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考 試 別:移民行政人員 等 別:三等考試


Academic year: 2021

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106年公務人員特種考試司法人員、法務部 調查局調查人員、國家安全局國家安全情報 人員、海岸巡防人員及移民行政人員考試試題

代號: 90740 全一張


考 試 別:移民行政人員 等 別:三等考試

類 科 組:移民行政(選試越南文)

科 目:外國文(越南文兼試移民專業英文)

考試時間: 2 小時 座號:

※注意: 禁止使用電子計算器。


甲、申論題部分:(75 分)



一、Dịch các câu sau đây ra tiếng Hoa(25 分)

Để rút ngắn khoảng cách giữa di dân mới với nhau, công viên Cổ Lĩnh thành phố Đài Bắc vừa mới được cấp giấy phép kinh doanh họp chợ vào ngày 8-7 đã cho mời di dân mới tới mở các sạp hàng bán đồ ăn, hy vọng qua việc chia sẻ ẩm thực các nước, giúp người dân thành phố làm quen với văn hóa của nhiều nước khác nhau, cũng tích lũy nền tảng để lập nghiệp trong tương lai cho di dân mới.

二、Dịch các câu sau đây ra tiếng Việt(25 分)

蕭語嫣回到越南記錄外公與外婆的生活,深入探尋母親在嫁來臺前在越南自製衣服 販賣的經驗。在訪談表姊們談論新移民婚姻,深化每段婚姻都需要尊重,但文化認 同更為重要的觀念。

王劭宇則是回到馬來西亞,這場追尋媽媽足跡的尋根之旅,讓他體會母親當時決定 來臺灣的勇氣,成為他目前思考人生重大決定的鼓舞力量。

三、Trả lời câu hỏi:(25 分)

Anh (chị) hãy cho biết một số nét về quy trình và xin xác nhận nhập tịch Đài Loan

乙、測驗題部分:(25 分) 代號:4901


共20 題,每題1.25 分,須用2B 鉛筆在試卡上依題號清楚劃記,於本試題或申論試卷上作答者,不予計分。

1 Police arrested a man suspected of burning an old factory building. The suspect was reported near the building when the fire started.

 to be  having been  being  to have been

2 Deforestation is a real threat to the wildlife. In fact, deforestation is certain species.

 cleaning up  taking off  wiping out  pressing down

3 If you are a shopaholic, you are person.

 a compulsive  an impulsive  a comprehensive  an irresolute 4 The trouble with Tanya is she always wants to have her cake and it.

 leave  cut  eat  bake

5 Many people are multilingual, but people speak more than ten languages.

 a few  a little  few  little

6 Scott’s teacher Mrs. Lee is very worried about him because his country has recently into war.

 drafted  mingled  probed  erupted

7 The teachers discussed Jim, was poor study habits.

 whose problems  of whose problem  one of whose problems  most of whose problem


106年公務人員特種考試司法人員、法務部 調查局調查人員、國家安全局國家安全情報 人員、海岸巡防人員及移民行政人員考試試題

代號: 90740 全一張


考 試 別:移民行政人員 等 別:三等考試

類 科 組:移民行政(選試越南文)

科 目:外國文(越南文兼試移民專業英文)

8 Only if it rains, .

 the picnic will be canceled  the picnic will cancel

 will the picnic cancel  will the picnic be canceled

9 You are for any damages when you rent a car.

 obliged  mandatory  liable  compulsory

10 Many North Americans have pets. Pets usually live in the house and are treated with great care and .

 isolation  affection  saturation  ramification

11 If a person wears “no name” brands, he or she is not “in”, or accepted. Some people say that this is a symptom of a society that is interested in surface, not .

 courtship  material  incentive  substance

12 The American cowboy has long been a of the American belief in rugged individualism and the frontier spirit.

 disgrace  symbol  domino  smear

13 A salesclerk who takes a break when customers are waiting is the thing that gets on my .

 angers  barriers  nerves  attentions

14 The sight of beggars on city streets and the of the homeless may inspire sympathy but also concern.

 plight  prowess  priority  prejudice

15 Sleep is a basic human need, as basic as the need for .

 quota  slogan  oxygen  censor

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:

Have you noticed that the brightest students you knew in school are not necessarily the ones who have gone farthest in life? We all know some people who have 16 IQs, but are successful in their work, social relationships, love lives, and in maintaining physical and mental well-being. They are much more successful than many people who have higher IQs. Why do

“smart” people think “dumb,” and vice versa? The answer is that there is a second kind of intelligence that is unrelated to IQ tests, but is related, 17 , to social skills and coping with emotions.

When people who are obviously bright get passed over for the key promotions or remain frustrated and unfulfilled in their family lives, they naturally ask, “Where did I go wrong?” They try to figure out where they went wrong intellectually, but that is not where the problem 18 . Although a high IQ does contribute to success in many life endeavors, it is far from the whole story, or even the most important part. A high IQ equips us to learn from books and lectures, but it does not ensure that we know how to 19 practical lessons from experience. That requires an altogether different type of intelligence.

In fact, we have two “minds” operating all the time. Besides our rational intelligence, we have a second kind of intelligence, which IQ tests do not measure. It is experiential intelligence. While the rational mind learns by abstracting and analyzing, the experiential mind learns directly from experience. While the rational mind solves problems by using 20 , the experiential mind operates by intuitive wisdom. Both contribute to one’s success in life.

16  modest  clumsy  tangible  ingrained

17  moreover  instead  rarely  hence

18  breaks  flaws  booms  lies

19  recruit  sustain  draw  confer

20  reason  surmise  nurture  paradox



Bắt buộc phải điền số điện thoại di động của người nước ngoài, và không được giống với số điện thoại của chủ sử dụng lao động hoặc cơ sở dịch vụ việc làm tư nhân đã

Để giảm thiểu giấy tờ cần kèm theo khi chủ sử dụng lao động xin tuyển dụng lao động, Bộ lao động sẽ căn cứ vào số chứng minh thư và mối quan hệ trên đơn xin và thông qua

Xin hãy điền chính xác 3 thông tin liên hệ nói trên, chủ sử dụng lao động cần điền số điện thoại bàn hoặc số điện thoại di động theo quy định để cung cấp số điện

督導考核各學 校及機構推展 性別平等教育 情形,以建立 性別平等教育 氛圍,提升本 市市民及學校 教職員工生性 別平等教育觀

(一)機關主要職掌:本局組織規程奉考試院 101.8.1 考授銓法五字第 1013628775 號函發布,掌理全市教育行政業務,組織規程修正經考 試院 107.4.11

以小組形式,討 論對「考試」的 感受及看法,是 否贊成以「持續 評估」作為考核 成績等,從而帶 出「考試」源出 隋唐科舉制,並 被史家及歐洲視 為偉大發明。.

