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A Study of Vehicle Combined Maintenane-Inspection and Vehicle Inspection System Management in Taiwan Area 周天昌、謝雅惠


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Vehicle Combined Maintenane-Inspection and Vehicle Inspection System Management in Taiwan Area


E-mail: 9417939@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Purpose of vehicle inspection system is to make sure that vehicle is still at above good condition of low damage to environment, efficient power source usage and safety, and key to get the condition is to have continuous and periodical maintenance. Most governments set regulation of vehicle inspection system, in order to standardize mechanical function and quality for new cars and in-use cars with impartial, righteous and public testing, and to keep vehicles in normal operation generally. But in these regulations, usually lack of appropriate maintenance management, so as to Taiwan. Therefore, between vehicle "maintenance" and "inspection"

fields, there should be improvement needed. "Maintenance-Inspection combination system", is to with compulsory continuous and periodical maintenance to replace some inspection task, or to set required periodical maintenance as pre-conditioning of inspection.

Above 2 kinds of methods do be able to benefit and have observable improvement on 4 targets of : Offer convenience to citizen Increase efficiency of inspection Reduce corruption Improve vehicle management This study is with 2 major research methods of

"questionnaire to opinion leaders" and "focus group interview" to investigate if "Maintenance-Inspection combination system" is a mass acceptable vehicle inspection system in relative fields, and with SWOT analysis to predict execution Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat, then develop implement strategy for future government regulation set up reference. Expect to input opinion for contribution on vehicle inspection management by the "Maintenance-Inspection combination system".

Keywords : Maintenance-Inspection combination system, Vehicle inspection system, Work shop, periodical maintenance, periodical inspection

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書---iii 中文摘要---v 英文摘 要---vi 誌謝---viii 目

錄---ix 圖目錄---xii 表目

錄---xiii 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機---1 1.1.1 研究背 景---1 1.1.2 研究動機---4 1.2 研究目

的---6 1.3 研究限制---6 1.4 研究流

程---7 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 車輛檢驗之功能與目標---9 2.1.1 車輛檢驗之 功能---9 2.1.2 車輛檢驗之改進目標---9 2.2 車輛保養維護與性

能---10 2.2.1 引擎部份---11 2.2.2 底盤部份---11 2.2.3 車身部份---12 2.2.4 電系部份---12 2.3 我國車輛檢驗相關產業狀 況概述---13 2.3.1 我國汽車修理業現況---13 2.3.2 我國車輛檢驗制度概

述---15 2.3.3 我國車輛檢驗及保修廠之相關法令---23 2.3.4 我國車輛檢驗相關狀 況---24 2.4 國外車輛檢驗相關作業概述---25 2.4.1 國外車輛檢驗制度概 述---25 2.4.2 國外保檢合一制度概述---34 2.5 我國車輛保檢合一制度推行之評 估---35 2.6 我國車輛檢驗儀器校驗制度概述---39 2.6.1 我國車輛檢驗設備配

置---39 2.6.2 我國車輛檢驗線概述---40 2.6.3 國內車輛檢驗設備查驗規定---40 2.6.4 各國車輛檢驗設備查驗制度比較與分析---40 2.7 SWOT分析說明---41 2.7.1 SWOT說 明---41 2.7.2 SWOT矩陣之策略分析---42 第三章 研究方法 3.1 質性研 究---43 3.2 研究設計---44 3.3 訪談問卷設

計---45 3.3.1 前測作業---45 3.3.2 實際問卷與訪談內容說

明---45 3.4 研究對象與範圍---54 3.4.1 研究對象---54 3.4.2 研究範圍---55 第四章 資料分析 4.1 問卷與訪談之資料分析---56 4.1.1 問卷 統計與探討---56 4.2 市場面分析---95 4.3 政策面分

析---100 4.4 法制面分析---101 4.5 SWOT矩陣分

析---105 4.5.1 SWOT分析---105 4.5.2 SWOT矩陣分析---112 第五章


 結論與建議 5.1 結論---126 5.2 對未來研究之建議---132 參考文 獻---134 附錄---139


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