Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 1 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction
Embedded Systems Characteristics
Embedded System Design Process
Object-Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 2 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction Embedded Systems Characteristics Embedded Systems Characteristics
Embedded System Design Process Embedded System Design Process
Object - - Oriented Design Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 3 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded system: any device that
includes a programmable computer but is not itself a general-purpose computer
e.g., PDA, printer, cell phone
e.g., TV, household appliances
e.g., automobiles: engine, brakes, etc
NOT-e.g., PC
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 4 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Example
mem input
output analog
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 5 Module-1 Embedded Computing
2-layered System Architecture
THE Application
I/O Manager Graphics
Subsystems Network
Device Drivers Scheduler
Graphics Drivers Operating
System Kernel
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 6 Module-1 Embedded Computing
3-layered System Architecture
I/O Manager Graphics
Subsystems Network
Device Drivers Scheduler
Graphics Drivers Operating
System Kernel
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 7 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Early History (1/2)
Late 1940’s: MIT Whirlwind computer was designed for real-time operations
to control aircraft simulator
First microprocessor: Intel 4004 in early 1970’s
microprocessor: a single-chip CPU
Key breakthrough: HP-35 (1972)
due to the high cost of VLSI design, reuse the HW design by changing the SW
1st handheld calculator to compute complex math functions
HP-35 uses several chips to implement the CPU
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 8 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Early History (2/2)
Automobiles used microprocessor-based engine controllers starting in 1970’s.
Control fuel/air mixture, engine timing, etc.
2 pushes: oil crisis & environment protection
low fuel consumption & low emission
Multiple modes of operation: warm-up, cruise, hill climbing, etc.
sophisticated control can only be done with
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 9 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Microprocessor Varieties
Microcontroller: includes I/O devices, on- board memory
Players: Intel, ARM, Motorola, Hitachi
Digital signal processor (DSP):
microprocessor optimized for digital signal processing
Players: Analog Devices, Motorola, TI
Typical embedded word sizes: 8-bit, 16-
bit, 32-bit
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 10 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Application Examples
Front panel of microwave oven
Advanced thermostat systems
time-temperature settings
Canon EOS 3 has 3 microprocessors
32-bit RISC CPU runs auto-focus and eye-control system
Analog TV: channel selection, etc
Digital TV: audio processing CPU
easier to design & debug
possibility of upgrades
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 11 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Automotive Embedded Systems
Today’s high-end automobile may have 100 microprocessors:
4-bit microcontroller checks seat belt
microcontrollers run dashboard devices
16/32-bit microprocessor controls engine
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 12 Module-1 Embedded Computing
BMW 850i Brake & Control System
Anti-lock brake system (ABS): pumps brakes to reduce skidding
Automatic stability control (ASC+T):
controls engine to improve stability
ABS and ASC+T communicate
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 13 Module-1 Embedded Computing
BMW 850i
brake sensor
brake sensor
brake sensor
brake sensor ABS hydraulic
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 14 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Review Slides (1)
Embedded system definition? examples?
First microprocessor?
HP-35 significance?
Microprocessor usage in automobiles?
Microcontroller? DSP?
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 15 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction
Embedded Systems Characteristics Embedded Systems Characteristics
Embedded System Design Process Embedded System Design Process
Object - - Oriented Design Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 16 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded Systems Characteristics (1/2)
Complex algorithms
e.g., automobile engine control system
Sophisticated user interface
e.g., GPS navigation system
Real-time operation
e.g. life-critical system
e.g. GPS navigation system
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 17 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded Systems Characteristics (2/2)
Multirate functionality
e.g., multimedia applications (video & audio)
Low manufacturing cost
Low power
excessive power consumption increases system cost
Designed to tight deadlines by small teams
6-month market window is common
e.g. cannot miss back-to-school window for
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 18 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Why use microprocessors?
Alternatives: field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), custom logic, etc.
Microprocessors are often very efficient:
can use same logic to perform many different functions
Microprocessors simplify the design of
families of products
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 19 Module-1 Embedded Computing
The Performance Paradox
Microprocessors use much more logic to
implement a function than does custom logic
instruction cycle: fetch, decode, execute, write
however, for a set of family functions, microprocessors may use less logic
But microprocessors are often at least as fast:
heavily pipelined
large design teams
aggressive VLSI technology
Microprocessors dominate new fabrication lines
custom logics have to wait and use old VLSI technology
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 20 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Custom logic is a clear winner for low power devices
Modern microprocessors offer features to help control power consumption
Software design techniques can help
reduce power consumption
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 21 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Design Challenges (1/2)
How much hardware do we need?
How big is the CPU? Memory?
more hardware capabilities more money
How do we meet our deadlines?
Faster hardware or cleverer software?
How do we minimize power?
Turn off unnecessary logic? Reduce memory
accesses? run at slower clock rate?
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 22 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Design Challenges (2/2)
Does it really work?
Is the specification correct?
Does the implementation meet the spec?
How do we test for real-time characteristics?
How do we test on real data?
How do we work on the system?
Observability, controllability?
What is our development platform?
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 23 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Review Slides (2-1)
Embedded systems characteristics?
complex algorithms, complicated UI, real-time ops, multi-rate functions, low powers, tight deadline &
FPGA, ASIC, Microprocessor
manufacturing cost, power, efficiency, size, development cost
Microprocessor efficiency factors
pipelined, large design teams, latest VLSI
Embedded system design challenges?
HW usage, efficiency, power, testing, platform
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 24 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Review Slides (2-2)
Exec Speed Power Req VLSI Tech Design Team Gate #
Functions Flexibility Manu Cost
Microproc ASIC
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 25 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Review Slides (2-2)
Fast Medium
Exec Speed
Low Medium
Power Req
High-end Low-end
Large Medium
Design Team
High Low
Gate #
More Less
High Low
Expensive Cheap
Manu Cost
Microproc ASIC
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 26 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction
Embedded Systems Characteristics Embedded System Design Process Embedded System Design Process
Object - - Oriented Design Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 27 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Growth Rate of Embedded Software
1 2
0 10 12 18
*) Department of Trade and Industry, London
(1. 4/ ye ar ) [M oo re ’s law ]
>10 times more programmers will write embedded applications than computer software by 2010
be dd ed
so ft wa re
[D TI *]
(~ 2. 5/ yr )
already to-day, more than 98% of all microprocessors are used within
embedded systems
© 2004, reiner@hartenstein.de http://hartenstein.de
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 28 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Submarine Programming Model
Hardware invisible:
under the surface
Hardware Algorithm
Assembly Language procedural high level Programming Language Soft ware
This model does not suport Hardware / Configware / Software partitioning
© 2004, reiner@hartenstein.de http://hartenstein.de
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 29 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Dominance of the Submarine Model ...
... indicates, that our CS education system produces zillions of mentally disabled CS graduates (procedural) structurally
… disabled to cope with solutions other than instruction-stream-based
© 2004, reiner@hartenstein.de http://hartenstein.de
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 30 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Built From Bottom-Up
have not
You cannot *teach Hardware to a
*) efficiently
But to a Hardware Guy you always can teach
have natural
© 2004, reiner@hartenstein.de http://hartenstein.de
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 31 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Design Methodologies
A procedure for designing a system
Understanding your methodology ensures you didn’t skip anything
Compilers, software engineering tools, computer-aided design (CAD) tools, etc., can be used to:
help automate methodology steps
keep track of the methodology itself
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 32 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Design Goals
Overall speed, deadlines
Functionality and user interface
Manufacturing cost
Power consumption
Other requirements (physical size, etc.)
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 33 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Design Process Abstraction
requirements specification
architecture component
design system integration
top-down design
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 34 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Top-down vs. Bottom-up
Top-down design:
start from most abstract description
work to most detailed
Bottom-up design:
work from small components to big system
Real design uses both techniques
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 35 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-1: Requirements
Plain language description of what the user wants and expects to get
May be developed in several ways:
talking directly to customers
talking to marketing representatives
providing prototypes to users for comment
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 36 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Sample Requirement Form
name project name
purpose one or 2 sentences inputs type of data? periodic
or non-periodic?
outputs I/O devices?
functions inputs outputs performance real-time req?
manufacturing cost rough estimation
power battery or wall-
physical size/weight e.g., PC or NB?
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 37 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Example: GPS moving map requirements
Moving map
obtains position from GPS, paints map from local database.
lat: 40 13 lon: 32 19
S co tc h R o ad
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 38 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-1 of GPS moving map (1/3)
Functionality: Show major roads and landmarks for automotive use
User interface: At least 400 x 600 pixel
screen. Three buttons max. Pop-up menu.
Performance: Map should scroll smoothly.
No more than 1 sec power-up. Lock onto GPS within 15 seconds.
Cost: $500 street price = approx. $100
manufacturing cost.
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 39 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-1 of GPS moving map (2/3)
Physical size/weight: Should fit in hand
Power consumption: Should run for 8
hours on four AA batteries
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 40 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-1 of GPS moving map (3/3)
name MGPS: GPS moving map
purpose consumer-grade moving map for driving
inputs power button, two control buttons
outputs back-lit LCD 400 X 600 functions 5-receiver GPS; three
resolutions; displays current lat/lon
performance updates screen within 0.25 sec of movement
manufacturing cost $100 cost-of-goods-sold
power 100 mW
physical size/weight no more than 2” X 6”, 12 oz.
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 41 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-2: Specifications
A more precise description of the system:
should NOT imply a particular architecture
provides input to the architecture design process
Serve as a contract between customers and architects
May include functional and non-functional elements.
May be executable or may be in mathematical
form for proofs
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 42 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-2 of GPS moving map
Should include:
What is received from GPS
map data
user interface
operations required to satisfy user requests
background operations needed to keep the
system running
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 43 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-3: Architecture Design
Describe how the system implements the required functions
Specifications: what the system does
Architecture: how the system does things
Hardware components:
CPUs, peripherals, etc.
Software components:
major programs and their operations.
Must take into account functional and non-
functional (cost, speed, etc) specifications
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 44 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-3: GPS moving map block diagram (1/3)
GPS receiver
engine renderer
user interface database
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 45 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-3: GPS moving map Hardware Architecture (2/3)
GPS receiver CPU
panel I/O display frame
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 46 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-3: GPS moving map Software Architecture (3/3)
search renderer
timer user
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 47 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-3: Architecture Design (cont)
Functional block diagram first SW/HW architecture
SW HW module mapping
Make sure both functional and non-functional requirements are satisfied
Otherwise, redo Step-3 again
How to make sure non-functional requirements are satisfied?
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 48 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-4: Designing Hardware and Software Components
Must spend time architecting the system before you start coding
Some components are ready-made (e.g.,
CPU, topographic databases), some can
be modified from existing designs, others
must be designed from scratch
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 49 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-5: System Integration
Put together the components
Many bugs appear only at this stage
Have a plan for integrating components
to uncover bugs quickly, test as much
functionality as early as possible
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 50 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded computers are all around us
Many systems have complex embedded hardware and software
Embedded systems pose many design challenges: design time, deadlines, power, etc.
Design methodologies help us manage the
design process
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 51 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Review Slides (3)
Common design goals?
Performance, functionality, user interface, cost, power, size, weight
5-step design process?
Requirements? Requirement form?
Architecture design?
Component design?
System integration?
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 52 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction
Embedded Systems Characteristics Embedded System Design Process
Object - - Oriented Design Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 53 Module-1 Embedded Computing
System Modeling
Need languages to describe systems:
useful across several levels of abstraction;
understandable within and between organizations
Block diagrams are a start, but don’t
cover everything
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 54 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Object-Oriented Design
Object-oriented (OO) design: A generalization of object-oriented programming
OO design is different from OO programming
Object = state + methods
State provides each object with its own identity
Methods provide an abstract interface to the
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 55 Module-1 Embedded Computing
OO implementation in C++
class display {
pixels : pixeltype[IMAX,JMAX];
display() { } // constructor
pixeltype pixel(int i, int j) { return pixels[i,j]; } void set_pixel(pixeltype val, int i, int j)
{ pixels[i,j] = val; }
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 56 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Objects and Classes
Class: object type
Class defines the object’s state elements
Class defines the methods used to interact with all objects of that type
Each object has its own state (memory)
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 57 Module-1 Embedded Computing
OO Design Principles
Some objects will closely correspond to real-world objects
Some objects may be useful only for description or implementation
Not every object is executable
Objects provide interfaces to read/write
state, hiding the object’s implementation
from the rest of the system
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 58 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction
Embedded Systems Characteristics Embedded System Design Process Object-Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML) Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 59 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Developed by Booch et al.
useful at many levels of abstraction
usable for all aspects of design
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 60 Module-1 Embedded Computing
UML object
d1: Display
pixels: array[] of pixels elements
menu_items pixels is a
2-D array
object name
class name
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 61 Module-1 Embedded Computing
UML class
Display pixels elements menu_items
draw_box() operations
class name
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 62 Module-1 Embedded Computing
The class interface
The operations provide the abstract interface between the class’s
implementation and other classes
Operations may have arguments, return values
An operation can examine and/or modify
the object’s state
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 63 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Class Derivation
May want to define one class in terms of another
Derived class inherits attributes, operations of base class
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 64 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Class Derivation Example
Display pixels elements menu_items pixel()
mouse_click() draw_box
BW_display Color_map_display
base class
derived class
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 65 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Multiple Inheritance
Speaker Display
Multimedia_display base classes
derived class
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 66 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Links and Associations
Link: describes relationships between objects
Association: describes relationship
between classes
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 67 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Association Example
msg: ADPCM_stream length : integer
message set count : integer
0..* 1
# contained messages # containing message sets
0 or more messages
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 68 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Link Example
Link defines the contains relationship:
m1:message msg = msg1 length = 1102 m2:message msg = msg2 length = 2114
ms1:message set
count = 2
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 69 Module-1 Embedded Computing
State Machines
a b
state state name
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 70 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Event-Driven State Machines
Behavioral descriptions are written as event-driven state machines
Machine changes state when receiving an input
An event may come from inside or
outside of the system
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 71 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Event Type
Signal: asynchronous event
Call: synchronized communication
Timer: activated by time
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 72 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Signal Event
leftorright: button x, y: position
b mouse_click(x,y,button)
event description
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 73 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Call Event (Procedural Call)
c d
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 74 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Timer Event
e f
• State change after a certain amount of time
• time-value = amount of time to expire
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 75 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Example State Diagram
region found
got menu item
called menu item
found object
object highlighted start
region = menu/
which_menu(i) call_menu(i)
region = drawing/
find_object(objid) highlight(objid)
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 76 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Sequence Diagram
Shows sequence of operations over time
Relates behaviors of multiple objects
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 77 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Sequence Diagram Example
m: Mouse d1: Display u: Menu
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 78 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Object-oriented design helps us organize a design
UML is a transportable system design language
Provides structural and behavioral
description primitives
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 79 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Embedded System Introduction
Embedded Systems Characteristics Embedded System Design Process Object-Oriented Design
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Design Example: Model Train Controller
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 80 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Model train setup
power supply
rcvr motor
ECC address
header command
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 81 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-1: Requirements (1/2)
Console can control 8 trains on 1 track
Throttle has at least 63 levels
Inertia control adjusts responsiveness with at least 8 levels (加速度)
Emergency stop button
Error detection scheme on messages
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 82 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-1: Requirements Form (2/2)
name model train controller
purpose control speed of <= 8 model trains inputs throttle, inertia, emergency stop,
train #
outputs train control signals
functions set engine speed w. inertia;
emergency stop
performance can update train speed at least 10 times/sec
manufacturing cost $50
power wall powered
physical size/weight
console comfortable for 2 hands; < 2
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 83 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Step-2: Conceptual Specification
Before we create a detailed specification, we will make an initial, simplified
Gives us practice in specification and UML.
Good idea in general to identify potential
problems before investing too much effort in
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 84 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Basic System Commands
command name parameters
set-speed speed
(positive/negative) set-inertia inertia-value (non-
estop none
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 85 Module-1 Embedded Computing
UML Sequence Diagram
:console :train_rcvr
set-inertia set-speed
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 86 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Class Diagram
value: unsigned- integer set-speed
value: integer
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 87 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Subsystem Collaboration Diagram
Shows relationship between console and receiver (ignores role of track):
One console can control up to 8 receivers
:console :receiver
1..n: command
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 88 Module-1 Embedded Computing
System Structure Modeling
Some classes define non-computer components
Denote by *name
Choose important systems at this point to
show basic relationships
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 89 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Major Subsystem Roles
read state of front panel
format messages
transmit messages
receive message
interpret message
control the train
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 90 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Console System Class Diagram
panel formatter transmitter
Knobs* sender*
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 91 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Console class roles
panel: describes analog knobs and interface hardware
formatter: turns knob settings into bit streams
transmitter: sends data on track
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 92 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Train System Class Diagram
train set
train receiver
motor interface
detector* pulser*
1 1..t
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 93 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Train class roles
receiver: digitizes signal from track
controller: interprets received commands and makes control decisions
motor interface: generates signals
required by motor
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 94 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Detailed Specification
We can now fill in the details of the conceptual specification:
more classes
Sketching out the spec first helps us
understand the basic relationships in the
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 95 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Console Physical Object Classes
train-knob: integer speed-knob: integer
inertia-knob: unsigned- integer emergency-stop: boolean
pulse-width: unsigned- integer direction: boolean
read-bit() : integer
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 96 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Panel and Motor Interface Classes
train-number() : integer speed() : integer
inertia() : integer estop() : boolean new-settings()
speed: integer
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 97 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Class Descriptions
panel class defines the controls
new-settings() behavior reads the controls
motor-interface class defines the motor
speed held as state
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 98 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Transmitter and Receiver Classes
send-speed(adrs: integer, speed: integer)
send-inertia(adrs: integer, val: integer)
set-estop(adrs: integer)
current: command new: boolean
new-cmd() : boolean rcv-type(msg-type:
rcv-speed(val: integer)
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 99 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Class Descriptions
transmitter class has one behavior for each type of message sent
receiver function provides methods to:
detect a new message
determine its type
read its parameters (estop has no parameters)
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 100 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Formatter Class
current-train: integer
current-speed[ntrains]: integer current-inertia[ntrains]:
current-estop[ntrains]: boolean send-command()
panel-active() : boolean
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 101 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Formatter Class Description
Formatter class holds state for each train, setting for current train
The operate() operation performs the
basic formatting task
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 102 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Control Input Cases
Use a soft panel to show current panel settings for each train
Changing train number:
must change soft panel settings to reflect current train’s speed, etc.
Controlling throttle/inertia/estop:
read panel, check for changes, perform
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 103 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Control Input Sequence Diagram
:knobs :panel :formatter :transmitter
ch an g e in s p ee d / in er ti a/ es to p ch an g e in tr ai n n u m b er
change in control settings
read panel panel settings
panel-active send-command
send-speed, send-inertia.
send-estop read panel
panel settings read panel panel settings
change in train number
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 104 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Formatter Operate Behavior
send-command() panel-active() new train number
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 105 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Panel-active behavior
current-train = train-knob update-screen
changed = true T
panel*:read-speed() current-speed = throttle changed = true
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 106 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Controller Class
current-speed: integer
current-inertia: unsigned-integer
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 107 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Setting the Speed
Don’t want to change speed instantaneously
Controller should change speed gradually
by sending several commands
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 108 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Set-Speed Sequence Diagram
:receiver :controller :motor-interface :pulser*
new-cmd cmd-type
rcv-speed new-speed set-pulse
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 109 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Refined Command Classes
command type: 3-bits address: 3-bits parity: 1-bit
set-inertia type=001 value: 3-bits set-speed
type=010 value: 7-bits
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 110 Module-1 Embedded Computing
Separate specification and programming
Small mistakes are easier to fix in the spec
Big mistakes in programming cost a lot of time
You can’t completely separate specification and architecture
Make a few tasteful assumptions
Embedded System Design - NTHU EOS Lab 111 Module-1 Embedded Computing