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The Study on the Impact of Non-Financial Credit Rating Factors on Financing of Small and Medium Business 陳柏、陳美玲


Academic year: 2022

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The Study on the Impact of Non-Financial Credit Rating Factors on Financing of Small and Medium Business


E-mail: 9509895@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The study Issues such as how best to lower small and medium businesses’ asymmetrical financial information disclosure, the bank credit personnel’s objectivity and the bank’s transaction costs in offering small and medium business loans bears a close-knit correlation in how small and medium businesses are able to secure bank loans. In search of establishing an objective, how best to establish a dependable, tangible judgment model in offering secure small and medium business loans has emerged as a crucial factor.

The study utilizing the Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN) as the creditworthiness evaluation mode for analyzing the banks’

small and medium business lending model needs to take into account non-financial credit rating factors more than the variables coming from the Syndicated Credit Check Center, but also the need to incorporate variables related to a small and medium business borrower’s company management that bears a close correlation to the differences in company creditworthiness. A cross reference on the factual validation data between normal borrower accounts and overdue accounts reveals that the number of a company’s overall short- and mid-term loans with financial institutions, variables such as the number of inquiries made on a company, the amount of loans taken out by the principle owner (including the line of credit on the cash advancement cards), the number of inquiries made on the principle owner, number of credit cards to which you owe credit-card debt , the establishment and operation of the company, the age of the principle owner, appraised value of real estate of the principal owner, number of national and international certifications(including ISO), the collaterals (including backup repayment guarantee checks), ratio of loans, No. of employees, number of vested shareholders at the firm are twelve(12) critical evaluation factors in small and medium business loan account’s creditworthiness evaluation model. Upon analyzing the foresaid factors through Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN) model, the factual classifications of the accurate forecast ability of the normal loan accounts and that of the overdue accounts have derived with an erroneous evaluation ratios of zero. Therefore, the variables the study has derived can be adopted as the objective premises in the bank’s reviewing small and medium business loan application’s combined creditworthiness, and to render whether a loan application would be approved or turned down otherwise.

Keywords : Small and Medium Businesses ; Back-Propagation Neural Network ; Non-Financial Credit Rating Factors Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 vii 誌謝 ix 目錄 xi 圖目錄 . xiii 表目錄 xiv 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 6 1.3 論文流程 架構 7 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 中小企業之定義 9 2.2 新巴塞爾協定 11 2.2.1 實施計畫及時程 12 2.2.2 與中小企業授信之關 聯 16 2.3 銀行授信實務之相關文獻 20 2.4 信評模型之相關文獻 22 2.5 信評因素之相關文獻 27 2.6 類神經網路與信評之相關 文獻 28 第三章 研究方法 3.1研究架構 31 3.2資料來源及選取 32 3.3交叉分析法 33 3.4倒傳遞類神經網路 47 第四章 實證分析 4.1倒傳遞類神經網路數據分析 56 4.2倒傳遞類神經網路測試與驗證 60 第五章 結論與建議 5.1研究結論 67 5.2研究限制 68 5.3研究建議 69 5.4未來研究方向 70 參考文獻 71 附錄1 2003年至2004年企業家數及銷售額規模別行業概況 78 附錄2製造業 營運或投資所需資金來源 79 附錄3製造業資金取得困難原因 79 附錄4對於有無必要加速金融整併之分析 80 附錄5 2004年底 對中小企業放款餘額前十大銀行 80 附錄6某中小企業專業銀行授信企業信用評等表 81 附錄7某民營金控中小企業信用評分 表 85 附錄8某信用保證基金保證案件檢核表 86 附錄9中小企業資料分析表 90 圖目錄 圖 1.1 論文流程 8 圖 2.1 新資本協定架 構 14 圖 3.1 研究架構 31 圖 3.2 倒傳遞類神經網路結構圖 51 圖 3.3 生物神經元 54 圖 3.4 以人工神經元模擬生物神經元 55 圖 4.1 收斂過程圖 63 表目錄 表2.1 世界各主要國家實施新巴塞爾協定計劃及時程 15 表3.1 交叉分析計算架構表 35 表3.2 因 素1.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 36 表3.3 因素2.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 37 表3.4 因素3.與正常放款、

逾期放款之交叉分析表 38 表3.5 因素4.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 39 表3.6 因素5.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉 分析表 40 表3.7 因素6.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 41 表3.8 因素7.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 42 表3.9 因素8.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 43 表3.10 因素9.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 44 表3.11 因素10.與正常 放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 45 表3.12 因素11.與正常放款、逾期放款之交叉分析表 46 表3.13 因素12.與正常放款、逾期 放款之交叉分析表 47 表4.1 輸出結果檔 61 表4.2 收斂迭代值 62 表4.3 混亂矩陣值 64 表4.4 反尺度及誤判率 65 表4.5 未知資 料輸出結果值 66



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