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The development of psychology started to venerate empirical observation in the beginning of the twentieth century


Academic year: 2022

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1. conjugation 動詞變化- different forms of a verb

ex. I am now learning the conjugations of basic German verbs.


2. pauper -赤貧的人 a very poor person

ex. The little princes is turned a pauper upon the death of her father.


3. venerate - 尊敬、推崇 to respect or worship someone or something

ex. The development of psychology started to venerate empirical observation in the beginning of the twentieth century.


4. stick in the mud 無趣的人- a person who is boring

ex. He had become a stick in the mud. He preferred to stay at home, doing nothing.

他已成為一位無趣的人。 他總是喜歡待在家,什麼事也不做。

5. pace the room 侷促不安地在房內走動- walking to and fro in a room ex. Jack paced the room nervously, waiting for the results of his final exam.


6. fret - to worry or be unhappy (about sth) 感到不開心、焦慮

ex. Don't fret anymore. I think he will be alright. 別擔心了。 我想他會沒事。

7. wanton - showing completely lack of care 過分、恣意、無節制的

ex. As a rich man, he never considers buying all a Mercedes Benz to be wonton extravagance.

(身為一位有錢人,他從不認為買一輛賓士過於奢侈。) 8. wont - be in a habit to do sth. 習慣做某事

ex. She is wont to burst into tears after watching a lachrymose movie.


9. droop - to bend or hang down heavily 低垂

ex. Their spirits began to droop when the enemies came beleaguering their base.


10.scullery maid - a maid who helps washing the dishes 洗碗女工

ex. She was compelled to work as a scullery maid in a restaurant in order to earn her living.


1. Amiable: (adj.) friendly, pleasant-natured

2. Invoice: (n) a bill for goods or services supplied

3. Cruise: (v) to sail along slowly, (n) a holiday on a large ship 4. Evoke: (v) to make someone feel or remember something


5. Valet: (n) man’s personal male servant 6. Supervise: (v) watch over to direct or check

7. Pulpit: (n) the place where a priest speaks from in a church

8. Liturgy: (n) a fixed order of prayers, song etc in a religious ceremony

9. Catechism: (n) a set of questions and answers about the Christian religion that people learn before becoming members of a church

10. Evangelical: (adj.) an evangelical Christian believes that Christian faith and studying the Bible are more important than religious ceremonies

1. figment n. 虛構 thing with no existence except in imagination 2. blemish v. 污損 to spoil something that is otherwise perfect 3. haggle v. 爭論 to argue something especially about the price

of something

4. smattering n. 膚淺的知

superficial knowledge; a small amount

5. squeamish adj. 神經質的;


fastidious; oversensitive

6. nibble v. 細嚼慢嚥 to eat in very small bites

7. offing n. 未來將發


something that will probably happen in the near future

8. arduous adj. 艱困的 difficult, requiring lots of effort

9. wield v. 掌握; 支

to have and use power, influence, or authority;

to handle

10. seethe v. 沸騰 To be in a state of agitation

1. gall <n.>厚臉皮 – rudeness and inability to realize the inadequacy of one’s behavior or words. 無禮且無法對自己行為言語的不適當有所瞭解

ex. I am wondering how she can have the gall to ask for a raise while she is the most inefficient worker in our company.


2. pine (away) <v. phr.>憔悴– to become increasing weak and feeble, especially because of bereavement. 身體逐漸虛弱(尤其親人逝世所使然)

ex. After the death of her husband, she pined (away) and died in half a year.



3. without ado –無意義的麻煩 delay or unnecessary activity 拖延或不必要的舉動 ex. He consented to my proposal without ado.他爽快地同意了我的提案。

4. scrawny <adj.>極瘦的–bonny and unpleasantly thin 過於骨感而令人不愉悅的瘦 ex. She strikes me as scrawny rather than slim. 我覺得她過瘦而不是苗條。

5. dregs (n.) 渣滓 solid bits that sink to the bottom of some liquids 沉澱於液體底部的固態物 ex. Though some politicians deserve the public’s reproaching, it would be too strong to liken

them to the dregs of society.


6. thoroughbred <adj.>純種的 with parents that are of the same breed and have good qualities 父 母皆為同品種,且有良好特性

ex. Thoroughbred golden retrievers are costly, but still short in supply.


7. intent on <adj. phr.>堅決的 determined to do something. 下決心做某事

ex. After being derided for his pathetic academic performances, Jack is now intent on improving his learning attitude.


8 .conk out <v. phr.>–停擺、故障 to stop working or fail suddenly 突然間停止運轉 ex. It is ironic that my new scooter conked out when I was on the way home.


9. tether <v.> 拴 -use a tope to tie esp. an animal to a post 以繩索拴(動物) ex. The dog is tethered to the fence. 那隻狗被拴在圍籬上。

10. estranged <adj.> 疏遠的 - not to be friendly with your family or friends anymore because of serious argument. 因爭吵而與家人朋友疏遠

ex. He is estranged from his parents after they had an altercation.


1. claustrophobia 幽閉恐懼症 fear of being in enclosed spaces

ex. He is suffering from claustrophobia, and that's what he never takes an elevator.

他患有幽閉恐懼症,所以他從不搭電梯 2. acrophobia 懼高症 fear of high altitude

ex. Helen is suffering from acrophobia, so she never goes to the top floor.


3.mellow out 放鬆 to relax

ex. I want to mellow out a little bit. 我想放鬆一下。

4. frontal cortex 額葉皮質層 the outer layer of the front of the head

ex. The frontal cortex is in charge of assessing tasks. 額葉皮質層主管身體活動的評枯。

5. evoke 喚起 to cause something to be thought of


ex. The smell of Italian sausage evoked my first trip to Europe.


6.pummel 不斷打擊 to heat repeatedly

ex. Several bullies pummeled the boy in white with hard strokes.


7. akin 同性質的 having similar qualities

ex. They speak a language akin to German. 他們說著一種類似德文的語言。

8. ditto 同前 a symbol which means "the same"

ex. Sing your name on the right corner on this page. Ditto for pages four and five.

9. purport 聲稱 to claim, not in a way that is reliable

ex. It is purported that the her child left her. 據說她兒子離開她了。

10. play down 減輕程度 to make something less noticeable, less important and so on ex. Jack tried to play down his responsibility in the failure of the promotion strategy.


1. Tweeny 女傭: He hired a new tweeny to help the housework. 他顧了一個女傭來幫她做家 事

2. Facade 正面: The facade of the building looks like a palace. 建築物的正面看起來像座宮殿 3. Saber 軍刀: The knight is holding a saber in his hand and ready to fight.


4. Nacarat 鮮豔橘色: He is wearing a big nacarat suit which is totally unfit into the occasion.


5. Vaccination 種痘: Vaccination is a major to against smallpox. 種痘是主要對抗天花的手段 6. Gabber 嘮叨的人: Bill is a big gabber that even his wife can't stands him.

Bill 是個超囉嗦的人,連他的太太都沒辦法忍受

7. Yaffle 綠色啄木鳥: My friend told me he just saw a yaffle in the tree.


8. Ice-lolly 冰棒: My favorite dessert in the summer is ice-lolly.


9. Earflap 連帽子或獨立的禦寒耳罩: Girls always wear cute earflap in the winter.


10. ulcerate 形成潰瘡: If you ignore your wound too long, it will be ulcerated in the end.


1. paradigm 典範 a model of something

Ex. Stinky tou-fu is always seen as a paradigm of Taiwanese food.



2. staunch 制止,停止液體流動 to stop, to stop the flowing of something

Ex. He tried to staunch the flow of blood by pressing on the cut. 他試圖以緊壓傷口來止血。

3. installment 分期附款 one part of the amount of money, which you would pay for something Ex. I have to pay for my new computer in installments. 我得以分期付款買車。

4. vestige 殘留 a remaining small part of something

Ex. If the child could not be rescued in the next forty eight critical hours, the vestige of hope would be thus eradicated. 如果一小時內那小孩不能獲救,存活的希望將極為渺茫。

5. choppy 巔簸的 full of little rough waves

Ex. I felt dizzy as the see became choppy fifteen minutes after we set out.


6. grouchy 抱怨的 be complaining about sth

Ex. Calm down and try not to be grouchy when things go out of control.

7. insidious 有害的

Ex. Staying up late has an insidious influence on health. 熬夜對身體將產生有害的影響。

8. sap 使虛弱 to weaken

Ex. The car accident sapped her mentally though she was unscathed physically.


9. warrant 值得 to deserve sth

Ex. Though punctuality should be encouraged, I do not think being late for merely one minute warrants such a cruel punishment.


10. condescend 屈尊 to put aside one’s dignity

Ex. "We are so honored to dine with you, a student who has already made it into graduate school," he joked.

「能和一位已考上研究所的學生共進晚餐,我們感到相當榮幸, 」他開玩笑地說。

1. fecula 澱粉: Ex. Rice contain a lot of fecula. 米含有很多澱粉 2. gall 膽汁: Ex. The medicine is as bitter as gall. 這藥像膽汁一樣苦

3. yakitori 日式燒雞: Ex. Yakitori is one of my favorite foods. 日式燒雞是我最喜歡的食物中



4. yap 狂吠: Ex. The dog yapped at the stranger. 狗對著陌生人狂吠 5. abdicate 放棄:

Ex. He abdicates the job. 他放棄了那份工作 6. bachelor 單身男子:

Ex. After forty years, he is still a bachelor. 經過了 40 年,他依舊是個單身漢 7. eclogue 田園詩:

Ex. I study some eclogue in my first year. 我在ㄧ年級的時候讀過一些田園詩

8. pachyderm 厚臉皮的人: Ex. Jack is really a pachyderm. 傑克真的是ㄧ個厚臉皮的人 9. malarkey 故意歪曲的話: Ex. Stop saying this malarkey! 停止說這些歪七扭八的話!

10. quagmire 沼澤地: Ex. Try to avoid quagmire when you are driving. 開車時要避免沼澤地

1. vivacious- lively or high-spirited (sep of a woman) 活潑的、快活的

She gave a vivacious laugh after hearing the joke. 聽完這個笑話後她爽朗地笑了起來。

2. rectify- put (sth) right; correct 改正、糾正

This mistake cannot be rectified. 這個錯誤是不可改正的。

3. immutable- that cannot be changed; that will never change 不可改變的、永恆不變的 Joe has made an immutable decision. 喬已作出了不可改變的決定。

4. atrophy- wasting away of the body or part of it through lack of nourishment or use (身體或身 體某部因缺乏營養或不常使用而) 萎縮

The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.


5. amorphous- having no definite shape or form; not organized 無定型的;無組織的;雜亂的 He has an amorphous collection of jumpers and socks. 他有一堆套頭毛衣和襪子。

6. malicious- intended to harm others 惡毒的;蓄意的 That is a malicious lie! 那是個惡毒的謊言!

7. preposterous- completely contrary to reason or common sense; absurd or outrageous 荒謬的;


That is a preposterous accusation! 那樣的指責簡直荒謬可笑!

8. surmount- deal with; overcome 克服;戰勝


We had many problems to surmount before we could start the project. 我們得克服許多困難才 能著手做這項工作

9. perplex- make (sb) feel puzzled or confused; bewilder 使某人困惑或迷惑 The question perplexed me. 那問題把我難住了。

10. consensus- agreement in opinion; collective opinion 意見一致;共同看法 The two parties have reached a consensus. 這兩個政黨達成了一致意見。

1. guile- v. 狡猾  the quality of being good at deceiving people in a clever way.

I love children's innocence and lack of guile.

2. vilify- v. 誹謗 one says or writes very unpleasant things about you, so that people will have a low opinion of you.

The agency has been vilified by some doctors.

3. histrionic- adj. 狡飾誇張的 someone's behavior is very dramatic, exaggerated, and insincere Tim lets out a histrionic groan.

4. tailor- v. 使合適 make it suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it Ex. We tailor the program for the patient’s need. (tailor sth to sb’s need)

5. dovetail- v. 吻合 two things fit together neatly or have some common characteristics.

Ex. It’s important that we dovetail our respective interests.

6. salient 最重要的 the salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones.

Ex. The salient points of his plan are summed up in this report.

7. interplay 互相影響 interplay between two things or people is the way they have effect on each other or react to each other

the interplay of social, economic and cultural factors

8.susceptible 容易被影響的 if one is susceptible to something or someone, s/he is very likely to be influenced by them

Young people are the most susceptible to advertisement

9. novice 初學者 someone who has been doing a job or activities for only a short time and so is not very experienced

I'm a novice at these things, but you are the professional.

10. reciprocal 互惠的

It is time for us to take a reciprocal action.

3/26 from Angus Designate verb [T]

1. to choose someone officially to do a particular job.

Thompson has been designated (as/to be) team captain.


She has been designated to organize the meeting.

2. to state officially that a place or thing has a particular character or purpose.

This area of the park has been specially designated for children.

They officially designated the area (as) unsuitable for human habitation.

Connotation noun [C]

a feeling or idea that is suggested by a particular word although it is not necessarily a part of the word's meaning, or something suggested by an object or situation.

The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.

Connote verb [T] FORMAL

To me, chocolate connotes pleasure and indulgence.

Efface verb [T] FORMAL

to remove something intentionally.

The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old dictatorship.

Merit noun [C or U]

1. the quality of being good and deserving praise.

an entertaining film with little artistic merit

Brierley's book has the merit of being both informative and readable.

2. the merits of sth the advantages something has compared to something else.

We discussed the merits of herbal tea.

verb [T] FORMAL

If something merits a particular treatment, it deserves or is considered important enough to be treated in that way.

This plan merits careful attention.

The accident merited only a small paragraph in the local paper.

Extol verb [T] FORMAL

to praise something or someone highly.

His book extolling the benefits of vegetarianism sold thousands of copies.

She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.


Dubious adj

1. thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted.

These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.

He has been associated with some dubious characters.

Ruth Ellis has the dubious distinction of being the last woman to be hanged in Britain.

2. feeling doubt or uncertainty.

I'm dubious about his promises to change his ways.

Unanimous adj.

If a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about one particular matter or vote the same way, and if a decision or judgment is unanimous, it is formed or supported by everyone in a group.

The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.

After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.

The new format has unanimous support and could be introduced next season.

Indispensable adj.

Something or someone that is indispensable is so good or important that you consider them to be essential.

This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.

His long experience at the United Nations makes him indispensable to the talks.

Conform verb [I]

1. to behave according to the usual standards of behavior which are expected by a group or society.

At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.

2. to obey a rule or reach the necessary stated standard, or to do things in a traditional way.

Before buying a pram, make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.

Members must conform to a strict dress code.

Apathy noun [U]

when someone lacks interest or energy and is unwilling to take action especially over a matter of importance.

She heard the story with apathy.

My parents do not feel apathy about the election.

Apathetic adjective


lacking interest or energy; unwilling to take action especially over a matter of importance.

Young people today are so apathetic about politics.

Don't be so apathetic - how are you going to get a job if you don't even write a letter?

This is the Online Dictionary that I've been using to look up words recently.

It's quite handy actually. Hope you like it.:)




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