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Academic year: 2021

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A Study of How the Degrees of Schools Integrated in the

Community Empowerment Influence to Promote

Community Effectiveness in Elementary Schools


The primary aim of the study was to investigate how the degrees of schools

integrated in the community empowerment influence to promote community effectiveness in elementary schools using questionnaire analysis. The samples of 250 residents were chosen from communities in Kaohsiung by stratified random sampling. There were 215 valid responses from the target residents. Finally, the data was analyzed using the method of descriptive and inferential statistics, including mean and standard deviation, t-test, and multiple stepwise regression.

The main findings of this study are shown in the following:

1. The residents’ consciousness to the degrees of schools integrated in the community empowerment are only acceptable.

2. The residents’ consciousness to the degrees of community effectiveness are close to good.

3. There are significant differences among different “age”, “occupation”, and “there are or not children studying in elementary schools” residents’ consciousness to the degrees of schools integrated in the community empowerment.

4. There are significant differences among different “location”, “attribution”, “sex”, and “occupation” residents’ consciousness to the degrees of community


5. The “sustainable development”of the degrees of schools integrated in the community empowerment has the most significant explanation on the

predictability in relation to all factors and the whole community effectiveness .

Keywords: Community empowerment, schools integrated in the community



在國內,就學校而言,所指社區基本上是以其學區為範圍,學區的家長、學生 是其重要的組成群體,而學區內民眾的生活品質與道德水準,可以看出社區品質良 窳(林振春 1994)。





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表 4-3  不同「社區屬性」之社區居民在學校融入社區總體營造各向度的統計結果  向度細項 組別  個數  平均數  標準差  t值  組織成立與設計  (1)老舊社區  147  2.12  .80  1.23  (2)新興社區  68  1.97  .88  社區意識之喚起  (1)老舊社區  147  2.61  .82  (2)新興社區  68  2.59  .88  .23  工作歷程與內容  (1)老舊社區  147  2.31  .70  -.28  (2)新興社區  68  2.34  .8
表 4-5  不同「年齡」之社區居民在學校融入社區總體營造各向度的統計結果  向度細項  組別  個數  平均數  標準差  F值  Scheffe  事後比較  組 織成立 與設計  (1)30歲(含)以下  48  2.43  .75  6.16 *** 1>3 *1>5 *** 4>5 *(2)31-40歲 53 2.00 .75 (3)41-50歲 61 1.91 .89 (4)51-60歲 36 2.24 .82  (5)60歲(含以上)  17  1.46  .60  社 區意識 之喚起  (1
表 4-6  不同「教育程度」之社區居民在學校融入社區總體營造各向度的統計結果  向度細項  組別  個數  平均數  標準差  F值  Scheffe  事後比較  組 織成立 與設計  (1)國小  8  2.09  1.32  .41 (2)國中 13 1.81 .91 (3)高中 57 2.12 .74  (4)大學  88  2.05  .77  (5)研究所以上  49  2.11  .93  社 區意識 之喚起  (1)國小  48  2.20  1.26  2.94 *(2)國中 53 2.
表 4-7  不同「職業別」之社區居民在學校融入社區總體營造各向度的統計結果  向度細項  組別  個數  平均數  標準差  F值  Scheffe  事後比較  組 織成立 與設計  (1)農  3  3.00  1.73  2.43 *(2)工 37 2.05 .90 (3)商 28 1.85 .79  (4)自由業  58  2.17  .77  (5)軍公教  58  2.19  .79  (6)家庭主婦(夫)  31  1.77  .76  社 區意識 之喚起  (1)農  3  3.07  1



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