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壹、國文【第 1-20 題,每題 2 分,共計 20 題,佔 40 分】


Academic year: 2021

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中國鋼鐵股份有限公司 104 年新進人員甄試(Ⅱ)試題





共同科目:國文及英文 *請填寫入場通知書編號:________________

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本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分,限用 2B 鉛筆於答案卡上作 答,請選出最適當答案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


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壹、國文【第 1-20 題,每題 2 分,共計 20 題,佔 40 分】


無聲無「臭」、附膻逐「臭」 「文」質彬彬、「文」過飾非

窗明「几」淨、隱「几」而臥 別無「長」物、蜚短流「長」


小明的父親不幸病故,同學都勸他節哀順便 溥心畬雖是畫壇巨擘,但詩詞也文采斐然

這一條商店街,賣的全是泊來品 老楊無論跟誰聊天總愛吊書袋,反而顯得淺薄


牡丹亭 桃花扇 陶庵夢憶 海上花列傳







班固/漢書 羅貫中/三國志

劉義慶/世說新語 王國維/人間詞話


斧 盥 詠 暫


人生如「朝露」 何以解憂,唯有「杜康」

五十年間萬事空,懶將白髮對「青銅」 漢皇重色思「傾國」,御宇多年求不得

















待價而估/大放獗詞 飛揚跋扈/憤世嫉俗 濟濟一堂/嬌柔造作 旁證博引/破釜沉舟


夫志,氣之「帥」也/統帥 色惡,不食。「臭」惡,不食/臭味

「無嚴」諸侯,惡聲至,必反之/不畏懼 朔嘗醉入殿中,「小遺」殿上,劾不敬/嘔吐


池塘生春草,園柳變鳴禽 松月生夜涼,風泉滿清聽

行到水窮處,坐看雲起時 風蕭蕭兮易水寒,壯士一去兮不復還


一月:端月 三月:桃月 八月:桂月 十一月:臘月



初一 初三 十五 月底


管窺蠡(ㄌㄧˊ)測 自怨自艾(ㄧˋ)

櫛(ㄐㄧㄝˊ)風沐雨 博聞強識(ㄕˋ)







「休戚」相關/喜樂和憂慮 金城「湯池」/池塘

「厲兵」秣馬/厲害的兵士 「緣木」求魚/利用木塊







「為」善最樂/行 「為」政以德/治理 「為」壇而盟/築 敵未滅,何以家「為」/回


貳、英文【第 21-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 30 題,佔 60 分】


【2】21. In order to ___________ our partnership with the clients, several new projects are launched to strengthen these relationships.

 undermine  consolidate  devastate  marginalize

【3】22. The new director pledged to ___________ all manpower and necessary resources for the production of the new products.

 decipher  prolong  allocate  eliminate

【1】23. The team recently conducted a survey that ___________ about their customers’ opinions toward the new product.

 inquired  contained  reversed  exiled

【2】24. Our sales in Europe and South Easter Asia are increasing by 10 and 12 percent ___________.

 excessively  respectively  immediately  scarcely

【4】25. The city is ___________ in tourist attractions, particularly historical sites and classical architecture.

 devastated  disruptive  alienated  abundant

【4】26. The band’s music is a ___________ of jazz and country music, combining several elements from each genre.

 devotion  carnivore  infection  hybrid

【1】27. Education budget cuts will diminish our global ___________ in the long run.

 competitiveness  nomination  reproduction  imprisonment

【1】28. The advanced technology indeed ___________ the global telecommunications industry.

 revolutionizes  specializes  accumulates  deflates

【3】29. We decided to ___________ our new model against the most popular one in the market.

 abandon  overthrow  benchmark  colonize

【2】30. Several local car manufacturers are now aiming for the ___________ market, targeting at the rich.

 upbringing  high-end  downside  low-ball


【4】31. The entire department will have to work ___________ because of the previous setback.

 all harder  for the harder  for harder  all the harder

【1】32. ___________ really could cause problems is the lack of integration between the two teams.

 What  Which  Who  That

【1】33. It is not what the manager said but what he did ___________ makes everyone angry.

 that  it  who  so

【2】34. ___________ what to say in an awkward situation, he always chooses to keep silent.

 Not to know  Not knowing  Does not know  Not known

【4】35. I can’t find my wallet anywhere. I guess I ___________ it in the restaurant.

 may leave  should have left  ought to leave  could have left

【3】36. Many portable mobile devices come in very small sizes, ___________ a hand.

 not as big for  not bigger as  no bigger than  no bigger by

【1】37. We are currently working on two new projects, ___________ can help the company seize a bigger market if we succeed.

 both of which  both of them  they both  both

【4】38. The account manager did not get to meet with the client. When he arrived in the conference room, the client ___________.

 left  has left  has to leave  had left

【3】39. The taste of the pasta reminded our Italian guest ___________ his hometown.

 for  about  of  to

【3】40. In many ways cyber game players think and act differently, ___________, from others who do not play online games.

 as they are  as what is  as it were  as those were


Giving an effective public speech is considered an advanced skill for many workplace professionals. But oftentimes, speakers 41 on the content of speech and forget about their audience. No matter how good a speech looks on paper or how well it is delivered, its success or failure must always be measured 42 audience response. A salesperson who doesn’t sell the product will soon be out of a job, and the politician who doesn’t get votes will not get 43 . Therefore, when preparing for a speech, the speaker must always consider the audience’s attitudes, their needs and responses. Usually people are willing to pay attention if they will gain something from doing so. So creating benefits for your audience to satisfy their interest and needs should be the top 44 . Relating to the audience’s experience is also effective to close the gap and can further ensure that messages can be effectively 45 in order to make an influence on the audience. Making a speech that is prepared with a specific audience group in mind is where it starts.

【1】41.  concentrate  specialize  expose  demonstrate

【1】42.  in terms of  in spite of  due to  as to

【4】43.  vetoed  ousted  demolished  elected

【2】44.  sentiment  priority  impression  perspiration

【3】45.  extorted  insulated  conveyed  meditated 四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】

A hundred years ago, the largest city in the world was London, with a population of 6.5 million. Today it is dwarfed by Tokyo. With barely a quarter the population of London a century ago, the Tokyo metropolitan area has since mushroomed to 35 million, propelling it to first place in the global city league table. Tokyo’s phenomenal growth is largely due to a single factor: migration from the countryside to the city. It is just one of many to have overtaken London, which with a population of 7.5 million today doesn’t even make the top 20.

The rural-to-urban migration can now be seen in scores of cities around the globe. And it has brought us to a pivotal moment in human history. In 1900, most people lived in the countryside, with a little over 10 percent of the world’s population living in cities. From next year, the UN Population Division predicts that for the first time in history, more people will live in cities than in the country, and the biggest growth will be in “megacities,” with populations over 10 million.

The meteoric growth of megacities—there are now more than 25 in total—has brought with it huge environmental and social problems. Cities occupy just two percent of the land surface of the Earth but consume three-quarters of the resources that are used up each year, expelling greenhouse gases, billions of tons of solid waste, and rivers of toxic sewage. Their inhabitants are making ruinous demands on soils and water supplies for food and on forests for timber and paper.

Returning the world’s population to the countryside is not an option. Dividing up the planet into plots of land on which we could all survive self-sufficiently would create its own natural disasters, not to mention being highly unlikely to even happen. If we were to protect what is left of nature, and meet the demand to improve the quality of living for the world’s developing nations, finding a new form of city living seems to be the only solution by mobilizing collaborative efforts to address this urgent agenda.

【3】46. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage above?

 A New Megacity Initiative: A Redistribution of Resources

 A New City on the Rise: Tapping into the Undeveloped

 Megacities Boom: Problems to be Solved

 London and Tokyo: Exemplary Cities

【2】47. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

 Surpassing London, Tokyo has the largest population in all cities around the world.

 London is one of the world’s top 20 cities, with a fast population growth.

 The population of Tokyo is approximately four times more than that of London.

 Tokyo has witnessed a large migration flow from the rural area into the city.

【1】48. What number does the underlined word “score” express?

 20  12  50  100

【2】49. According to the passage, which of the following about megacities is TRUE?

 The UN Population Division attempted to reduce the size of megacities.

 Around the globe, there are twenty-five cities with population exceeding 10 million.

 A megacity can accommodate more than 10 million migrant workers.

 The biggest trouble need for a megacity is not having a new economic model to provide enough jobs.

【4】50. According to the passage, which of the following is the most pressing issue for the megacities?

 To return the city population to the countryside.

 To minimize the occupancy of land surface and reduce waste.

 To stop city inhabitants from ruining soils, water supplies and forests.

 To establish a new urban living option through collaboration.



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