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國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院森林環境暨資源學系 碩士論文

School of Forestry and Resource Conservation College of Bioresources and Agriculture

National Taiwan University Master Thesis

使用遙測資料探討都會地景蜘蛛多樣性之空間分布 Spatial Patterns of Spider Diversity in Urban

Landscape by Using Remote Sensing Derived Indices

尤光平 Kuang-Ping Yu

指導教授:丁宗蘇 博士 及 卓逸民 博士 Advisors: Tzung-Su Ding, Ph.D. & I-Min Tso, Ph.D.

中華民國 108 年 6 月

June, 2019



國立臺灣大學碩士學位論文 口試委員會審定書


Spatial Patterns of Spider Diversity in Urban Landscape by Using Remote Sensing Derived Indices


境暨資源研究所完成之碩士學位論文,於民國 108 年 6 月 5 日





首先,我要感謝丁宗蘇老師和卓逸民老師耐心的指導,從一開始研究題目的 選擇、後續的統計分析、到論文的撰寫修改與口試,大至研究、小至生活,兩位 老師都盡他們所能的在各個層面給予我非常多的協助,也在我兩年的碩士生涯中 給了我相當大的自由度。另外,也非常謝謝李培芬和張琪如兩位老師願意擔任我 的口試委員,除了指出我研究中的盲點之外,也給予了我很多實用的建議。

接著,謝謝研究室伙伴林穆明、呂立中、李先祐、蔡芷怡、林佳祈以及沈芳 伃在研究上提供的協助、建議,也謝謝張瀚柏、張晉嘉在文獻上的支援,希望大 家接下來的研究生涯都非常順利。另一方面,非常感謝東海大學黃博森學長每次 都不厭其煩的聆聽我提出關於原始資料的問題,也要謝謝菲菲學姐時常協助我尋

找卓老師並和老師聯絡,此外,謝謝葉浩然、吳婉瑜以及Sean Kelly 在研究以及


最後,希望好好謝謝我的家人,儘管我走上這條與普世價值相左的道路,並 一頭栽進了蜘蛛的世界,你們都還是全力支持我,並提供我各式各樣的支援,甚 至還願意在平日的晚上陪我去荒山野嶺採集蜘蛛,真的非常感謝你們。




遙測技術可以監測大空間尺度下的環境變化,使探討都市化對生物多樣性的 衝擊研究更容易進行,其中,又以能夠反映棲地枝葉量多寡與初級生產力的植被 指數最常被使用於描述棲地的面積以及棲地的品質;然而,有關棲地初級生產力 假說和遙測資料衍生的環境因子如何影響蜘蛛這類肉食性小型節肢動物在大空間 尺度下分布的研究卻較為缺乏且結果分歧。因此,本研究使用遙測資料所衍生的 棲地動態指數與建蔽/裸地動態指數,探討與蜘蛛物種多樣性、科組成以及棲地偏

好間的關係,並找出遙測因子能解釋最多變異的取樣尺度。本研究透過1145 組

掉落式陷阱蒐集蜘蛛樣本,並將蜘蛛物種多樣性依照1、6.25、25、100 公頃的網

格進行資料整合;另一方面,遙測資料則由大地8 號衛星的網路公開資料庫取

得,並使用廣義線性混合模式以及冗餘分析測試遙測因子和蜘蛛物種多樣性資料 之間的關係。本研究發現,蜘蛛物種多樣性和棲地初級生產力呈顯著的正相關,

且由於上行效應,使得蜘蛛儘管是食物鏈中上層的掠食者而非直接取食植物的初 級消費者,棲地生產力假說仍能適用於牠們;且遙測因子,特別是年累積生產

力,能夠顯著地解釋蜘蛛的物種多樣性以及科組成,而解釋變異的比例在6.25 到

25 公頃的空間尺度之間達到最大。此外,狼蛛、皿蛛、姬蛛以及卵蛛這四個優勢 科基於其體型、覓食策略和型態特徵的不同,棲地偏好能良好地被遙測因子所解 釋。本研究提供了使用大尺度監測工具研究小型肉食節肢動物的方法,在保育策 略方面,於都會綠地中營造初級生產力高且穩定的環境有助於蜘蛛多樣性的保 育,除大面積綠地之外,高度都市化地區的行道樹或小型花壇亦是都會蜘蛛的重 要棲地,減少殺蟲劑和除草劑的用量對於都會蜘蛛的物種多樣性保育亦有助益。





Through remote sensing data, monitoring the impact of urbanization on species

diversity at a regional scale has become more and more convenient. Vegetation indices

have been used to represent the size of habitats and habitat quality by predicting the

amount of foliage and habitat productivity. However, studies on how habitat primary

productivity hypothesis and remote sensing derived environmental factors (RS factors)

affect spatial distribution of spiders at large spatial scales are lacking, and the relationship

between spider diversity and RS factors remains unclear. Hence, the present study aimed

to examine the relationship of spider species richness, family composition, and habitat

preference with RS factors (Dynamic Habitat Indices and Dynamic Building/Bareness

Indices) and determine the best spatial scale of sampling unit which RS factors could

explain the largest variance in spider species richness and family composition. Spider

species distribution data were obtained by pitfall traps in 1,145 sampling sites in an

urbanization landscape in central Taiwan. Remote sensing data were obtained from

Landsat 8 images. The relationships between RS factors and spider assemblage diversity

were examined by generalized linear mixed models and redundancy analysis at four

spatial scales: 1, 6.25, 25, and 100 ha grids. Results reveal that although spiders are

predators which occupy higher trophic level, spider diversity follows habitat productivity



hypothesis based on bottom-up effect, and thus could be modeled by RS factors

significantly, especially cumulative Dynamic Habitat Index. The best spatial scale for

studying spider diversity by RS factors was between 6.25 to 25 ha. With differences in

sizes, foraging strategy, and morphological traits, habitat preferences of dominant spider

families, Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Theridiidae, and Oonopidae, could also be well

explained by RS factors. Overall, the present study offers methods of modeling the spatial

distribution of small carnivorous invertebrate species richness in the urbanization

landscape by remote sensing data at a broad scale. For spider biodiversity conservation,

maintaining high and stable habitat productivity in green areas, such as parks or school

campuses, can help maintain high spider species richness. Also, Reducing the use of

pesticides and herbicide at street trees and small vegetated patches in highly urbanized

areas may also help on conserving spider diversity.

Keywords: Habitat productivity, EVI, Dynamic Habitat Indices, EBBI, Taiwan




口試委員審定書 ... i

誌謝 ... ii

中文摘要 ... iii





Introduction ... 1

Methods ... 12

Results ... 24

Discussion ... 35

References ... 42

Appendix ... 54




Figure 1 The study area located in central Taiwan; each dot represent one sampling site and colors of the dots represent different land use types in Global Research &

Education on Environment and Society project. ... 13

Figure 2 Dynamic Habitat Indices (DHIs) of the study area derived by Enhance Vegetation Index. (a) cumulative DHI, (b) minimum DHI, (c) variation DHI,

(d) combined DHIs were transformed into RGB color on the map (Red:

Variation DHI; Green: Cumulative DHI; Blue: Minimum DHI)... 19

Figure 3 Dynamic Building/Bareness Indices (DBIs) of the study area derived by Enhance Build-up/Bareness Index. (a) cumulative DBI, (b) maximum DBI,

(c) variation DBI, (d) combined DBIs were transformed into RGB color on

the map (Red: Variation DBI; Green: Cumulative DBI; Blue: Maximum DBI)

... 20 Figure 4 Sampling sites occupied by Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Theridiidae, and Oonopidae had higher spider family composition dissimilarity and thus were

divided from other sampling sites into four unique groups through

unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) cluster

analysis. Note: figure here only presents families with abundance over 30



individuals. Other 17 Families with abundance less than 30 individuals were

all belonged to the complex community in the cluster analysis. ... 25

Figure 5 Kruskal-Wallis test and pair wised Wilcoxon test indicated that sampling sites dominant by wolf spiders had high cumulative Dynamic Habitat Index (DHI),

Variation DHI, and Variation Dynamic Building/Bareness Index (DBI) while

had low Cumulative DBI. Sampling sites dominant by sheet weaving spiders,

on the other hand, had high cumulative DHI while had low Cumulative DBI,

Variation DHI, and Variation DBI. No statistical significance (Bonferroni

adjusted p-value >0.05) between RS factors at sampling sites dominant by

cobweb spiders and goblin spiders, they both had low cumulative DHI while

had high Cumulative DBI, Variation DHI, and Variation DBI. Upper

boundaries of the rectangles: 25th percentiles; lower boundaries of the

rectangles: 75th percentiles; horizontal bars: median; dotted vertical bars:

upper and lower distribution limits. DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI:

Dynamic Building/Bareness Index. ... 26

Figure 6 relationship between remote sensing derived environmental factors and sampling site with different spider family composition. DHI: Dynamic

Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index; Cum: cumulative;

Var: variation. ... 27



Figure 7 Comparison between the proportion of the spider family composition variances explained by remote sensing derived environmental factors (RS

factors) and local vegetation factors (LV factors). (a) RS factors and LV

factors could explain different parts of the spider family composition

variances and together explained 5.91% of total variances. (b) RS factors

could explain more variance (blue circle) than local vegetation factors did

(red circle). SR: species richness; BA: basal area; CV: coverage; DHI:

Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index. ... 28

Figure 8 The proportion of the spider family composition variances explained by remote sensing derived environmental factors at 1, 6, 25, and 100 ha sampling

unit size. At 25 ha spatial scale, remote sensing derived environmental factors

explain the largest percentage of spider family composition variances. ... 29

Figure 9 Model fitness measured by model deviance and pseudo R square of the best- fitted model at 1, 6.25, 25, and 100 ha sampling unit size. The increasing trend

of the model fitness declined at sampling unit size greater than 6.25 ha. ... 33




Table 1 Sites compilation by buffer zones and grids at different spatial scale; CHAO1:

Chao (1984) index estimated species richness; GLM: generalized linear

model; GLMM: generalized linear mix model ... 15

Table 2 Landsat 8 images selected in this study ... 16 Table 3 Pearson correlation coefficient between six remote sensing derived environmental factors; bold characters represent factor pairs with correlation

coefficient over 0.7. Cum_DHI: Cumulative Dynamic Habitat Index;

Min_DHI: Minimum Dynamic Habitat Index; Var_DHI: Variation Dynamic

Habitat Index; Cum_DBI: Cumulative Dynamic Building/Bareness Index;

Max_DBI: Minimum Dynamic Building/Bareness Index; Var_DBI: Variation

Dynamic Building/Bareness Index. ... 18

Table 4 factors included in the analysis and their ecological meanings; EVI: Enhance Vegetation Index; EBBI: Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index; DHI:

Dynamic Habitat Indices; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Indices. ... 23

Table 5 Correlation relationship and model AIC between estimated spider species richness and each remote sensing derived environmental factors at 1 ha

sampling unit size. “***”: p-value<0.001; “**”: p-value<0.01; DHI:



Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index. ... 30

Table 6 Correlation relationship between estimated spider species richness and both remote sensing derived environmental factors and local vegetation factors.

“***”: p-value<0.001; SR: species richness; BA: basal area; CV: coverage;

DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index. ... 31

Table 7 Best-fitted model when modeling estimated spider species richness by remote sensing derived environmental factors at 1 ha, 6.25 ha, 25 ha, and 100 ha

sampling unit size. “***”: p-value<0.001; “**”: p-value<0.01; “*”: p-

value<0.05; “NS”: p-value>0.05; DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI:

Dynamic Building/Bareness Index. ... 34




In the recent decades, urban areas expand dramatically (United Nation, 2018), and

urbanization has thought to be one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss (Marzluff,

2001; Li et al., 2005; McKinney, 2008). Therefore, evaluating the influences of

urbanization and the spatial distribution of biodiversity in urban areas are essential keys

to conservation (McKinney, 2008; De Mas et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2018a).

Spiders are very sensitive to environmental changes both at large and small spatial

scales, which make them an excellent environmental indicator (Pearson, 1994; Fan,

2007; Chapman, 2009; Lowe et al., 2017), and their species richness can be benefitted

by both local and regional scale conservation works (Lowe et al., 2017). Besides, as the

main arthropod predator in the terrestrial ecosystems, spiders can benefit human society

by serving as capable pest controllers (Nyffeler, 1987; Marc et al., 1999; Denno et


Spider is taxa vary in size and foraging strategy (Uetz et al., 1999; Cardoso et al.,

2011). Therefore, urbanization might cause different effects on different spider families

and functional guilds (Miyashita et al.,1998; Magura et al., 2010; Varet et al., 2014).

Large-sized spiders are often the main victims of urbanization. Natural habitats with

complex vertical vegetation structures where harbor higher prey diversity and biomass



are more likely to support high energy cost of large-sized spiders (Miyashita et al.,1998;

Floren and Deleman-Reinhold, 2005; Finch, 2005; Barlow et al., 2007; Hung et al.,

2008; Pinto-Leite et al., 2008; Yekwayo et al., 2016; Setiawan et al., 2016; Lowe et al.,

2017). On the other hands, small-sized space web builders, for example, Theridiidae,

prefer highly urbanized habitats and sometimes become dominant taxon due to their low

energy cost and tolerance to low humidity (Magura et al., 2010). Similar preferences

can also be found in some ground wandering spider taxa (Magura et al., 2010). Orb wed

builder prefer edge habitats or open areas because of their unique spatial needs for orb

web weaving (Miyashita et al.,1998; Petcharad et al., 2016). However, previous studies

also showed that these urban taxa tend to present smaller body size and web width than

those in natural habitats due to the lower prey biomass (Miyashita et al.,1998; Dahirel et

al., 2018). Nevertheless, like most of the wildlife, urbanization could cause negative

influences on overall spider species richness (Miyashita et al.,1998; McKinney, 2008;

Varet et al., 2014).

Remote sensing data can serve as proper tool to monitor the relationship between

broad-scale environmental changes and wildlife species richness (McFeeters, 1996; Liu

et al., 2004; Schowengerdt and Robert, 2007; Mohapatra et al., 2014; Lu et al., 2015).

By satellite or aircraft carried sensors, such as Moderate Resolution Imaging

Spectroradiometer (MODIS), remote sensing can record electromagnetic wave emitted



or reflected from the surface instantly (Schowengerdt and Robert, 2007; Lu et al.,

2015). Based on remote sensing data, researchers can derive important environmental

indices to wildlife by calculating the albedo differences between several different

spectral bands reflect from the ground surfaces (McFeeters, 1996; Mohapatra et al.,

2014; Yan et al., 2019).

Vegetation Indices are one of the most commonly used remote sensing derived

environmental indices which are derived from albedo ratio between red (564–580 nm)

and near-infrared (750–950 nm) lights (Liu et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2010). These

indices are designed to predict the amount of foliage and vegetation density on the

ground (Liu et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2010) and can also be used on quantifying the

main impacts of urbanization on biodiversity: habitat loss and habitat degradation

(McFeeters, 1996; Li et al., 2005; As-syakur et al., 2012; Mohapatra et al., 2014; Zhang

et al., 2018b).

Based on the albedo ratio, there are several types of formulae to derive vegetation

indices (Liu et al., 2004). Among all vegetation indices, Normalized Difference

Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been the most commonly used vegetation index (Liu et

al., 2004). Derived by red and infrared bands only, NDVI is the most straightforward vegetation index, which can be calculated easily (Liu et al., 2004). However, NDVI also

has several shortages. For example, soil and airborne particle noises can heavily



influence the accuracy of NDVI (Liu et al., 2004). Besides, a nonlinear relationship is

presented between the index and real foliage amount. The NDVI saturates at condense

vegetation, such as broadleaf forests (Liu et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2010; Hobi et al.,

2017). Despite many disadvantages, NDVI is still a sensitive index in habitats with low

to medium vegetation density (Liu et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2010).

Enhance Vegetation Index (EVI) was then constructed in order to fix the shortages

of NDVI (Hobi et al., 2017; Philpot, 2017). Intaking an additional blue band and two

constants to calibrate soil and practical biases, EVI is more accurate than NDVI for

dense vegetation (Phillips et al., 2010). Therefore, EVI could present linear correlations

to real foliage amount and vegetation density, which make EVI better predictors of

foliage amount than NDVI in tropical and subtropical landscapes (Hobi et al., 2017;

Philpot, 2017). However, no matter how precise a vegetation index is, it does not fully

equal to ground truth foliage amount (Liu et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 2010; Hobi et al.,


Further, vegetation types and their phenology can be inferred by combining

vegetation indices at different temporal scales (Berry et al., 2007). Dynamic Habitat

Indices (DHIs) are designed to describe vegetation phenology through times base on

vegetation indices (Berry et al., 2007). The DHIs include three different indices,

Cumulative DHI, Minimum DHI, and Variation DHI (Berry et al., 2007). Within a year,



Cumulative DHI represents the total amount of foliage of the habitat in the whole year,

Minimum DHI represents the amount of foliage in non-growing season of the habitat,

and Variation DHI is the differences in the amount of foliage between growing and non-

growing season of the habitat (Berry et al., 2007; Andrew et al., 2012; Hobi et al.,

2017). By comparing DHIs in different habitats, vegetation types and their phenology

can be inferred. For example, within one year, temperate deciduous forest presents high

cumulative DHI, high variation DHI, and low minimum DHI because of the dense

foliage in growing season and defoliation in the non-growing season (Hobi et al., 2017).

On the other hand, all three DHIs are low in temperate grassland due to its stable, but

sparse foliage amount (Hobi et al., 2017).

Through vegetation indices and DHIs, researchers can also predict habitat

productivity, which has been thought to be one of the most important environmental

factors to species diversity (Clark et al., 2001; Amthor and Baldocchi, 2001; Liu et al.,

2004; Lu et al., 2015). Habitat productivity is defined as the total inorganic energy fixed

by producers (Amthor and Baldocchi, 2001; Clark et al., 2001). Habitat productivity

hypothesis is an important theory which states that species richness increases with

increasing habitat productivity. However, there are many exceptions which have

rejected habitat productivity hypothesis (McGoff et al., 2013; Vilar et al., 2014; Bicudo

et al., 2016; Zorzal-Almeida et al., 2017). One of the famous cases is eutrophication in



aquatic ecosystems, high productivity sometimes leads to explosive growth of bacteria

and algae which consume all the oxygen and cause suffocation to other organisms

(McGoff et al., 2013; Vilar et al., 2014; Bicudo et al., 2016; Zorzal-Almeida et al.,


Besides species richness, community dissimilarity can also be explained by habitat

productivity (Harrison et al., 2006; Andrew et al., 2012; Johnson and Angeler, 2014). In

habitats with high productivity, community dissimilarity between sampling sites are

larger than those in habitat with low productivity (Harrison et al., 2006; Andrew et al.,

2012; Johnson and Angeler, 2014). Further, Andrew et al. (2012) stated that

dissimilarity is driven by inter-species competition in productive habitats due to the

competition on resources. On the other hand, dissimilarity in less productive habitats are

driven by environmental filtering since only a few strong species are present in harsh

habitats (Andrew et al., 2012).

Although spiders are small-sized carnivores, their species richness and assemblage

composition are heavily influenced by bottom-up effect, prey biomass and vertical

vegetation structure (Greenstone, 1984; Tso, 2003; Fan, 2007; Scharf et al., 2011;

Štokmane and Spuņģis, 2014). Therefore, habitat productivity hypothesis can also apply

on spider species richness (De Mas et al. 2009; Birkhofer and Wolters, 2012; Turrini et

al., 2015). Turrini et al. (2015) even stated that green areas in highly urbanized



landscape with high NDVI value can harbor higher spider species richness than that in

rural farmland. Besides species richness, prey diversity to spiders also increases with

increasing productivity at a global scale (Birkhofer and Wolters, 2012). However, in

some cases, spider species richness cannot be well explained or predicted by vegetation

indices (Jiménez-Valverde and Lobo, 2006; Lafage et al., 2014). Lafage et al. (2014)

suggest that the results may be caused by the higher trophic levels that spiders occupied

(Girard et al., 2011). Thus their diversity is not heavily influenced by vegetation

productivity in less productive habitats such as temperate floodplains (Lafage et al.,


DHIs are good environmental predictors which contain not just spatial, but also

temporal productivity features. To many taxa, habitats with high cumulative, high

minimum productivity, and low productivity variation can harbor higher species

richness, abundance, and larger body size (Coops et al., 2009a; Coops et al., 2009b;

Coops et al., 2009c; Birkhofer and Wolters, 2012; Michaud et al., 2014; Suttidate, 2016;

Hobi et al., 2017; Khlifa et al., 2017; Tiede et al., 2018). However, different taxa and

functional groups might prefer habitats which had different productivity features. To

North American birds, vegetation indices derived DHIs are valid predictors (Hobi et al.,

2017). For forest nesting birds, cumulative DHI has the best predictive power and

presents positive correlation relationship (Hobi et al., 2017). On the other hand,



minimum and variation DHI are better predictors for grassland nesting birds, and habitat

had low minimum and high productivity variation harbor higher grassland nesting birds

(Hobi et al., 2017). To spiders, however, the relationship between DHIs and the habitat

preferences of each family or functional guilds was seldom studied.

Habitat preferences of wildlife taxa and functional guilds are not the only reason

which might cause different relationship between habitat productivity and species

richness. Habitat productivity hypothesis is a scale-dependent hypothesis, several

previous studies indicated that the hypothesis is more likely to be applied at broader

spatial scales, while the correlation between habitat productivity and species richness

might become neutral, or even negative and less significant at finer spatial scales

(Coops et al., 2009a; Coops et al., 2009b; Coops et al., 2009c; Birkhofer and Wolters,

2012; Michaud et al., 2014; Suttidate, 2016; Hobi et al., 2017; Khlifa et al., 2017).

Therefore, spatial scale shall also be considered as an important factor when modeling

species richness by habitat productivity. On the other hand, the scale of sampling unit is

also important when using remote sensing data to derived environmental factors (Liu et

al., 2004; De Mas et al. 2009; Phillips et al., 2010). Under remote sensing, differences

within sampling units are shrunk into a single value, which may cause two distinct

habitats had the same environmental factors (Liu et al., 2004; De Mas et al. 2009;

Phillips et al., 2010). To spiders, De Mas et al. (2009) indicated that spider species



richness in the mountains in the Mediterranean climate could be well predicted by

NDVI and the area ratio of different vegetation types. They also stated that the proper

spatial scale to predict spider species richness and assemblage composition is in 220-

meter pixel size, and the efficiency decreases at other spatial scales (De Mas et al.


Not just vegetation indices can quantify the effect of urbanization, building indices,

based on albedos differences between short wave infrared (2000 – 2500 nm) and

thermal infrared (1000 – 1200 nm), are indices sensitive in detecting concrete, asphalt,

and most of the artificial surfaces (McFeeters, 1996; As-syakur et al., 2012; Mohapatra

et al., 2014). Therefore, scientists can map level of urbanization by deriving indices

such as Enhance Build-Up/Bareness Index (EBBI) (As-syakur et al., 2012). However,

only a few studies have focused on the relationship between building indices and

species richness (Shih, 2018). After all, modeling spatial distribution of species richness

at regional scale has become more important to conservation works, especially to those

in urban areas (Turrini et al., 2015; Buchholz et al., 2018; Lowe et al., 2018). Through

burgeoning remote sensing technology, environmental factors which used to cost many

resources to record are now easier to reach (McFeeters, 1996; Liu et al., 2004;

Schowengerdt and Robert, 2007; Mohapatra et al., 2014; Lu et al., 2015). However,

algorithms and conservation strategy were still remaining ambiguous to taxa which



attracted less attention, such as spiders (Nyffeler, 1987; Marc et al., 1999; Denno et

al.,2003; McKinney, 2008). Therefore, the present study aimed to test the possibility of

studying species richness and family composition of ground-dwelling arthropods

predator in urbanization landscape by remote sensing data. Further, are spiders in

different families in urbanization landscapes all prefer habitats with the same

productivity features? Also, is the best scale of sampling units for studying spider

diversity in the present study the same to that stated in Lafage et al. (2014) in mountains

in Mediterranean climate (220 m2)? After all, could any conservation strategy be stated

through the present study?

Specifically, the present study aimed to (1) examine differences in spider family

composition in a subtropical urbanization landscape, (2) define habitat preferences of

dominant spider families by remote sensing derived environmental factors (RS factors)

(EVI derived DHIs, and EBBI derived Dynamic Building/Bareness Indices (DBIs)), (3)

explain these spider family composition differences by RS factors, (4) determine

appropriate spatial scale of the sampling units that RS factor(s) can explain the largest

proportion of variance of spider family composition variances, (5) examine

relationships between RS factors and spider species richness in subtropical urbanization

landscape, (6) explore the possibility of modeling spider species richness by RS factors,

and (7) determine best RS factors subset and spatial scale of the sampling units that



spider species richness can be modeled by RS factor(s).




GREEnS data set

Global Research & Education on Environment and Society (GREEnS) was a

project supported by the Board of Directors of Tunghai University, and conducted by

Tunghai University from the year 2012 to 2015. One of the main aims of the project was

to test the suitability and validity of studying spider and plants species diversity in

different land use types by using an environmental indicator which has been widely

used in gardening and urban planning, Biotype Area Factor (BAF).

Therefore, a broad urbanization landscape (about 3,500 km2) located in central

Taiwan was selected as the study area of GREEnS project (Figure 1). Within this study

area, a total of 1,232 sampling sites were conducted under 53 patches with four different

land use types, which included 8 school campus, 11 industrial areas, 30 parks, and 4

paddy areas (Appendix 1). Sampling sites was at least 100 m apart and a sampling plot

of 100 m2 quadrat was established for recording both spider and vegetation species

diversity data.



Figure 1 The study area located in central Taiwan; each dot represent one sampling site and colors of the dots represent different land use types in Global Research & Education

on Environment and Society project.

Species diversity data

During the growing seasons (March to June) from 2012 to 2015, pitfall traps were

established in the field to record spider species richness and abundance data at every

sampling site and without repeat survey. A set pitfall trap consisted of five 50 ml

centrifuge tubes. Each tube was filled with 30 ml 70% ethanol and left in the field for



no more than a week to reach the highest capture efficiency (Schirmel et al., 2010). All

the trapped spider individuals were the removed from the traps and preserved in 70%

ethanol and identified to morphological species level by comparing their genitals. A

total of 1849 spider individuals that belong to 196 morphological species, 27 families

were recorded in the data set (Appendix 2). The present study only included sampling

sites with mature spider individuals and sampling sites with only one juvenile

individual, which was treat as one morphological species at that site. In a total of 1,145

sampling sites were included for further analysis.

On the other hand, vegetation diversity data, including both wood and herb plants,

were surveyed within the 10×10 m sampling plot. For woody plants, individuals with its

diameter at breast height (DBH) larger than 1 cm were identified to species level, and

their DBH were also recorded. For herbs, individuals were identified to species level,

and percentage of coverage of each herb species was also recorded.

In order to determine suitable spatial scale to explain spider species richness and

family composition by RS factors, I rearranged the spider and vegetation diversity data

into four different grid systems, 1ha (100 m diameter buffer of each sampling site), 6.25

ha (250m × 250m grid), 25 ha (500 m × 500 m grid), and 100 ha (1,000 m × 1,000 m

grid) (Table 1). Spider and vegetation diversity data were combined in each grid.

Besides, since no repeat survey was done to both spider and vegetation data.



Hence, to correct the possible bias of the data set, I adopted species richness estimation

by using Chao (1984) index (CHAO1), which is a species richness estimator suitable for

estimating invertebrate richness at genus level or lower (Basualdo, 2011). CHAO1 is

derived by the cumulative species richness rarefaction curve and the number of rare

species recorded in sampling sites and is suitable for. The correction method was

applied to spider species richness at every spatial scale (grid size) and to tree and herb

species richness in grids larger than 1 ha (Table 1)

Table 1 Sites compilation by buffer zones and grids at different spatial scale; CHAO1:

Chao (1984) index estimated species richness; GLM: generalized linear model; GLMM:

generalized linear mix model

Unit size

Sample size

CHAO1 Model

Radom factor

N.O. of site(s) per grid

1 ha 1,145



GLM None 1

6.25 ha 805

Spider, Wood,

Herb Richness


N.O. of sites

per grid


25 ha 407 1–29

100 ha 186 1–49



Remote sensing data

I downloaded five cloud-free images, four from the four seasons of the year 2014

and one from the winter of the year 2013 (Table 2), of the study area (Path: 118, Row:

43) from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Landsat 8 mission

level two product online open access (Resolution: 30m × 30m). Based on the images,

Enhance Vegetation Index (EVI) and Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index (EBBI)

were calculated through the following formulae (NIR: near infrared band; RED: red

band; BLUE: blue band; SWIR: short wave infrared; TIR: thermal infrared).

EVI = 6 × NIR − RED

NIR + 6 × RED − 7.2 × BLUE + 1 EBBI = SWIR − NIR 10√(SWIR + TIR)

Table 2 Landsat 8 images selected in this study

Date of the image Season represented

December 3rd, 2013 2013 Winter

March 25th, 2014 2014 Spring

August 16th, 2014 2014 Summer

October 19th, 2014 2014 Fall

December 22nd, 2014 2014 Winter



Using the EVI and EBBI values in each season, I derived Dynamic Habitat Indices

(DHIs), and Dynamic Building/Bareness Indices (DBIs). Dynamic Habitat Indices

include cumulated annual productivity (Cumulative DHI), minimum annual

productivity (Minimum DHI), and seasonal coefficient (Variation DHI) (Figure 2). On

the other hand, DBIs is consists of cumulated annual build-up/bareness (Cumulative

DBI), maximum annual build-up/bareness (Maximum DBI), and seasonal coefficient

(Variation DBI) (Figure 3).

Both Cumulative DHI and DBI were calculated by integrating EVI and EBBI

value from the winter of the year 2013 to the winter of the year 2014 (Table 3). On the

other hand, Variation DHI and DBI were calculated by the standard deviation of EVI

and EBBI value divided by the average of EVI and EBBI value (Table 3). Minimum

DHI was the lowest EVI value of the year, and Maximum DBI was the largest EBBI

value of the year. All the calculations were done using QGIS version 2.18.15.

However, strong collinearity was found between Cumulative DHI and Minimum

DHI (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.95), and also between Cumulative DBI and

Maximum DBI (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.83) (Table 3). Therefore, I excluded

Minimum DHI and Cumulative DBI from the following statistical analyses.



Table 3 Pearson correlation coefficient between six remote sensing derived

environmental factors; bold characters represent factor pairs with correlation coefficient

over 0.7. Cum_DHI: Cumulative Dynamic Habitat Index; Min_DHI: Minimum

Dynamic Habitat Index; Var_DHI: Variation Dynamic Habitat Index; Cum_DBI:

Cumulative Dynamic Building/Bareness Index; Max_DBI: Minimum Dynamic

Building/Bareness Index; Var_DBI: Variation Dynamic Building/Bareness Index.


Cum_DHI – – – – – –

Min_DHI 0.95 – – – – –

Var_DHI -0.37 -0.57 – – – –

Cum_DBI -0.21 -0.24 0.20 – – –

Max_DBI -0.14 -0.27 0.37 0.83 – –

Var_DBI -0.33 -0.47 0.52 0.37 0.65 –



Figure 2 Dynamic Habitat Indices (DHIs) of the study area derived by Enhance Vegetation Index. (a) cumulative DHI, (b) minimum DHI, (c) variation DHI, (d)

combined DHIs were transformed into RGB color on the map (Red: Variation DHI;

Green: Cumulative DHI; Blue: Minimum DHI)



Figure 3 Dynamic Building/Bareness Indices (DBIs) of the study area derived by Enhance Build-up/Bareness Index. (a) cumulative DBI, (b) maximum DBI, (c) variation

DBI, (d) combined DBIs were transformed into RGB color on the map (Red: Variation

DBI; Green: Cumulative DBI; Blue: Maximum DBI)



Statistical analyses

All statistical works were done using R version 3.4.3. At all four sizes of sampling

units, eight environmental factors were selected (Table 4), wood species richness, wood

total basal area, herb species richness, and herb coverage were local vegetation factors

(LV factors); and Cumulative DHI, Variation DHI, Cumulative DBI, and Variation DBI

were remote sensing derived environmental factors (RS factors) (Table 4).

Matrix of spider family occupancy at each sampling sites (1 ha scale) was

transformed into Ward’s distance matrix, and went under unweighted pair-group method

with arithmetic means (UPGMA) cluster analysis to group sampling sites based on

spider family composition dissimilarity. Then, Kruskal-Wallis test and pair-wised

Wilcoxon test (Bonferroni adjusted p-value) was adopted to test were RS factors

different between different groups. Together with the results from pair-wised Wilcoxon

test, RS factors preference of dominant spider families in each group and the

significance of studying spider family composition through RS factors were tested by

Bray-Curtis distance based Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and Monte Carlo permutation


Besides, in order to test if RS factors were suitable for explaining spider family

composition differences between sampling sites (1 ha scale), the proportion of

composition variances explained by RS factors and by LV factors through Bray-Curtis



distance based RDA were compared. The same comparisons were also made at the 6.25,

25, 100 ha sampling unit size, and the sampling unit size which RS factors could

explain the largest proportion of composition variances was considered as the proper

spatial scale for studying spider family composition with RS factors.

On the other hand, to test the relationship between CHAO1 and RS factors among

sampling sites (1 ha scale), and test did RS factors fit good models to CHAO1, negative

binomial-based generalized linear models (GLM) were conducted between CHAO1 and

each individual RS factor. Also, another two negative binomial-based GLM were

conducted, one with both RS factors and LV factors while the other with RS factors

only. The former was conducted in order to test could any RS factors still reach the 0.05

significance level when modeling CHAO1 with LV factors together. The latter was

conducted for selecting the best-fitted model with highest AIC weight.

Besides, at sampling unit size larger than 1 ha, negative binomial-based

generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were conducted to model CHAO1 by RS

factors (Table 1). Model AIC and AIC weight of all candidate models with different RS

factors subset combinations were compared to select the best-fitted model for modeling

CHAO1 at each spatial scale. Besides, I set the number of sampling site within a grid as

a random factor to correct its effect on CHAO1. After all, model fitness of the best-

fitted model at each scale was compared by pseudo R square (one minus ration between



null deviance and residual deviance) between the predicted value generated from the

model and CHAO1. The spatial scale that best-fitted model had the highest pseudo R

square was considered the proper spatial scale of modeling CHAO1 by RS factors.

Table 4 factors included in the analysis and their ecological meanings; EVI: Enhance Vegetation Index; EBBI: Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index; DHI: Dynamic

Habitat Indices; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Indices.

Type Factors Calculation Ecological meaning

Local vegetation

Wood species richness Horizontal vegetation structure

Wood basal area π × (DBH 2 )



Vegetation abundance

Herb species richness Horizontal vegetation structure

Herb coverage Vegetation abundance

Remote sensing

Cumulative DHI ∫ EVI

2013 Dec 2014 Dec

Annual total productivity

Variation DHI ∂(EVI)

μ(EVI) Annual productivity variation

Cumulative DBI ∫ EBBI

2013 Dec 2014 Dec

Annual total Building/Bareness

Variation DBI ∂(EBBI) μ(EBBI)

Annual Building/Bareness





Spider family composition differences in the subtropical urbanization landscape

were mainly determined by the occupancy of four dominant spider families, which were

wolf spiders (Lycosidae), sheet weaving spiders (Linyphiidae), goblin spiders

(Oonopidae), and cobweb spiders (Theridiidae) (Figure 4). Based on the proportion of

the occupancy of the four dominant spider families, sampling sites were divided into

five groups: wolf spiders dominance (occupancy>0.5), sheet weaving spiders

dominance, goblin spiders dominance, cobweb spiders dominance, and complex

community which included other 23 spider families with low species richness and

abundance (Figure 4).

Remote sensing derived environmental factors (RS factors) at sampling sites in

different groups were significantly different (Figure 5). Thus, habitat preferences of

these dominance spider families could be stated by the RS factors (Figure 6). Wolf

spiders preferred habitats which had high but unstable annual productivity and low but

also unstable annual building/bareness (Figure 6). Sheet weaving spiders, on the other

hand, preferred habitats which had high and stable annual productivity and low and also

stable annual building/bareness (Figure 6). Goblin spiders and cobweb spiders,

however, preferred similar habitats which had low and unstable annual productivity



while had high and unstable annual building/bareness (Figure 6). Beside the four

dominant families, most of the less-abundant spider families were recorded in habitats

which had low but stable annual productivity and medium but stable annual


Figure 4 Sampling sites occupied by Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Theridiidae, and Oonopidae had higher spider family composition dissimilarity and thus were divided

from other sampling sites into four unique groups through unweighted pair-group

method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) cluster analysis. Note: figure here only

presents families with abundance over 30 individuals. Other 17 Families with

abundance less than 30 individuals were all belonged to the complex community in the



cluster analysis.

Figure 5 Kruskal-Wallis test and pair wised Wilcoxon test indicated that sampling sites dominant by wolf spiders had high cumulative Dynamic Habitat Index (DHI), Variation

DHI, and Variation Dynamic Building/Bareness Index (DBI) while had low Cumulative

DBI. Sampling sites dominant by sheet weaving spiders, on the other hand, had high

cumulative DHI while had low Cumulative DBI, Variation DHI, and Variation DBI. No

statistical significance (Bonferroni adjusted p-value >0.05) between RS factors at

sampling sites dominant by cobweb spiders and goblin spiders, they both had low

cumulative DHI while had high Cumulative DBI, Variation DHI, and Variation DBI.



Upper boundaries of the rectangles: 25th percentiles; lower boundaries of the rectangles:

75th percentiles; horizontal bars: median; dotted vertical bars: upper and lower

distribution limits. DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness


Figure 6 relationship between remote sensing derived environmental factors and sampling site with different spider family composition. DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index;

DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index; Cum: cumulative; Var: variation.

RS factors could serve as significant constrained factors in explaining spider

family composition variances and could explain variances which LV factors could not



explain (Figure 7). Further, among the variances explained by both types of factors

(5.91% of the total variances), larger proportion of variances were explained by RS

factors than LV factors did (RS factors: 41%; LV factors: 35%; both: 24%) (Figure 7).

Also, the proportion of spider family composition variances explained by RS factors

increased about 10% from 1 ha spatial scale to 25 ha spatial scale while declining at the

spatial scale larger than 25 ha spatial scale (25 ha: 53%; 100 ha: 50%) (Figure 8).

Therefore, 25 ha spatial scale was the proper scale for using RS factors on explaining

spider family composition.

Figure 7 Comparison between the proportion of the spider family composition variances explained by remote sensing derived environmental factors (RS factors) and

local vegetation factors (LV factors). (a) RS factors and LV factors could explain

different parts of the spider family composition variances and together explained 5.91%



of total variances. (b) RS factors could explain more variance (blue circle) than local

vegetation factors did (red circle). SR: species richness; BA: basal area; CV: coverage;

DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index.

Figure 8 The proportion of the spider family composition variances explained by remote sensing derived environmental factors at 1, 6, 25, and 100 ha sampling unit size.

At 25 ha spatial scale, remote sensing derived environmental factors explain the largest

percentage of spider family composition variances.



Estimated spider species richness (CHAO1) was higher in habitats which had high

annual productivity while lower in habitat with high productivity variation, high annual

building/bareness, and high building/bareness variation and all four RS factors were

significantly correlated to CHAO1 (Table 5). Besides, although the model with local

vegetation factors (LV factors) added fitted CHAO1 better (AIC with LV factor: 3887.3;

AIC without LV factor: 3982.7), RS factors could still found significantly correlated to

CHAO1, especially Cumulative DHI (Table 6).

Table 5 Correlation relationship and model AIC between estimated spider species richness and each remote sensing derived environmental factors at 1 ha sampling unit

size. “***”: p-value<0.001; “**”: p-value<0.01; DHI: Dynamic Habitat Index; DBI:

Dynamic Building/Bareness Index.

Factor Trend Significance AIC

Cumulative DHI + *** 3985

Variation DHI *** 4129

Cumulative DBI ** 4166

Variation DBI *** 4133



Table 6 Correlation relationship between estimated spider species richness and both remote sensing derived environmental factors and local vegetation factors. “***”: p-

value<0.001; SR: species richness; BA: basal area; CV: coverage; DHI: Dynamic

Habitat Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index.

Factor type Factor Trend Significance

Local vegetation

Wood SR + ***

Wood BA +

Herb SR + ***

Herb CV + ***

Remote sensing

Cumulative DHI + ***

Variation DHI

Cumulative DBI +

Variation DBI

AIC 3887.3

RS factors subsets significantly correlated to CHAO1 at 1, 6.25, and 25 ha

sampling unit size (Table 7). The best-fitted model at 1 ha spatial scale consisted of

Cumulative DHI and Variation DBI (Weight AIC: 0.383), the former was positively



correlated to CHAO1 while the latter was negatively correlated to CHAO1 (Table 7). At

6.25 ha spatial scale, Cumulative DHI was the significant factor which positively

correlated to CHO1 and fitted CHAO1 better than other candidate models did at the

same spatial scale (AIC weight: 0.267) (Table 7). On the other hand, The best-fitted

model at 25 ha spatial scale consisted of Cumulative DHI and Variation DHI (Weight

AIC: 0.339), the former was positively correlated to CHAO1 while the latter was

negatively correlated to CHAO1 (Table 7). At 100 ha spatial scale, the model with

Cumulative DHI alone fitted CHAO1 better than other candidate models did at the same

scale. However, Cumulative DHI did not reach the 0.05 significance level (Table 7).

Further, model fitness of the best-fitted model at each spatial scale was different, it

increased from 1 ha to 100 ha spatial scale (Pseudo R square at 1 ha: 0.103; 6.25 ha:

0.506; 25 ha: 0.595; 100 ha: 0.622) (Figure 9). However, the increasing trends of the

model fitness declined at sampling unit size greater than 6.25 ha (Figure 9). After all,

considered both model fitness and factor significance of the best-fitted model at each

spatial scale, sampling unit size between 6.25 and 25 ha were the proper sampling unit

size for modeling CHAO1 by RS factors, and Cumulative DHI could serve as an

important RS factor.



Figure 9 Model fitness measured by model deviance and pseudo R square of the best- fitted model at 1, 6.25, 25, and 100 ha sampling unit size. The increasing trend of the

model fitness declined at sampling unit size greater than 6.25 ha.



Table 7 Best-fitted model when modeling estimated spider species richness by remote sensing derived environmental factors at 1 ha, 6.25 ha, 25 ha, and 100 ha sampling unit size. “***”: p-value<0.001; “**”: p-value<0.01; “*”: p-value<0.05; “NS”: p-value>0.05; DHI: Dynamic Habitat

Index; DBI: Dynamic Building/Bareness Index.


1 ha 6.25 ha 25 ha 100 ha

Trends Significance Trends Significance Trends Significance Trends Significance

Cumulative DHI + *** + *** + ** + NS

Variation DHI - *

Cumulative DBI

Variation DBI **

Weight(AIC) 0.383 0.267 0.339 0.143




Results of this study suggest spider communities in the subtropical urbanization

landscape were mainly dominated by wolf spiders, sheet weaving spiders, cobweb

spiders, and goblin spiders. RS factors could significantly explain the composition

variances and define the habitat preferences of each dominant spider family. Besides,

RS factors could explain the largest proportion of spider family composition variances

at the 25 ha spatial scale. On the other hand, RS factors were found significantly

correlated to CHAO1, and only Cumulative DHI was positively correlated to CHAO1.

Also, the model with Cumulative DHI and Variation DHI fitted CHAO1 the best at the

spatial scales between 6.25 to 25 ha.

Relationship between animal composition assemblage and nature resources is

thought to be driven by two mechanisms, inter-species competition, and environmental

filtering (Andrew et al., 2012; Nakadai et al., 2018). In habitats which are lack of

resources, the effect of environmental filtering is usually larger than competition and

only a few species/taxa of animal can survive become dominant (Andrew et al., 2012).

Therefore, the present study speculates that the differences in ground-dwelling spider

composition in the present study may also be driven by environmental filtering due to

low and unstable productivity in urban areas and its surrounding landscapes. Similar



result has been also reported in other invertebrates like butterflies (Andrew et al., 2012).

The main differences which cause those dominant spider families preferred

different habitats shall be their foraging behavior and morphological traits. Most of the

sheet weaving spiders are web builders in small to medium size, which weaves 2-

dimensional sheet web and can hunt for their prey efficiently and control most of the

agricultural pests (Uetz et al., 1999; Cardoso et al., 2011; Yin et al., 2011). However,

web building is also a foraging strategy which costs a lot of energy (Uetz et al., 1999;

Cardoso et al., 2011). Also, sheet weaving spiders need to anchor their web to

vegetation (Cardoso et al., 2011). Therefore, based on the special needs and high energy

cost of web building, sheet weaving spiders need habitats with high and stable year-

round productivity. Therefore, sheet weaving spiders can serve as a good environmental

indicator on monitoring urban greenness due to their habitat preference.

Wolf spiders are ground wandering spiders in medium to large size (Uetz et al.,

1999; Cardoso et al., 2011), they prefer habitat with higher productivity to support the

high energy cost caused by their larger body. However, rather than hunting by web in a

specific spot, wolf spiders have good mobility, which makes them able to travel for a

distance for hunting (Uetz et al., 1999; Cardoso et al., 2011). Their mobility also gives

them flexibility when facing disturbance (Yu et al., 2002). which may make them

possible to dwell in habitats with unstable productivity, such as paddy fields and




Goblin spiders are small-sized ground wandering spiders smaller than wolf spiders

do (Cardoso et al., 2011). Therefore, the energy cost of goblin spiders are low. Further,

the exoskeleton in some of the goblin spiders is thickened and skeletonized (Simon,

1890). Altogether, goblin spiders can endure small and dry habitats in the highly

urbanized area such as small vegetated patches or street trees on asphalt and concrete.

Like sheet weaving spiders, most of the cobweb spiders are also web builders in

small to medium size, while they weave a 3-dimensional irregular web for catching

preys (Uetz et al., 1999; Cardoso et al., 2011). However, cobweb spiders have been

reported as edge or urban species in several cases (Miyashita et al.,1998; Magura et al.,

2010). They can anchor their web on artificial structures and forage on the sufficient

insects lured by human activities such as street lights (Magura et al., 2010).

Overall, although spiders are small invertebrate predators, the correlation

relationships between CHAO1 and DHIs are the same to those in vertebrates and

herbivorous invertebrates, such as birds (Coops et al., 2009a; Coops et al., 2009b;

Coops et al., 2009c; Hobi et al., 2017) and butterflies (Andrew et al., 2012). Therefore,

ground-dwelling spiders in subtropical urbanization landscape follow habitat

productivity hypotheses. However, the hypothesis was not supported in spiders in

temperate floodplains landscapes (Lafage et al., 2014) although two landscape types



share similar EVI value (maximum about 0.5). Possible reason for this finding is these

two studies were conducted at different spatial scales, size of the study area in Lafage et

al. (2014) was 7.4 ha while that is the present study could up to more than 1000 ha.

Habitat productivity hypothesis is more likely to be agreed at regional scale (Coops et

al., 2009a; Coops et al., 2009b; Coops et al., 2009c; Birkhofer and Wolters, 2012;

Michaud et al., 2014; Suttidate, 2016; Hobi et al., 2017; Khlifa et al., 2017). Besides,

the RS factors in the present study not just contain vegetation indices, but also building

indices. However, like the previous study (Shih, 2017), building indices cannot serve as

factors which are as good as vegetation indices when modeling species richness.

RS factors could explain more variance to both CHAO1 and spider family

composition, and agree with the results reported in previous studies, which stated that

productivity related factors are more significant at regional scale (Coops et al., 2009a;

Coops et al., 2009b; Coops et al., 2009c; Birkhofer and Wolters, 2012; Michaud et al.,

2014; Suttidate, 2016; Hobi et al., 2017; Khlifa et al., 2017). However, the best spatial

scale, which RS factors could explain the largest proportion of both CHAO1 and spider

family composition variances, in the present study was larger than 4.84 ha (220 m2)

suggested by De Mas et al. (2009). Main reason for this difference may be the area ratio

of different land covers in the study area. Study area of De Mas et al. (2009) was

located in mountains (altitude range: 800 m–2500 m), which were landscapes with



complex land covers with various vegetation types at different altitudes (Lasseur et al.,

2018). On the other hand, land covers in the urbanization landscape in the present study

were simpler than those in mountains, and land cover of most of the sampling sites in

the present study was large-sized paddies and urban areas. Therefore, large-sized

sampling grids in landscapes with complex land covers may mix multiple land covers

with different spider composition and obscure the relationships of RS factors with

spider species richness and family composition. Overall, the present study suggests that

sampling unit with its size between 6.25 to 25 ha is the best when studying both spider

species and family composition in subtropical urbanization landscape.

Although DHIs was designed to describe vegetation phenology (Berry et al.,

2007), the present study found they can also be used in describing urbanized land cover

types. Parks and school (green area) are land cover which had high cumulative DHI,

high minimum DHI, and low variation DHI; paddies, on the other hand, had high

cumulative DHI, low minimum DHI, and high variation DHI while urbanized area had

low cumulative, minimum, and variation DHI. However, land covers with high

minimum DHI, but low cumulative and variation DHI, which usually represent

temperate grass land in previous studies (Coops et al., 2009a; Coops et al., 2009b;

Coops et al., 2009c; Andrew et al., 2012), cannot be found in the study areas and thus

cause strong collinearity between cumulative and minimum DHI. Therefore, the present



study suggests that when studying species diversity in tropical or subtropical landscapes

minimum DHI can be skipped, and represented by cumulative DHI, which contains

more temporal information of primary productivity.

The spider distribution data set in the present study was previously used in a study

(Huang et al., 2015) examing relationship between spider species richness and other

environmental index, Biotope Area Factor (BAF), which is defined as ratios of

ecologically effective land covers (e.g. green areas) among landscapes (Butchar et al.,

2010). BAF has been a commonly used index in urban planning in Europe, and is

derived by scoring every surface material at sampling sites mainly based on their water

permeability (e.g. 5 points for soil while 1 point for asphalt) (Huang et al., 2015).

However, BAF do not present any significant relationship to neither spider, nor plant

species richness (Huang et al., 2015). Therefore, the present study suggests that indices

of habitat productivity shall also be considered when using BAF or other similar


Previous studies indicated that proper managements in urban green areas, such as

parks, are critical to spider conservation (Buchholz et al., 2018; Lowe et al., 2018).

However, the present study showed that not just green areas, but also small vegetated

patches and even street trees can serve as important habitats to many different spider

families. In Taiwan, these small habitats have often undergone pesticide and herbicide



usage in order to keep the urban clean and green. Although the target of pesticide and

herbicide are not spiders, the toxic chemicals can still be consumed by spiders through

bioconcentration effect (Girard et al., 2011; Gill & Garg, 2014; Maurya & Malik, 2016)

and lead to their death by harming their nerve systems (Samu &Vollrath, 1992).

Therefore, beside the effect of low productivity, the use of toxic chemical may also be

one of the main cause of low spider species richness and abundance in highly urbanized


The present study offers methods of modeling the spatial distribution of small

carnivorous invertebrate species richness in the urbanization landscape by a very large

scale monitoring scheme and remote sensing data. In conservation works, the present

study suggests that maintaining high and stable habitat productivity, such as parks or

school campuses, can help maintain high spider species richness. On the other hand,

reduce the amount of pesticide and herbicide usage on street trees and small vegetated

patches in highly urbanized areas, can also help on increasing urban spider species

richness and abundance.




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In order to assess and appreciate the results of all these studies, and to promote further research on the Suan Shu Shu, an international Symposium was held on August 23-25

I certify that I have audited the financial statements of the Subsidized Schools Provident Fund set out on pages 25 to 48, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 August 2017,

Two examples of the randomly generated EoSs (dashed lines) and the machine learning outputs (solid lines) reconstructed from 15 data points.. size 100) and 1 (with the batch size 10)

! ESO created by five Member States with the goal to build a large telescope in the southern hemisphere. •  Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden and

Akira Hirakawa, A History of Indian Buddhism: From Śākyamuni to Early Mahāyāna, translated by Paul Groner, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990. Dhivan Jones, “The Five

Second, we replicate the AN+MM and use European options sampling at exercise as control variates (CV-at-exercise). Last, we also replicate the AN+MM and use

To complete the “plumbing” of associating our vertex data with variables in our shader programs, you need to tell WebGL where in our buffer object to find the vertex data, and

The school practises small class teaching with the number of school places for allocation being basically 25 students per class. Subject to the actual need at the Central