• 沒有找到結果。

റ!!!!!!γ!ύ๮҇୯!ΐΜΐ!ԃ!Ύ!Д! س!܌!ձǺπ཰πำᆶس಍ᆅ౛Ꮲسᅺγ੤!ᏢဦۉӜǺ M09721021 ම!ۘ!ጎ!ࡰᏤ௲௤Ǻ׵!໒!଻! Validity of Using Borg's CR-10 in Measuring Grip Force Borg CR-10 ໆ߄ӧຑ՗όӕჴᡍރݩΠඝΚॶϐਏࡋϩ݋ ύ!๮!ε!Ꮲ!ᅺ!γ!ፕ!Ў!


Academic year: 2022

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Borg CR-10 )*+,-./01234567 89:;<

Validity of Using Borg's CR-10 in Measuring Grip Force


$IJK@M 0 9 7 2 1 0 2 1 L! M! N!

OPQR@S! T! U! ! V!!!!!!&!

"WX! YZY! [! \! ]!


ᖴ ᖴ ᖴ

ᖴ ᜏ ᜏ ᜏ ᜏ

ӧύ๮εᏢޑВη္Ǵ܍ᆾࡰᏤ௲௤׵໒଻റγߚதԖऐЈޑࡰᏤᆶ௴्Ǵ คፕࢂӧፐ཰܈ࢂӧѳதғࢲ΢೿๏ܭךॺߚதӭޑᔅշǴӧࣴز຾Չޑၸำύ Ψ๏ܭךॺߚதӭޑཀـ٠ࡰ҅Ǵᡣךόՠᕇ੻ؼӭΨளډ׳ӭޑޕ᛽Ǵך཮҉


ҁጇЎകޑֹԋǴा੝ձགᖴ೚ᝬЎറγǵᎅصฑറγᆶ׵໒଻റγ฻α၂ ہ঩ܭԭԆϐύኘޜ๏ܭࡰᏤаϷගٮᝊ຦ޑཀـᆶࡌ᝼ǴᡣᏢғڙ੻ؼӭǴΨ



ܴ։Ǵคፕࢂӧፐ཰΢ǵғࢲ΢ǵаϷೀ٣΢Ǵ೿๏ܭךࡐӭޑᔅշǴӧךคշ ޑਔংǴᕴࢂૈϷਔ๏ך΋࿈ܴᐩǴᡣךـډ׆ఈǴգॺ൩Ⴝךޑࡕ༇೽໗Ǵᡣ ךளа߿۳ޔ߻Ǵό཮ࣙឨǴय़ჹ֚ნ೿ё߆έԶှǴаϷٿԃٰ΋ଆᏢಞ΋ଆ

؃຾؁ޑӕᏢඵޱǵ๭ᕞǵளᓄǴགᖴգॺޑх৒ک๏ܭך፾ਔޑᔅԆǴᡣךߞ ЈεቚǴᗋԖࣴز࠻ޑᏢ׌ےએǵᄪ໋ǵᏢۂਜػգॺӧ೭΋ԃٰޑٌधǴᔅշ ךॺᔈбჴᡍ࠻္ޑᅥ٣Ǵᡣךॺёаคࡕ៝ϐኁޑኗቪፕЎǴᗋԖךॺനལང ޑৣߏଭࡡԴৣǵዝऍԴৣǵЎ෕Դৣǵ଼ࣿԴৣǵصฑԴৣǴགᖴգॺӧᏢೌ

΢๏ܭךॺ೚ӭޑޕ᛽کࡰᏤǴҁЎाགᖴޑΓϼӭǴ໻ᙖԜ߄ၲךคज़ޑགᖴǶ നࡕךाགᖴךനᒃངޑ༰༰ჹךค༾όԿޑྣ៝ǵݿݿϸᙟόᘐޑѕᓲа ϷঢঢॺΟόϖਔޑᜢЈᆶЍජǴᗋԖζ϶ႠְჹךਔਔڅڅޑႴᓰǵᐟᓰᗋԖ

࿎ߦǴ܌Ԗޑ΋Ϫךஒుుآ૶ӧЈǴനࡕ໻аҁЎ᝘๏ම࿶ᜢЈǵྣ៝ǵᔅԆ ךޑৣߏǵܻ϶аϷৎΓǶ

මۘጎ ᙣ᛽ܭύ๮εᏢπ཰πำᆶس಍ᆅ౛Ꮲسᅺγ੤



Borg Category Rating 10 (CR-10)

CR-10 /


CR-10 CR-10




Physical effort may be measured using both objective and subjective approaches.

Objective measures, such as heart rate and oxygen consumption, may be measured using measurement devices. Human responses are recorded either during or after physical activities for subjective measures. The subjective measures are called perceived exertion.

Borg has established the Category Rating 10 (CR-10) to quantify the perceived exertion of human subject. This research investigated the variations of males and females in using the CR-10 when performing the gripping tasks at different exertion levels. The differences between dominant and non-dominant hands, and between different postures were also discussed. It was found that males and females reported their perceived exertion differently when using the CR-10. This implied that the remedial adjustment may be required when comparing or discussing perceived hand grip exertion for males and females when using the CR-10.

Keywords: CR-10, rating of perceived exertion, regression analysis, grip


... i

Abstract ... ii

... iii

... v

... vii

... 1

... 1

... 2

... 2

... 2

... 4

... 4

... 6

... 10

... 10

... 12

... 14

... 14

... 15

/ ... 17

... 20

... 21


... 21

... 29

CR-10 ... 35

... 42

... 42

... 43

... 44

A ... 48


1 RPE & CR-10 ... 6

2 ... 14

3 Borg’s CR-10 ... 16

4 CR-10 2 ... 21

5 CR-10 2 ... 21

6 CR-10 5 ... 22

7 CR-10 5 ... 22

8 CR-10 7 ... 23

9 CR-10 7 ... 24

10 CR-10 10 ... 24

11 CR-10 10 ... 25

12 CR-10 Pearson ... 28

13 CR-10 Pearson ... 28

14 90° ... 31

15 180° ... 32

16 90° ... 33

17 180° ... 34

18 ... 35

19 90° ... 36

20 180° ... 37

21 90° ... 38

22 180° ... 39

23 ... 40

24 ... 40


25 40 ... 40

26 CR-10 ... 41

27 CR-10 ... 41


1 ... 3

2 ... 7

3 ... 7

4 ... 8

5 ... 9

6 ... 15

7 ... 16

8 90° ... 18

9 180° ... 18

10 90° ... 19

11 180° ... 19

12 CR-10 10 ... 26

13 CR-10 10 ... 26

14 & ... 27

15 ... 29

16 ... 30


(perceived exertion) (Borg &

Dahlstrom, 1959)

Borg (1982) Category Rating 10 (CR-10)

(scale for rating of perceived

exertion, RPE scale) 0 ( )

10 ( ) 12 CR-10



Borg(1985) (RPE scale)

6 ( 60 ) 20 (

200 )

15 RPE




RPE 10

-20 -30 ( 1999) RPE

(Li & Han, 2007; Li, et al. 2009)

Borg RPE CR-10

CR-10 CR-10


( / 90 180 ) CR-10




CR-10 10 kgf


CR-10 SPSS®12.0




1975 - Wenner-Gren Center Borg

Dr.William Cane


Borg (1982)

CR-10 CR-10



( 2009)


0- (no exertion at all) 10- (very strong)

10 CR-10 3 (moderate) 7

(very strong) CR-10 3~7

(Scale for Rating of Perceived Exertion), RPE 12~17 ( 1999) Borg CR-10

RPE 1 Borg RPE CR-10

(Borg & Ottoson, 1986)

Spielholz (2006) Borg

20 Borg CR-10


44.5 142.8 (±69.0) to 62.3 (±58.3)

0 8.9

(Spielholz) CR-10





(Moyna, et al., 2001) RPE

( 1991)


(Covey, Larson & Wirtz, 1999) (Eston & Connolly, 1996)



RPE & CR-10


6 0.0

7 0.0

8 0.5

9 1.0

10 1.5

11 2.0

12 3.0

13 3.5

14 4.5

15 5.5

16 6.5

17 7.5

18 9.0

19 10.0

20 12.0

(Forearm Muscles) (Hand Muscles)

2 (Intrinsic Muscles)

3 ( 1993)



(2008 11 6 )



(2008 11 6 )



(Transverse Carpal

Ligament) 4(



(finger touch)

(palm touch) (pinch or plier grip) (hook grip) (tip grip)

(writing grip) (tinger-palm enclosure) (disk grip) (side


pinch) (power grasp) (Kromer, 1986 1970)

( 1996)

5( 2008)


(flexor digitorum superficialis) (flexor digitorum

profundus) (opponens pollicis) (abductor pollicis brevis)

(Hallback, et al., 1993)

(flexor pollicis longus) (flexor digitiminimibrevis) (parlmaris breris)

(opponens digitiminimi)


(Hallback & McMullin, 1993)

(Adams &

Perterson, 1988)

( )

( ) ( ) (



50% 60% (Mathiowetz, 1988)

( Static muscle force)(Kroemer,

1970) (Isometric strength)

(Maximum Volitional Contraction)

10 (

2008) 4 6

3 (Caldwell et al., 1974)

(Peak strength ) (Dempsey & Ayoub, 1994)




(Encoding the force levels)

(Maximum Volitional Contraction) (%MVC)

(the accuracy of grip strength reproduction)

0 ( 2008)

Kumar et al., (1994) Kumar & Simmonds (1994)

20%MVC 40%MVC 60%MVC


20%MVC 60% MVC 80%MVC (P

0.01) 40%MVC

Kumar, et al. (1997)

Kumar, et al. (1997) 40%MVC

Lowe (1995) 12

(Memory Load)

(2 4 ) 20%MVC

35%MVC 50%MVC 65%MVC (%MVC)



5 5

Lowe (1995) 4

30 4

20%MVC 50%MVC

20%MVC 65%MVC

0 (


Deeb (1999) 40

50 500g

(Rating of Perceived Exertion, RPE)


Wiktorin (1996) 14

1 5 11 15 30 kg (36cm×36cm


0.5 1.5 4.5 8.5


16.0kg - (size-weight illusion) (Luczak & Ge, 1989)

(Gamberale, 1990)


( )

Borg CR10 Borg CR10

20 20


20 29 22.1

172.3 cm 69.8 kg 21.9

164.3 cm 55.4 kg 2


(age) 22.10 2.51 (age) 21.95 2.32

(cm) 172.32 5.33 (cm) 164.37 4.26

(kg) 69.82 12.47 (kg) 55.44 8.97


Borg CR-10

6 TAKEI 5001 0

100 kg 0.5 kg ±2 kg

18 (±1.21) 60% RH(±3.31)

4 7



10 40 kg



Borg’s CR-10

Borg’s CR-10 3

0 ( ) 10 ( )


Borg’s CR-10 ( )

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5





90° 180°

90° 180°

90° 180° 8 9


Borg CR-10 2( ) 5( ) 7( ) 10( )

/ 90°/180°

90° 180° /

6.5 cm 7.5

cm 10.5 cm 10 11 10 kgf

Borg CR10 Borg RPE

90° 180° 90°



8 90°

9 180°


10 90°


( / ) ( / )

(90°/180°) 4 640 (2×2×2×4×20)

/ 20 CR-10

32 (2×2×2×4)


* =0.05

Sheffe’s Least-Significant difference test (LSD) CR-10


CR-10 CR-10

4 CR-10 2

(p 0.001) =0.05

CR-10 2 5 (10.54 kgf)

(7.80 kgf)( p 0.05)


CR-10 2


53793.06 1 53793.06 10845.37 0.00

1200.39 1 1200.39 241.81 0.00

17.72 1 17.72 3.57 0.06

3.53 1 3.53 0.71 0.40

* 7.55 1 7.55 1.52 0.22

* 0.24 1 0.24 0.05 0.83

* 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.98

* * 3.83 1 3.83 0.77 0.38

3137.43 632 4.96

58163.75 640


CR-10 2


10.54 2.48

15.54 0.00*

7..80 1.95


6 CR-10 5

(p 0.001) (p 0.001) 7

CR-10 5 (24.42 kgf)

(14.62 kgf) (p 0.05) 180° (20.17 kgf) 90°

(18.87 kgf)


CR-10 5


243886.79 1 243886.79 16716.02 0.00

15381.10 1 15381.10 1053.99 0.00

48.68 1 48.68 3.34 0.07

269.75 1 269.75 18.49 0.00

* 8.91 1 8.91 0.61 0.44

* 2.69 1 2.69 0.18 0.67

* 0.79 1 0.79 0.05 0.82

* * 22.69 1 22.69 1.56 0.21

9222.86 632 14.59

268844.25 640


CR-10 5


24.42 4.89

32.01 0.00*

14.62 2.46


180 20.17 6.38

-2.64 0.00*

90 18.87 6.06


8 CR-10 7

(p 0.001) 9

CR-10 7 (32.64 kgf) (19.57

kgf)( p 0.001) (26.67 kgf) (25.53 kgf) ( p 0.001)

90 (25.38 kgf) 180 (26.83 kgf)

( p 0.001)


CR-10 7


436157.12 1 436157.12 40800.48 0.00

27320.22 1 27320.22 2554.75 0.00

209.88 1 209.88 19.63 0.00

338.58 1 338.58 31.66 0.00

* 2.20 1 2.20 0.21 0.65

* 21.57 1 21.57 2.02 0.16

* 7.99 1 7.99 0.75 0.39

* * 4.64 1 4.64 0.43 0.51

6758.55 632 10.69

470820.75 640



CR-10 7


32.64 3.99

48.72 0.00*

19.57 2.65


180 26.83 7.51

-2.51 0.01*

90 25.38 7.16


26.68 7.31

1.97 0.04*

25.53 7.38

CR-10 10 10

( p 0.001) * *

( p 0.05)


CR-10 10


728190.23 1 728190.23 36982.74 0.00

42755.25 1 42755.25 2171.58 0.00

1488.40 1 1488.40 75.60 0.00

1425.04 1 1425.04 72.38 0.00

* 50.06 1 50.06 2.54 0.11

* 88.51 1 88.51 4.50 0.03

* 108.08 1 108.08 5.49 0.02

* * 2.26 1 2.26 0.12 0.74

12443.18 632 19.69

786551.00 640


11 CR-10 10 (41.90kgf)

(p 0.05) (25.56kgf) (35.26kgf)

(32.21kgf) 180 (35.22kgf) 90



CR-10 10


41.90 6.08

41.81 0.00*

25.56 3.45


180 32.24 9.87

-3.99 0.00*

90 35.22 9.01


35.26 9.82

4.09 0.00*

32.21 9.05

* * 12

CR-10 10 90 40.04(±5.49)

CR-10 10 180 43.77(±6.09) CR-10

10 90 24.44(±3.17) CR-10 10

180 26.68(±3.36)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60


90 180

12 CR-10 10

13 CR-10 10 90

31.13 (±8.71) 180 33.29 (±9.27)

90 33.35 (±9.18) 180 37.16 (±


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45


90 180

13 CR-10 10


14 CR-10

2 10.54 (±2.48) CR-10 5 24.42 (±4.89) CR-10

7 32.64 (±4.00) CR-10 10 41.90(±6.08)

CR-10 2 7.79 (±1.93) CR-10 5 14.63 (±

2.44) CR-10 7 19.57 (±2.65) CR-10 10 25.56 (±


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

2 5 7 10


14 &

12 13 ( / *90° /180° )

CR-10 Pearson

90 180 CR-10



CR-10 Pearson

90° 90°CR10 180° 180°CR10 90° 90°CR10 180° 180°CR10

90° - -0.09 0.97** -0.09 0.97** -0.11 0.96** -0.10

90°CR10 - -0.07 0.87** -0.06 0.76** -0.08 0.89**

180° - -0.08 0.95** -.070 0.95** -0.08

180°CR10 - -0.05 0.85** -0.08 0.83**

90° - -0.09 0.97** -0.07

90°CR10 - -0.09 0.79**

180° - -0.08

180°CR10 -


CR-10 Pearson

90° 90°CR10 180° 180°CR10 90° 90°CR10 180° 180°CR10

90° - 0.08 0.95** -0.01 0.93** 0.02 0.93** 0.05

90°CR10 - 0.06 0.64** 0.05 0.47** -0.00 0.59**

180° - 0.00 0.93** 0.02 0.96** 0.06

180°CR10 - 0.08 0.48** 0.04 0.45**

90° - 0.02 0.94** 0.05

90°CR10 - 0.02 0.59**

180° - 0.05

180°CR10 -



CR-10 (2 5 7 10)

14 17

4.45 (±

0.24) 2.70 (±0.17)

y=β0 + β1x + εi y β1

x y β1 x β0

y=β1 x+εi y x

CR-10 εi εi 0

2 15 16


2.0 5.0 7.0 10.0



2.0 5.0 7.0 10.0





1 3.25 0.99 0.00 1 2.53 0.98 0.00

2 3.96 0.99 0.00 2 2.23 0.99 0.00

3 5.02 0.99 0.00 3 2.54 0.98 0.00

4 3.86 0.97 0.00 4 2.52 0.99 0.00

5 4.11 0.99 0.00 5 3.11 0.98 0.00

6 4.68 0.99 0.00 6 2.45 0.95 0.00

7 3.77 0.96 0.00 7 2.27 0.95 0.00

8 4.01 0.98 0.00 8 2.67 0.99 0.00

9 4.38 0.99 0.00 9 2.36 0.94 0.00

10 4.26 0.98 0.00 10 2.24 0.99 0.00

11 4.79 0.96 0.00 11 2.62 0.98 0.00

12 4.62 0.99 0.00 12 2.34 0.98 0.00

13 3.25 0.99 0.00 13 3.01 0.99 0.00

14 5.03 0.99 0.00 14 2.41 0.97 0.00

15 4.72 0.98 0.00 15 2.16 0.99 0.00

16 3.93 0.98 0.00 16 2.54 0.99 0.00

17 4.03 0.99 0.00 17 2.81 0.99 0.00

18 3.91 0.99 0.00 18 2.46 0.98 0.00

19 4.05 0.99 0.00 19 2.07 0.98 0.00

20 4.07 0.99 0.00 20 2.70 0.99 0.00

4.19 - - 2.50 - -

0.51 - - 0.27 - -





1 3.41 0.99 0.00 1 2.75 0.97 0.00

2 4.25 0.99 0.00 2 2.47 0.98 0.00

3 4.94 0.99 0.00 3 2.52 0.97 0.00

4 4.15 0.97 0.00 4 2.64 0.99 0.00

5 4.11 0.97 0.00 5 3.38 0.98 0.00

6 5.08 0.99 0.00 6 2.64 0.97 0.00

7 4.04 0.97 0.00 7 3.21 0.99 0.00

8 4.24 0.99 0.00 8 2.62 0.99 0.00

9 4.20 0.98 0.00 9 2.48 0.96 0.00

10 4.63 0.98 0.00 10 2.55 0.99 0.00

11 5.70 0.97 0.00 11 2.74 0.98 0.00

12 4.74 0.99 0.00 12 2.35 0.99 0.00

13 3.64 0.99 0.00 13 2.77 0.99 0.00

14 5.23 0.99 0.00 14 2.51 0.98 0.00

15 4.82 0.99 0.00 15 2.58 0.99 0.00

16 4.34 0.99 0.00 16 2.62 0.99 0.00

17 3.99 0.99 0.00 17 2.86 0.99 0.00

18 4.48 0.99 0.00 18 2.75 0.97 0.00

19 4.64 0.99 0.00 19 2.62 0.99 0.00

20 4.21 0.99 0.00 20 2.79 0.99 0.00

4.44 - - 2.69 - -

0.54 - - 0.24 - -


16 90°


1 3.94 0.99 0.00 1 2.81 0.98 0.00

2 3.90 0.98 0.00 2 2.62 0.98 0.00

3 4.76 0.98 0.00 3 2.61 0.98 0.00

4 4.28 0.99 0.00 4 2.66 0.99 0.00

5 4.16 0.99 0.00 5 3.59 0.98 0.00

6 4.99 0.99 0.00 6 2.68 0.98 0.00

7 4.12 0.97 0.00 7 2.56 0.97 0.00

8 4.51 0.99 0.00 8 2.88 0.99 0.00

9 4.42 0.99 0.00 9 2.47 0.98 0.00

10 4.51 0.99 0.00 10 2.44 0.98 0.00

11 4.91 0.96 0.00 11 2.63 0.98 0.00

12 4.83 0.99 0.00 12 2.68 0.98 0.00

13 3.09 0.99 0.00 13 3.11 0.99 0.00

14 5.54 0.99 0.00 14 2.46 0.98 0.00

15 4.49 0.99 0.00 15 2.23 0.99 0.00

16 4.62 0.99 0.00 16 2.94 0.99 0.00

17 3.73 0.99 0.00 17 2.24 0.99 0.00

18 4.11 0.99 0.00 18 2.79 0.98 0.00

19 4.26 0.99 0.00 19 2.84 0.99 0.00

20 4.41 0.99 0.00 20 2.81 0.98 0.00

4.38 - - 2.70 - -

0.52 - - 0.30 - -


17 180°


1 4.67 0.98 0.00 1 2.78 0.97 0.00

2 4.16 0.97 0.00 2 2.74 0.99 0.00

3 5.02 0.98 0.00 3 2.62 0.98 0.00

4 4.54 0.96 0.00 4 2.90 0.98 0.00

5 4.09 0.99 0.00 5 3.96 0.99 0.00

6 5.24 0.99 0.00 6 2.99 0.99 0.00

7 4.31 0.99 0.00 7 3.20 0.99 0.00

8 4.77 0.99 0.00 8 3.11 0.99 0.00

9 5.10 0.99 0.00 9 2.85 0.97 0.00

10 5.18 0.99 0.00 10 2.73 0.99 0.00

11 5.19 0.98 0.00 11 2.97 0.99 0.00

12 4.98 0.99 0.00 12 2.49 0.99 0.00

13 3.92 0.99 0.00 13 3.00 0.99 0.00

14 5.97 0.99 0.00 14 2.66 0.97 0.00

15 4.88 0.99 0.00 15 2.69 0.99 0.00

16 5.14 0.99 0.00 16 3.00 0.99 0.00

17 3.99 0.99 0.00 17 2.53 0.99 0.00

18 4.71 0.99 0.00 18 2.99 0.99 0.00

19 5.06 0.99 0.00 19 2.92 0.99 0.00

20 4.43 0.99 0.00 20 3.25 0.99 0.00

4.77 - - 2.92 - -

0.51 - - 0.32 - -


LSD / 18

/ t 90

13.16 180 13.12 90 12.42

180 13.64



90 4.19 0.51

13.16 0.00

2.50 0.27

180 4.44 0.54

13.12 0.00

2.69 0.24

90 4.38 0.52

12.42 0.00

2.70 0.30

180 4.77 0.51

13.64 0.00

2.92 0.32


10 kgf CR-10

10 kgf y=β1 x

y 10 kgf x CR-10 β1

y 10 kgf y=β1 x x=y/β1 β1

CR-10 19





1 4.0 3.08 0.92 1 5.0 3.96 1.04

2 6.0 2.53 3.47 2 8.0 4.48 3.52

3 4.0 1.99 2.01 3 8.0 3.93 4.07

4 5.0 2.59 2.41 4 6.0 3.98 2.02

5 5.0 2.43 2.57 5 9.0 3.21 5.79

6 3.0 2.14 0.86 6 7.0 4.08 2.92

7 4.0 2.66 1.34 7 5.0 4.40 0.60

8 3.0 2.50 0.51 8 7.0 3.75 3.25

9 5.0 2.29 2.71 9 8.0 4.23 3.77

10 6.0 2.35 3.65 10 7.0 4.46 2.54

11 2.0 2.09 -0.09 11 9.0 3.82 5.19

12 7.0 2.17 4.83 12 8.0 4.28 3.72

13 7.0 3.08 3.92 13 4.0 3.32 0.68

14 3.0 1.99 1.01 14 6.0 4.15 1.85

15 2.0 2.12 -0.12 15 5.0 4.62 0.38

16 0.5 2.55 -2.05 16 3.0 3.93 -0.93

17 2.0 2.48 -0.48 17 7.0 3.56 3.44

18 4.0 2.56 1.44 18 7.0 4.07 2.93

19 4.0 2.47 1.53 19 7.0 4.82 2.18

20 2.0 2.46 -0.46 20 3.0 3.70 -0.70

3.93 2.43 1.50 6.45 4.04 2.41

1.78 0.30 1.73 1.79 0.42 1.82




1 4.0 2.93 1.07 1 5.0 3.63 1.37

2 5.0 2.36 2.64 2 7.0 4.06 2.95

3 3.0 2.03 0.98 3 9.0 3.97 5.03

4 4.0 2.41 1.59 4 5.0 3.79 1.21

5 8.0 2.43 5.57 5 10.0 2.96 7.04

6 3.0 1.97 1.03 6 3.0 3.80 -0.80

7 4.0 2.47 1.53 7 6.0 3.12 2.88

8 2.0 2.36 -0.36 8 7.0 3.81 3.19

9 5.0 2.38 2.62 9 8.0 4.04 3.96

10 7.0 2.16 4.84 10 7.0 3.92 3.08

11 2.0 1.75 0.25 11 8.0 3.65 4.35

12 5.0 2.11 2.89 12 7.0 4.26 2.74

13 5.0 2.75 2.25 13 6.0 3.61 2.39

14 3.0 1.91 1.09 14 7.0 3.99 3.01

15 2.0 2.07 -0.07 15 7.0 3.87 3.13

16 0.5 2.31 -1.81 16 3.0 3.81 -0.81

17 4.0 2.51 1.50 17 5.0 3.49 1.51

18 4.0 2.23 1.77 18 7.0 3.64 3.36

19 4.0 2.18 1.84 19 5.0 3.81 1.19

20 2.0 2.38 -0.38 20 6.0 3.59 2.41

3.83 2.29 1.54 6.40 3.74 2.66

1.77 0.28 1.71 1.76 0.31 1.81


21 90°

1 4.0 2.55 1.45 1 5.0 3.56 1.44

2 4.0 2.56 1.44 2 7.0 3.82 3.18

3 4.0 2.10 1.90 3 7.0 3.83 3.17

4 4.0 2.34 1.66 4 5.0 3.76 1.24

5 7.0 2.40 4.60 5 7.0 2.79 4.21

6 3.0 2.00 0.99 6 5.0 3.73 1.27

7 3.0 2.43 0.57 7 5.0 3.91 1.10

8 2.0 2.22 -0.22 8 8.0 3.47 4.53

9 4.0 2.26 1.74 9 7.0 4.06 2.94

10 7.0 2.22 4.78 10 3.0 4.11 -1.11

11 2.0 2.04 -0.04 11 6.0 3.80 2.20

12 5.0 2.07 2.93 12 7.0 3.73 3.27

13 5.0 3.24 1.76 13 5.0 3.22 1.78

14 2.0 1.81 0.20 14 5.0 4.06 0.94

15 2.0 2.23 -0.23 15 5.0 4.49 0.51

16 2.0 2.17 -0.17 16 4.0 3.40 0.60

17 3.0 2.68 0.32 17 3.0 4.46 -1.46

18 3.0 2.44 0.57 18 5.0 3.58 1.42

19 2.0 2.35 -0.35 19 4.0 3.52 0.48

20 2.0 2.27 -0.27 20 5.0 3.56 1.44

3.50 2.32 1.18 5.40 3.74 1.66

1.57 0.30 1.51 1.39 0.40 1.56


22 180°

1 3.0 2.14 0.86 1 6.0 3.60 2.40

2 4.0 2.40 1.60 2 7.0 3.68 3.35

3 4.0 1.99 2.01 3 8.0 3.82 4.19

4 3.0 2.20 0.80 4 5.0 3.45 1.55

5 6.0 2.45 3.55 5 7.0 2.53 4.48

6 2.0 1.91 0.09 6 5.0 3.34 1.66

7 3.0 2.32 0.68 7 7.0 3.13 3.87

8 2.0 2.10 -0.10 8 7.0 3.21 3.79

9 4.0 1.96 2.04 9 7.0 3.51 3.49

10 5.0 1.93 3.07 10 3.0 3.66 -0.66

11 1.0 1.93 -0.93 11 9.0 3.37 5.63

12 7.0 2.01 4.99 12 8.0 4.02 3.98

13 5.0 2.55 2.45 13 4.0 3.33 0.67

14 2.0 1.67 0.33 14 4.0 3.76 0.24

15 2.0 2.05 -0.05 15 5.0 3.72 1.28

16 1.0 1.94 -0.94 16 4.0 3.33 0.67

17 3.0 2.52 0.48 17 7.0 3.95 3.05

18 3.0 2.12 0.88 18 3.0 3.35 -0.35

19 2.0 1.98 0.02 19 2.0 3.43 -1.43

20 2.0 2.26 -0.26 20 5.0 3.08 1.92

3.20 2.12 1.08 5.65 3.46 2.19

1.61 0.23 1.54 1.93 0.34 1.94



3.61 2.29 t 7.37 0.00

CR-10 CR-10

24 5.98 3.75 t 11.14

0.00 CR-10



CR10 3.61 1.68

7.37 0.00*

CR10 2.29 0.30



CR10 5.98 1.76

11.14 0.00*

CR10 3.75 0.41

40 CR-10 CR-10 25

CR-10 4.79 3.02

t 12.81 (p 0.01)


25 40


CR10 4.79 2.08

12.81 0.01*

CR10 3.02 0.81


/ / 90 /180

26 CR-10 1.33(±1.60) 2.23(±1.79)

t -3.36 (p 0.001)




1.33 1.60

-3.36 0.00*

2.23 1.79

y 10 kgf (y=β1 x) CR-10

27 y 5 7 10 15 20kgf (y=β1 x)

7 kgf 10 kgf

10 kgf 15 kgf

27 CR-10

5 1.12 1.85

7 1.57 2.60

10 2.25 3.70

15 3.37 5.56

20 4.49 7.41



Borg CR-10

CR-10 2 CR-10 5

CR-10 7

CR-10 10

* *

CR-10 CR-10

p 0.001 CR-10 CR-10

(p 0.001) (p

0.001) CR-10

(p 0.001)

CR-10 CR-10

CR-10 CR-10



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Borg CR-10




6 《中論·觀因緣品》,《佛藏要籍選刊》第 9 冊,上海古籍出版社 1994 年版,第 1

In addition, to incorporate the prior knowledge into design process, we generalise the Q(Γ (k) ) criterion and propose a new criterion exploiting prior information about

Measuring friendship quality in late adolescents and young adults: McGill friendship questionnaires. McGill friendship questionnaire(MFQ- FF) and

◦ Disallow tasks in the production prio rity band to preempt one another.... Jobs

In developing LIBSVM, we found that many users have zero machine learning knowledge.. It is unbelievable that many asked what the difference between training and

Eliciting young children’s perceptions of play, work and learning using the activity apperception story procedure.. Work and play in

(1) The study used Four-Firm Concentration Ratio (CR 4 )and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index(HHI) as the index to measure the concentration of the market .(2)The model of SWOT,4P and

握持是手部最主要的功能之一,握力的量測能夠評量手部能力的操作能力。 Borg 的