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A Study on Intention of Elementary School Teachers toUse Free / Open Source Software: The Decomposed Theory of Planned B 施宇釗、鍾育明


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on Intention of Elementary School Teachers toUse Free / Open Source Software:

The Decomposed Theory of Planned B 施宇釗、鍾育明

E-mail: 9805424@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research is to analyze and discuss the willing of the use of elementary school teachers about freeware. In recent years, owing to vigorous development of Information Technology, it becomes closer between the computers and people. Job, leisure, and

communication all take advantage of information appliances which need to include not only hardware but also appropriate software to bring them into full play. Software is also a important factor to foster the development of technology. Therefore, our government tries hard to enhance digital competence and the level of digital learning.

In the existing circumstances of education, it becomes a important index to develop Information Technology. Under the education policy of nine-year integrated curriculum, developing the ability of “bring-and-go “ becomes the new education concept. The development of information ability is to develop students’ ability of operation and use in computers. As a result , the school has to provide various kinds of software to help instruction of the teachers and learning of the students. However, the budget of software is one of the huge expense in the school budget. Moreover, government finance is in straitened circumstances, the budget every school can share with is much less comparatively, so freeware is a good option owing to its low-cost or even free of charge.

However, Teachers must be taught how to use freeware first if we have the students learn to use it. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the impact factors of the teachers’ will to use freeware, and by way of literature review in the past, we build the model and attempt to understand the impact factors of the teachers’ will to use freeware. At the end of the study, we find out the main factor that impacts the will is the attitude toward the behavior, and the biggest factor that impacts attitude is practicability.

Keywords : free/fpen source software、behavior intention、decomposed theory of planned behavior、decomposed TPB Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ..................... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................... xi 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景............... 1 第二節  研究動機................. 2   第三節  研究問題與目的............ 3 第二章  文獻探討................. 5   第一節  自由軟體............... 5   第二節  行為理論............... 8 第三章  研究方法................. 20 第一節  研究模型與假設.............. 20 第二節  研究變數定義與衡量問項.......... 23   第三節  問卷設計............... 29   第四節  研究對象及資料蒐集方法........ 32   第五節  分析工具............... 32 第四章  資料分析................. 35 第一節  樣本回收及樣本基本特徵.......... 35   第二節  研究模式之測量分析.......... 41   第三節  研究模式解釋............. 50 第五章  結論與建議................ 54


第一節  研究結論................. 54   第二節  建議................. 55   第三節  研究限制............... 57   第四節  未來研究建議............. 57 參考文獻...................... 59 附錄A 國小教師自由軟體之使用意願研究問卷.... 66


表 3- 1 「使用意願」之衡量問項............23 表 3- 2 「行為態度」之衡量問項............24 表 3- 3 「主觀規範」之衡量問項............24 表 3- 4 「認知行為控制」之衡量問項表.........25 表 3- 5 「認知有用」之衡量問項............25 表 3- 6 「認知易用」之衡量問項............26 表 3- 7 「相容性」之衡量問項.............26 表 3- 8 「同儕影響」之衡量問項............27 表 3- 9 「上級影響」之衡量問項............27 表 3-10 「自我效能」之衡量問項............28 表 3-11 「資源助益」之衡量問項............28 表 3-12 「技術助益」之衡量問項............29 表 3-13 各構面量表..................30 表 3-14 前測問卷的信度分析..............31 表 4- 1 分層隨機抽樣分配表..............35 表 4- 2 有效問卷分配表................36 表 4- 3 性別分配表..................36 表 4- 4 畢業院系分配表................37 表 4- 5 年齡分配表..................37 表 4- 6 職務分配表..................37 表 4- 7 電腦使用經驗分配表性別分配表.........38 表 4- 8 自由軟體使用經驗分配表性別分配表.......38 表 4- 9 樣本特徵分析摘要表..............39 表 4-10 使用自由軟體原因統計表............40 表 4-11 使用過的自由軟體類型統計表..........41 表 4-12 需要的自由軟體類型統計表...........41 表 4-13 違犯估計、常態性檢定分析表..........42 表 4-14 研究構面之建構信度及平均變異抽取量......45 表 4-15 整體配適度分析表...............49 表 4-16 研究模式標準化係數表.............50 表 4-17 研究模式之直接、間接及總效果.........51


圖 2-1 TRA架構圖 ..................9 圖 2-2 TPB架構圖 ..................11 圖 2-3 TAM架構圖 ..................13 圖 2-4 DTPB架構圖..................16 圖 3-1 研究架構圖..................21 圖 4-1 分解式計畫行為理論結構模式圖.........53 REFERENCES

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