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中文關鍵字 病人安全文化;病人安全;病人安全文化量表


Academic year: 2021

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• 系統編號 RG9802-0310

• 計畫中文名

稱 國內跨院際病人安全文化調查--醫院病人安全文化量表之發展與應用

• 計畫英文名

稱 --

• 主管機關 行政院衛生署 • 計畫編號 DOH97-TD-M-113-96002

• 執行機構 台北醫學大學醫務管理學研究所

• 本期期間 9703 ~ 9802

• 報告頁數 208 頁 • 使用語言 中文

• 研究人員 郭乃文;邱弘毅;王拔群;王佳惠;石崇良;徐鉦權 Kuo, Nai-Wen;Chiou, Hung-Yi;Wang, Pa-Chun;Wang, Chia-Hui;;

• 中文關鍵字 病人安全文化;病人安全;病人安全文化量表;;;;;

• 英文關鍵字 Patient safety culture;Patient safety;Patient safety culture scale;;;;;

• 中文摘要

防範醫療不良事件以保障病人安全一直是醫療界最重視的議題之一;近年來,國內醫療衛生界對於病人安全之提昇有諸多之作為,包括病人安全通報系統之建置、運用資訊系統以提昇病人安 全等;但似乎較少學者提及有關「病人安全文化」相關之議題。本計畫之目標在於希望以二年之期程建構評估醫療機構病人安全文化之系統性方法,以提昇醫療機構之病人安全;首先,本計 畫建構「醫療機構病人安全組織文化評估量表」,以期藉由此量表偵測出醫療機構潛在之病人安全文化問題及待改善之面向,以期能進一步提昇我國醫療機構之病人安全作業環境。第二年參 與測試之醫院達 46 家,在醫院評鑑等級上包含醫學中心、區域醫院、地區醫院與精神專科四類;在醫院權屬別上橫跨財團法人醫院、公辦民(公)營醫院、署立醫院、榮民醫院、市(縣)立醫院、

軍方醫院與私立醫院等七大類;在地理分布上包括北、中、南、東等四大區域,有效問卷達 7,564 份。本研究顯示「醫療機構病人安全組織文化評估量表」之信效度良好,可供我國各醫療機 構使用。在完成本研究第二年之計畫後,所收集之各醫院資料應更具代表性。研究顯示我國醫院在病人安全文化各構面中「非懲罰性通報系統」之建立上及「人員配置」上有待加強,建議政 府應協助醫院、協助促進醫院病人安全文化之提升。

• 英文摘要

To prevent medical errors and promote patient safety is a critical issue concerned in Taiwan health care industry. In recent years, Taiwan had implemented many strategies to promote patient safety, including establishment of patient safety reporting system, application of information technology on patient safety (RFID), etc. However, seldom studies have focused on patient safety culture. The major purpose of this study was to develop a patient safety culture scale (Chinese edition of the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaires) within the two-year period. This scale s expected to be applied on Taiwanese hospitals so that they can detect their potential patient safety problem in advance and promote patient safety environments. In the second year project, 7,564 valid questionnaires were collected among 46 hospitals. The sample hospitals selected well-represent different hospital accreditation levels, ownership, and geographic areas in Taiwan. Results showed that validity and


reliability of the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaires Chinese edition are good. After implementing the second year study, we believe that the generalizability of the study results will be improved. Results also showed that among 10 dimensions of patient safety culture, “Nonpunitive response to error” and “Staffing” are to be improved. It is suggested that government should assist Taiwanese hospitals to promote patient safety culture, especially for the above two dimensions.



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