. Until this novel was published, Follett. 并于 2007 年被 Oprah 图书俱乐部选中。. had previously been known for writing in. 同年此部作品的续篇《无尽的世界》也. the thriller genre. The Pillars of the Earth. 于 10 月发行。. became Follett's best-selling work. Tips  historical novel:历史小说. . actual:实际的,真实的. . cathedral:大教堂. . fictional:虚幻的,编造的. . primarily:最初. . representative:代表;典型的,有代. . trace:追踪,回溯. . development:发展. . genre:类型,流派. . preceding:在前的. . survey:调查. . priory:小修道院. . entitle:给……命题;授权. 表性的. 15.

(16) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 一本向爱书人致敬的小说 —风之影 The Shadow of the Wind is a 2001 novel by Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafón, and a worldwide bestseller. The book was translated into English in 2004 by Lucia Graves and has sold over a million copies in the UK alone. Prior to that it had already achieved huge success on mainland Europe, topping the Spanish bestseller lists for weeks, and gaining praise from the German ExVice-Chancellor and Ex-Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. After being translated in 2004 the book was again published in The United States by Penguin Books as well as in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson and by Orion Books. However in his own home city of Barcelona which is vividly depicted in the book Catalan nationalists strongly took issue with Ruiz Zafón for having written it in Spanish rather than Catalan. Ruiz Zafón's eagerly awaited second novel is a prequel to The Shadow of the Wind and was published in Spanish in April 2008 by Planeta. It has been acquired by Weidenfeld & Nicolson and a. hardback English edition was published in June 2009. The title is The Angel's Game and it is set in Barcelona during the 1920s and 1930s. It follows a young writer who is approached by a mysterious figure to write a book. The Angel's Game was also translated into English by Lucia Graves. 《风之影》为一部畅销全球的作品, 其作者是西班牙作家卡洛斯·鲁伊斯·萨 丰。2004 年此书被翻译为英文后,仅在 英国的销量就超过了百万,此外其还被 美国企鹅出版集团出版。 《风之影》在欧 洲大陆取得了巨大成功,并获得了德国 前国家要员的高度评价。 然而在作者家乡加泰罗尼亚,他却 被民族主义者反对,原因是他没有用加 泰罗尼亚语而是西班牙语写作。 胡立安的第二部作品《天使的游戏》 也于 2008 年 8 月出版,其讲述的是 20 世 纪 20~30 年代发生在巴塞罗那的故事。. Tips  bestseller:畅销书. . eagerly:急切地,热切地. . alone:单独的. . await:等候. . prior to:在前,居先. . prequel:前篇. . huge:巨大的. . acquire:得到. . gain:得到,获得. . hardback:硬封面的书. . praise:赞扬. . mysterious:神秘的. . nationalist:民族主义者,国家主义者 16.

(17) 第二章 创造经典诗篇的著名诗人 西方丰富的诗歌文化蕴育了诸多著名诗人。启蒙运动、文 艺复兴……,众多的文化运动在不同的时期造就出了万千不朽 的诗篇,成就了众多伟大的诗人:人文主义之父——彼特拉克, 英国民族诗人——莎士比亚,最具声望的浪漫主义诗人——华 兹华斯,……。这些才华横溢的著名诗人为我们留下了许多不 朽名篇,让我们感受了无与伦比的经典魅力。在这一章中我们 将一起去了解这些文豪诗人,一起去回忆他们的辉煌,一起想 象他们灵感迸发时的情景和奋笔疾书时的激情。.

(18) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 人文主义之父 —弗朗西斯科·彼特拉克 Francesco Petrarca (July 20, 1304 – July 19, 1374), known in English as Petrarch, was an Italian scholar, poet and one of the earliest Renaissance humanists. Petrarch is often called the "Father of Humanism". Petrarch was a prolific letter writer and counted Boccaccio among his notable friends to whom he wrote often. After the death of their parents, Petrarch and his brother Gherardo went back to Avignon in 1326, where he worked in numerous clerical offices. This work gave him much time to devote to his writing. With his first large scale work, Africa, an epic in Latin about the great Roman general Scipio Africanus, Petrarch emerged as a European celebrity. On April 8, 1341, he became the first poet laureate since antiquity and was crowned on the holy grounds of Rome's Capitol. He traveled widely in Europe and served as an ambassador and has been called "the first tourist" because he traveled just for pleasure, which was the basic reason he climbed Mont Ventoux.. During his travels, he collected crumbling Latin manuscripts and was a prime mover in the recovery of knowledge from writers of Rome and Greece. 弗朗西斯克·彼特拉克(1304.7.20 -1374.7.19)是意大利学者、诗人和早 期的人文主义者。彼特拉克被认为是人 文主义之父。 彼特拉克是著名且多产的书信作 家,其常与好友薄伽丘书信往来。1326 年其父母死后,彼特拉克回到阿维尼翁 生活,在那里他写出了第一部作品《阿 非利加》 ,并一举成名。1341 年 4 月 8 日成为第一位“桂冠诗人”。彼特拉克以 旅行为乐,酷爱旅行的他作为大使在欧 洲周游列国,并被称为“第一位旅行家” 。. Tips  scholar:学者. . celebrity:名人. . Renaissance:文艺复兴. . ambassador:大使. . notable:显著的,著名的. . poet laureate:桂冠诗人. . clerical office:办公室. . pleasure:快乐,愉悦. . devote:投身于,献身. . manuscript:手稿,原稿. . epic:史诗. . prime mover:原动力. . emerge:显现,浮现. 18.

(19) 第二章. 创造经典诗篇的著名诗人. 英国的民族诗人—威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564. Men, later known as the King's Men. He. –April 23, 1616) was an English poet and. appears to have retired to Stratford. playwright, widely regarded. around 1613, where he died. as the greatest writer in the. three years later. Few records. English. the. of Shakespeare's private life. world's preeminent dramatist.. survive, and there has been. He is often called England's. considerable. national poet and the "Bard of. about such matters as his. Avon". His surviving works,. physical appearance, sexuality,. including some collaborations,. religious beliefs, and whether. consist of 38 plays, 154. the works attributed to him. sonnets, two long narrative. were written by others.. language. and. speculation. poems, and several other poems. His plays. 威 廉 · 莎 士 比 亚 ( 1564.4.26 —. have been translated into every major living. 1616.4.23) ,被许多人认为是西方文艺史. language and are performed more often than. 上最杰出的作家之一,全世界卓越的剧. those of any other playwrights.. 作家之一。他被誉为英国的民族诗人和. Shakespeare was born and raised in. “吟游诗人”。他流传下来的作品包括 38. Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he. 部剧本、154 首十四行诗、两首长叙事诗. married Anne Hathaway, who bore him. 和其他诗作。. three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet. 莎士比亚在斯特拉特福出生长大,. and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he. 18 岁时与安妮·哈瑟维结婚,两人共育. began a successful career in London as an. 三个孩子。1613 年左右,莎士比亚退休. actor, writer, and part owner of a playing. 回到斯特拉特福,并于 3 年后去逝。. company called the Lord Chamberlain's Tips  poet:诗人. . narrative:叙述性的. . playwright:剧作家. . career:事业,生涯. . regard as:把……认作. . appear:出现,公开露面. . preeminent:卓越的. . retire:退休. . surviving:继续存在的,未死的. . around:左右,大约. . include:包括. . considerable:相当大的,相当可. . sonnet:十四行诗. 观的. 19.

(20) 不可不知的 300 个西方文化经典. 站在奥林帕斯山上的宙斯 —歌德 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(August 28, 1749 - March 22, 1832 ) was a German writer and polymath. Goethe's works span the fields of poetry, drama, literature, theology, philosophy, humanism and science. Goethe's well-known literary works include his numerous poems.. Goethe was one of the key figures of German literature and the movement of Weimar Classicism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The author of the scientific text Theory of Colours, his influential ideas on plant and animal morphology and homology were extended and developed by 19th century naturalists including Charles Darwin. Goethe is the originator of the concept of Weltliteratur ("world literature"), having taken great interest in the literatures of England, France, Italy, classical Greece, Persia, the Arab world, and others. His influence on German philosophy is virtually immeasurable, having major effect especially on the generation of Hegel and Schelling, although Goethe himself expressly and decidedly refrained from practicing. philosophy in the specialized sense. Goethe's influence spread across Europe, and for the next century his works were a major source of inspiration in music, drama, poetry and philosophy. Goethe is considered by many to be the most important writer in the German language and one of the most important thinkers in Western culture as well. 约翰· 沃尔夫冈· 冯·歌德 (1749.8.28-1832.3.22)为德国博学的诗 人。其作品跨越诗歌、戏剧、文学等方面。 歌德是 18、19 世纪德国文学和魏玛 古典主义最著名的代表,其科学理论也为 查尔斯·达尔文等科学家研究。对英、 法、意等国的文学作品有着浓厚兴趣的 歌德还对“世界文学”进行了定义。此 外其在德国哲学界也享有崇高地位。 歌德的影响极为广泛,其后的诸多 艺术领域中的创作都是受其作品影响而 得,并被誉为“德国最重要的作家”和 “西方文化中最重要的思想家” 。. Tips  polymath:博学者. . concept:概念. . span:横跨;跨度,范围. . philosophy:哲学. . humanism:人道主义. . virtually:事实的,实质的. . numerous:众多的,无数的. . immeasurable:不可估量的. . influential:有影响的,有势力的. . refrain from:忍住,控制. . morphology:形态学;词态学. . thinker:思想家. . originator:创作者,发明人 20.




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