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A Study of Consumers' Behavior and Channel Selection—An Example of Importing Coffee Beans 陳志順、李城忠


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Consumers' Behavior and Channel Selection—An Example of Importing Coffee Beans


E-mail: 9607703@mail.dyu.edu.tw


According to the statistics of International Coffee Organization, the global coffee bean consumption is 7,376,000 tons. Taiwan’s coffee bean consumption increased from 29,451 tons in 2003 to 35,135 tons in 2004. It grows up around 19.29%. The previous studies related with coffee are mainly on those of Canned-Coffee or Coffee Chain Store. But, this research focused on direct purchasing behavior of coffee beans consumption and the relationship between it and the channel selection. The 660 researching questionnaires are mailed and the valid samples were 252 copies. The valid response rate is 38.2%, which studied the relationship and difference on the characteristics of the consumer/channel, decision of consumer and channel selec-tion. The data were analyzed by Descriptive statistic, One-way Anova Analysis , crosstabs analysis and Correlation analysis. The result and findings are

summarized as follows: 1.The findings present a positive relationship between the characteristics of the con-sumer or channel and the consumer’s decision. 2.The sources of information and purchasing place present a positive relationship. 3.As for the consumer of selecting different channel, there is significant difference between their consuming characteristics and channel characteristics. 4.In conclusion, there is no significant difference of consuming characteristics be-tween choosing the solid store or the virtual store.

Therefore, the solid store is sug-gested to sell more famous brand coffee beans. On the other hand, the virtual store can sell more inexpensive brand coffee beans.

Keywords : characteristic of consumer ; characteristic of channel ; consumer decision ; channel selection Table of Contents

中文摘要 ................... iii 英文摘要 ................... iv 誌謝 辭  ................... vi 內容目錄 ................... vii 表目錄   ................... ix 圖目錄  ................... xi 第一章  緒 論................. 1 第一節  研究背景............... 1 第二節  研究動機

............... 2 第三節  研究目的............... 3 第四節  研究問題...

............ 4 第五節  研究範圍及限制............ 5 第六節  研究流程......

......... 6 第二章  文獻探討............... 7 第一節  消費者特性........

...... 7 第二節  通路特性............... 13 第三節  消費者決策類型........

.... 21 第四節  進口咖啡豆.............. 25 第三章  研究設計及方法..........

.. 38 第一節  研究架構............... 38 第二節  研究變項之操作型定義.........

39 第三節  研究假說............... 40 第四節  研究對象與取樣方式.......... 41 第 五節  研究工具............... 41 第六節  資料分析方法............. 43 第四章   資料分析............... 45 第一節  問卷基本資料分析........... 45 第二節   問卷信度與效度分析.......... 55 第三節  消費者特性、通路特性、消費者決策之關聯 性分析.....

........... 59 第四節  人口統計變數與通路選擇關聯性分析... 65 第五節  消費者通路選擇差異性 分析....... 68 第六節  研究假說驗證............. 72 第五章  結論及建議.......

....... 74 參考文獻.................... 78 附錄-問卷..............


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