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Academic year: 2021

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◎ 學務處心輔組 李家蓀 2012-03-30

春暖花開的季節,學務處心輔組,特別邀請到Lothar Spillmann老師,為在北港校區大一新生演講,主題是:光陰的故事-生命教育講座,來和同學聊聊,他怎麼看 待中國醫藥大學的學生?對大學生們的建議;怎麼面對生命的困境?他對台灣問題的見解以及對於人生這件事的想法,從巨視、多元的角度來看待人生。 講者介紹:73歲的Lothar老師,來自德國,經歷過「柏林圍牆」倒塌的歷史,是位視神經的專家;在台灣,這樣的年紀是退休的年齡,但他 卻繞了半個地球,來到 了台灣,繼續傳承他對學術專業的堅持以及綻放他對生命的熱情。 這是Lothar老師對中國醫藥大學學生的想法、讚賞與期許:

Every morning when I walk to the campus of China Medical University, I am greeted at the gate by four words: Compassion, Prudence, Diligence, Integrity. Do you know what these words stand for? The university wants you to be a caring, but disciplined and hard-working student who lives according to accepted values.

These are noble words. Your obligation is to make these virtues come true.

As students of China Medical University, you are privileged. There are many young people out there who do not have the money or the talent for study. You should be grateful to your parents who support your university education. Be filial to them when they grow old.

You have chosen the best university for yourself and you have decided to accept responsibility for your future.

This university wants you to become proud leaders. Why should you be proud? – Because of your excellence in learning, creating, and performing in a challenging academic environment. The university is no playground; it is a place to prove yourself.

When you give up your pride, you give up your freedom. As a university student you want to assert yourself.

Běigǎng Campus of CMU focuses on: nutrition, biotechnology, dental hygiene, imaging, physical therapy, public health, rehabilitation, and respiratory therapy. These are all fields towards which you can make a contribution and where your contribution can make a difference. (欲知全文,請至學務處心輔組網頁下載)

本場活動,學生對講者的回饋是: Thank you,我獲得許多 1.

其實也不太知道要說什麼,但是每一次聽完一場有關生命的講座,就會有自己多了一些勇氣的感覺 2.

I hope you to share some of your special experience in the part,something we haven't heard of. 3.

感謝老師分享自身對人生的體悟 4.

人生很豐富,是我們的好榜樣 5.

This is an excellent class.I am so happy to be here.And,you are handsome~ 6.

I like your lecture very much.I'm happy! 7.

很風趣的一位講者,說的內容雖然並非100%了解,但很能啟發我去思考 8.

I'll take your word as my important advice when I meet difficulties in the future.Thank you!! 9. 老師很可愛,不會用艱難的英文,謝謝今天的演說 10. 給了很多在讀書、人生中的建議及方法,最後還舉自己兒子的例子 11. 謝謝您遠道而來為我們帶來精彩的演講 12.

謝謝老師提醒了我常常會忘記的事:Passion、goal and so on,很高興今天有這個榮幸能來聽演講。 13. 雖年邁卻演講得非常有趣 14. 聽了你的人生故事,又能加強英語聽力!真的收穫匪淺^^ 15. 收穫很多,Thank you! 16. 沒想到老師年紀這麼大了,還這麼生動可愛,與我們分享經驗! 17. Thank you 18. Very good 19. 豐富的經驗和見解增廣了我的眼界,和激發不同的想法 20. 說得很好,給我有相當大的啟發,而且還教我們學習沒有停止的時候 21.

Thank for your sharing 22. 講者的用字不艱深,能聆聽一場英文演講很棒 23. 校 園 入 口 網 站 學 生 教 職 員 未 來 學 生 校 友 訪 客 讚 寄送

第 1 頁,共 2 頁

中國醫藥大學全球資訊網 校園新聞 China Medical University, Taiwan


此講座參與人數踴躍,且成員們受益良多,希望下次能再有機會邀請老師跟我們分享。我們帶著Lothar老師給我們的提醒,懷抱著勇氣、熱情與持續學習的心,大 步向前行。


同學們專注聽講 與Lothar老師互動 活潑的講師 同學與講師合影

同學與講師合影 同學與講師合影 同學與講師合影 同學與講師合影

同學與講師合影 Dear Lothar,we love you~ 同學踴躍參與 很投入的講師



中國醫藥大學 China Medical University, Taiwan

地址:40402 台中市北區學士路91號 電話:04-22053366(分機一覽表) Address: No.91 Hsueh-Shih Road,Taichung, Taiwan 40402, R.O.C

電子郵件:cc@mail.cmu.edu.tw 校安中心:04-22022205、05-7832020(北港) 性騷擾性侵害學生申訴專線:04-22022205 申訴窗口:學務處生輔組


第 2 頁,共 2 頁

中國醫藥大學全球資訊網 校園新聞 China Medical University, Taiwan



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