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國立空中大學 98 學年度下學期期末考試題【副參】15 科目:英文閱讀方法


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 98 學年度下學期期末考試題【副參】15


一律橫式作答 1 頁

壹、 簡答題:請簡單扼要地回答下列的問題,四十分,每題四分。請善用時間。

1. 英文句子和中文句子的組成方式有何不同?

2. 「修飾用語」在字典中的定義為何?

3. 當我們閱讀遇到困難時,死盯著有疑惑的字反而是無益於事的,何故?

4. 詞性和功能有何不同?

5. 「不獨立子句」何以比較讓人產生困擾?

6. 甚麼是「磚頭理論」?

7. 當我們閱讀遇到一個生字時,我們不懂它,通常是因為甚麼原因?

8. 英文教學中用的「克漏字」,它其實是依據甚麼道理而設計的?

9. 跟據學者的研究,好的讀者在閱讀時有甚麼特質?

10. 句子在分段時可以依據甚麼原則來處理?

貳、 應用題:請運用書本及教學節目中講到的閱讀方法,回答下列的問題,六十分,


1. 你認為,閱讀句子時找句子的主要結構,和以前國、高中英文老師常用的句子分析,

(1)這二者所需要運用的方法及文法知識是否一樣?有何不同?(2)運用這二種 方法的結果是否有何不同?



一律橫式作答 2-2 頁

2. 很多人都怕錯,更怕「一直錯下去」,但是,錯誤又難免,而我們也不可能有個二十 四小時的家教隨時在身旁指導,那你打算持如何的態度面對才能使你能安心地持續 閱讀?

3. 請將下面的句子依據課本指示的原則:(1)依據介系詞片語及子句的原則予以分段;


(1) Many NOU students follow the advices of English courses and improve their English in just one or two years.

(2) For the past 60 years, teaching and learning English have remained largely the same and generations of people have followed the footsteps of previous generations.

(3) Any person who has taught English for more than 10 years might feel a sense of inevitability, because there are certain proportion of people who just can not face the challenges of learning English.

壹、 簡答題:

1. p. 142 2. p. 145

3. p. 206-208 4. p. 146-148

5. p. 150 6. p. 226

7. p. 216 8. p. 182

9. p. 222 10. p. 168-171

貳、 應用題:

1. 申論 2. 申論


(1) Many NOU students follow the advices of English courses and improve their English in just one or two years.


主詞: Many NOU students

動詞:follow and improve

(2) For the past 60 years, teaching and learning English have remained largely the same and generations of people have followed the footsteps of previous generations.

主詞: teaching and learning English; generations of people

動詞: have remained; have followed

(3) Any person who has taught English for more than 10 years might feel a sense of inevitability, because there are certain portion of people who just can not face the challenges of learning English.

主詞: Any person

動詞: might feel
