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Internet and Sex:Internet Use, Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitudes and Sex Behaviors of University Students 吳湘琪、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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Internet and Sex:Internet Use, Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitudes and Sex Behaviors of University Students


E-mail: 381881@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to investigate the statistical differences among Internet use, sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors of universitystudents from different backgrounds. This study also analyzed the differences among sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors of university students who had different levels of Internet use. The correlations among Internet use, sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors of university students were also discussed, and the predictability based on Internet use, sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors of university students were further analyzed. To reach the goal, the study was conducted through the questionnaire-survey method. Five instruments were included in the study. Subjects were 625 university students. The collected data had been analyzed by statistical methods, including, t-test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA and path analysis. The results of the study were as follows: (a) There were significant differences among the gender and the grade in Internet use of the university students. (b) There were significant differences among the gender, the grade, father’s education and mother ’s eduaction in sex knowledge of the university students. (c) There were significant differences among the gender, the grade and father’s education in sex attitudes of the university students. (d) There were significant differences among the gender and the grade in sex behaviors of the university students. (e) There were significant differences among sex knowledge, sex attitudes and sex behaviors of university students who have different levels of Internet use. (f) There were significant correlation in Internet use, sex knowlenge, sex attitudes and sex behaviors of the university students. (g) The path analysis model of the relationship among Internet use, sex attitudes and sex behaviors of the university students fitted better.

Keywords : Internet use、sex knowledge、sex attitudes、sex behaviors Table of Contents

中文摘要...................... iii 英文摘要......................

iv 致謝辭....................... vi 內容目錄.....................

. vii 表目錄....................... ix 圖目錄....................

... xii 第一章 緒論..................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機...........

..... 1 第二節 研究目的................... 9 第三節 研究問題............

.......10 第四節 研究假設...................11 第五節 重要名詞釋義........

.........12 第二章 文獻探討...................14 第一節 網路使用與影響及其相關研 究..........14 第二節 網路與性知識之關係及其相關研究........26 第三節 網路與性態度之關係及 其相關研究........32 第四節 網路與性行為之關係及其相關研究........41 第三章 研究方法....

...............46 第一節 研究架構...................46 第二節 研究對象與取 樣方法..............50 第三節 研究工具...................54 第四節 資料處理 與分析................68 第五節 實施程序...................69 第四章 結果 與討論..................71 第一節 不同背景變項之大學生網路使用之差異分析....71 第二節 不同背景變項之大學生性知識之差異分析.....79 第三節 不同背景變項之大學生性態度之差異分析.....85 第 四節 不同背景變項之大學生性行為之差異分析.....91 第五節 不同程度網路使用之大學生性知識、性態度與性行為 之差異分析.96 第六節 大學生網路使用、性知識、性態度與性行為之相關分析....101 第七節 大學生網路使用、性 知識、性態度對其性行為之徑路分析...106 第五章 結論與建議................. 110 第一節 結論

.................... 110 第二節 建議.................... 114 參考文獻

..................... 117 中文部份..................... 117 英文部 份..................... 123 附錄A 預試問卷.................. 126 附 錄B 正式問卷.................. 130 附錄C 網路色情量表授權使用同意書.........

.134 附錄D 性態度與性行為量表授權使用同意書.......135 REFERENCES


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