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第 2 條 個人資料之保護,依本法之規定


Academic year: 2021

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附錄一 附錄一 附錄一 附錄一

電腦處理個人資料保護法 電腦處理個人資料保護法 電腦處理個人資料保護法

電腦處理個人資料保護法 ( ( ( (民國民國民國民國 84 84 84 年 84 年 08 08 08 月 08 月 11 11 11 日公布 11 日公布日公布 )日公布 ) ) ) 第 一 章 總則

第 1 條



第 2 條


第 3 條 本法用詞定義如左:


婚姻、家庭、教育、職業、健康、病歷、財務情況、社會活動及其他足資識別該 個人之資料。

二、個人資料檔案:指基於特定目的儲存於電磁紀錄物或其他類似媒體之個人資 料之集合。

三、電腦處理:指使用電腦或自動化機器為資料之輸入、儲存、編輯、更正、檢 索、刪除、輸出、傳遞或其他處理。


五、利用:指公務機關或非公務機關將其保有之個人資料檔案為內部使用或提供 當事人以外之第三人。



(一) 徵信業及以蒐集或電腦處理個人資料為主要業務之團體或個人。

(二) 醫院、學校、電信業、金融業、證券業、保險業及大眾傳播業。

(三) 其他經法務部會同中央目的事業主管機關指定之事業、團體或個人。



第 4 條







第 5 條




第 6 條

個人資料之蒐集或利用,應尊重當事人之權益,依誠實及信用方法為之,不得逾 越特定目的之必要範圍。

第 二 章 公務機關之資料處理 第 7 條






第 8 條

公務機關對個人資料之利用,應於法令職掌必要範圍內為之,並與蒐集之特定目 的相符。但有左列情形之一者,得為特定目的外之利用:










第 9 條


第 10 條















第 11 條












一○、為公務上之連繫,僅記錄當事人之姓名、住所、金錢與物品往來等必要事 項者。



第 12 條

公務機關應依當事人之請求,就其保有之個人資料檔案,答覆查詢、提供閱覽或 製給複製本。但有左列情形之一者,不在此限:




第 13 條


個人資料正確性有爭議者,公務機關應依職權或當事人之請求停止電腦處理及利 用。但因執行職務所必需並註明其爭議或經當事人書面同意者,不在此限。

個人資料電腦處理之特定目的消失或期限屆滿時,公務機關應依職權或當事人之 請求,刪除或停止電腦處理及利用該資料。但因執行職務所必需或經依本法規定 變更目的或經當事人書面同意者,不在此限。

第 14 條


第 15 條

公務機關受理當事人依本法規定之請求,應於三十日內處理之。其未能於該期間 內處理者,應將其原因以書面通知請求人。

第 16 條




第 17 條

公務機關保有個人資料檔案者,應指定專人依相關法令辦理安全維護事項,防止 個人資料被竊取、竄改、毀損、滅失或洩漏。

第 三 章 非公務機關之資料處理

第 18 條

非公務機關對個人資料之蒐集或電腦處理,非有特定目的,並符合左列情形之一 者,不得為之:






第 19 條

非公務機關未經目的事業主管機關依本法登記並發給執照者,不得為個人資料之 蒐集、電腦處理或國際傳遞及利用。

徵信業及以蒐集或電腦處理個人資料為主要業務之團體或個人,應經目的事業主 管機關許可並經登記及發給執照。


第 20 條


一、申請人之姓名、住、居所。如係法人或非法人團體,其名稱、主事務所、分 事務所或營業所及其代表人或管理人之姓名、住、居所。













為前項業務終止登記之申請時,應將其保有個人資料之處理方法陳報目的事業主 管機關核准。


第一項第三款之特定目的與第四款之資料類別,由法務部會同中央目的事業主管 機關定之。

第一項第十一款之個人資料檔案安全維護計畫之標準及第三項之處理方法,由中 央目的事業主管機關定之。

第 21 條

前條申請登記核准後,非公務機關應將前條第一項第一款至第十款所列之事項於 政府公報公告並登載於當地新聞紙。

第 22 條


第 23 條

非公務機關對個人資料之利用,應於蒐集之特定目的必要範圍內為之。但有左列 情形之一者,得為特定目的外之利用:





第 24 條

非公務機關為國際傳遞及利用個人資料,而有左列情形之一者,目的事業主管機 關得限制之:





第 25 條

目的事業主管機關,認有必要時,得派員攜帶證明文件,對於應受其許可或登記 之非公務機關,就本法規定之相關事項命其提供有關資料或為其他必要之配合措 施,並得進入檢查。經發現有違反本法規定之資料,得扣押之。


第 26 條

第十二條、第十三條、第十五條、第十六條第一項及第十七條之規定,於非公務 機關準用之。

非公務機關準用第十六條第一項規定酌收費用之標準,由中央目的事業主管機關 定之。

第 四 章 損害賠償及其他救濟 第 27 條

公務機關違反本法規定,致當事人權益受損害者,應負損害賠償責任。但損害因 天災、事變或其他不可抗力所致者,不在此限。


被害人雖非財產上之損害,亦得請求賠償相當之金額;其名譽被侵害者,並得請 求為回復名譽之適當處分。

前二項損害賠償總額,以每人每一事件新臺幣二萬元以上十萬元以下計算。但能 證明其所受之損害額高於該金額者,不在此限。

基於同一原因事實應對當事人負損害賠償責任者,其合計最高總額以新臺幣二千 萬元為限。

第二項請求權,不得讓與或繼承。但以金額賠償之請求權已依契約承諾或已起訴 者,不在此限。

第 28 條

非公務機關違反本法規定,致當事人權益受損害者,應負損害賠償責任。但能證 明其無故意或過失者,不在此限。


第 29 條

損害賠償請求權,自請求權人知有損害及賠償義務人時起,因二年間不行使而消 滅;自損害發生時起,逾五年者,亦同。

第 30 條

損害賠償,除依本法規定外,公務機關適用國家賠償法之規定,非公務機關適用 民法之規定。

第 31 條

當事人向公務機關行使第四條所定之權利,經拒絕或未於第十五條所定之期限內 處理者,當事人得於拒絕後或期限屆滿後二十日內,以書面向其監督機關請求為 適當之處理。


第 32 條

當事人向非公務機關行使第四條所定之權利,經拒絕後,當事人得於拒絕後或期 限屆滿後二十日內,以書面向其目的事業主管機關請求為適當之處理。

前項目的事業主管機關應於收受請求後二個月內,將處理結果以書面通知請求 人。認其請求有理由者,並應限期命該非公務機關改正之。

第 五 章 罰則 第 33 條

意圖營利違反第七條、第八條、第十八條、第十九條第一項、第二項、第二十三 條之規定或依第二十四條所發布之限制命令,致生損害於他人者,處二年以下有 期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣四萬元以下罰金。

第 34 條

意圖為自己或第三人不法之利益或損害他人之利益,而對於個人資料檔案為非法 輸出、干擾、變更、刪除或以其他非法方法妨害個人資料檔案之正確,致生損害 於他人者,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科新臺幣五萬元以下罰金。

第 35 條



第 36 條


第 37 條


第 38 條

有左列情事之一者,由目的事業主管機關處負責人新臺幣二萬元以上十萬元以下 罰鍰,並令限期改正,逾期未改正者,按次處罰之:





有前項第一款、第三款或第四款之情事,其情節重大者,並得撤銷依本法所為之 許可或登記。

第 39 條

有左列情事之一者,由目的事業主管機關限期改正,逾期未改正者,按次處負責 人新臺幣一萬元以上五萬元以下罰鍰:




四、違反第二十六條第一項準用第十二條、第十三條、第十五條、第十七條之規 定者。


有前項第一款、第二款、第三款或第四款之情事,其情節重大者,並得撤銷依本 法所為之許可或登記。

第 40 條

有左列情事之一者,由目的事業主管機關,按次處負責人新臺幣一萬元以上五萬 元以下罰鍰:




有前項第二款或第三款之情事,其情節重大者,並得撤銷依本法所為之許 可或登記。

第 41 條


第 六 章 附則 第 42 條



依本法規定應由目的事業主管機關辦理之事項,如無目的事業主管機關者,由法 務部辦理之。



第 43 條

本法公布施行前已從事個人資料之蒐集或電腦處理,而依本法規定應申請登記或 許可者,應於本法施行之日起一年內補辦之。

經法務部會同中央目的事業主管機關依第三條第七款第三目指定之事業、團體或 個人,應於指定之日起六個月內,辦理登記或許可。


第 44 條


第 45 條 本法自公布日施行。


附錄二 附錄二 附錄二 附錄二

U.S.C. §§§§1232g. Family educational and privacy rights

(a) Conditions for availability of funds to educational agencies or institutions;

inspection and review of education records; specific information to be made available;

procedure for access to education records; reasonableness of time for such access;

hearings; written explanations by parents; definitions (1)

(A) No funds shall be made available under any applicable program to any educational agency or institution which has a policy of denying, or which effectively prevents, the parents of students who are or have been in attendance at a school of such agency or at such institution, as the case may be, the right to inspect and review the education records of their children. If any material or document in the education record of a student includes information on more than one student, the parents of one of such students shall have the right to inspect and review only such part of such material or document as relates to such student or to be informed of the specific information contained in such part of such material. Each educational agency or institution shall establish appropriate procedures for the granting of a request by parents for access to the education records of their children within a reasonable period of time, but in no case more than forty-five days after the request has been made.

(B) No funds under any applicable program shall be made available to any State educational agency (whether or not that agency is an educational agency or institution under this section) that has a policy of denying, or effectively prevents, the parents of students the right to inspect and review the education records maintained by the State educational agency on their children who are or have been in attendance at any school of an educational agency or institution that is subject to the provisions of this section.

(C) The first sentence of subparagraph (A) shall not operate to make available to students in institutions of postsecondary education the following materials:

(i) financial records of the parents of the student or any information contained therein;

(ii) confidential letters and statements of recommendation, which were placed in the education records prior to January 1, 1975, if such letters or statements are not used for purposes other than those for which they were specifically intended;

(iii) if the student has signed a waiver of the student’s right of access under this subsection in accordance with subparagraph (D), confidential recommendations—

(I) respecting admission to any educational agency or institution, (II) respecting an application for employment, and

(III) respecting the receipt of an honor or honorary recognition.

(D) A student or a person applying for admission may waive his right of access to


confidential statements described in clause (iii) of subparagraph (C), except that such waiver shall apply to recommendations only if

(i) the student is, upon request, notified of the names of all persons making confidential recommendations and

(ii) such recommendations are used solely for the purpose for which they were

specifically intended. Such waivers may not be required as a condition for admission to, receipt of financial aid from, or receipt of any other services or benefits from such agency or institution.

(2) No funds shall be made available under any applicable program to any educational agency or institution unless the parents of students who are or have been in attendance at a school of such agency or at such institution are provided an opportunity for a

hearing by such agency or institution, in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, to challenge the content of such student’s education records, in order to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of students, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein and to insert into such records a written explanation of the parents respecting the content of such records.

(3) For the purposes of this section the term “educational agency or institution” means any public or private agency or institution which is the recipient of funds under any applicable program.


(A) For the purposes of this section, the term “education records” means, except as may be provided otherwise in subparagraph (B), those records, files, documents, and other materials which—

(i) contain information directly related to a student; and

(ii) are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution.

(B) The term “education records” does not include—

(i) records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and educational personnel ancillary thereto which are in the sole possession of the maker thereof and which are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute;

(ii) records maintained by a law enforcement unit of the educational agency or institution that were created by that law enforcement unit for the purpose of law enforcement;

(iii) in the case of persons who are employed by an educational agency or institution but who are not in attendance at such agency or institution, records made and maintained in the normal course of business which relate exclusively to such person in that person’s


(iv) records on a student who is eighteen years of age or older, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, which are made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in his professional or paraprofessional capacity, or assisting in that capacity, and which are made, maintained, or used only in connection with the provision of treatment to the student, and are not available to anyone other than persons providing such treatment, except that such records can be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student’s choice.


(A) For the purposes of this section the term “directory information” relating to a student includes the following: the student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution

attended by the student.

(B) Any educational agency or institution making public directory information shall give public notice of the categories of information which it has designated as such information with respect to each student attending the institution or agency and shall allow a reasonable period of time after such notice has been given for a parent to inform the institution or agency that any or all of the information designated should not be released without the parent’s prior consent.

(6) For the purposes of this section, the term “student” includes any person with respect to whom an educational agency or institution maintains education records or personally identifiable information, but does not include a person who has not been in attendance at such agency or institution.

(b) Release of education records; parental consent requirement; exceptions; compliance with judicial orders and subpoenas; audit and evaluation of federally-supported

education programs; recordkeeping

(1) No funds shall be made available under any applicable program to any educational agency or institution which has a policy or practice of permitting the release of

education records (or personally identifiable information contained therein other than directory information, as defined in paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of this section) of students without the written consent of their parents to any individual, agency, or organization, other than to the following—

(A) other school officials, including teachers within the educational institution or local educational agency, who have been determined by such agency or institution to have legitimate educational interests, including the educational interests of the child for whom consent would otherwise be required;

(B) officials of other schools or school systems in which the student seeks or intends to


enroll, upon condition that the student’s parents be notified of the transfer, receive a copy of the record if desired, and have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record;


(i) authorized representatives of

(I) the Comptroller General of the United States, (II) the Secretary, or

(III) State educational authorities, under the conditions set forth in paragraph (3), or (ii) authorized representatives of the Attorney General for law enforcement purposes under the same conditions as apply to the Secretary under paragraph (3);

(D) in connection with a student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid;

(E) State and local officials or authorities to whom such information is specifically allowed to be reported or disclosed pursuant to State statute adopted—

(i) before November 19, 1974, if the allowed reporting or disclosure concerns the juvenile justice system and such system’s ability to effectively serve the student whose records are released, or

(ii) after November 19, 1974, if—

(I) the allowed reporting or disclosure concerns the juvenile justice system and such system’s ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records are released; and

(II) the officials and authorities to whom such information is disclosed certify in writing to the educational agency or institution that the information will not be disclosed to any other party except as provided under State law without the prior written consent of the parent of the student.[1]

(F) organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by persons other than representatives of such organizations and such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it is conducted;

(G) accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions;

(H) parents of a dependent student of such parents, as defined in section 152 of title 26;

(I) subject to regulations of the Secretary, in connection with an emergency, appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons; and


(i) the entity or persons designated in a Federal grand jury subpoena, in which case the


officer, director, employee, agent, or attorney for such agency or institution) on which the subpoena is served, to not disclose to any person the existence or contents of the subpoena or any information furnished to the grand jury in response to the subpoena;


(ii) the entity or persons designated in any other subpoena issued for a law enforcement purpose, in which case the court or other issuing agency may order, for good cause shown, the educational agency or institution (and any officer, director, employee, agent, or attorney for such agency or institution) on which the subpoena is served, to not disclose to any person the existence or contents of the subpoena or any information furnished in response to the subpoena.

Nothing in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph shall prevent a State from further limiting the number or type of State or local officials who will continue to have access


(2) No funds shall be made available under any applicable program to any educational agency or institution which has a policy or practice of releasing, or providing access to, any personally identifiable information in education records other than directory information, or as is permitted under paragraph (1) of this subsection, unless—

(A) there is written consent from the student’s parents specifying records to be released, the reasons for such release, and to whom, and with a copy of the records to be released to the student’s parents and the student if desired by the parents, or

(B) except as provided in paragraph (1)(J), such information is furnished in compliance with judicial order, or pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena, upon condition that parents and the students are notified of all such orders or subpoenas in advance of the compliance therewith by the educational institution or agency.

(3) Nothing contained in this section shall preclude authorized representatives of (A) the Comptroller General of the United States,

(B) the Secretary, or

(C) State educational authorities from having access to student or other records which may be necessary in connection with the audit and evaluation of Federally-supported education programs, or in connection with the enforcement of the Federal legal

requirements which relate to such programs: Provided, That except when collection of personally identifiable information is specifically authorized by Federal law, any data collected by such officials shall be protected in a manner which will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by other than those officials, and such personally identifiable data shall be destroyed when no longer needed for such audit, evaluation, and enforcement of Federal legal requirements.


(A) Each educational agency or institution shall maintain a record, kept with the education records of each student, which will indicate all individuals (other than those


specified in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection), agencies, or organizations which have requested or obtained access to a student’s education records maintained by such educational agency or institution, and which will indicate specifically the legitimate interest that each such person, agency, or organization has in obtaining this information.

Such record of access shall be available only to parents, to the school official and his assistants who are responsible for the custody of such records, and to persons or organizations authorized in, and under the conditions of, clauses (A) and (C) of paragraph (1) as a means of auditing the operation of the system.

(B) With respect to this subsection, personal information shall only be transferred to a third party on the condition that such party will not permit any other party to have access to such information without the written consent of the parents of the student. If a third party outside the educational agency or institution permits access to information in violation of paragraph (2)(A), or fails to destroy information in violation of paragraph (1)(F), the educational agency or institution shall be prohibited from permitting access to information from education records to that third party for a period of not less than five years.

(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit State and local educational officials from having access to student or other records which may be necessary in connection with the audit and evaluation of any federally or State supported education program or in connection with the enforcement of the Federal legal requirements which relate to any such program, subject to the conditions specified in the proviso in

paragraph (3).


(A) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an institution of postsecondary education from disclosing, to an alleged victim of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of title 18), or a nonforcible sex offense, the final results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by such institution against the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense with respect to such crime or offense.

(B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an institution of postsecondary education from disclosing the final results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by such institution against a student who is an alleged perpetrator of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of title 18), or a nonforcible sex offense, if the institution determines as a result of that disciplinary proceeding that the student

committed a violation of the institution’s rules or policies with respect to such crime or offense.

(C) For the purpose of this paragraph, the final results of any disciplinary proceeding—

(i) shall include only the name of the student, the violation committed, and any sanction imposed by the institution on that student; and


the written consent of that other student.


(A) Nothing in this section may be construed to prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution under section 14071 of title 42

concerning registered sex offenders who are required to register under such section.

(B) The Secretary shall take appropriate steps to notify educational institutions that disclosure of information described in subparagraph (A) is permitted.

(c) Surveys or data-gathering activities; regulations

Not later than 240 days after October 20, 1994, the Secretary shall adopt appropriate regulations or procedures, or identify existing regulations or procedures, which protect the rights of privacy of students and their families in connection with any surveys or data-gathering activities conducted, assisted, or authorized by the Secretary or an administrative head of an education agency. Regulations established under this

subsection shall include provisions controlling the use, dissemination, and protection of such data. No survey or data-gathering activities shall be conducted by the Secretary, or an administrative head of an education agency under an applicable program, unless such activities are authorized by law.

(d) Students’ rather than parents’ permission or consent

For the purposes of this section, whenever a student has attained eighteen years of age, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents of the student shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student.

(e) Informing parents or students of rights under this section

No funds shall be made available under any applicable program to any educational agency or institution unless such agency or institution effectively informs the parents of students, or the students, if they are eighteen years of age or older, or are attending an institution of postsecondary education, of the rights accorded them by this section.

(f) Enforcement; termination of assistance

The Secretary shall take appropriate actions to enforce this section and to deal with violations of this section, in accordance with this chapter, except that action to terminate assistance may be taken only if the Secretary finds there has been a failure to comply with this section, and he has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means.

(g) Office and review board; creation; functions

The Secretary shall establish or designate an office and review board within the Department for the purpose of investigating, processing, reviewing, and adjudicating violations of this section and complaints which may be filed concerning alleged violations of this section. Except for the conduct of hearings, none of the functions of the Secretary under this section shall be carried out in any of the regional offices of such



(h) Disciplinary records; disclosure

Nothing in this section shall prohibit an educational agency or institution from—

(1) including appropriate information in the education record of any student concerning disciplinary action taken against such student for conduct that posed a significant risk to the safety or well-being of that student, other students, or other members of the school community; or

(2) disclosing such information to teachers and school officials, including teachers and school officials in other schools, who have legitimate educational interests in the behavior of the student.

(i) Drug and alcohol violation disclosures (1) In general

Nothing in this Act or the Higher Education Act of 1965 [20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.] shall be construed to prohibit an institution of higher education from disclosing, to a parent or legal guardian of a student, information regarding any violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, regardless of whether that information is contained in the student’s education records, if—

(A) the student is under the age of 21; and

(B) the institution determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession.

(2) State law regarding disclosure

Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to supersede any provision of State law that prohibits an institution of higher education from making the disclosure described in subsection (a) of this section.

(j) Investigation and prosecution of terrorism (1) In general

Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (i) of this section or any provision of State law, the Attorney General (or any Federal officer or employee, in a position not lower than an Assistant Attorney General, designated by the Attorney General) may submit a written application to a court of competent jurisdiction for an ex parte order requiring an educational agency or institution to permit the Attorney General (or his designee) to—

(A) collect education records in the possession of the educational agency or institution that are relevant to an authorized investigation or prosecution of an offense listed in section 2332b (g)(5)(B) of title 18, or an act of domestic or international terrorism as defined in section 2331 of that title; and

(B) for official purposes related to the investigation or prosecution of an offense described in paragraph (1)(A), retain, disseminate, and use (including as evidence at


such guidelines as the Attorney General, after consultation with the Secretary, shall issue to protect confidentiality.

(2) Application and approval

(A) In general.— An application under paragraph (1) shall certify that there are specific and articulable facts giving reason to believe that the education records are likely to contain information described in paragraph (1)(A).

(B) The court shall issue an order described in paragraph (1) if the court finds that the application for the order includes the certification described in subparagraph (A).

(3) Protection of educational agency or institution

An educational agency or institution that, in good faith, produces education records in accordance with an order issued under this subsection shall not be liable to any person for that production.

(4) Record-keeping

Subsection (b)(4) of this section does not apply to education records subject to a court order under this subsection.


附錄三 附錄三附錄三 附錄三

臺北市國民中學學生學籍管理辦法 臺北市國民中學學生學籍管理辦法 臺北市國民中學學生學籍管理辦法

臺北市國民中學學生學籍管理辦法((((九十七年五月六日修訂) 第 一 條


學生學籍資料之建立、管理及使用事宜,特依國民教育法第六條第四項規定,訂 定本辦法。

第 二 條

本辦法之主管機關為本府,並依臺北市政府組織自治條例第二條第二項規定,委 任本府教育局執行。

第 三 條



學籍資料應以書面或電子方式紀錄並永久保存,有關電子方式紀錄之作業程 序,由主管機關定之。

第 四 條



二、學號、姓名、性別、出生年月日、戶籍地址及身分證統一編號(外籍學 生國籍及護照號碼、僑生僑居地)








第 五 條






第 六 條


第 七 條




性 別 , 男 生 為 五 五 , 女 生 為 五 十 , 第 六 至 第 八 位 數 字 代 表 學 生 學 號 之流水號,按編班之順序,以○○一為首號連續編碼,不得跳號。


三、轉入學生之學號,應銜接同年級學生學號之末號接續編定,轉學生轉出後再 轉回同一學校就讀者,應使用原編定之學號。


第 八 條


一、學生轉出時,應請其填具轉出申請書,並將轉學證明書、學期成績證明 書 、 期 中 轉 學 階 段 成 績 紀 錄 表 及 入 學 回 覆 信 函 密 封 交 學 生 家 長 , 請 其 於 七日內攜至轉入學校報到。


轉 出 學 校 若 於 學 生 轉 出 後 十 四 日 內 未 接 獲 入 學 回 覆 函 , 經 向 轉 入 學 校 查 證 確 未 報 到 者 , 應 即 追 蹤 輔 導 , 並 依 國 民 中 小 學 中 途 輟 學 學 生 通 報 及復學輔導辦法之相關規定辦理。

三、學生轉出、轉入時,應立即登錄在轉出、轉入紀錄簿內,每學期應繕造 學生異動名冊備查。


第 九 條



達 三 日 以 上 應 列 為 中 輟 學 生 , 依 有 關 規 定 辦 理 通 報 、 追 蹤 、 輔 導 等 事宜。

二、學生復學就讀七年級,不得逾十五歲;就讀八年級,不得逾十六歲;就 讀九年級,不得逾十七歲。中輟學生復學時已逾上開規定之年齡限制者,應協助



第 十 條





公立國民中學學生學籍資料相關名冊,由各校自行造冊審核及編定學籍,並 妥為保管備查。私立國民中學學生學籍資料相關名冊,應於依前項各款規定 造冊完畢後十日內陳報主管機關核定新生、轉學生學籍。

第 十一 條


有 遺 失 、 毀 損 或 非 依 法 令 交 付 他 人 或 使 他 人 知 悉 學 生 個 人 資 料 者 , 依 相



學生之學籍資料,非依法令不得提供閱覽、抄寫、複印、複製或攝影。但學 校教職或輔導人員,因實施教學或輔導學生而有使用學生學籍資料之必要者


第 十二 條




附錄四 附錄四 附錄四 附錄四

國民小學及國民中學學生成績評量準則 國民小學及國民中學學生成績評量準則國民小學及國民中學學生成績評量準則

國民小學及國民中學學生成績評量準則 ((((民國民國民國民國 96 96 96 96 年年 05 05 05 05 月月 01 01 01 01 日 修正修正修正修正)))) 第 1 條


第 2 條

國民小學及國民中學 (以下簡稱國民中小學) 學生成績評量旨在了解學生學習情 形,激發學生多元潛能,促進學生適性發展,肯定個別學習成就,並作為教師教 學改進及學生學習輔導之依據。

第 3 條

國民中小學學生成績評量應依學習領域及日常生活表現,分別評量之,其評量範 圍如下:



二、日常生活表現評量:學生出缺席情形、獎懲、日常行為表現、團體活 動表現、公共服務及校內外特殊表現等。

第 4 條

國民中小學學生成績評量應本適性化、多元化之原則,兼顧形成性評量、總結性 評量,必要時得實施診斷性評量及安置性評量。

第 5 條

國民中小學學生成績評量,分定期評量及平時評量二種;定期評量之次數,由直 轄市、縣 (市) 主管教育行政機關定之。

第 6 條

國民中小學學生成績評量,應視學生身心發展及個別差異,依各學習領域內容及 活動性質,採取筆試、口試、表演、實作、作業、報告、資料蒐集整理、鑑賞、

晤談、實踐等適當之多元評量方式,並得視實際需要,參酌學生自評、同儕互評 辦理之。




第 7 條

國民中小學學生學習領域成績評量紀錄以量化紀錄為之;輔以文字描述時,應依 評量內涵與結果予以說明,並提供具體建議。









並酌予提供具體建議,不作綜合性評價及等第轉化。但學校對於九十五學年度前 已入學國民小學或國民中學之學生實施有困難者,得不適用之。

第 8 條

國民中小學學生成績評量紀錄,每學期至少應以書面通知家長及學生一次;其次 數、方式、內容,由直轄市、縣 (市) 主管教育行政機關定之。

第 9 條


第 10 條



第 11 條

國民中小學學生各項成績評量相關表冊,由直轄市、縣 (市) 主管教育行政機關 定之。

第 12 條



本準則中華民國九十五年五月十日修正發布之條文,自中華民國九十五年八月一 日施行。



附錄五 附錄五 附錄五 附錄五

學校訂定教師輔導與管教學生辦法注意事項 學校訂定教師輔導與管教學生辦法注意事項學校訂定教師輔導與管教學生辦法注意事項


92 年 5 月 30 日台訓(一)字第 0920074060 號函訂定 94 年 9 月 6 日台訓(一)字第 0940121652 號函修正 96 年 6 月 22 日台訓(一)字第 0960093909 號函修正

第二章 輔導與管教之目的及原則 十五、處罰之正當法律程序

學校或教師處罰學生,應視情況適度給予學生陳述意見之機會,以了解其行為動 機與目的等重要情狀,並適當說明處罰所針對之違規行為、實施處罰之理由及處 罰之手段。

學生對於教師之處罰措施提出異議,教師認為有理由者,得斟酌情形,調整所執 行之處罰措施,必要時得將學生移請學務處(訓導處)或輔導處(室)處置。



學校應對學生及監護權人公開學校所訂之教師輔導與管教學生辦法、校規、有關 學生權益之法令規定、權利救濟途徑等相關資訊。

監護權人或學校家長會對學校所訂之教師輔導與管教學生辦法及其他相關事項有 不同意見時,得向教師或學校提出意見。




教師因輔導與管教學生所取得之個人或家庭資料,非依法律規定,不得對外公開 或洩漏。

學生或監護權人得依政府資訊公開法、行政程序法第四十六條、電腦處理個人資 料保護法及相關規定,向學校申請閱覽學生個人或家庭資料。但以主張或維護其 權利或法律上利益確有必要者為限。

第三章 輔導與管教之方式 十八、對學生之輔導


學生身心狀況特殊,需要專業協助時,教師應主動要求輔導單位或其他相關單位 協助。


教師或學校知悉兒童及少年保護、家庭暴力、性侵害及校園性騷擾事件,應於知 悉事件二十四小時內依法進行責任通報(一一三專線),並進行校園安全事件通



學校通報前項事件時,應以密件處理,並注意維護被害人之秘密及隱私,不得洩 漏或公開,對於通報人之身分資料應予以保密,以維謢學生個人及相關人員隱私。


學生對於教師或學校有關其個人之輔導與管教措施,如有不服,教師及學校應告 知學生得於該輔導與管教措施發生之次日起二十日內,以書面或言詞向學生申訴 評議委員會提起申訴。其以言詞為之者,學校或主管機關應錄音或作成紀錄。


學校對學生之處分或措施,應於通知書上附記如有不服,得於通知書送達之次日 起二十日內,以書面向學生申訴評議委員會提起申訴。




(二)學生委任代理人代為申訴者,應檢附委任書,並載明其姓名、身分證明文 件字號、住居所、聯絡電話。





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