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A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan's CRT and TFT-LCD Industries - Based on the Viewpoints of Industrial Ecology and Life C 葉佳欣、陳欽雨


Academic year: 2022

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A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan's CRT and TFT-LCD Industries - Based on the Viewpoints of Industrial Ecology and Life C


E-mail: 9416021@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The current study considered the industrial ecology, industrial evolution, life cycle, and strategy matrix analysis as the foundation of theory. Using the secondary materials, the authors intended to induct the holistic common concepts between CRT and TFT-LCD industries, which mutually been verified with the above theories. The industry analysis method was adopted to investigate the CRT and TFT-LCD technology evolution, industrial structure, tendency pulsation, and their life cycles. Moreover, an empirical study is conducted to compare and analyze the two industries' trends of technology development. The issues and relations of CRT and TFT-LCD industries were discussed to build a model of technology development, which can help the practitioners to face the industrial changes and expand the international market. The results indicated that the development of CRT and TFT-LCD industries is highly related. Their relations of technology development are continuous rather than discrete. By observing the trends and pulsation of CRT industry, one can predict the future development patterns of TFT-LCD industry. Based on the analysis of industrial and technological life cycles, the study found that the PLC of CRT is about 40 years, while TFT-LCD is only near 20 years. It seems true that the TFT-LCD technological life cycle of each generation ranges from 1.5 to 2 years, and there is a certain characteristics of double output of production volume when the TFT-LCD product's technology proceeds to next generation.

Keywords : industrial ecology, life cycle, industrial strategy matrix

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書---iii 中文摘要---v 英文摘 要---vi 誌謝---vii 目

錄---viii 圖目錄---xi 表目

錄---xiii 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景---1 1.2 研究動機與目 的---3 1.3 研究範圍---7 1.4 研究流

程---8 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 產業生態理論---9 2.1.1 動態的產業 分析架構---16 2.1.2 產業生態現象與內涵---18 2.2 產業演化理

論---23 2.2.1 產業演化理論---25 2.2.2 演化理論相關文 獻---31 2.3 生命週期理論---34 2.3.1 產業生命週 期---35 2.3.2 技術生命週期---38 2.3.3 產品生命週 期---45 2.4 產業分析---49 2.4.1 產業結構分 析---49 2.4.2 SWOT分析---50 2.4.3 策略矩陣分

析---53 2.5 本章小結---63 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究架 構---69 3.2 研究方法---70 3.3 研究限

制---73 第四章 產業環境分析 4.1 CRT產業介紹---75 4.1.1 我國CRT產 業發展歷程---76 4.1.2 CRT產業特性---79 4.1.3 CRT產業結構---80 4.1.4 CRT產業整體發展趨勢與未來動向---82 4.2 TFT-LCD產業介紹---87 4.2.1 我國TFT-LCD產業發展 歷程---88 4.2.2 TFT-LCD產業特性---91 4.2.3 TFT-LCD產業結構---94 4.2.4 TFT-LCD產業整體發展趨勢與未來動向---96 第五章 CRT與TFT-LCD產業之比較分析 5.1 CRT與TFT-LCD產業生態之 比較分析---101 5.2 CRT與TFT-LCD產業生命週期之比較分析---116 5.2.1 CRT與TFT-LCD產業生 命週期之比較分析---116 5.2.2 CRT與TFT-LCD技術生命週期之比較分析---119 5.3 CRT與TFT-LCD產業動 態之比較分析---126 5.3.1 CRT與TFT-LCD產業供需之比較分析---126 5.3.2 CRT與TFT-LCD產業景 氣循環之比較分析---134 第六章 CRT與TFT-LCD產業策略矩陣之比較分析 6.1 CRT產業策略矩陣之分

析---141 6.2 TFT-LCD產業策略矩陣之分析---151 6.3 CRT與TFT-LCD產業策略矩陣之比較 分析---163 第七章 結論與建議 7.1 研究發現---166 7.2 結

論---167 7.3 後續建議---170 參考文 獻---172



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Microphone and 600 ohm line conduits shall be mechanically and electrically connected to receptacle boxes and electrically grounded to the audio system ground point.. Lines in

Based on the tourism and recreational resources and lodging industry in Taiwan, this paper conducts the correlation analysis on spatial distribution of Taiwan

The main objective of this article is to investigate market concentration ratio and performance influencing factors analysis of Taiwan international tourism hotel industry.. We use

Moreover, through the scholar of management, Michael Porter's Five Forces Analysis Model and Diamond Model make the analysis of transport industry at port, and make the

Since the research scope of industrial structure optimization and transformation strategy in Taiwan is broad and complicated, based on theories of service innovation and