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Academic year: 2021

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大 專 校 院 聽 覺 障 礙 學 生 休 閒 運 動 參

與 現 況 及 阻 礙 之 分 析






本研究旨在了解大專校院聽覺障礙學生運動休閒參與現況及阻礙因素, 以作為提升大專校院聽覺障礙學生參與休閒運動之建議。本研究以全國大專 校院聽覺障礙學生為研究對象,修編之「大專校院聽覺障礙學生休閒運動參 與現況與阻礙調查問卷」為研究工具,進行調查與統計分析。依地理區域分 層抽樣,獲得有效問卷251份,問卷回收率77.2%。本研究以描述統計、獨立 樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較進行分析研究。研究結果 顯示:一、大專校院聽覺障礙學生最常參與的休閒運動前五名依序為慢跑、 散步、籃球、游泳、快走;二、休閒運動習慣以「3~4次/週」、「1~2小 時/次」為主;三、休閒運動之地點主要為學校,多為朋友相陪;四、參與 休閒運動之阻礙以結構性阻礙為主,參與休閒運動阻礙因素依序為政府缺乏 對休閒運動訊息的宣導、學校缺乏對休閒運動訊息的宣導、社會缺乏休閒運 動訊息的宣導、器材或設備沒有專業指導人員服務、社工人員沒有提供休閒 健康促進與衛生教育學報 第 46 期,頁 67-91,2016 年 12 月

Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education No. 46, pp. 67-91, December 2016 * 國立體育大學適應體育系碩士 ** 國立體育大學適應體育系副教授(通訊作者),E-mail: hsuan@ntsu.edu.tw 通訊地址:桃園市龜山區文化一路250號,聯絡電話:03-3283201 投稿日期:105年3月25日;修改日期:105年6月22日;接受日期:105年9月23日 DOI: 10.3966/207010632016120046003 04-3-鍾易廷+王瑱瑄_p067-092.indd 67 2017/2/10 下午 04:28:48





學報 第 46 期 運動資訊;五、不同性別、聽覺障礙等級、溝通方式、有無戴聽覺輔具在休 閒運動阻礙呈現顯著差異。本研究建議相關機關團體及學校可加強休閒運動 訊息之宣導及活動推廣;學校依據現有之場館設施及環境協助其規劃休閒運 動;各運動場館應配置具身心障礙運動指導之專業人員,以減少聽覺障礙學 生參與運動之阻礙。 關鍵詞:休閒運動阻礙、休閒運動習慣、身心障礙 04-3-鍾易廷+王瑱瑄_p067-092.indd 68 2017/2/10 下午 04:28:48


鍾易廷、王瑱瑄 大專校院聽覺障礙學生休閒運動參與現況及阻礙之分析


參 考 文 獻


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鍾易廷、王瑱瑄 大專校院聽覺障礙學生休閒運動參與現況及阻礙之分析


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學報 第 46 期

Analysis of Recreational Sport Participation and

Constraints for College Students with

Hearing Impairment

Yi-Ting Chung


Chen-Hsuan Wang



The purpose of this study was to explore the recreational sport participation and constraints for college students with hearing impairment, and to analyze the difference in the recreational sport constraints with different backgrounds variables. This research adopting a questionnaire survey, and conducted with stratified random sampling. 251 effective questionnaires were obtained; the return rate was 77.2 percent. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffé’s method were performed for the data analysis. The results of the research revealed as follows: 1. The most five participated recreational sports in sequence were jogging, walking, basketball, swimming, and brisk walking. 2. High frequency of participating in recreational sports was accompanied with friends, 3 to 4 times per week, 1 to 2 hours each time, and in school. 3. The major recreational sport constraint was structural constraint, followed by inter-personal constraint and intra-personal constraint. 4. The first five obstructing factors were lacking government propaganda of information about recreational sport, lacking school’s advocacy of recreational sport, lacking community advocacy of recreational sport,

* Master Graduate, Department of Adapted Physical Education, National Taiwan Sport University

** Associate Professor, Department of Adapted Physical Education, National Taiwan Sport University (Corresponding author), E-mail: hsuan@ntsu.edu.tw


鍾易廷、王瑱瑄 大專校院聽覺障礙學生休閒運動參與現況及阻礙之分析


lacking professional directors, and social workers did not provide information about recreational sport. 5. The level of recreational sport constraints was significant difference in gender, grade of hearing impairment, communication skills, and whether using hearing aids. As advices of this research, the organizations and schools can strengthen propaganda and hold more activities to promote students to participate in exercise; schools can help students to plan their recreational sports activities based on existing athletic facilities; and sports complex should have exercise instructors for special needs and individuals with disabilities.

Key words: recreational sport constraints, recreational sport habits, individuals with disabilities



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