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Exploring the Online Game: The Online-Game Consumption Behavior Discrepancies by Diverse Life-Style Consumers 黃家偉、羅雁紅


Academic year: 2022

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Exploring the Online Game: The Online-Game Consumption Behavior Discrepancies by Diverse Life-Style Consumers


E-mail: 9601165@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This search conducted for online gamers explores the effects from variable life states and internet usage on online-game consumption behaviors and customer satisfaction. As well, it discusses the effects caused by population variables. Its purpose is to find out the main factors inducing online gamer consumption. The analysis in the research is aimed at the areas of Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung and Kaohsiung. There were totally 1,068 questionnaires released for survey. There were 966 samples collected, 90.45% of total, and 933 effective samples (96.58% equally). The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance, factor analysis, discriminant analysis and regression analysis, etc. The research results reveal the following. A、The Population Statistic Variables 1.The majority of the online gamers are male, single, student and average monthly income lower than 15,000 dollars. 2.No matter of age, education and profession, online game is quite popular and has become the part of daily life.

3.Women contact internet earlier than men, and spend more time on internet either in a single day or per week. These phenomena seem to indicate female use internet more frequently. 4.In the education aspect, one with higher education level obviously spends much more time on internet in a single day and each week. 5.In the profession aspect, the people working for military, government and schools use internet earliest, and students spend most time on the internet everyday and each week. B、The Cluster Analysis The life states of the online game consumers have 3 kinds: “the leisure self-confident subgroup”, “the curious subgroup” and

“the rationality independent subgroup”, respectively. 1.The online game consumption behaviors of the leisure self-confident subgroup have the remarkable differences on “the time on the online games everyday”, “the expenditure on the online games per month”, and “simultaneously playing several kinds of the online games”. 2.The online game consumption behaviors of the curious subgroup have the remarkable differences on both of “simultaneously playing several kinds of the online games” and

“the types of the online games”. 3.The online game consumption behaviors of the rationality independent subgroup have the remarkable differences on “the time on the online games everyday”, “simultaneously playing several kinds of the online games”

and “the types of the online games”. C、The Chi-square test After chi-square test , the relations between the customer satisfaction degree and the online game consumption behaviors are: 1.In the customer service aspect, ones with low satisfaction degree are more than those with high satisfaction degree. They spend over 2 hours everyday, don’t care expenditure per month, spend most time on the games of role acting and movement, and enjoy the games of role acting, strategy and movement. 2.In the product quality aspect, ones with low satisfaction degree are more than those with high satisfaction degree. They spend over 2 hours everyday, over 600 dollars per month, and most time on the games of role acting and movement, and enjoy the games of role acting and movement.

3.In the persistent participation aspect, the consumers have the higher persistent participation degree. They participate over 2 hours everyday, spend over 600 dollars per month, simultaneously join 2 to 3 games, spend most time on wrestle games, and enjoy wrestle games.

Keywords : Internet ; Online Game ; Life-Style ; Consumption Behavior ; The Degree of Customer Satisfaction Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁……… Ⅱ 授權書………

……… Ⅲ 中文摘要……… Ⅳ 英文摘要………

……… Ⅵ 誌謝……… Ⅸ 目錄………

……… Ⅹ 圖目錄……… ⅩⅡ 表目錄………

………… ⅩⅢ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景……… 1 第二節 研究動機………

……… 3 第三節 研究目的……… 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 線上遊戲………

…… 6 第二節 生活型態……… 11 第三節 消費行為……… 20 第四節 網 際網路……… 28 第五節 顧客滿意度……… 33 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研 究架構與假說……… 38 第二節 操作性定義……… 39 第三節 抽樣設計………

……… 41 第四節 研究工具與問卷設計……… 42 第五節 分析工具……… 47 第 六節 前測……… 49 第四章 實證分析與解釋 第一節 抽樣及樣本回收情況……… 52


第二節 描述性統計分析……… 53 第三節 信度檢定……… 56 第四節 人口統計變數

、生活型態及網際網路使 用狀況在線上遊戲消費行為之分析…… 58 第五節 線上遊戲消費行為與滿意度之差異分析.77 第 五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論……… 89 第二節 研究貢獻……… 93 第三 節 後續研究建議及研究限制……… 94 參考文獻……… 97 附錄:問卷………


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