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英语不“狠”,事业不稳:进外企必须学好的99堂英文课 - 万水书苑-出版资源网


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(1)Chapter. 1. Culture & Etiquette 了解老外的文化和礼仪. 去外企工作之前,我们首先要了解外国文化。由于文明的巨大差异,每个国家都有各自不同 的文化习惯,由此而产生出礼仪上的巨大差别。倘若不明白这些分歧,就非常容易产生误会。很 多外企精英离职的原因就是精神上感到压抑,他们认为自己不能得到文化认同。事实上,很多外 国上司的确对中国人和中国文化缺乏了解,却又不愿意学习和了解中国文化,如果你也不愿意主 动了解对方的文化和礼仪,那么外企之路很可能充满误会和曲折。. Lesson 1 The First Day You Go to Work 上班第一天 第一天到外企上班,激动兴奋之余,心理难免会有一点点紧张。毕竟英语不是咱们的母语, 很难像汉语那样张口就来,再加上紧张,会不会说错话呢?可是,上班第一天,又是给每一位 同事留下良好印象的关键时刻,所以,我们是必须要做一些准备工作的。牢记下面这些知识和 语句,加上得体的穿着打扮,你就可以闪亮登场了!. Part 1. 外企知识 1 分钟. 我们都知道,first impression 很重要。美国人说,You never get a second chance to make a first impression。 最初的印象只有一次,绝没有第二次机会。所以,去外企上班的你,第一 天的打扮出不得差错,你需要注意:Hair should be well maintained; face well shaved; ties properly tied; pants should not drag the floor; shoes should be polished. And no white sox, please.最后一条一定注意,如果穿的是深色裤子和皮鞋,千万千万不要穿白袜子!当然,相信 你不会在第一天上班时穿一套白西装,深色系的西装会更得体。 一般来说,上班第一天的主要任务是熟悉工作环境,认识同事。所以会不断重复三个步骤: 问候——介绍自己——对方回答。作为新人,应该主动与同事打招呼,所以要先作自我介绍, 同时还可以用握手来表示你的诚意。如果有主管帮你介绍其他同事,你只需要打招呼并记住他 们的名字就可以。但如果没有,你可以拜托某位同事帮你介绍其他人。另外,请记住,从踏进 公司那一刻开始,你就要让自己脸上保持微笑了。. Part 2. 实战英语快狠准. Scene 1 与面试时见过的主管主动打招呼 如果你打算让主管帮你介绍其他同事,就要主动跟他打招呼。一般来说,完整的对话会是 这样的:.

(2) 英语不“狠”,事业不稳:进外企必须学好的 99 堂英文课. Mark: Good morning Mr. Miller, it's a pleasure to meet you again. Miller: Nice to see you. Mark: Shall I meet my colleagues? Miller: Sure, come with me. Miller: Cathy, I would like you to meet our new comer, Mark, he just graduated from Beijing University. Cathy: Nice to meet you, I'm your schoolfellow. Mark: Oh, yeah? That's great! I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance. Cathy: That's all right, I will try my best to assist if you need any help. Mark: Great! Miller: Well, as other guys are still not in, I'll introduce you to them later. Mark: All right. 我们不一定像 Mark 一样可以幸运地遇到一位校友,不过不管是不是校友,我们都可以像 Mark 一样,请对方多多指教。 Scene 2 主管主动向你打招呼. 1. Chapter. Miller: Welcome! Mark: Thank you, I'm delighted to be working here, Mr. Miller. 接下来,对话会与 Scene 1 相同。但倘若主管没有主动提出为你介绍,你除了可以向上 文那样说之外,还可以用到下面的句子: Could you introduce me to the colleagues? (您能帮我介绍同事们吗?) I don't know anyone here. You'll have to introduce me.(这里的人我都不认识,您得给我 作介绍。 ) Scene 3 向众人介绍自己 最简短的介绍:I'm Mark. 最常见的:Let me introduce myself. My name's Mark. 最有礼貌、信息最完整的:Good Morning. Let me introduce myself. My name's Mark Lin and I'm new here. Scene 4 了解公司规章制度 Miller: I'm glad you'll be working for us. We're like a big family here. We all work together as a team. Mark: That's great. I'm eager to start. Miller: Well, let me tell you about some of our policies and practices here. 2.

(3) Culture & Etiquette. Chapter 1. Mark: All right. That will be a big help. I'm fresh out of college. Miller: We requite all our employees to arrive for working on time and we insist that they keep their lunch hours to a reasonable length. Mark: I understand. That seems easy to follow. Miller: Employee character is very important to us. We expect everyone here at C&C to be industrious, cooperative, honest and open-minded. Mark: I'm very glad to hear that. I think I possess all of those qualities. Miller: We also try to do the best we can for our employees. We feel obligated to provide a safe working environment, and we make every effort to listen to our employees' concerns. Mark: That's very admirable. That's also one of the reasons I wanted to work here. Miller: Now, perhaps you have some questions. Is there any additional information I can provide? Mark: Yes, as a matter of fact. I have a few questions. Miller: Certainly. Go ahead! Mark: Will I be required to have a medical examination before I start work? Miller: Yes, definitely. But the company will cover the expense.. Mark: And would it be necessary for me to work on weekends? Miller: No, that wouldn't be necessary. Mark: And one more question: do employees here have to go through a probation period? Miller: No, they don't. Once you are hired you have the same rights and great privileges as other employees. Mark: I see. That's great. Miller: Do you have any other questions? Mark: No, I don't think so. You've been so helpful. Miller: All right. I'm glad to hear that. Mark: Well, I've probably taken up enough of your time. Miller: We'll talk again soon. Mark: I've enjoyed talking with you. Thank you very much. Miller: You're very welcome. 在这段对话中,Mark 和主管谈论了公司对员工的要求、体检、岗前培训、周末加班、试 用期等话题,这些问题都是新人最关心的。倘若你也想了解,就好好记住上面的句子吧。 当然,上班第一天,你一定不能忘记那句初次见面时必不可少的话,就是 Nice to meet you. 3. 1. Miller: Yes, you would. Our company believes in employee training and self-improvement.. Chapter. Mark: And would I have to go through special training or preparations for the job?.

(4) 英语不“狠”,事业不稳:进外企必须学好的 99 堂英文课. 每当同事报上姓名时, 你一定要记得说这句话。 当然, 变换一下, 用 Glad to meet you.或 Pleased to meet you.也不错。你还可以考虑:It was very nice to have met you. 和 It was nice meeting you. 简短的介绍和问候之后,就是告别了,别忘了另一句话:Hope to see you again.. Part 3. 用名言华丽点缀. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 Keep conscience clear, then never fear. 倘若问心无愧,就能永无畏惧。 Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!. Lesson 2 Names and Forms of Address 姓名与称呼. 1. Chapter. 大街上,叫人家“阿姨”惹来个大白眼也就算了,但职场是个敏感地带,可不能随便称呼。 那么新人到底该怎样称呼同事呢?叫得太生硬显得生分,叫得太亲昵又不知道对方是不是乐意。 看来,找到恰当的职场称呼,还真不是件容易的事。而且,上班第一天认识了那么多新同事, 怎样一下子记住他们的名字呢?. Part 1. 外企知识 1 分钟. 一般来说,在外企大家都有英文名字,理论上应该称呼英文名字。但有人会担心:自己是 新人,直接叫名字会不会太随便,要不要加后缀?比如,对于叫 Daisy 的女同事,是直接叫她 Daisy,还是 Daisy 姐,又或是 Daisy 前辈?可是女人都忌讳自己年龄大,会不会让她不高兴呢? 如果叫前辈,别人肯定以为自己偶像剧看多了,怎么办呢? 其实称呼同事要入乡随俗。不同的外企公司里的称呼会因为不同的公司文化而有所不同。 有的公司严肃正式,称呼一律要带上“先生” 、 “女士”等字样,有的则很宽松,直呼名字就可 以了。 而且, Every Office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed. 每个办公室对于称呼某人名字或者是称呼他/她的头衔都有固定的习 惯。新人要遵循习惯,注意别人是怎样称呼的。 此外,还得根据场合称呼。在会议室等正式场合,要用正式称呼,以示郑重;在下班后的 聚餐或是闲聊等场合下,就可以随意一些了。. 4.

(5) Culture & Etiquette. Part 2. Chapter 1. 实战英语快狠准. Scene 1 取个好听的英文名字 撞衫很尴尬,撞名也一样,尤其是英文名字,撞名太常见了,因为大家通常只称呼名字, 不称呼姓氏,所以撞名几率大大增加。如果不想经常在部门遇到另一位 Mike,Ann,Vivian, 最好选择一个既好听又好记,还能匠心独具的名字。 好听的英文女名 1.Ashley 意思是“来自木岑树林的人” 。Ashley 这个名字给人的印象是,一个非常美丽 的医生或律师等高级职业妇女,品味很高,道德标准也很高,娇羞但很友善。 2.Amanda 来自拉丁语“爱” ,意为值得爱的。Amanda 表示可爱的人,人们认为她保守、 美丽又纤细,甜美且富有。 3.Brittany 在拉丁文的意思是“来自英格兰” 。这个名字给人的感觉是苗条漂亮,有教养, 为人很好,有时会耍耍小脾气,很有自信。 4.Jennifer 源自威尔士文“纯洁”的意思,涵义为施魔法的女人,迷人的女人。近来 Jennifer 已变成一个受欢迎的名字。人们认为 Jennifer 这个名字非常可爱。 5.Jessica 希伯来语中的“财富” ,涵义为上帝的恩宠。大部分人认为 Jessica 是个甜美 受欢迎的女孩;也有人认为她是个美丽骄纵的富家女孩;还有人认为她是难以驾驭的女强人。 6.Katherine 源自希腊文“纯洁的”一词。Katherine 是个很普遍的名字,人们对这个名. 7.Megan 在古英文中是“伟大的”意思。Megan 给人的印象是像小精灵般的女孩,她可 爱、充满朝气、轻快灵活、爱嬉笑。 8.Nicole 希腊语“胜利的人们” 。人们把 Nicole 比作中国娃娃,意谓娇小、美丽的年轻 女孩,甜美浪漫,但容易破碎;在美丽、纤细的外表下却带着一股刚毅、独立的气质。 9.Sarah 希伯来语中的“公主” 。她给人的感觉是保守、甜美、身材不高、待人随和。 10.Stephanie 同样来自希腊语,有“皇冠、花环、荣誉的标志”的意思。她代表了美丽、 温柔、苗条、体贴,心思细密,有一种很特殊的风味,像是时装模特儿。 好听的英文男名 1.Alex 是 Alexander 的简写,人们认为 Alex 是身强体健、有着希腊血统的男子,聪明、 和善、令人喜爱。 2.Alan 据传,英国有一位诗人,叫 Alawn,近似于 Alan,后来,这个名字常变形为 Ailian、 Allan、Ailin、Ailon 等等。Alan 的发音近似于撒克逊语 Aylwyn 或 Alwyn(熟悉的朋友)的意思, 所以它在英国很为人所欢迎。 3.Chris 为 Christian, Christopher 的简写。Chris 给人的印象是外表清爽的标准美国男孩, 聪明、可爱又有趣。 4.Eric(挪威语)永远的领导者,永远的力量,也是 Frederick 的简写。Eric 被叙述为受 5. 1. 的女人、友善、受欢迎,又有教养。. Chapter. 字有两种看法:一是美丽、优雅,处于上流社会的世故者,拘谨、严肃、举止合宜;一是普通.

(6) 英语不“狠”,事业不稳:进外企必须学好的 99 堂英文课. 欢迎的斯堪地纳维亚人,有自信、聪明而且心地善良。 5.Kenny 是 Kenneth 的简写,Kenny 被认为是普通的美国男孩,年轻的足球英雄而且心 地善良,成年后也是个肯为家庭投注心力的好男人。 6.Ryan(爱尔兰语) “小国王” 。Ryan 被形容为强壮活跃的男子,长得很英俊却很害羞。 7.Sidney(法文)由圣者丹尼斯衍生出。Sidney 这个名字令人联想到学有专长的专家, 英俊又善良。虽然有人认为 Sidney 是反传统且不按牌理出牌之人。 8.Simon 希伯来人,意为听者。Simon 被视作强壮魁梧的男子,不是有着安静简朴的个 性,就是聪明而富创造力。 9.Steven 同 Stephen。人们心目中的 Steven 是高壮、英俊的男子,沉静、斯文有礼, 性格和善。 10.Vincent(拉丁语) “征服” 。大部分的人认为 Vincent 是沉静如艺术品般的男人,稳重 且善解人意。然而也有人认为 Vincent 是邪恶的罪人。 当然,我们的 Mark 这个名字也不错,人们认为 Mark 是爱好运动、非常英俊的男人,风 趣、追求自由,而且是个细心的朋友。难怪会有那么多人叫 Mark 呢。 Scene 2 如何快速记住同事的名字 刚一上班,Mark 就有问题要请教自己的校友 Cathy 了。他说自己昨天已经非常努力去记. 1. Chapter. 各位同事的名字,可是今天一见面,却还是记不住。于是,Cathy 教给他一个办法: Cathy: I have a simple way to remember names. Mark: Really? Can you tell me? Cathy: I have an acronym (首字母缩写)that helps me. Mark: What is it? Cathy: An acronym is an abbreviation formed by using the first letter of words in a phrase or name. Mark: I see, abbreviations. Cathy: The acronym I use to remember names is FACE. F stands for focus. Mark: Yes, but it's difficult. And A? Cathy: The "A" is for ask. Repeat the name in the form of a question. For example, if you are introduced to Bill, you can ask, "Bill?" Mark: Doesn't it strange? Cathy: Of course not. It is natural that you would want to verify the name and make sure you heard correctly. Mark: It makes sense. Then, What is the C representative? Cathy: The "C" is for comment. Make a comment about the person's name - a comment that connects the name to someone or something that you can recall later. Mark: You mean that if somebody tell me his name is Bill, and I can say "Bill? As in 6.

(7) Culture & Etiquette. Chapter 1. President Bill Clinton?" Cathy: You are clever. It is also a conversation starter so now you see why you don't need to worry about what to say next. It comes naturally. Mark: Yeah. And the last letter E? Cathy: "E" stands for employment. Employ means to use the name in conversation with the person. Using the name helps you remember it. Mark: You are great, Cathy, can you repeat the meaning of FACE? Cathy: I am happy to repeat it. First you focus and think only of the other person's name. Next you ask or repeat the name in the form of a question. Then you make a comment about the name. Finally you employ or use the name while you are speaking with the person. Mark: Ok, I've got that, Thank you, Cathy, I really appreciate your help. Scene 3 对同事的称呼 上班第二天,Mark 刚到公司,同事 Buchwald 先生就热情地冲他打招呼。然后,两人有了 下面这段关于如何称呼同事的对话: Mark:. Thank you, I'm delighted to be working here, Mr. Buchwald.. Mr. Buchwald:. Call me Buck, will you? My name is Reginald Buchwald but everybody calls me Buck. It's easier.. Mark:. I'd prefer to call you Mr. Buchwald. Isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of one's family name?. Mr. Buchwald:. Well, President Eisenhower was known as Ike. Everybody in this company all the way up and down the line is called by his or her first name.. Mr. Buchwald:. It's been our tradition ever since the company was small. And don't worry. Mark:. I'll try.. Mr. Buchwald:. Good. But when there are outsiders, like business people from other. about the 'disrespectful' business. OK?. companies, it might be good to address your higher-ups as Mr., Ms. or whatever is appropriate. To those outside the company, it may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy(轻薄、无礼)or lax(忪懈的)discipline. Get it? Mark:. Yes, sir. Thanks a lot.. Mr. Buchwald:. (Laughing) And don't 'sir' me either.. 如果大家都叫某位同事某个昵称,你就不需要担心礼貌问题了,从众即可。但如果在客户 面前,最好不要这样做。这一点,一定要牢记。. 7. 1. Welcome! Chapter. Mr. Buchwald:.

(8) 英语不“狠”,事业不稳:进外企必须学好的 99 堂英文课. Part 3. 用名言华丽点缀. There is no certainty, only opportunity. 没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。 Failure is never quite so frightening as regret. 比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。 It's what you do right now that makes a difference. 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。 It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you. 你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。. Lesson 3 Using Polite Language in the Office 办公室礼貌用语 我们不仅要选择正确的语言来表达思想,还要选择合适的语言来表达礼貌。比如,当你忙 得焦头烂额时,同事还在喋喋不休地请你帮忙,你烦躁得真想让他滚开,可是说"Go away"肯 定不合适,这时候,一句"Could you give me five minutes?" 既不会让他难堪也能替你解围。. 1. Chapter. 因此,是否选择适当的礼貌用语,对你的职场形象影响重大,关系着你的外企之路是否顺利。. Part 1. 外企知识 1 分钟. 英国绅士的多礼世界闻名, 这在英语中也能感受得到。 英语中一些常见的单词, 如: thanks, hello,hi,sorry 等,均属于最简单的礼貌用语。交谈时对方因感冒而打喷嚏,一方会说:"Excuse me",而另一方会说:"God bless you!"。在商店,售货员会礼貌地问一句:"Can I help you, please?"。别看美国人随意,但他们会严格注意区分俚语和正规语言,特别是不能在正式场合 乱用俚语。这些都是语言礼貌原则的体现。 再比如,收到礼品,哪怕再不喜欢,他们也会表示:Isn't that lovely! Oh, look at that! 甚 至会用上 great, terrific , gorgeous, fantastic 等夸张的形容词。这并不是虚伪的客套,而是西方 文化的一部分。因此,正确使用礼貌语言,对于融入外企的作用很大。. Part 2. 实战英语快狠准. Scene 1 注意称呼 午餐时分,饥肠辘辘的 Mark 邀请同事们一起用餐。 Mark: Hi, Are you guys going to lunch? Cathy: Yes. Would you like to join us? Mark: Okay. Cathy: Mark, I need to tell you something while it is on my mind, you used the expression "You guys". 8.

(9) Culture & Etiquette. Chapter 1. Mark: Yes, but I learn it from my American colleges. Cathy: I know they do, but that doesn't mean it's correct or polite. Mark: Why? Cathy: Because the word "guy" is an informal term that refers to a man or boy. People today use the plural "guys" without regard for gender. That is not correct usage of the word and it demonstrates a lack of polish. If there are male and female, you could have simply asked, "Are you going to lunch?" Or you could have said, "Are you ALL going to lunch?" Mark: I see, thanks a lot. Scene 2 不用俚语 Cathy: Mark, I have noticed that when someone says "thank you", your response is always "no problem." Mark: I often heard it, isn't it right? Cathy: No, lots of people say that in response to "thank you". However, that is not the correct reply. The correct response to "thank you" is "You are welcome." "no problem" is only acceptable when someone asks if you have problem with something. Mark: I get it, thank you.. Mark:. Excuse me?. Stranger: Yes. Can I help you? Mark:. Yes, please. I'm looking for Mr. Macmillan's office. Do you know where it is?. Stranger: I'm sorry, I don't know, but the guard over there should know. Scene 4 寻找餐厅 Mark:. Excuse me, madam?. Stranger: Yes. What can I do for you? Mark:. I'm new here and I can't seem to find the lunch room.. Stranger: Oh, it's right downstairs. I'm going there myself. Just follow me. Scene 5 回应欢迎 Terry: Hi there! My name's Terry Graham. You're new around here, huh? Mark: Yes. My name's Mark Lin. I just started a couple of weeks ago. Terry: Well, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know. Mark: Thanks, I appreciate that! 9. 1. Chapter. Scene 3 向人问路.

(10) 英语不“狠”,事业不稳:进外企必须学好的 99 堂英文课. Scene 6 问候同事 John: Hello, Mr. Lin. Mark: Hi, John. How are you feeling today? John: Much better, thanks. Mark: Glad to hear it. 以上只是一些常见场景的典型对话,在初入外企的时候,你极有可能会用到。当然,你需 要记住的对话不仅仅是这些,更重要的恐怕是一些时常要用到的万能句型。 在日常生活的礼仪中,当你需要抽烟时,需要礼貌地询问周围的人: “您好,请问我可以 抽烟吗?”在外企当然也一样,很多时候,你都需要征求别人的同意。这时候,你可以用到下 面这些句型: Pattern 1: May I do sth.? 例如: May I come in, please? May I use your telephone? May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? Pattern 2: Do you think I could do sth.?. 1. Chapter. 例如:Do you think I could send a fax of these proposals to our branch in China? Pattern 3: Is it all right if I do sth.? Is it all right if I call my office to see if there are any messages for me? 如果是别人征求你的同意或者请你帮忙,如果你愿意或者能帮上忙,自然可以说: Certainly /Sure /I'd love to. 如果你帮不了他(她) ,或者不同意,那么在回答时最好能说出原因,让人感 到你确实是无能为力。所以,你需要用上这个句型:I'm sorry but…比如: I'm sorry but my spelling is terrible. I'm sorry but we aren't allowed to smoke here. 在外企中,即便是上司,要求下属做某某事时,也往往会使用下述句型: Will you…? Would you like to…? Would you mind doing sth? Would you be so kind as to…? I wonder if you would…? I would be grateful if… I would appreciate if… 如果听到这些句子,不要想当然地以为对方真的是在征求你的同意,你需要分辨它们是请 求还是要求。 比如: I wonder if you could do me a favor by posting the letter in the post office on your way home? 这句话是请求你帮忙。而下面这句话:Will you follow me and go this way, 10.




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