- -
- -
Principal Indicators
MICE Events (No.)
No. of Participants and % %
Attendees (’000) Average Duration (day) Meetings & Conferences (No.)
No. of Participants (’000) % %
Average Duration (day) Of which: 4 hours or more
No. of Participants (’000) % %
Average Duration (day) Exhibitions (No.)
No. of Attendees (’000) % %
Average Duration (day) Incentives (No.)
No. of Participants (’000) % %
Average Duration (day) Meetings & Conferences by Number of Participants
in 4th Quarter
10 - 49 50 - 99 100 - 199
≧ 200
Meetings & Conferences
Alameda Dr. Carlos d' Assumpção No. 411-417, Dynasty Plaza, 17th floor, Macao Tel: (853) 8399 5311 Fax: (853) 2830 7825 E-mail: info@dsec.gov.mo Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.
In terms of duration of event, meetings & conferences of 4 hours or more decreased by 8 year-on-year to 244, whereas number of participants expanded by 40.1% to 77,000, with participants of meetings & conferences with 200 participants or more (67,000) surging by 53.6%. Meetings & conferences of less than 4 hours went up by 10 year-on-year to 110, while number of participants (9,533) dropped by 36.0%.
206 56.6
2.1 0.1
51 -4
3.3 0.1 0.1
45 5.4
3.0 0.9
48 2.6
7.2 3.4 2
1 608 18
19 23.8
- 1.6
3 16 14.1 591
244 -8
A total of 378 MICE events were held, including 354 meetings & conferences, 18 exhibitions and 6 incentives. Total number of participants and attendees was 694,000. For the whole year of 2017, 1,381 MICE events were organised and number of participants and attendees reached 1,901,000.
Number of exhibitions increased by 2 year-on-year and number of attendees surged by 45.8%. In 2017, number of exhibitions fell by 4 year-on-year while that of attendees grew by 7.2%.
Number of incentives went up by 3 year-on-year, with number of participants rising by 14.1%. For the whole year of 2017, number of incentives increased by 19 year-on-year and that of participants rose by 5.4%.
Quarter Change Types of Events in 4th Quarter
Number of meetings & conferences went up by 2 year-on-year and number of participants rose by 23.8%, which was attributable to the increase in meetings & conferences with 200 participants or more. Meetings & conferences of 4 hours or more decreased by 8, whereas number of participants expanded by 40.1%. In 2017, meetings & conferences increased by 90 year-on-year and number of participants rose by 39.3%.
7 1 381 105
1 901 1.7
1 285 90
869 81
245 39.3
1.6 0.1
40.1 1.7
2 354
-2.9 34.0 4
4 7 72
-27.6 Meetings &
Conferences (No.)
No. of Participants
Change (%)
Analysed by number of participants, meetings & conferences with 10 to 49 participants increased by 15 year-on-year to 164 in the fourth quarter; yet, the number of participants was merely 3,859 (4.5% of total), up by 3.3%. Meetings & conferences with 200 participants or more went up by 6 year-on-year to 79, with number of participants rising by 34.0% to 72,000 (83.1% of total).
Meetings & Conferences by Duration and Size in 4th Quarter
15 164
60 51 79
-18 -1 6
3.3 Government
Meeting 4.2%
Corporate Meeting
Association Meeting 35.5%
Conference 2.6%
Exhibition 4.8%
Incentive 1.6%
Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service 統 計 暨 普 查 局
37 63
112 101
25 18
53 42
19 16
33 35
19 13
54 66
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
≧ 4 hours
< 4 hours
244 252
110 100 2017
2016 2017
10 - 49 participants 50 - 99 participants 100 - 199 participants ≧ 200 participants
Size of Meeting & Conference
Meetings & Conferences by Duration and Floor Area Used
Total •
< 500 m² 500 - 999
≧ 1 000 4 hours or more
< 500 m² 500 - 999
≧ 1 000 Less than 4 hours
< 500 m² 500 - 999
≧ 1 000
• •
586 354
179 125
Meetings & conferences of 4 hours or more went up by 81 year-on- year to 869 in 2017, with number of participants surging by 56.6% to 206,000 (84.3% of total). Meanwhile, meetings & conferences of less than 4 hours totalled 416, up by 9 year-on-year, whereas number of participants dropped by 12.5% to 38,000.
Meetings & Conferences by Duration and Size in 2017 Current
Meetings & Conferences (No.)
Total Floor Area Used ('000 m2)
2017 Current 2017
232 32
27 155
49 186 33
251 933
For the whole year of 2017, meetings & conferences increased by 90 year-on-year to 1,285; number of participants grew by 39.3% to 245,000, attributable to an upsurge of 55.2% in those attending meetings & conferences with 200 participants or more.
In terms of number of participants, the number in December took the lead at 44,000, soaring by 230.9% year-on-year; meanwhile, there were 34,000 participants in September, up by 42.5%.
There were 166 meetings & conferences with a floor area of 1,000 m²or more in 2017, an increase of 49 year-on-year; their total floor area used reached 894,000 m², a leap of 80.1% year-on-year.
9 56 6 35
54 166
Analysed by month, most of the meetings & conferences were held in November 2017, at 143 (+7); however, their number of participants dropped by 26.3% year-on-year to 25,000.
13 8
Total floor area used for meetings & conferences in 2017 expanded by 53.3% year-on-year to 1,198,000 m ² , of which meetings &
conferences of 4 hours or more occupied 1,073,000 m² (89.5% of total).
Number of Meetings & Conferences and Participants by Month
153 224
48 313
96 347 16
867 125
110 416 30
1 285 1 198
Total floor area used for meetings & conferences in the fourth quarter decreased by 20.6% year-on-year to 313,000 m². Meetings
& conferences of 4 hours or more occupied 283,000 m²(-19.1%), and those of less than 4 hours took up 30,000 m² (-33.1%).
Meetings & conferences with a floor area of 1,000 m ² or more dropped by 2 year-on-year to 54, and the total floor area used was 232,000 m² (74.2% of total).
40 27
283 1 073 130
894 115
163 215
403 417
108 88
171 160
69 60
84 105
67 53
130 187
0 300 600 900
≧ 4 hours
< 4 hours
869 788
416 407 2017
2016 2017
2017 2016 Number of Meetings
& Conferences
2016 Number of 2017
207 13 8 2011 18 8 1010 1617 15 8 1113 3424 1723 2533 4413
115 125
101 106 101 100
103 143
108 122
101 92 99
79 101
111 136
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
No. '000
10 - 49 participants 50 - 99 participants 100 - 199 participants ≧ 200 participants
Size of Meeting & Conference
As regards number of participants, those attending meetings &
conferences of 4 hours or more registered increases across all quarters, of which participants in the first quarter escalated by 206.0% to 44,000.
For the whole year of 2017, a total of 51 exhibitions were held, down by 4 year-on-year. Number of attendees grew by 7.2% to 1,608,000, while total floor area used fell by 2.7% to 302,000 m².
Analysed by quarter, number of meetings & conferences of 4 hours or more in the first three quarters showed increases and the highest growth was recorded in the first quarter, rising by 66 year-on-year to 247.
Number of Exhibitions and Attendees in 4th Quarter
Among the 18 exhibitions held in the fourth quarter of 2017, 8 of them were previously held in the same quarter of 2016. Total number of attendees expanded by 45.8% year-on-year to 591,000 and the average duration of the exhibitions rose by 0.1 day to 3.3 days.
Number of Meetings & Conferences of 4 Hours or More and Participants by Quarter
Number of Exhibitions and Attendees by Quarter
Number of exhibitions increased by 2 year-on-year; those organised by non-government organisations (16) and by the Government (2) both went up by 1, and the respective number of attendees totalled 459,000 (+31.0%) and 132,000 (+140.7%). Total floor area used dropped by 2.0% to 152,000 m².
There were 44 exhibitions organised by non-government organisations, down by 5 year-on-year, whereas their number of attendees rose by 2.3% to 1,319,000. Among these exhibitions, the 21 exhibitions with 20,000 attendees or more attracted 1,203,000 attendees (91.3% of total). Concurrently, number of attendees of the 7 exhibitions organised by the Government increased by 37.0% to 289,000.
Analysed by quarter, number of exhibitions in the first and fourth quarters showed increases, with number of attendees surging by 48.9% and 45.8% year-on-year in the respective quarters. Meanwhile, exhibitions held in the second and third quarters decreased by 7 and 2 respectively, with their respective number of attendees dropping by 14.0% and 12.9%.
Number of Attendees
No. '000
2 16 16
0 4 8 12 16 20
Total Organised by Organised by Government non-Government
2017 2016 351
405 459
132 591
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Number of Exhibitions
163110 351408 503577 591405 7
18 17
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 5 10 15 20
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2017 2016 Number of
2016 Number of 2017
Attendees No. '000
No. '000
4414 3526 5137 7755
195 183 244
181 184 171
20 40 60 80 100
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Q1 Q2r Q3 Q4
2017 2016 Number of Meetings
& Conferences
2016 Number of 2017
Main Items of Receipts and Expenditure of Interviewed Exhibition Organisers
'000 MOP
No. of Organisers
Receipts Of which:
Rental Receipts of Exhibition Booths Financial Support from Government and Other Organisations
Expenditure Receipts and Expenditure of Interviewed Exhibition Organisers
Of which:
Production, Construction &
Publicity & Public Relations Rental Paid for the Venue Accommodation, Food &
Exhibitions Organised by Non-Government Organisations 114 083
16 747
Receipts of the 16 exhibitions organised by non-government organisations amounted to MOP 74.22 million, of which 77.8% was generated from financial support provided by the government and other organisations. Expenditure totalled MOP 86.10 million, with that incurred on production, construction & decoration and publicity
& public relations taking up 25.9% and 14.3% respectively.
Receipts and expenditure of the 44 exhibitions organised by non- government organisations amounted to MOP 177 million and MOP 144 million respectively. Most of the receipts came from rental receipts of exhibition booths (49.6% of total) and financial support from government and other organisations (40.5%). Expenditure was mainly spent on production, construction & decoration (27.3% of total). After deducting the expenditure and financial support from government and other organisations from the receipts, these exhibitions recorded a deficit of MOP 38.62 million, yet an improvement from the deficit of MOP 48.05 million in 2016.
Receipts of the 2 exhibitions organised by the government totalled MOP 2.51 million, of which rental receipts of exhibition booths accounted for 97.1%. Expenditure of these exhibitions amounted to MOP 27.98 million, with that incurred on production, construction &
decoration constituting 31.0% . 36 834
2 511 2 439
74 221 15 271
57 744
86 099
22 266
29 294
Exhibitions Organised by the Government
183 754 17 710
Organised by Government
Organised by Non- Government Organisations Current Quarter
Total 2017
76 731
16 2
12 279 9 424 13 120
Structure of Expenditure for Exhibitions in 2017
29 274 8 028
11 476
94 272
62 317 -
3 448 3 696
71 853 57 744
27 984
8 680
228 719
30 946
In accordance with the information collected from the 51 exhibition organisers in 2017, their receipts were generated primarily from rental receipts of exhibition booths (MOP 94.27 million) and financial support from government and other organisations (MOP 71.85 million), whereas expenditure was mainly incurred on production, construction & decoration (MOP 62.32 million).
Receipts and Expenditure of Interviewed Exhibition Organisers in 2017
4 468
There were 7 exhibitions organised by the Government, and the receipts and expenditure of these exhibitions amounted to MOP 6.42 million and MOP 84.61 million respectively. Receipts were generated primarily from rental receipts of exhibition booths (98.5%
of total) while most of the expenditure was incurred on production, construction & decoration (27.1% of total).
According to the information provided by the exhibition organisers in the fourth quarter, receipts of the 18 exhibitions amounted to MOP 76.73 million, of which MOP 57.74 million (75.3% of total) came from financial support provided by the government and other organisations. Expenditure totalled MOP 114 million, with MOP 30.95 million (27.1% of total) being spent on production, construction & decoration.
Publicity & Public Relations (MOP 16.17 million) Production, Construction &
Decoration (MOP 22.91 million)
Rental Paid for the Venue (MOP 8.45 million)
Accommodation, Food &
Beverages (MOP 12.85 million)
Transport (MOP 5.35 million)
Freight (MOP 1.54 million)
Others (MOP 17.35 million) 19.1%
6.3% 1.8%
Publicity & Public Relations (MOP 20.66 million) Production, Construction
& Decoration (MOP 39.41 million)
Rental Paid for the Venue (MOP 20.84 million)
Accommodation, Food &
(MOP 16.43 million) Transport (MOP 4.79 million)
Freight (MOP 8.97 million)
Others (MOP 33.00 million) 14.3%
14.5% 11.4%
177 229
0 50 100 150 200 250
Total Government Non-Government Organizations
Receipts Expenditure
Million MOP
Exhibitors Of which:
Mainland China Hong Kong Macao
• Professional Visitors
Of which:
Mainland China Hong Kong Macao
Structure of Receipts and Expenditure of Interviewed Exhibitors Receipts and Expenditure of Interviewed Exhibitors
Sales of Products Financial Support from
Government & Other
Organisations and Others •
Rental Paid for Exhibition Booth Booth Decoration & Construction Publicity & Public Relations Freight and Others
Information collected from the 1,230 interviewed exhibitors in 2017 indicated that the majority of their receipts came from sales of products (95.8% of total), whereas their expenditure was mainly incurred on rental paid for exhibition booths (50.9% of total) and booth decoration & construction (30.9%).
13.6 15.6 12.3 12.0
4.3 Government
4 531 10 986 27 007
2 987 9 775 21 556
Exhibitors and Professional Visitors of Exhibitions Booths, Exhibitors and Professional Visitors of Exhibitions
Organised by Government
9 192 No.
908 1 342
49.2 50.9 100.0 40.6
1 582 1 749
10 552 323
12 762
5 533 Organised
by non- Organisations
Information from 417 interviewed exhibitors in the fourth quarter indicated that 88.7% of their receipts was generated from sales of products, while rental paid for exhibition booths and booth decoration & construction took up 40.6% and 40.4% of their expenditure respectively.
40.4 32.7
88.7 98.9 95.8
Current Quarter
Same Quarter 2017
100.0 100.0
30.9 27.5
Exhibitions Organised by Non-Government Organisations
56.2 97.5 Exhibitions Organised by the Government
52 546 801
1 716
231 11
39 510 98 559
4 734 22 273
2.5 5.9
The 18 exhibitions in the fourth quarter had a total of 3,465 booths.
There were 2,250 exhibitors, and 34.7% of them came from Mainland China and 38.1% from Macao. Professional visitors totalled 50,000, with those from Macao making up 53.9%.
2017 Current Quarter
3 465
50 062 2 250
5 332
277 580 1 989
4.2 2.5
100.0 100.0
The 51 exhibitions drew 99,000 professional visitors in 2017, with those coming from Macao accounting for 53.3% of the total.
Professional visitors attending exhibitions organised by non- government organisations totalled 77,000, and 56.8% of them were from Macao.
The 16 exhibitions organised by non-government organisations drew 1,342 exhibitors and 40,000 professional visitors, and most of them were from Macao, comprising 43.2% and 56.4% of the respective total. With regard to the 2 exhibitions organised by the Government, there were 908 exhibitors and 35.6% of them were from Mainland China; the majority of professional visitors (11,000) came primarily from Macao, taking up 44.9% of the total.
For the whole year of 2017, the exhibitions attracted 5,533 exhibitors, with those coming from Mainland China and Macao comprising 28.6% and 35.9% of the total respectively. The 44 exhibitions organised by non-government organisations drew 3,323 exhibitors, and the majority of them were from Macao (40.5% of total). Moreover, the 7 exhibitions organised by the Government attracted 2,210 exhibitors; with 42.8% coming from Mainland China and 29.1% from Macao.
Structure of Exhibitors in 2017
11.3 1.1
5.4 Mainland China
945 Hong Kong
92 Macao
Taiwan 109
Others 420 42.8%
Mainland China 637 Hong Kong
Macao 1 345
Taiwan 194
Others 452 19.2%
Comments from Interviewed Exhibitors
Planning & Organisation of Exhibition
Arrangements Hospitality Promotion Venue
Facilities Management Ease of Access Venue Staff
Professionalism Language Skills Work Efficiency & Attitude Services Rendered by Local Companies
Services Arrangements
Comments from Interviewed Exhibitors
• •
• •
1.5 1.9 -0.4 1.0 -0.9
98.1 78.2 -2.7 15.4 -0.7 1.2 -
100.0 72.9 -2.3 18.5 0.8 7.2
100.0 76.7 -0.2
44.6 77.4 -4.1 19.4 6.3 -
44.6 77.4 -6.4 19.4 7.1 0.5 -1.0 2.7 0.3
Number of incentives held in the fourth quarter increased by 3 year-on- year to 6, attracting 16,000 participants (+14.1%); the average duration of these events was 2.6 days and the total floor area used was 136,000 m².
Satisfaction of interviewed exhibitors towards most of the facilities and services recorded quarter-to-quarter decline. Even though the proportions of exhibitors who complimented the language skills (78.7%), professionalism (78.2%) and work efficiency & attitude (77.9%) of venue staff were relatively high, a quarter-to-quarter decrease of 1.3 percentage points, 2.7 percentage points and 2.4 percentages points was still recorded respectively.
-3.1 3.2
- 1.5
Analysed by quarter, number of participants registered growth in all quarters except for the second quarter, with that in the third quarter leaping by 220.4%.
Among the interviewed exhibitors who had used services rendered by local companies, the proportions of those who were satisfied with services and arrangements of the companies were both 77.4%, down by 6.4 percentage points and 4.1 percentage points respectively quarter-to-quarter.
As regards the venue, the shares of the exhibitors who showed satisfaction with the venue management (76.7%) and ease of access (72.9%) dropped by 0.2 percentage points and 2.3 percentage points respectively quarter-to-quarter; meanwhile, 71.2% of the exhibitors were satisfied with the facilities, up by 1.6 percentage points.
The proportion of interviewed exhibitors who were satisfied with the promotion of the exhibition (55.2%) recorded the lowest rating among all aspects, down by 8.4 percentage points quarter-to- quarter, while 15.1% of the exhibitors required for improvement, up by 3.2 percentage points.
A total of 45 incentives were held in 2017, up by 19 year-on-year.
Number of participants (48,000) and total floor area used (342,000 m²) rose by 5.4% and 1.1% respectively year-on-year; the average duration of these events went up by 0.9 day to 3.0 days.
97.6 77.9 -2.4 15.7 -0.2 1.7 -0.1 4.7 2.7
98.1 78.7 -1.3 14.4
100.0 71.2 1.6 22.5 - 5.8 -1.2 0.5 -0.4
1.7 Quarter-to-
quarter (p.p.)
25.4 4.2 15.1 3.2 4.3
69.7 25.5 7.1 3.1
Proportion of exhibitors using
the services
Quarter-to- quarter
No Comment
Quarter-to- quarter
100.0 55.2
-5.9 24.8 5.0 0.5 -1.5
Quarter-to- quarter
1.0 1.4 0.5
5.2 3.4
4.1 2.4
1.2 Improvement
Number of Incentives and Participants by Quarter
4 2 9 23 18 6 16 14
15 14
6 12
3 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 4 8 12 16
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2017 2016 Number of
2016 Number of 2017
No. '000
Historical Data
No. of MICE Events Meetings & Conferences Of which: 4 hours or more Exhibitions
Participants and Attendees ('000) Meeting Participants Of which: 4 hours or more Exhibition Attendees Incentive Participants
Average Duration of Events (day) Average Duration of Meetings Of which: 4 hours or more Average Duration of Exhibitions Average Duration of Incentives
Survey Coverage:
Government Meeting:
Association Meeting: An event initiated by an association.
Corporate Meeting:
Commercial Exhibition includes events where:
b) Incentive:
Revised figures
Absolute value equals zero Not applicable
No figure provided Percentage Thousand Macao Pataca Percentage point Square metre Number
For additional information:
747 725 706
98 2 614
45 2 488 2 393
1.6 1.6
55 1 163 1 195
788 352
1 500 16
1 722
1.5 176
109 124
405 14
Gathering of employees or representatives of a commercial organisation. Usually, travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the attendees are paid for by the organisation.
3.2 786
1.5 2014
3.4 2015
2 034 621
2.0 1.9
1 063 35 27
31 50
3.0 2.1
3.4 3.2 3.3
2.2 2.2 2.3 2.1
3.3 2.3
3.3 3.3
MICE Statistics covers meetings & conferences, exhibitions and incentives that are held in paid venues, such as hotels and major convention & exhibition centres in Macao. However, meetings with less than 10 participants; meetings for product launch, orientation and press conference; as well as exhibitions not involving business activities, e.g. photo, painting and other cultural & art exhibitions, are excluded.
An event at which attendees are civil servants, government officials or service providers to governmental entities, with the aim of discussing topics or reaching agreements.
Note: Incentives in 2015 only include incentive meetings.
2.1 1.7
~ ~ ~ ~
1.6 2.1
2.0 1.4
m² '000
An event where the attendees meet to exchange views, convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on specific issues. Usually, a conference is divided into sessions based on various areas relevant to the conference theme.
Exhibitors display goods and services of one or more industries. These events focus primarily on business-to-business relationship. The primary activity of attendees is to visit exhibits on the show floor;
Exhibitors display, promote and/or sell products of one or more industries to public consumers.
Symbols and abbreviations:
A management tool that an enterprise uses by providing a travel experience with pre-arranged meetings to motivate and recognise employees or relevant individuals for their outstanding performance. An incentive may include various sessions, of which meetings are an essential part of the event.
- r
2017 2014 Q4
2015 2016
1 015 1 024 1 050 1 263 1 276
2 516
1 613 56
1.8 931
1.8 987
1 028
127 140
41 25
1.9 1.9 1.9 1.7
490 70
55 83
~ ~ 5
1 490 1 893
958 963
59 66 87
320 228 24
203 213
23 3 212
19 2013
344 310 362
3 ~ ~ ~ 22
252 2012
294 275
2012 2013