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Introduction to Anglo-Introduction to Anglo-American LawAmerican Law


Academic year: 2022

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Introduction to Anglo- Introduction to Anglo-

American Law American Law


Dr Meng-Chang Yao


School of Law,


Lesson One:

New Era, New Challenges and New Lawyers


I: New Challenges and New Lawyers


“The Law, like the traveler, must be ready for the tomorrow. It must have a principl e of growth.” –

Grand Justice Cardozo

Benjamin Nathan Cardozo

(May 24, 1870–July 9, 1938)


Therefore, if you want to overcome

any challenges in the new century, you must know what challenges are first.


What Challenges We are Facing !

Challenge I- Globalization;


Challenge II:

Mulitpalization and Highly Professionali sm


Challenge III:



How to respond such serious Challenges stated above?-

Perspective From Taiwanese Lawyers


Challenge IV:

Legal Education


II: New Lawyers and New Skills


What Goals a Lawyer Aims for!

To Know Law;

To Practice Law;

To Fulfill Law

Justice Oliver W. Holmes, Jr.

(1841 –1935)


What a Lawyer should learn form the University?

Ability to reason;

Ability to think;

Ability top evaluate and appraise material;

Ability to Argument and Present;


Now, Please let us rethink-What

capacities we need to reinforce and what basic skill we need to develop more?


III: Why we can develop the basic Skills from the studies of Anglo-

American Legal Subjects?


What are the Difference between Civil Law System and Common Law system?

What is the different legal thinking or legal reasoning between Civil Law System and Common Law system?


1. Language

2. Comparative Legal Thinking

3. To Think like a English Lawyer

4. Multiple Capacities of Arguments and Legal Thinking

5. Prepare for International law and Interdisciplinary Legal Courses


IV: How to set the Teaching Goals and Recognize the limitations in

Anglo-American Legal Courses


1. Know the Limitations First!

Marginal Courses?

Difficulty of Comprehension

Psychological Problems

Thinking Method vs Knowledge


2 . How to set your Goals?

Know my Students First,

Encourage them to Overcome language difficulty Second.


V: How to teach & how to Learn?

Is Socratic Method Necessary?


VI: Is it Possible to Study Anglo- American Law in the Non-English

Specking World ?


VII: The Teaching of Anglo- American Law in

Fu Jen Catholic University


Teaching Subjects:

Part I: Basic Issues

Part II: Case Studies


Why Case Study is so Critical?


Challenges and Solutions


VIII: How to get a Sketch of Anglo-American Law in one


That Could Be a Big Challenge!


What are we going to do in the next five days?

1. Introduction

2. Know-how before Know-what

3. History and Institutions of Anglo American Law

4. Legal Methodology

5. The Judicial System and the Adversary System


6. Constitutional Law and Judicial Review

7. Civil Rights and Liberties

8. Contract Law

9. Torts Law

10. Criminal Law

11. Procedural Law

12. Legal Education


IX: References

1. 英美法導論﹐ William Burnham 著﹐

林利芝譯 , 2005 。

Burnham's Introduction to the Law and Legal S ystem of the United States, 3d (American Caseb ook Series and Other Coursebooks) (Paperback)

2. 望月禮二郎 英美法,五南, 2004 。

3. 潘維大﹐劉文琦﹐ 英美法導讀﹐ 1998

4. 傅利曼﹐美國法導論。

Friedman, L.M. American Law: An Introductio n, 2nd edition (March 1998)


5. 《元照英美法词典》 法律出版社 200 3 年 5 月第一版



在英美法的教學中﹐教學最主要的目的 是希望學生能夠像個真正的法律人﹐而 什麼才是英語世界中法律人應有的形 像﹖


在美國社會裡,一位理想的、受尊重且 值得肯定的法律人經常被稱為 --

A Lawyer/Statesman ﹐ Why?

Statesmanship : the ability, qualifications , or practice of a statesman; wisdom, cha racter and skill in the management of pu blic affairs.


顧維鈞( Wellington Ko o , 1888-1985) 1912 年 任袁世凱英文秘書,

之後代表中國出席 19 19 年巴黎和會。歷任 中華民國北洋政府國 務總理,國民政府駐 法國、英國大使,駐 聯合國首席代表、駐 美大使,海牙國際法 院法官及副院長。被 譽為中國現代史上最 卓越的外交家之一。


他在哥倫比亞大學就讀時 (1905-1912) 曾 受業於法學家 John Bassett Moore.

John Bassett Moore (1860 – 1947) was an American authority on

international law who was a memb er of the Hague Tribunal (1912-193 8) and the first US judge to serve on the Permanent Court of Internationa l Justice from 1921 to 1928.

From 1885 to 1886 he was a law cle rk at the Department of State, then a n Assistant Secretary of State. In 18 91 he took the first full professorshi


Professor Moore 強調法律系學生應該作 好兩件事﹕

1 、無論是研究或是求知,不需要讓自己 花腦筋去記誦事實、日期、人名或數字。

而是應該學會到那裡可以得到自己想要 的資料與數據。

2 、必須學會推理,隨時保持頭腦清醒。



如果你已經具備這樣的能力。老師除了 恭喜你外也要進一步與你相勉。是不是 我們不應該自滿於只作一個 Jurist or Law yer 。而是應該作一個 Honorable Sta tesman 。

所以啊﹗是否我們預備好面對 the test of leadership, dependability and states manship?


The End The End




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