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The Study of the between Improving Brand Image of the Travel Industry and the Customer Loyalty 陳柏仰、胡瓊元


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of the between Improving Brand Image of the Travel Industry and the Customer Loyalty


E-mail: 346161@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Tourist industry has been rising in Taiwan, the government try to improve and plan which the tourisms’ software and hardware actively. They encourage the tourist industry upgraded and has devoted to develop many kinds of travel activities that it open the vigorous development of tourist industry. The tourism industry is the supplier of service. The tourist industry of the prerequisite owns the brand. The image of the brand that would be affected the customers’ choice. The grand total provides 400 questionnaires, recycling effective questionnaire 317, the effective questionnaire recycling a rate 79.25%. The research used SPSS as statistical analysis tool for the sample data that the reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and regression analysis. The empirical results have found the following: Brand image of functionality has shown positive and clearly effects for customer loyalty. Brand image of non-functionality has also shown positive and clearly effects for customer loyalty. In other words, it would be getting the customer loyalty higher that supplies the quality better. It help customer to solve the problem of product or service and the brand satisfied psychological needs of customer. Or the product and service that satisfied customers’

consciousness of fun, simulate of cognition, and require of variation etc. They would be increasing customer loyalty.

Keywords : tourist industry、brand image、customer loyalty

Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ...............

...... vi 表目錄  ..................... vii 圖目錄  .............

........ viii 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機..

.......... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 3   第三節  研究流程....

........... 4 第二章  文獻探討................. 6   第一節  旅遊業定義與特 性........... 6   第二節  品牌形象............... 9   第三節  顧客忠誠度.

............. 15   第四節  品牌形象提昇與顧客忠誠度之間的關聯性. 21 第三章  研究設計與研 究方法............ 24   第一節  研究架構與研究假設.......... 24   第二節  研究 對象與資料蒐集.......... 25   第三節  研究變數之操作型定義......... 26   第四節   資料分析與信效度分析......... 27 第四章 研究結果................. 32   第一節   樣本基本資料分析........... 32   第二節  迴歸分析............... 38 第五章   結論與建議................ 40 參考文獻 ..................... 42 附錄   問卷.................... 47 表目錄 表 2- 1 台灣旅行業分類...............

7 表 2- 2 品牌形象之定義............... 14 表 2- 3 顧客忠誠度之衡量構面............

19 表 2- 4 顧客忠誠度之行為意象量表.......... 20 表 2- 5 品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之關聯研究.......

21 表 3- 1 本研究品牌形象之操作型定義......... 26 表 3- 2 本研究顧客忠誠度之操作型定義........

27 表 3- 3 研究變數與題項之對應............ 27 表 3- 4 相關係數的強度大小與意義..........

29 表 3- 5 各變項之信度值............... 30 表 3- 6 品牌形象與各題項之因素分析.........

31 表 4- 1 人口統計變項統計表............. 34 表 4- 2 受測者選擇旅遊業者之情形..........

36 表 4- 3 月平均收入與性別之交叉分析表........ 36 表 4- 4 職業與性別之交叉分析表...........

37 表 4- 5 功能性品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之迴歸分析.... 38 表 4- 6 非功能性品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之迴歸分析...

39 圖目錄 圖 1-1 研究流程圖................. 5 圖 2-1 品牌價值金字塔.............

.. 10 圖 2-2 品牌形象的概念............... 14 圖 2-3 重覆購買行為與顧客忠誠度........

.. 16 圖 2-4 顧客忠誠度之面向.............. 17 圖 2-5 概念性架構圖..............

.. 23 圖 3-1 研究架構圖................. 24 REFERENCES


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