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This Research is Based on the Interest and the Applied Problem Solving Skill of Adopting Multimedia Teaching Web System 江鈞正、晁瑞明


Academic year: 2022

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This Research is Based on the Interest and the Applied Problem Solving Skill of Adopting Multimedia Teaching Web System


E-mail: 9314331@mail.dyu.edu.tw


 This research is on the problem-solving ideas and skills that the fifth grade primary students need in applied mathematic question.

By using the multimedia teaching web system in flash, the result shows that it can reinforce the problem-solving skills. We can know that the changes in student’s interest and problem-solving ability before the multimedia teaching web system are conduct.  

 This research takes place among the fifth graders of jin xio primary school. First, random sampling the six classes and divide them into two groups, three classes at each. To execute the experimental teaching, one group is set as experiment group, and the other is the control group.   The main results of this research are as following: 1.After experience two ways of teaching, both the

multimedia teaching web system and traditional teaching style, the students ‘performances are comparative high. 2.After adopting the multimedia teaching web system, the result shows those girls perform better than boys on pre-test but no difference on the after-test. Thee result also shows that after practice, boy performance better then girls. 3.After adopting the traditional teaching style, the result shows the girls perform better in pre-test. When comparing the result in after-test, there is no difference in between. The result also shows that after practicing the traditional teaching style, the boys show better performance than girls do. 4.Among the students who practice the multimedia teaching web system, many of them have computer in their residence. However, those who had practice the similar systems or cai system are few. 5.The students have higher appraises on using multimedia teaching web system to learn math than the traditional teaching style. 6.The result of this experiment shows that in using the multimedia teaching web system the students gain higher satisfaction on the operation surface. Learning motive, needs, and effectiveness. 7.Comparing the multimedia teaching web system to the traditional teaching style, more girls feel that “ using computer to learn applied questions is much more understandable than learning from the black board. “ in the other matters, boys and girls all feel that multimedia teaching method is much more interesting, understandable than traditional teaching style. 8.Form the result, we learn that there is no difference between the boys and girls’ satisfaction of using multimedia teaching web system.   From the discussion above, we learn that the research in multimedia teaching web system can effectively upraise the students’ interest and ability on applied problem-solving. Finally, in regards to the limit and deficiency that bring to discussion in this research, the suggestions provide are for future reference.

Keywords : MCAI ; mathematical problem solving ; problem solving processes Table of Contents

目 錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 國家圖書館授權書...iii 國科會授權書...iv 中文摘 要...v 英文摘要...vii 誌謝...ix 目 錄...x 圖目錄...xiii 表目錄...xvi 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景...01 1.2 研究動機...02 1.3 研究目

的...04 1.4 研究架構與流程...04 1.5 研究範圍與限

制...07 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 多媒體概述...08 2.2 多媒體電腦輔助教 學...12 2.3 數學應用問題的理論...20 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究對

象...53 3.2 實驗架構...55 3.3 研究工具...55 3.4 資料分析...65 第四章 系統模組設計 4.1 功能需求分析...67 4.2 系統 架構...68 4.3 系統設計...70 4.4 系統運作流

程...71 4.5 系統功能介紹...71 第五章 結果與討論 5.1 不同教學法的學生 在應用問題前後測成績上的差異分析...81 5.2 實驗組男女生,在應用問題前後測成績上的差異分析...83 5.3 控制組 男女生,在應用問題前後測成績上的差異分析...86 5.4 學生問卷填答狀況分析基本資料分析...88 5.5 學生 問卷填答狀況分析---線上多媒體教學系統與傳統教學法的差 異分析...91 5.6 學生問卷填答狀況 分析----線上多媒體教學系統滿意度分析...94 5.7 男女生對線上多媒體教學法與傳統教學法的看法差異分析...104 5.8 男 女生,對線上多媒體教學系統的滿意度差異分析...106 第六章 結論與建議 6.1 研究發現與討

論...109 6.2 檢討與建議...112 參考文獻...114


附錄一 問卷調查表...121 圖目錄 圖1.1 研究流程...06 圖2.1 人類對訊息的處 理歷程...22 圖2.2 數學問題的解題歷程...31 圖2.3 數學應用題理解歷程模

式...40 圖2.4 高數學解題能力者的知識結構圖...47 圖2.5 低數學解題能力者的知識結構 圖...48 圖3.1 實驗架構...55 圖4.1 系統架構圖...69 圖4.2 系統 設計流程圖...70 圖4.3 系統運作流程圖...71 圖4.4 系統登入畫

面...72 圖4.5 管理者畫面...73 圖4.6 系統主畫面-1...74 圖4.7 系統主畫面-2...74 圖4.8 量詞複習...75 圖4.9 量詞提

示...76 圖4.10 題意分析...77 圖4.11 加法直式運算畫 面...78 圖4.12 減法直式運算畫面...78 圖4.13 乘法直式運算畫 面...79 圖4.14 除法直式運算畫面...79 圖4.15 答錯提醒文

字...80 圖4.16 答對獎勵畫面...80 圖5.1.1 實驗組前後測平均數 圖...82 圖5.1.2 控制組前後測平均數圖...83 圖5.2.1 實驗組前測平均數 圖...85 圖5.2.2 實驗組後測平均數圖...85 圖5.3.1 控制組前測平均數 圖...87 圖5.3.2 控制組後測平均數圖...88 圖5.4.1 家裡是否有電

腦...89 圖5.4.2 是否曾用別種電腦系統來學習數學...90 圖5.4.3 是否曾使用電腦來學習數學 以外其他科目...90 圖5.5.1 用電腦來學習應用問題比黑板教學有趣...92 圖5.5.2 用電腦來學習應用問題比黑 板教學更容易讓人了解題目的意 思...92 圖5.5.3 用電腦學習應用問題比黑板教學更容易讓人學 會...93 圖5.5.4 用電腦可以協助我比黑板教學更快獲得所要學習的知識...93 圖5.5.5 使用電腦比用黑板教學更能增進我 的學習效率...94 圖5.6.1 我認為這套系統的版面呈現是簡潔、美觀的...97 圖5.6.2 我認為用這套系統來學習應用 問題很有趣...97 圖5.6.3 我認為這套系統的操作介面是簡單方便的...98 圖5.6.4 我對這套系統的介面覺得滿 意...98 圖5.6.5 我認為這套系統所提供的功能是完整的...99 圖5.6.6 我認為這套系統能幫助我學習應 用問題...99 圖5.6.7 我樂於使用這套系統學習應用問題...100 圖5.6.8 用這套系統來學習,不會讓我感到 緊張...100 圖5.6.9 我認為這套系統的內容符合我的學習需要...101 圖5.6.10 我認為使用這套系統,可以改 善我的學習成績及表現...101 圖5.6.11 我認為使用這套系統可以讓我的學習變得更輕鬆容易...102 圖5.6.12 我認為使用這 套系統,讓我很有成就感...102 圖5.6.13 用本系統在家裡自學應用問題,可用來輔助老師的教學....103 圖5.6.14 我 希望繼續擴增此系統,包含更多應用題題型與單元...103


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