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Family reading environment, reading attitudes and reading behaviors of students in elementary school 劉怡慧、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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Family reading environment, reading attitudes and reading behaviors of students in elementary school


E-mail: 325846@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate elementary school students’ family reading environment, reading attitudes and reading behaviors, (2) to analyze the differences as well as the correlation of family reading environment, reading attitudes, reading behaviors of students with diverse backgrounds, (3) to predict elementary school students’ reading behaviors based on their family reading environments and reading attitudes. Questionnaires were issued to grade three, four and five students at public elementary schools in Yunlin County. The participants were selected through stratified random sampling method and the collected data was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation, one-way ANOVA and multiple regressions. Major findings of this study were as follows. 1. Elementary school students have good family reading environment, reading attitudes and reading behaviors. 2. Gender, family condition and parents who hold different attitudes towards students’ academic performance have better family reading environment, reading attitudes and reading behaviors. 3. 4th grade students have better reading attitudes than 5th grade students. 4. 4th and 5th grade students have better reading behaviors than 6th grade students. 5. Family reading

environment and reading attitudes have significant correlations with students’ reading behaviors. 6. Family reading environment and reading attitudes can predict reading behaviors. Based on our findings, some related suggestions provided for parents and teachers as well as the future researchers in the relative field.

Keywords : Elementary School Students、Family Reading Environment、Reading Table of Contents

第一章 緒論………1 第一節 研究動機………1 第二節 研究目的……

………9 第三節 研究問題與假設………10 第四節 名詞釋義………

…………11 第五節 研究範圍與限制………12 第二章 文獻探討………14 第一節 家庭閱讀環境之概念及相關研究…………14 第二節 閱讀態度之概念及相關研究………29 第三節 閱讀行為之概念及 相關研究………38 第三章 研究方法………47 第一節 研究架構………

……47 第二節 研究對象………49 第三節 研究工具………54 第四節 研 究步驟………63 第五節 統計方法與資料處理………64 第四章 結果與討論…………

………66 第一節 國小學童家庭閱讀環境、閱讀態度與閱讀 行為之現況………66 第二 節 不同背景變項之國小學童家庭閱讀環境、閱讀態度與閱讀行為之差異分析……72 第三節 國小學童家庭閱讀環境、閱讀 態度與閱讀行為之相關分析………98 第四節 國小學童家庭閱讀環境、閱讀態度對其閱讀行為的預測分 析………105 第五章 結論與建議………112 第一節 結論………

………112 第二節 建議………116 12 參考文獻………

………122 附錄A 正式問卷………150 REFERENCES

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For example, the teacher librarians teach students reading strategies while English and Chinese language subject teachers provide reading materials for students to

Through arranging various reading activities such as online reading, book recommendation and extended reading materials, schools help students connect reading to

 Encourage students to ‘retell’ the water cycle afterwards – speaking and writing (individual and/or group work)... In nature, water keeps changing between liquid water and

Planning and using digital multimodal texts to facilitate KS2 students’ reading skills development and enrich their reading experiences?.

Literature Strategically into English Learning Inside and Outside the

Students are provided with opportunities to learn and develop the skills, strategies and confidence needed to participate in Guided and Independent Reading as well as the

I can’t get to sleep.’ The gecko said, ‘I thought you are going to tell the fireflies (Open and close his hands) to stop flashing their lights.’ And the Chief told the gecko

Making use of the Learning Progression Framework (LPF) for Reading in the design of post- reading activities to help students develop reading skills and strategies that support their