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The Research of Life Adjustment and Cross-Cultural Communication on Employee Work Attitudes of Foreign Workers with Cha 李宜玲、莊銘國


Academic year: 2022

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The Research of Life Adjustment and Cross-Cultural Communication on Employee Work Attitudes of Foreign Workers with Cha


E-mail: 9806326@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The research to probe the relation that life adjustment and cross-cultural communication on emmployee work attitudes of foreign workers. In the form of posting the questionnaire. The foreign worker’s managers write it. 327 copies are completed and returned from1 450 questionnairs intotal sent out. Through the quoting of the document and regression analysis, the empirical findings of the present study are as the following:

1.Life adjustment has a positive significant influence on emmployee work attitudes.

2.Cross-cultural communication has a significant influence on emmployee work attitudes.

3.The traditional manufacturing industry of foreign worker’s managers have different sex, age, education and manage different foreign worker’s nationality with life adjustment, cross-cultural communication and emmployee work attitudes have not differences.

4.The traditional manufacturing industry of foreign worker’s managers have different marriage, position and years of job with life adjustment ,cross-cultural communi- cation and emmployee work attitudes have differences.

5.According to the study result, this current study makes some suggestiongs to provide as the reference for the industry employs foreign workers and follow-up researcher.

Keywords : foreign workers、life adjustment、cross-cultural communication、employee work attitudes Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ..................... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................... xi 第一章  緒論................... 1 第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1 第二節  研究目的............... 4 第三節  研究範圍............... 4 第四節  研究流程............... 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 7   第一節  外籍勞工............... 7   第二節  生活適應............... 15   第三節  跨文化溝通.............. 20   第四節  工作態度............... 26

  第五節  生活適應、跨文化溝通與工作態度對人口統計變項相關文獻............ 29   第六節  外籍勞工之相關研究.......... 30

第三章  研究設計與研究方法............ 36   第一節  研究架構與研究假說.......... 36   第二節  變數操作性定義與衡量......... 37   第三節  研究樣本............... 43   第四節  資料分析方法............. 43 第四章  研究結果與分析.............. 47   第一節  樣本資料基本分析........... 47


  第二節  項目分析結果............. 49   第三節  效度分析結果............. 52   第四節  信度分析結果............. 58   第五節  研究變項描述性統計分析結果...... 59   第六節  人口統計變項差異分析結果....... 61   第七節  相關分析結果............. 71   第八節  各研究變項多元迴歸分析結果...... 73 第五章  結論與建議................ 76   第一節  研究結論............... 76   第二節  研究建議分析結果........... 78 參考文獻 ..................... 82 附錄A  初試問卷................. 97 附錄B  正式問卷................. 101


表 1- 1 外籍勞工在台人數統計表............ 2 表 1- 2 2008年臺閩地區外籍勞工人數按地區及國籍分... 5 表 2- 1 2008年臺閩地區外籍勞工人數按行業及國籍分... 10 表 2- 2 外籍勞工之特性................ 13 表 2- 3 跨文化溝通能力理論分析............ 24 表 2- 4 國內外籍勞工之相關研究............ 30 表 3- 1 生活適應量表................. 38 表 3- 2 跨文化溝通量表................ 40 表 3- 3 工作態度量表................. 42 表 4- 1 研究樣本分析................. 48 表 4- 2 生活適應量表的項目分析結果.......... 50 表 4- 3 跨文化溝通量表的項目分析結果之摘要表..... 50 表 4- 4 工作態度量表的項目分析結果.......... 51 表 4- 5 KMO判別的準則............... 53 表 4- 6 「生活適應量表」因素分析結果之摘要表..... 53 表 4- 7 「跨文化溝通量表」因素分析結果之摘要表.... 55 表 4- 8 「工作態度量表」因素分析結果之摘要表..... 57 表 4- 9 信度分析表.................. 59 表 4-10 生活適應量表描述性統計............ 59 表 4-11 跨文化溝通量表描述性統計........... 60 表 4-12 工作態度量表描述性統計............ 60 表 4-13 性別於研究變項之差異比較........... 61 表 4-14 婚姻狀況於研究變項之差異比較......... 62 表 4-15 年齡於研究變項之差異比較........... 63 表 4-16 學歷於研究變項之差異比較........... 64 表 4-17 外勞國籍於研究變項之差異比較......... 66 表 4-18 職位於研究變項之差異比較........... 68 表 4-19 工作年資於研究變項之差異比較......... 69 表 4-20 研究變項之相關係數表............. 71 表 4-21 研究構面之相關係數表............. 72 表 4-22 預測變項對工作滿足之多元迴歸分析摘要表.... 73 表 4-23 預測變項對工作投入之多元迴歸分析摘要表.... 74 表 4-24 預測變項對組織承諾之多元迴歸分析摘要表.... 75 表 5- 1 研究假說檢定結果............... 76


圖 1- 1 研究流程圖.................. 6 圖 2- 1 U型適應理論圖................ 18


圖 3- 1 研究架構圖.................. 36 REFERENCES

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(1) The attached contract for foreign workers to engage in such artistic work or performance (e.g. employment contract, appointment contract, and.. Required. Documents

Employment of Foreign Workers, overseas Chinese students shall meet the student status regulated in the Regulations on Study and Counseling Assistance in Taiwan for

In order to apply for a permit to employ Class B Foreign Worker(s), an Employer shall provide reasonable employment terms and register for such employment demands with local

Should an employer find it necessary to continue the employment of the Class A Foreign Worker(s), the employer shall, within four (4) months prior to the expiration of the

The relief fresco "Stories of the Buddha's Life" embody the advancement of life education: a profound outlook on life, religion and life and death, ultimate care, life

Inspired by Professor Cheng Gongrang’s work, Research of the Translation, Comprehension, and Interpretation of Buddhist Scriptures: On the Concepts of Skillful and Expedient

Jesus falls the second time Scripture readings..

Research of Cultural and Creative Product’s Effect on Customer Value and Customer Attitude- - -Take - Taiwan “MUJI” Product of RYOHIN KEIKAKU..