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The Resource Sharing and Cooperative Development of Smart Libraries in Asia


Academic year: 2021

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(1)圖書與資訊學刊 5:1=82(May ’13)1-12 ISSN 1023-2125. The Resource Sharing and Cooperative Development of Smart Libraries in Asia Shiwei Wang Director, Institute of Information Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences E-mail: swwang@sass.org.cn. 【Abstract】 The main purposes of this study are first, to define and explore the notion of smart library, and second, to look at the general development of smart libraries in Asia, and furthermore, to examine how opportunities for cooperative development may emerge in the context of the development of smart libraries. One particular example analyzed in this study is concerned with the resource sharing and cooperative development between China and other Asian countries and regions.. Keyword Asian library;Smart library;Resource sharing;Cooperative development. 1.

(2) 圖書與資訊學刊. 第 5 卷第 1 期(2013 年 5 月). With the rapid economic development in Asia,. integration and sublimation of the philosophy and. Asian cultural activities, including libraries, have also. practice of the digital library development. If digital. gained. the. library still remains to a certain extent at the level of. development of social informatization and smart. the library physical structure, then smart library has. cities, the smart library is gradually becoming a new. developed to the point of library chemical fusion,. development tendency for Asian libraries and has. focusing its attention on excellent library services. created new conditions for the in-depth cross-national. and high-quality management with IT support, which. resource sharing and cooperation of libraries, as well. is represented by interconnection, high efficiency and. as bringing new development opportunities.. convenience. Compared with digital library, it has. considerable. development.. With. reached a new height of scientific development.. The Development of Smart Libraries in Asia. Smart library is not a local solution of the library, but the comprehensive solution. In the process of the. What is the smart library? I think that we can. library development, the digital library, based on the. make the following definition: “Smart library is the. traditional library, was once the supplementary. concept. library. elements and alternative elements of library service. sustainable development, based on digital, networked. and management development. It is the transitional. and. with. phase of the library development and has brought. interconnection, high efficiency and convenience as. about the partial changes of library services and. the main features, and green development and digital. management. However, smart library relies on digital,. services for the general public as the essential. networking and intelligent technology to enhance the. pursuit”.. management wisdom, and has gradually become the. and. practice. intelligent. of. the. information. modern. technology,. Smart library and digital library are intrinsically. dominant model of library services and management,. linked, and each has having their own characteristics.. as well as the top-level design of future libraries.. In terms of external features, both smart library and. From the development of library informatization. digital library are based on digitization and. focusing on technology, to the digital library. networking, but the smart library has already. construction based on quantified technological. combined these characteristics with such inherent. development, and then to the entirely intelligent. features. clustering,. smart library, in fact, in its development process, the. integration, collaboration, green development, and. library has gradually achieved a fundamental. serving the general public. Smart library is the. transformation in nature based on the accumulation. product. of the amount of technology. It means a shift from. and. of. intelligence,. essential. pursuits. library. digitization,. cultural. diversity. as. networking, and. social. focusing. on. technological. and. to. the. informatization interacting with each other at a. comprehensive,. specific historical stage, and it is the continuation,. development of the library, from the transition with. 2. coordinated. transition. sustainable.

(3) The Resource Sharing and Cooperative Development of Smart Libraries in Asia. digital information as an inception to the soul and. Emphasis on Scientific Computing”. The authors. library green development and the essence of. believe that a smart library utilizes a variety of SQE. people-orientation, which is the vision of the smart. (Software Quality Engineering) practices aimed at. library development in pursuit of an increasingly. keeping users and library developers alike from. intelligent library. Another term for the smart library. making various mistakes; mistakes in usage, in. is “intelligent city”; a concept stresses technology. documentation, in configuration and installation, in. and is closer to that of the digital library, which is not. dealing with API changes, mistakes leading to. what this paper will deal with.. performance degradation and/or parallel deadlock. The idea and practice of the smart library. and so on. (Miller, et al.) It is obvious that the. emerged first in European and American university. research from the world library community on the. libraries, public libraries and museums. Around 2003,. smart library has turned from technology to services,. a new service provided by the Library of the. management and community development, reflecting. University. as. the essential pursuit of the smart library. In the first. “SmartLibrary”, which was part of the program. decade of the 21st century, Asian countries also began. named as “Rotuaari project”. (Dynamic localisation. to expand the research of intelligent libraries to the. of books & collections, n.d.) Of Scholars from the. in-depth research and practice of the smart library.. Library of the University of Oulu that published the. For instance, the Shanghai Library was the first to. conference paper “SmartLibrary: Location-Aware. provide the mobile phone library service. With the. Mobile Library Service”, suggesting that the smart. application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). library is a location-aware mobile library service,. technology, the Taipei Municipal Library has set up a. which helps users to find books and other material. self-service smart library, and conducted exploration. from the library. (Aittola, Ryhänen, & Ojala, 2003). on the green library design and construction in Taipei. At the same time, Queensland, Australia also. City’s Bei-Tou Branch Library. (Huang, 2009) As the. explored the relationship between the smart library. country with the highest Internet speed in the world. and smart community building. (Raunik & Browning,. committed to ubiquitous wireless urban construction,. 2003) Prior to 2004, a number of libraries and. the National Library of Korea built a national digital. museums in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, and many. library in 2009 and began to provide network. other university and public libraries had established a. services and collect digital materials in 2010. In 2006,. “Sm@rtLibrary”. Singapore developed the Intelligent Nation 2015. sharing a search engine to provide readers with. project, which largely focused on information and. one-stop services. (Can’t Find What You’re, n.d.) In. communication infrastructure construction and its. 2004, Miller, Reus, Matzke, Koziol, & Cheng. application in various fields, including, of course,. presented a research paper at an international. libraries.. library. of. Oulu,. consortium. Finland. named. as. was. known. conference on the smart library, entitled “Smart Libraries: Best SQE Practices for Libraries with an. 3.

(4) 圖書與資訊學刊. 第 5 卷第 1 期(2013 年 5 月). The Development of Resourcing Sharing and Cooperation between China and other Asian Countries and Regions. and information development in cross-strait and Hong. is the theme of development in Asian libraries in recent decades. Although the content and manner of the development have all kept up with the times, each era had its different focuses. seminar. on. the. theme. “Modern. Collection Development and Resource Sharing” was held in Xi’an. The participants had a wide-ranging and in-depth discussion on such issues as the history and current situation of obstacles to collection development and resource sharing, as well as countermeasures to be taken in the future. The Chinese and foreign participants in the seminar. are generally facing the two basic contradictions between the need for the growth of collections and the shortage of funds, and the demand for documents and the lack of library collections. In this case, it is an inevitable trend of historical development to build support. system. and. information. cataloging. of. library. materials,. library. automation, information networks and information retrieval, many of which are related to resource sharing and cooperation. The idea exchange between PhD candidates of library and information science on. forum. Nine PhD candidates from the Beijing University, Wuhan University and National Taiwan University held a symposium. After two decades of development, many of these doctoral students have become department chairs and institute directors of the Wuhan University and Nankai University in Mainland. and. promote. the. implementation of resource sharing project. As Shen Pao-huan, a delegate from Taiwan pointed out: “Resource sharing is the new trend of library development”. Lin Hongtu, a library director from Singapore highly praised the success of the seminar at the closing ceremony. In December 1993, the first Cross-strait Seminar on Library and Information Science was held at the East China Normal University in Shanghai. The organization committee set up five discussion outlines, including the library. China,. and. the. National. Chengchi. University and Shih Hsin University in Taiwan. (Wang, 2000). reached the consensus that libraries in world today. resource. library. both sides of the straits was a major feature of this. In May 1992, in the mainland China, the first international. regions,. education, library management and use, classification and. Resource sharing and cooperative development. Kong. In the last decade or so, resource sharing and cooperation have become important new ideas in mainland China’s public library services and resulted in numerous innovative services and service carriers. In April 2002, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance launched the “National Cultural Information Resource Sharing Project”. By using modern information technology, this project conducts digital. processing. and. integration. of. cultural. information resources, and through the network systems of different carriers, it has achieved the sharing of cultural information resources among different regions, provinces and cities. Since 2006, many. resource. sharing. cases. have. received. Innovation Awards and Stars Awards issued by the Ministry of Culture, which have continued for over a decade, such as the “China Regional Libraries. 4.

(5) The Resource Sharing and Cooperative Development of Smart Libraries in Asia. Network” among the first Innovation Award-winning. Library Consortium in the Pearl River Delta. projects. This network was launched in June 2006,. Resource Sharing and Public Services of the. and jointly established by the Shenzhen Library, the. Guangdong Provincial Zhongshan Library, The. Library of Fujian Province, Tianjin Library, the. Collaborative Online Reference Services of the. Library of Liaoning Province, Hunan Library and. Shanghai Library, the cross-system resource sharing. Shanghai Library, and the network center is located. consortium of the Jilin province, etc, which have all. in the Shenzhen Library. It was officially launched in. conducted valuable experiments on resource sharing. December 2000 and became the first online union. and cooperative development. Since the opening of. cataloging center in mainland China with 24-hour. the Shanghai Library’s new building, it has. real-time data uploading and downloading, and. conducted active book exchange activities with. implementing the 48-hours registration system and. libraries throughout the world, and established book. the cataloger system. Another example is the. exchange collaboration with more than 150 libraries. “Research. and 30 research institutions in over 20 countries and. on. the. Innovative. Operation. and. Application Mode of the Cultural Information. regions. (Wang, 2010). Resources Sharing Project in Shandong Province” in. In 2002, based on its international book. the third Innovation Award-winning projects. Based. exchange program, the Shanghai Library began to. on the management service platform of the Shandong. establish the “Window of Shanghai” in overseas. Cultural Information Resource Sharing Project, with. libraries, which has become an integral part of the. digital libraries and resource mirror sites as the core,. China Book International (CBI) project. By June. the Internet and satellites as the main transport. 2012, the Window of Shanghai has spread into more. channels, the network streaming media distribution. than 80 public libraries, university libraries, the. as the main means of transmission, and the primary. Confucius. one-stop service platform and public Internet cafes,. book-collecting and research institutions in 48. video theaters and online libraries as service. countries and regions of the world. The main idea is. terminals, this research has established a five-level. that the Shanghai Library signs a friendship. network system and a comprehensive public cultural. agreement. operation service system, covering all the cities,. establishment of the “Window of Shanghai”, and. counties and rural areas in the Shandong Province.. then set up special reading areas or sections in these. The system has covered more than 90,000 rural areas. libraries. The Shanghai Library delivers to the. and communities, serving over 50 million people in a. partnership libraries the first donation of 500 titles,. year, and realized the sharing and construction of. and donates annually thereafter an additional 100. cultural resources in the Shandong province. There. titles. At the same time, each side supplies what the. are also quite a few successful cases of resource. other needs, thus forming the positive interaction of. sharing and cooperative development in other. resource sharing and cooperative development. The. Chinese provinces and cities, such as the Digital. Shanghai Library has donated to its partners over. 5. Institutes. with. and. partnership. other. professional. libraries. for. the.

(6) 圖書與資訊學刊. 第 5 卷第 1 期(2013 年 5 月). 40,000 copies of various books and documents.. services. Mr. Kai Cheong Lau from the Singapore. Among the 80 partnership organization, there are six. National Library Board gave an introduction to the. in Asia, including the Singapore National Library. experience of Singapore libraries in resource sharing. Board (participated in January 2003), Osaka Central. and library services, and he pointed out that in order. Library in Japan (participated in September 2009),. to create a future of information for Singapore and. Hongqiao International Library, Changning District,. Southeast Asia Union countries, Singapore libraries. Shanghai, China (participated in March 2010),. established a connection with the Southeast Asian. Shanghai Library (participated in October 2010), and. countries and the world, created the infrastructure of. the Central Library of the Kyung Hee University. library services and resource sharing, and established. International Campus (participated in June 2012).. contacts between the librarians in various countries. The “Window of Shanghai” in the future will be. through the Internet. In addition, scholars from. connected to the world’s libraries through the Internet,. various countries conducted in-depth discussions on. and deliver the Shanghai Library’s electronic. such. resources, exhibitions, interlibrary loan, and online. cross-language information access and retrieval,. reference services to various regions and countries in. interlibrary loan, digital library consortium, resource. Asia and the world. (Shanghai Library, 2012). sharing in the network environment, new models of. issues. as. database. construction,. online. The first international library forum was held in. cooperation through the consortium of university. Shanghai in 2002, with the theme “Knowledge. libraries and public libraries. (Ferguson & Chan,. Navigation and Library Services”. One of the. 2002). sub-themes was “library cooperation and resource. The development of intelligent technology and. sharing”. Dr. Tony Ferguson, Director of the. the innovation of cluster collaborative management. University of Hong Kong Library presented the paper. have improved the quality of resource sharing and. “Digital Library Consortia in the 21. st. Century”,. cooperative development, and at the same time,. discussing the many difficulties and challenges. raised many new questions facing libraries. If we can. facing the Joint University Libraries Advisory. say that publications are going through an in-depth. Committee. Grants. integration in the digital environment, that is, making. Committee of the Hong Kong SAR Government,. pictures, sounds, actions, interactions and other. including such issues as the development of eight. elements into one body to tell stories to the reader,. university members and the consortium in the. then, the library will also face the problem of a. competitive environment and how to integrate into. cross-language,. Asian consortia and international consortia. From the. cross-network and in-depth integration of books and. perspective of the digital strategy of international. databases, in order to provide readers with innovative. cooperation, the American scholar Ching-chih Chen. forms of services. The development of triple play. discussed the global cooperation and resource sharing. intelligence technology has created the conditions for. of libraries in the transformation towards knowledge. this in-depth integration. Mobile communication. funded. by. the. University. 6. cross-carrier,. multi-media,.

(7) The Resource Sharing and Cooperative Development of Smart Libraries in Asia. The Prospects of Resource Sharing and Cooperation in Asian Libraries in the Context of the Smart Library Development. technology, various types of APPS and cloud computing have provided IT environment and IT support for the library to integrate cluster of innovative. and. comprehensive. service. system. platforms. In this information environment, the In the context of the smart library development,. Singapore National Library has initiated the 2020 Mission and Vision. The mission is to provide a trusted, accessible and globally-connected library and information service to promote a knowledgeable and engaged society. The vision is to be an inspiring beacon of lifelong learning bringing knowledge alive, sparking imagination and creating possibility for a. Asian libraries are showing infinite energy, which can be seen from the IFLA General Conference to be held in Singapore in 2013 and its theme. Accordingly, we can also review the themes of the IFLA General Conference in recent years, and discover the trajectory of the global smart library development.. vibrant and creative Singapore. (Gao, 2012). Table 1 The Themes of IFLA General Conference 2010-2013 Congress Theme. Date. Location. 76th. Open access to knowledge - promoting sustainable progress. 2010-8-10~15. Gothenburg, Sweden. 77th. Libraries beyond libraries: Integration, Innovation and Information for all. 2011-8-13~18. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 78th. Libraries Now! - Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering. 2012-8-11~17. Helsinki, Finland. 79th. Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities. 2013-8-17~23. Singapore. The theme of the 76th IFLA General Conference. held in San Juan, Puerto Rico was libraries beyond. held in Gothenburg, Sweden was open access. The. libraries: integration, innovation and information for. implementation. sustainable. all, which shows the new transcendence of the smart. development into library services is exactly the soul. library in its development process, that is, the. of smart libraries, which shows the great vision and. innovation-driven. positive response of the global library community in. collaboration and sharing of library resources, and. today’s environment of IT development, and reflects. reflects the characteristics of efficient development of. the philosophy and practice of the smart library as. the smart library.. of. the. idea. of. sustainable modern library development. th. The theme of the 77 IFLA General Conference. The. themes. integration,. of. the. 77th. clustering,. IFLA General. Conference held in Helsinki, Finland, and the 78th. 7.

(8) 圖書與資訊學刊. 第 5 卷第 1 期(2013 年 5 月). IFLA General Conference held in Singapore were. the most abundant are Japanese edition of Chinese. respectively “Inspiring & Surprising” and “Infinite. classics. (Li, 1999; Wang, 1996; Yan, 2007)The. Possibilities”, showing the self-confidence and effort. communication and transmission of documents has. of the library in the new environment, as well as the. enabled the knowledge of human civilization to be. ambiguity of future library development and infinite. shared and preserved. The history of these cultural. possibilities for development, and reflecting the. exchanges has established cultural traditions and ties. smart library’s development features in ubiquitous. for the resource sharing and cooperative development. interconnection and convenience, with the support of. of libraries in Asian countries.. intelligent technology.. On the Second International Library Forum held. Resource sharing and cooperative development. in Shanghai in 2004, Kiyoshi Nakano from the. in Asian libraries have a long historical and cultural. Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City. heritage. Theravada Buddhism in ancient India. University, Japan, pointed a number of questions. spread to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia,. occurring in the common use of the reader. Laos and China. Mahayana Buddhism spread to. registration card in the library services, which in fact,. China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Vietnam and. are the questions of how the library’s reader cards. China’s Tibetan and Mongolian regions. In 1877,. can be interconnected with other cards, such as the. Ferdinand von Richthofen, a German geographer, put. ATM card of a bank. It is actually the issue of. forward the concept of Silk Road in his book China.. interconnection between cards, and between cards. This ancient network of communication through. and people in the connected features of the smart. deserts, grasslands and sea, not only connected such. library. It is a difficult problem that needs to be. Asian. Mongolia,. solved for the ubiquitous library services in the future.. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, but also extended to. Kari Lämsä from the Helsinki City Library in Finland. Africa and Europe, becoming the symbol of the. suggested the new concept of “the city bank of. Eastern. immigrants”. The so-called Information Bank is a. countries. and. as. Western. China,. Japan,. economic. and. cultural. exchanges. It is known as the world’s longest, oldest,. network. and highest network of communication. In the Sui. International Cultural Center and the Helsinki City. and Tang dynasties, there was also a road of books. Library. This service adopted 12 languages most. between China and Japan. (Wang, 2003) Languages. commonly used by immigrants in Finland, reflecting. and documents are the important carriers of human. the characteristics of the cross-language information. civilization. In Asia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other. services with interconnected networks and databases. countries imitated and duplicated Chinese classics in. of the smart library. (Kiyoshi, 2004; Lämsä, 2004). service. supported. by. the. Helsinki. different periods and covering different ranges,. At the 5th Shanghai International Library Forum. resulting in the formation of Japanese edition of. held in 2012, Ching-chih Chen, Professor Emeritus,. Chinese classics, Korean edition of Chinese classics. Simmons College, Boston, pointed out in her keynote. and Vietnamese edition of Chinese classics, of which. speech: “In the environment of open and use-driven. 8.

(9) The Resource Sharing and Cooperative Development of Smart Libraries in Asia. innovation for experimenting and validating the. led to its deterioration and demise. The academic. future Internet-enabled services as seen in smart. library died alone, largely neglected and forgotten by. cities, libraries are far from catching up with this. a world that once revered it as the heart of the. development to respond to the complex and difficult. university”. In the author’s view, “First, fully. challenges of our exciting time. The Internet has. digitized collections of nearly every book in the. leveled the playing field and has empowered. world. individuals with ideas for innovation to all kinds of. unnecessary. Individual students now pay for. experimentation.. information. subscriptions to any of several major digital-book. professionals are certainly included to grab these. vendors for unlimited access. The books may be. exciting opportunities.” (Chen, 2012) The smart. viewed online at any time or downloaded to a. libraries of the future need smart librarians, and these. portable device. Second, library instruction was no. librarians not only need a variety of skills and the. longer necessary. To compete with a new generation. spirit of dedication, but should also demonstrate to. of search engines, database vendors were forced to. business and government decision makers the. create tools that were more user-friendly, or else risk. irreplaceable role of libraries. (Johnson, 2012) Smart. fading into obscurity. Third, reference services. librarians will play a central role in the future. disappeared. They were replaced by ever-improving. development of the smart library. In order to adapt to. search engines and social-networking tools.” The. the development of digital, networked and intelligent. article ends with the following sharp remarks: “It is. information environment, to reflect the features of. entirely possible that the life of the academic library. interconnection, efficiency and convenience, and to. could have been spared if the last generation of. understand the essential pursuit of green development. librarians had spent more time plotting a realistic. and digital services to the general public, librarians. path to the future and less time chasing outdated. should have eight abilities, including cross-media. trends while mindlessly spouting mantras like “There. literacy,. skill,. will always be books and libraries” and “People will. ability,. always need librarians to show them how to use. inter-carrier. information. We’ll never know now what kind of. cross-cultural. cross-language cross-team integration. Librarians. reading collaboration. power,. and. communication and. speaking skill,. inter-network. search. rendered. physical. book. collections. skill,. treatments might have worked. Librarians planted the. multi-disciplinary mining capability, and cross-age. seeds of their own destruction and are responsible for. learning capacity.. their own downfall”. This article triggered uproar in. On January 2, 2011, Brian T. Sullivan, an instructional librarian at Alfred University, U.S.A.,. library communities around the world. (Zhao & Chen, 2012). published an article entitled “Academic Library. Although there are talks about the extinction of. Autopsy Report, 2050”. He writes, “The academic. academic libraries, currently, there are still not. library has died. Despite early diagnosis, audacious. sufficient databases and digital collections both. denial in the face of its increasingly severe symptoms. inside and outside the library community to fully. 9.

(10) 圖書與資訊學刊. 第 5 卷第 1 期(2013 年 5 月). meet the requirements of researchers, and many. readers to decide for themselves what to read, and the. professions and industries still need traditional. historical mission of librarians is to attract readers. collections. Digital media have formed an excess of. with their own quality.. information, and the majority of readers may have a. The status of Asian economy in the world is on. sense of loss, which gives the possibilities for. the rise. As the principal source of world civilization,. libraries. services.. the development of smart libraries in the future will. Librarians’ reference services and professional. bring more opportunities for the resources sharing. functions. filtering,. and cooperative development in Asian libraries. If. screening, organizing, mining, retrieval, analysis,. European and American libraries led the global. sorting and navigation will not disappear because of. library development in the 19th and 20th centuries,. the development of information technology. Various. then the 21st century will see a multi-polar. kinds of knowledge and information in the Omni. development of global librarianship, with the. media require integration and interconnection, which. common prosperity of Asian libraries, European. means librarians’ professional efforts are required to. libraries and America libraries. Asian libraries will. integrate the knowledge with relevant contents and. make new contributions to the development of. themes. It is necessary to organize a variety of. international librarianship in the process towards. dynamic information, including texts, books, sounds,. smart libraries.. images, data, etc. in order to acquire the competence. Smart. and in. librarians information. to. provide discovery,. library. has. the. characteristics. of. and skills of research and management for discarding. interconnection, high efficiency and convenience, of. the dross and selecting the essential, getting rid of the. which the most essential is interconnection, which is. false and retaining the true, and getting from one to. demonstrated as the interconnection and integration. the other, from the surface to the center, from chaos. of books, readers, libraries, networks and databases.. to order, from the miscellaneous to the special, from. As a new form of the future library development,. the implicit to the explicit, from the general to the. with the digital, networking and intelligent IT support,. specific, from the isolated to the associated, from the. the smart library will establish a ubiquitous library. individual to the integrated. As a result, readers will. network through the integration of resources, cluster. be able to receive the organized and integrated. platforms and collaborative services, and will. information services related to specific theme from. promote the development of librarianship towards a. the fragmentary ocean of information. This will. sustainable and healthy development, through the. enhance the quality, brand and status of library. green development ideas and practices, as well as the. services. The dispersion and horizontal features of. essential pursuit of digital services for the general. the digital society require librarians to have more. public.. comprehensive knowledge and skills, so that they may help readers solve problems anywhere and. (Received on 11 September 2012). anytime, and provide versatile golden key services. The age of Omni media and the digital age allow. 10.

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